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you can get social security disability for having a social phobia


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
it is what it is. you're a communist, i'm not. i guess i can see why wars were fought over this bullshit.



it is what it is. you're a communist, i'm not. i guess i can see why wars were fought over this bullshit.


hurry and run to walmart so you can pick up your two for one cheeze puffs just in time to get home and work on that 4th leech before CSI comes on
it is what it is. you're a communist, i'm not. i guess i can see why wars were fought over this bullshit.


So I am a communist because I believe a Democratic Repulic should use socialist programs to benefit its people? You show you ignorance again. You don't even know what a communist is.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
no that shows that i'm being completely dismissive towards your opinion, because it doesn't matter what i say. you are ARGUING just to ARGUE. No, i don't really believe you're a communist. Just like i don't believe you have any experience with welfare or social security or children or opiate addiction. So yeah, i guess i'm just some "dumb redneck, right-wing, red blooded American" because i don't want to give everything away. you're right, i'm wrong, i hope that makes your day



I have severe social anxiety disorder and let me tell you its a nightmare sometimes.

I have never had a real girlfriend and am still a virgin in my late 20's. The only friends I have are on the internet. I have a website that I make a little money from which I work very hard on but its not enough to pay the bills.

I don't plan on trying to get social security. Its a very humiliating process but knowing what its like having this disorder I would have to say that I agree with people being able to apply for social security when they have a mental illness that makes it impossible to step outside the house sometimes.

For all of you judgemental people. You have no idea what its like to go through life like this. Can you imagine having a panic attack every day before work? Can you imagine never being able to enjoy a social gathering even the ones that only involve your own family members? Like I said I would rather do it on my own but it does make me feel better knowing the option is available.

Get over it? Yeah easy for you to say.........


Active member

Pay a carbon foot print whaaat? You either don't have a job or have never paid taxes because only large global corporations pay carbon footprint taxes.
YES! Men and women are not only fighting but dying in the process of the fight for your rights to have as many children as you want.
Now to clarify, it's not OK for someone without the means to support children himself to have a bunch of kids. But it is every Americans right to have as many kids as they want, and anyone should be able to do so without persecution from government or forum lynch mob.
You have no idea how many people lost everything during the great depression. This recession is very similar.
It's not one individuals fault this happened, IMO, it's the government's fault.

Artic has fallen under hard times as many Americans have. How was Artic suppose to know the economy was going to take a shit? A magic 8 ball perhaps? Yes, Artic is young. So were my grandparents when they had 9 children.
Your views are not shared by the USA government nor the majority of Americans.
Yes, having children is a choice but abortion is not a choice say's 50% of America.

I don't know if your young or perhaps very liberal minded. Either-way, men and women have fought and died for our rights to choose our own individual path in life.


of course you should be allowed to choose as many children as you want. and you cannot be 100% prepared, but what about John & Kate +8? if they are on welfare they should be charged with child abuse. they dont have the right to put that burden on society, let alone fuck their kids up bringing them up in a crazy world without the means to provide food and shelter.

i'm just saying i know lots of people who are babies who make babies and these dumb fucks act like it's either an accident or a miracle, and it's neither. use birth control and have a career and live your life before you procreate. i just don't understand people who in the 21st century decide to have kids so early. i'm talking about people who have shit jobs and a life expectancy jobs and 80 yr life expectancy.


Well-known member
Shit like that really pisses me off. I'm in Canada, after my heart attack which required double bypass and the friggin doctors wouldn't let me go back to work for a year the fuckin disability said a big no.
Dude Social Security exists so people are not imprisoned in the most violent and sad horrible of places.......state run mental institutions, some of the worst human rights violations are in this industry and have been!

Your not going to live in Cali on SSD (or at least not much of a life without some dope deals to cut supplement the income more!) there is a difference between just SSI and SSD. Most people don't get much, unless you get a death benefit. I hear a lot of crap from people about SS, the only bad things I have seen is drug dealers trying to quite their junk and mostly hustling...so they get on SS and still hustle. That is crap, they only have problems in their head with the choices they made!

Some people are seriously messed up from how their life went, head injuries, side effects from drugs that leave your brain a shriveled mess...as well as other traumatic things...I have known some schizophrenics that it doesn't matter if they smoke weed, I mean if they think it makes them paranoid then they don't but really, there isn't much in a life like this worth living other than maybe something pans out!

People confuse SSI that is supplemental income with out right disability, this isn't ya know you get depressed then someoen finds a pictuer of you on a beach happy! This is like seriously having a mental record, many times locked up and for weeks at a time in a mental hospital...you didn't even have to have a crime! They used to keep you in there for ever and take your brain parts away or shock therapy and seriously check out the side effects on these drugs they do force you to take them!

You can't get a job and explain why you have serious nervous damage or why your friend talks to himself and the birdcage! Most of you sell drugs and cause mental problems for people in society that have serious social issues...that means they can't 'hang with it' and sell drugs to get through college if they even can absorb the class material!

It's not SSI where you lose your job and your looking for a little extra income other than your dope grow! These are the people that would be homeless and scaring the shit out of your girlfriend and those pretty plants! The kind of people off of meds that would jack your life!

There are some schizophrenics that will never have the rights that you do, so shut your mouths! People don't want to work for your rich company, making 6 dollars an hour with extremely heavy labor! To see your kids grow up rich and spoiled while you talk about social security and how it's taxing your company to death for old people welfare!

Well, some of these old people worked through WWII and saw a lot of death and worked for free! To see the Nazi's die and the Japanese just get fired bombed, so they didn't get rich with their monopoly scheme and you complain that they are dying!

Your not going to survive in a ghetto with how you all do run the drug industry, people are not going to get taken care of...and it's good to have your own place away from very dangerous peoples couches that just might smoke crack all day and get you to be involved in robbery and other bad things!

Maybe you all need to go to the Ghetto and get the fuck out! Or sell your weed for cheap, so that it is a welfare! Most guys need SSI or SSD that don't whore around, like girls do for all their things....and some single moms really do need SSI when their ex husband or boyfriend that grows dope don't slide over the profits!

Some people didn't even sign up for social security to get it, they were so medicated and there are soooo many forms! They just put these in-front of you and before you know it you stop your meds and your on SSD in an apartment...you didn't remember getting there or signing the paperwork!

They doctors don't care, they get money just for seeing you and saying your a hopeless addict to their prescription anti-psychotics as they throw in a few drugs to make you more insane!

Your on like 12 heavy drugs that would bring an elephant down! ANd you want this guy drooling over your McDonald's or other fast food? Maybe he doesn't know to keep his face off the grill!


Active member
The trouble with the system is US,americans are a spoiled lot and think they deserve and should have everything,period.We feel we are better than the rest of the world and nothing that happens anywere else is the same,all americans feel its a birthright to do whatever the fuck they want without regard to consequences,whether its make babies at 23 or get hooked on smack at 35,
I feel americans rely to heavily on the million social programs that are available to EVERYONE,just my 2 cents.I recieve nothing from them,me or my children,if I CANT AFFORD IT WE DO WITHOUT,period.
Healthcare should be available to everyone regardless of age or country,anyone who doesnt agree with thats an a-hole supreme.
I could go on,but whats the point.I am american,I can do what I want!!
no that shows that i'm being completely dismissive towards your opinion, because it doesn't matter what i say. you are ARGUING just to ARGUE. No, i don't really believe you're a communist. Just like i don't believe you have any experience with welfare or social security or children or opiate addiction. So yeah, i guess i'm just some "dumb redneck, right-wing, red blooded American" because i don't want to give everything away. you're right, i'm wrong, i hope that makes your day


Why thank you for making my day good sir. :rolleyes: Have fun believing you are not a socialist because YOU ARE ON A SOCIALIST PROGRAM. Without which your children would not have health care.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
blah blah blah, its not like i wanted to be on this bullshit. so really, wouldn't that make my kids socialists? lol, fuck this thread

I say fix the doctors to begin with, they load people up on very dangerous drugs...they always down play the procedure or the prescriptions as being safer than they are since it's really hard to sue a doctor!

The only people that I have seen complain about SSD, well...one worked a lot and really hard. I respected the guy, but he drove out into another county and that is a lot of gas not living there...at the same time he smoked thousands of SSD dollars of weed, from the guy he made fun of!

Then some other people that complain when their meth and crack deals are down, that they don't get an SS check! I mean really these drugs cause a lot of mental problems and you have to think about your ego and karma!

Trust me, people on SSD really would want a normal life if they were not so strange! It seems it's not getting the girls, it's not getting respect and I can tell you I can put you on SSD, just let me smack a bat into your skull and see how you live as a drooling monkey!

I know a girl just fried from a car crash, her head is never going to be the same. I know a schizophrenic that just says some odd things off of his meds and those don't let you work a normal life! Get a job at Goodwill while the CEO makes a 100,000 year and that is just the local head chief...and this guy didn't even make minimum wage in his 'training job'.

You don't want these medicated people or just plan crazy working with heavy equipment, or some of the people skills missing! Why the new guy is just starring at people and you worry about him coming in with a gun!

It seems sometimes a guy might just grab a rifle and climb a clock tower, or walk around with an AK saying hello!

It's not socialism or communism, trust me they would just put you in a gas chamber! You all have an attitude that is akin to Hitler in what you want to do! Give people jobs that have respect, some people just are not going to get that!

Ever set up a blind date with a hot girl and a schizophrenic, it seems his steak talking to him isn't real impressive! It's not a good time like LSD at the movies where he always sees demons coming through walls!

I remember in highschool guys like you couldn't wait to give this guy LSD and he didn't know how to decide his future! He just ran around like being in a strange movie always talking to himself in a really quick way!

It was odd saying hello, even if you thought you had mental problems! That just meant you could appreciate more dangerous things that really made you frightened of people!

Seriously Mafia ties will do that to a person!
Discussions all in good fun so long as nobody gets their feelings hurt. Karma! One love all! Even you Arctic! Wish you all the best for you and your family. These are hard times.


New member
Artic I think the biggest problem is too many people took the land of paradise thing to heart. I know how it is. I see the shit everyday of my life. Even when the economy was better people still didnt work, got ebt and hit up the wellness clinics wit the government money to get there roxy which then profits them even more thru illegal sales which then adds to the problem with the next group of addicts doing the same thing. I was raised with good values I think it just comes a point in time where you say screw it I'm gonna get mine.
It's just business owners that complain that they are not making that million dollars a year as they basically use slave labor!

Felons seem to make these guys rich, as they are required to have a job on parole or other state mandates! Your not making much, in these jobs and some people are required to have other income or they don't have a home or food....I don't even know how people have kids!

Raise all the same people poor and what do you think their kids grow up like? It seems they don't have a house safe enough to grow weed and the cops beat poor people worse, then they wake up in a mental institution because they are seriously afraid of police, their job doesn't work out since they smoke weed from a very depressing neighborhood that moves lot's shitty drugs!

Put your income down and how easy your life is, then your complaint!


no, i'm not pissed that junkies get welfare... i think that they should totally take advantage of methadone clinics and stuff. i DONT feel, however, that just because they like heroin, that they should be able to sit around and do heroin all day on my dime. Why should they get cash/food assistance when they are 100% able to work? Why should a girl who's never worked a day in her life get social security for the rest of her life for her "fibromyalgia" (read: pill addiction), yet my grandmother isn't eligible to receive it and she's worked her ass off for the past 40+ years? The system is flawed, THAT's what i'm saying. Does that mean i'm going to boycott the system at the cost of my childrens' health? no.


As a former able bodied self employed taxpayin SOB I get pretty pissed at how I am now on SSD and public assitance due to the innability to get health insurance hence health care until my condition deteriorated to the point of destitution and the loss of everything I have worked 35 yrs for.
Prexisting conditions...denied
Dr wants 300 a visit...WTF?
Yeah AB the system is fucked up beyond belief and screw the breeder haters along with it.
As for the burden that junkies put on the system... just think if it were legal the worst would OD and the rest would be able to get some kind of job and all that cop money could go into healthcare which is what they need anyway.
And maybe ,just maybe they would not forget all of us middle class and help us out with the whole healthcare boondoggle