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How long have you gotten away with it?

How long have you gotten away with it?

  • 0-1 year

    Votes: 29 20.0%
  • 1-2 years

    Votes: 24 16.6%
  • 2-5 years

    Votes: 32 22.1%
  • 5-10 years

    Votes: 21 14.5%
  • 10-20 years

    Votes: 13 9.0%
  • 20+ years

    Votes: 19 13.1%
  • I got caught!

    Votes: 7 4.8%

  • Total voters


i live in cali and i operate under the medical guidelines given to me by my doctor so no reason to get caught up doing whats legal..


I was caught but given a huge break. I was not arrested, just had all my equiptment taken away and the crap scared out of me. My mistake was odor control. Too small of a carbon filter, too large of a fan for the filter, exahust not exiting the house and manicured six really stinky girls on a hot humid night with no wind. A bunch of little mistakes that added up. I wish I knew about IC at that time. I have learned so much since.


i can identify.. been only 8-9 months so far, but moved to a new place right at the beginning (moving boxes of seedlings with me, lol) and havent really had any major company.. My shits hidden away in a locked room in basement, but still no need to be risky. I dont act paranoid ar anything, just dont invite anyone over - only some family and 2 or 3 close friends have come by and none would have known what was going on downstairs (Im quite isolated now like 15miles from nearest town) - only family farming in this general area.. they prob knew I did some outdoor this summer but one relative even asked to "help" next summer and no one else said anything or cares too much (they may only kindof think i may have done something like that and are see no evil hear no evil for the most part so its cool - thats just with the od and thats easy to rationalize/justify/marginalize etc. they know I smoke heavy and its cool - theyve seen me right fucked up on opiates for 3+ years and since being clean for 2 years or so things have been great now and suddenly smoking weed isnt so bad anymore (altho i dont advertise it).

Got a minor possession 4 years ago for 2 bags (2 strains) of an eighth each (7g total) but was discharged from it (my own stupidity, pulled over for something else).. Started dealing when I was 19 and didnt stop until my girlfriend fucked everything up (domestic issue) 3-4 years later but didnt get charged with any weed-related shit (just had everything stolen) just causing disturbance for being mouthy with the cop (again, dumb and Ive learned since then).

Started buying pounds about 2 years ago (herb only) and helping friends with oz's etc and did fucking way better than I could have imagined and funded this entire current 1200W (and summer seeds) grow without even a dent... im smoking most of my own stuff though - if any favors are needed Ill sooner just call a buddy and give them his stuff.. Im getting less than a pound a month of my own stuff and will smoke 1/4 of that easy..

But I have had to really keep to myself and havent had any steady girlfriends or anything like that since re-focusing my life/efforts - chosen to sacrifice social life 19 times out of 20 or more and esp since starting the indoor garden Ive been totally by myself. But being in a partnership or having a live-in g/f or wifey or freerider or whatever is just not worth it. They can take all your hard work and risk for granted and all of your inputs are subject to their ability to keep a secret and act appropriately. just not worth it.

Someday Ill be able to eat some cake instead of just baking it.


This is some pretty interesting information so far. Thanks! I'm especially heartened to see such large numbers in the 20+ column. This means getting away with it for a lifetime is not only possible, but, I dare say, likely.


good point...

but I was assuming it was people that got caught specifically for growing... I could be wrong :p


Plus a lot of those busts are morons trying to run commercial crops with no experience and loose lips. A lot of them probably don't even know about these boards. Plus how many of those busts are one plant that some guy has in his cupboard and the bust is because of a domestic dispute call? I bet you domestic dispute calls count for a huge portion of those busts.
From what I've seen, about half of the bust reports on the security forum are 50+ plant grows with serious security breaches. The larger the operation, the greater the risk. And practically every bust on that forum resulted from some basic human error such as telling the wrong person about a grow, answering the door to an obvious police "knock & talk" trap, domestic dispute with a bong on the table, etc. It is useful to read through the bust threads and see where others went wrong.

Also -- here is a thread with some helpful tips :D


New member
I have been growing for 7 years now outdoor and 1 indoor, only time Ive come close to being caught was outdoor with a stupid friend of mine that went into our entrance while a cop was passing. Luckily he's a good conversationalist and even better liar so we got out of that unscathed

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