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you can get social security disability for having a social phobia

I don't have kids, I never had much of a GF and honestly I am afraid to travel down the street because of very violent drug dealers. I have had serious Mafia problems, I was abused as a kid but seeing my sisters get it as bad wasn't good for me! I saw one go to the ER because her parent beat her into a seizure! She almost died, I saw bad things and honestly if you want a better social security try some police that are not corrupt and some social change that actually fixes peoples head and not some oxymoron of state security!

The more you confuse social programs with Military regimes that often use social programs..but then some use social cleansing...well, get it right, realize not everyone has a life worth living!


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
yeah good karma good karma, to whoever i neg repped, sorry, feel free to do it back. Sorry dudes, but i don't agree with MY government, i don't agree with YOUR government, its all wrong. And i'm wrong for "getting mine" as the kid above me put it. But yeah, its hard out there right now, i'm currently laid off, and my girl is going to get laid off sometime in January (but hopefully my job will be back up and running by then)... it just sucks. And i feel like i have to defend myself and my family for a second here...its not like we got pregnant 3 times: we had twins our first time, which was a shocker. And we were being safe when we had our little girl, just a combination of medication made it not safe. So that's for those out there saying "Well stop having kids!"

Anyways, happy holidays
Oh ya and some people were around such poisonous industry, that the industry caused so many health problems to make the rich very rich...the health care isn't even going to fix that! I mean things get so polluted in the poor ghetto's, that you just have a crack and a gun! Maybe some shit weed so the only reason I like Gypsy and you other wealthy people that talk about one love and free weed! Well, maybe some ghetto kids get to have some good weed and maybe make a few dollars!

but you will probably get shot by the cops or in prison which doesn't help the social welfare as that is all your getting when you get out!
I've met a lot of people that take on social initiatives to help out the unfortunate but they live under a lot of social pressure too! That is why they take on social initiatives to feel like they are good people and for some social sway! They don't help since they don't listen, it's always someone else department and you get sick of going to many different buildings and solving nothing....or even worse going broke trying to locate these buildings and talking to people that just put you in a cage!

I grew up with some money, it started well but there are a lot more things that make life bad than good! I'd rather see people on welfare than beating their kids since they are all starving to death or in that area! I was a good student to some degree, in sports, led an active life and got nuts on some funny medication!

I do know what you are saying, I have seen Mexicans that sell a lot of drugs and marry American 'retards' to have their kids....this one girl was complaining about losing her womb from VD infections...some of these people I knew were not goign to grow up right with what High school classes they were in!

All I did was make the doctors rich as they spend five minutes and charge hundreds of dollars if not thousands! To just give the wrong medication and not see how the other doctor messed up and the mother is still lying about actually trying to kill her kids!

Your just not going to trust people growing up like that! It's not like you feel good and like getting a hard working job and making a good living...to go to school, or save up and buy a house! You just get beaten around every corner and the court throw it on you some more! Because you are a nobody in the community and your on SSD, as well as people just abuse your social status to have you arrested.

You get some shit public pretender and the worst sentences, yet they take your SSD for the court ordered therapy or worse the medication which is what made you go more insane! Then they charge court fees and fines as well as you lose your SSD and house while your in jail...so you come out with just a new check and the clothes the jail gave you!

All around a bunch of violent asshole Mexican drug dealers or white guys from Detroit or other major inner cities! Not even good drugs and far worse people!


New member
Safty Net?

Safty Net?

Hi! I hope I'm not flogging a dead horse! I have been considering applying for disability for over a year. I have not worked in over a year. Here's my situation:

I am an alcoholic (9 years sober, until last month) , have Anxiety, depression, bi-polar, among other issues (ever have to turn around and go home while on your way to work 'cause you just shit your pants?). My son has Asberger's Syndrome (mild Autisim) and I have no back up for his care. My wife died suddenly a year ago. I am getting ~$300 a month in Survivor's Benefits. My medications alone are twice that. Savings won't last much longer. I am on the bad side of 50 and have worked since I was 15.

What would you do? My upbringing tells me not to take anything I didn't earn myself, but I have paid my share into the system all this time. Does that give me a right to get something out? I consider myself a Libratarian (sp?), that is why I am still just "considering" it.

What is your opinion?



Active member
Hi! I hope I'm not flogging a dead horse! I have been considering applying for disability for over a year. I have not worked in over a year. Here's my situation:

I am an alcoholic (9 years sober, until last month) , have Anxiety, depression, bi-polar, among other issues (ever have to turn around and go home while on your way to work 'cause you just shit your pants?). My son has Asberger's Syndrome (mild Autisim) and I have no back up for his care. My wife died suddenly a year ago. I am getting ~$300 a month in Survivor's Benefits. My medications alone are twice that. Savings won't last much longer. I am on the bad side of 50 and have worked since I was 15.

What would you do? My upbringing tells me not to take anything I didn't earn myself, but I have paid my share into the system all this time. Does that give me a right to get something out? I consider myself a Libratarian (sp?), that is why I am still just "considering" it.

What is your opinion?


Fuck the dumb shit and get assistance,people in your sit really deserve it!!


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
DragonReborn, that's how i feel about it...but what else can you do? Family comes first, at all costs, fuck what anyone else thinks or says



Active member
You Too Artic,keep applying,they cannot turn people who really need the help down forever,just red tape,they'll make more!


Hi! I hope I'm not flogging a dead horse! I have been considering applying for disability for over a year. I have not worked in over a year. Here's my situation:

I am an alcoholic (9 years sober, until last month) , have Anxiety, depression, bi-polar, among other issues (ever have to turn around and go home while on your way to work 'cause you just shit your pants?). My son has Asberger's Syndrome (mild Autisim) and I have no back up for his care. My wife died suddenly a year ago. I am getting ~$300 a month in Survivor's Benefits. My medications alone are twice that. Savings won't last much longer. I am on the bad side of 50 and have worked since I was 15.

What would you do? My upbringing tells me not to take anything I didn't earn myself, but I have paid my share into the system all this time. Does that give me a right to get something out? I consider myself a Libratarian (sp?), that is why I am still just "considering" it.

What is your opinion?

Survival>political philosophy in a fucked up world. Dude the bailout was in the billions and most if went to douchebags, thieves, and assholes.

Get yours before it's all gone.


New member
Thanks for all the replies and feedback!

DragonReborn, that's how i feel about it...but what else can you do? Family comes first, at all costs, fuck what anyone else thinks or says


The problem is not what others' think of me, it is what I think of me. I have to look myself in the mirror, unfortunatley. :D

Survival>political philosophy in a fucked up world. Dude the bailout was in the billions and most if went to douchebags, thieves, and assholes.

Get yours before it's all gone.

I'm afraid that I'll use that to rationalize (sp?). If there is one thing I am good at, that is rationalizing. Guess that comes with being a drunk. :frown:

Thanks again for the feedback! I guess I'll call my congressman's office tomorrow for help getting an application started. To all who are having trouble getting assistance, start there (that is a whole 'nother thread). Why give the lawers a cut if you don't have to.

That is what I did to help get my sister SSI 30 years ago. She had two brain tumors before the age of 8 and they took part of her brain with each operation. That is why doctors no longer operate on brain tumors, the cure can be worse than the disease.

Good Luck All!

I say apply, why wait to 65 when not all people worked the same dangerous jobs and made little money making people rich! With your experience and ability to get the job done, provide your daughter a better life!

My old man lost his leg, dugh to health problems and never made it to 60 let alone 65! He served in the US Military, drafted in '65, did oil drilling all of his life other than some trucking! I mean that is a dangerous job, he saw a guy just burned to death!

It seems it has some health concerns doing these hard labor jobs and you get shit for money and don't even think about insurance! I'm pretty sure the full auto machine guns is the insurance plan for these guys back in the 70's!

People just started to hear about the paranoia of the Government and they didn't look to good at life! Your not going to get much and you companies paid into that as much as you did, in that area of knowledge I believe...they don't like that, since they are rich from what you did with little gratitude!

So rake it in, apply, just remember it's hard to get a doctor on your side he doesn't remember the mental trauma of another guy! They just play politics, so go a little extra insane for that visit!

Stay up for a week or something!


It's pretty difficult to get social security disability. My mom is schizophrenic, and she had to appeal the denial of benefits three times before she got it. She had to go to the neighborhood free legal aid clinic to get an advocate to help her through the process. It took three years. And she's been hospitalized many times throughout her life...against her will I might add, ie 5150. So it's not like she had a panic attack and decided "I'm disabled"

And she was on her last appeal before they gave her the benefits.

Somehow, I don't think someone with a social phobia is going to walk in to the SSI office and walk out with a monthly check for life.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Dragonreborn, what a terrible situation you are in, I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy.

You would certainly in my book and I have the same political/upbringing philosophy as you. Even though it will help you, it certainly won't be a comfortable experience, and just because you are getting by with it doesn't mean that there aren't things out there you can do that will accommodate your situation.

Buy items in bulk at wholesale prices and sell them on ebay, start a website and sell ad space, these could be done with very flexible hours with no body chewing you out for being 2 minutes late.


New member
I mentioned disability to the lawer (sp?) who handled my wife's estate. He said the pie is only so big, so part of a SS employee's job is to weed out as many applicants as possible. That is why you contact your congressman (person :rolleyes:) or a lawer. Here is that 'nother thread I mentioned earlier.

When I first went to the SS office to get things started for my sister I was treated like an axe murderer or something. Granted, I was a young punk who hung out at bars and got stoned after work every day, but still. I was sitting at the local bar telling someone about the way I was treated and she told me to call my congressman's office. She wouldn't say why, just said call them.

I did call, and they said to go to the SS office and get the application, and then bring it to them and they would help me fill it out. When I went to the office the next day the meanest rep who worked there was the one who called my number. You know the type, she looks at you like you just cut the rottenest fart she has ever smelled, and acts like she is doing you a favor to let you breath her air. When I asked her for an application she got worse and said "We can't let these leave the office" in a "Just Who the F*** Do You Think You Are" voice. When I (naively, and contritely) said "That's what my congressman's office said I should do", there was a dramatic transformation.

I had a decent buzz going at the time, so it seemed to me like an old movie. You know, the choir sings, a beam of sunlight breaks through the clouds, etc. Suddenly she gave me the smile that most people only use for their childdren or favorite nieces/nephews. Instantly, I was the golden child. The skids were greased, we flew through the process. While YMMV, the point is still valid.

So munny, this is part of what bothers me about applying, and has had me not going for benefits that would be relatively easy for me to obtain. That your mother had so much trouble, and going the congressman route is so easy.:rant:

Last edited:


Active member
Hi! I hope I'm not flogging a dead horse! I have been considering applying for disability for over a year. I have not worked in over a year. Here's my situation:

I am an alcoholic (9 years sober, until last month) , have Anxiety, depression, bi-polar, among other issues (ever have to turn around and go home while on your way to work 'cause you just shit your pants?). My son has Asberger's Syndrome (mild Autisim) and I have no back up for his care. My wife died suddenly a year ago. I am getting ~$300 a month in Survivor's Benefits. My medications alone are twice that. Savings won't last much longer. I am on the bad side of 50 and have worked since I was 15.

What would you do? My upbringing tells me not to take anything I didn't earn myself, but I have paid my share into the system all this time. Does that give me a right to get something out? I consider myself a Libratarian (sp?), that is why I am still just "considering" it.

What is your opinion?


Dude you need welfare you are the reason the programs even in place.

People who dont need welfare are all these illegals who sell coke on the side and drive new trucks but only pay 500 a month for their house LOL.

i come from a big section 8 background, everyone i knew their parents were on section 8. now that the kids are grown up the government cut off the aid so everyones out there now strugglin to make rent. the rich get richer the poor get poorer.


I say fuck it do what you need to do to get 4 months of bills paid, start a grow, and you're set for as long as you can grow (financially)


half cat half man half baked
To begin with I've been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome and there are no doubts I would get a Social Anxiety Disorder one if I sought it. Nobody chooses to have S.A.D. It is learned from others. The others who cause S.A.D. are influenced by society and thus I feel society absolutely should respect it as a disability and pay their dues. I have improved a lot after I started to understand myself because I was inspired by others who felt the same way when I thought I was the only one. For like 7 years I would excessively sweat in social situations. I could be wearing a hoody and if it was real bad you could see the sweat stains if I lifted by arms. As of a few months ago the sweating has nearly entirely stopped and it was all in my head. I use to get extremely anxious just being around other people driving through traffic. I refuse to go into restaurants or shopping malls. I only go to such places when I'm obligated to or I need groceries. Even then I will shop during the middle of the night to avoid people. Now with automatic checks out I don't have to interact at all. I just feel like a jackass when I do this because it takes like 5 times longer to checkout haha.

I'm quit disappointed to see some of the arrogant opinions here. I think highly of the majority of posters here, but damn some of yall are bitter.


Active member
^i try to defeat that shit mentally. i do understand what you are going through because if im blunted in a public area i do think i get S.A.D because i start thinking everyone is looking at me, etc.

that was mostly in high school. nowadays i try and just block it out and laugh. Yesterday i was at court paying off a ticket and there were dozens of weird sober people there. I started to feel myself get anxious but then i just took a deep breath and smiled to myself. i started looking at the other people and realizing THEY were having S.A.D, everyone looked kinda paranoid and unhappy to be there.

i hate S.A.D i will not let it make me a recluse hermit. I will F-ing conquer this BS and go out there and live. i HATE social anxiety, its something that plagued my high school years and i was barely able to get stuff done. I do not enjoy shopping in a crowded walmart or safeway but i manage to get over it usually. Alcohol really helps too haha, weed definately dooes not. I strongly believe herbs attribute to my S.A.D but i cant stop smoking!!


I agree and disagree with a couple statements.
Yes, Americans are spoiled.
If you don't want someone who actually works and pays taxes to get government assistance, don't require them to pay into it every damn week.

That's the bottom line.

Artic simply wanted his kids to have health insurance. It wouldn't even cost the tax payers unless his kids actually got sick.
