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Project EDEN - the COCO-COOP




they wont let me give you any more rep! those plants look sick bone/vend :D i just want to eat them, they look so frosty! nice eden coop


Active member
hehe chemsteady:joint:

the beenieman is very special.
the males from the same batch of seeds where some of the stinkyest plants i smelled. realy foul smell. hehe :yoinks:

im going out to buy a camera
so im gonna try to post some pics later

bone is working his ass off so i got to try to do the same for our coop.

peace 2 anybody checking the thread. feel free to ask questions



thanks vend for keeping the fire burning :D

yeah the beeniemans got a somewhat fruity stinky smell, with touches of sour cherry, skunkyness and more. soon enough its smoke test time of the females :D 2 plants are sure keepers, but we have to evalueate yield/potency.

its nice we had time to cross the males of it to a SSH/PTK clone :D that should give some really smelly and resinous bud. it might be one of the crosses im mostly anticipating to try of all the ones we got - mostly because of its uniqueness. i think we are in for surprises in the future with these :D

later one day we will cross a male of the ssh/ptk x beeniemans to ssh/ptk again and to the keeper beenie mans females also. depending on how we feel like, but most likelly, we will also look into wich other keeper females of ours would cross well to this. or males of other crosses also that can give good results combined to different versions of this line in the future.

chemsteady - thansk mate :D

Dima - hehe gracias amigo!

peace all!

just thought i wanted to repeat this pic again to highlight the fact i like a lot the colours on these girls. check out the purple redish stems of the stalked glandular trichomes. also check out the fact the HEADS of the trichs are MILKY from start.
:yoinks: :woohoo:
beeniemans macro repeat :D



big up all!

i hope to get time for an other round of photos later today :D i think i can see quite a lot of change every day in the ones that are finishing off... so lets see



thanks mate - i didnt get time to go down to the growarea today...

tomorow i will for sure take pics :D im going to try to take out one beeniemans choice or two to show how they are properly.

also i feel like taking out the jaggen / ssh/PTK and take a closer look..

i want to take out the ones in flower destined for revegging ASAP so that i can put in the HUGE snowdawg to flower.... also i need to get hold of a 50 liter pot to transplant her to.

peace all!


:D we had a small testing session today...

heavy work this time. hehehe actually it was a great session, all three test nugs are better than what i can describe rigth now.

we tested 2 smaller nugs from the most mature beeniemans choice (quick-dried) and defiently these 2 phenos are keepers. sweet aroma and heavy hitting punch, followed by a steadilly growing creeper high. next week or earlier they will go to reveg.

also we tested one nug from the jaggen x ssh/ptk/ptk and this one is such a sure keeper its almost painfull to smoke her. its been soon one hour since i had 2 bong hits and im so trashed i dont know what to do with the blunt i just rolled with a mix of all above,. hehe i propably wait a little hehe :D

all in all conclusion is;

the jaggen x ssh/ptk/ptk worked well. potent, big yield and very tasty

the beeniemans choice is most likelly going to cross very well to the ssh/ptk keeper mom - so we are looking forward to try those beans out as soon we can. we know its going to be resinous :D now we just gotto see if bud size is going to be related to the beeniemans or to the ssh/ptk. this line is going to be fun to explore.

both the ssh/ptk and the beeniemans choice are quick flowering and should continue to be that. this far anything crossed to the ssh/ptk has gotten a quick flowering time..


should say the jackherrer/destroyer/corinto x ptk (cant remember all plants used in mom - cant find my notes but im sure i got it wrong hehe) is a keeper and a nice smoke- its an enjoyable envigorating and energetic high. its got some nice clear headedness but at the same time the perception of the surrounding ambient is quite effected. its a chatty high but also good for working.

i have been smoking nugs from this huge plant for a month now and there is still a lot of branches left to harvest. it seems maybe because of a very compactlly grown plant full off buds all over, beeing from thai herritage has a very long harvest window. it is slow to mature and the lower branches take about 2 weeks or more to mature after a higher branch has been cut. i think with out a doubt she could go an other month entirelly before also the lowest nugs are done. this will give me a long time to prepare her for reveg. she has allready been flowering for almost 3 months, but because of the enormous yield and nice high and flavour, it is also a keeper plant.


this means this test round of planting seeds we have found;
2 jaggen x ssh/ptk/ptk keeper moms to work with
1 amnesia haze x ssh/ptk/ptk mom with a intersting no-nonsense high.
2 ssh/ptk x ssh/lp moms
2-4 beeniemans keepers (gotto decide wich all to keep for sure)

also we made 9+ new crosses and also some spread out F2's

and we are only half way thru! coming up next of seedlings to flower are the ssh/lp and ssh/ptk x ssh/lp, and also a BIG amount of other nice things, including scbb/ptk/ptk, x18, chitral and much much more. we havent even gotten to try our new clones we got vegging, and its soon time for them too...

great evening, nice session and awesome test round

im again too hammered to go down and take pics in the grow area.. but tomorow i got time off :D time for a proper round in the grow rooms and sort all stuff out i didnt do during the week :D

peaec all!


Active member
we are super happy just came home from bones house and must say the beeniemans are damn potent after a few hits bone and i where just looking at eachother and WOW my face felt warm and fuzzy. great smoke

the others too but a mix of all of them put me in a spin :D'
its all going better than we expected, luvin every minute


wow yeah it was a heavy session yesterday... and i made a misstake i think and i accidently smoked a beeniemans choice blunt for wake and bake. suposedly i should be in the growroom sorting out things i dont ahve time to do during the weekend but im just too trashed to do it hehe :D

but after a huge cup of coffee im finally getting motivated to do things.. and its 5 in the afternoon hehe

peace all!


the effect of smoking beeniemans choice is quite devastating to say the least. this far we have only tried microwave dryed nugs for an early evaluation, and of course once properly dry the effect will be far more powerfull. not to mention the flavor.. but honestly its looking like 4 girls to reveg at the moment - since the slightly slower phenos to bulk up, have other interesting abilities. off the two one main kola phenos of beeniemans, first off there if a slightly greener pheno with less pruple in the tips, and the other one has slightly bulkier tops.

the two allready tagged as keepers (the big ones) have multi kolas, lots of vigour and resin, but at the moment it sure seems the other two have something nice to contribute also..

the SSH/PTK polinated with 2 beeniemans choice males is fattening up. i think its been more than 4 weeks since i polinated them and soon its time to pick the beans :D lets see how it went - the fact i did a complettelly exadgerated massive 4 day polination, and the plant is entirelly seeded might give for a whole bunch of un-mature seeds if picked too early. im going to let her go for a while more.

also i got one ssh/ptk/ssh/lp female very similar tot he one i allready have revegging, this one got picked by vend, and also it got polinated slightlly with a male of same cross. also here im letting the nugs go little more to make sure the beans get mature. this plant is in reveg - so i hope it gets going vegging as soon as the seeds are done.


that beaniman choice is spectacular looking. i can see why you are looking to use her in crosses.



Active member
hi there.
the jagen x ssh x ptk x ptk is a beast !!!!!!
i took out about 35 seeds of the ssh x ptk x ssh x lp x blockberry today.
gonna be fun too try out.:jump::jump:


thanks mate! :D float by more often! :D i hope everything is fine in shed ! :D



the jaggen ssh/ptk/ptk is developping a strongly acidic skunky smell drying.. pungent. my girl complained about the smell when i was cutting up a nugg :D hehe


Active member
hello cloneman good to see you in here
jaggen ssh/ptk/ptk is totaly killing us.
we even hads problem ordering at a mc d drivethrough!!!!! hehe
and i totaly freaked out at a kebab place later in the evning. fun times


hehe :D yeah it was fun ordering burgers - amazing we finally got it sorted :D :D but the kebab experience was scary hehehe :D amazing stone :D so ripped :D

metamorf - it would be in the future :D today theres no beans available :D but its on the "to Do" list.

yum - XO cognac blunts...

i put the earliest finishing beeniemans female to reveg, there is 3 other ones left, and they are all geting some distinctive differences. they are all very resinous, but its dificult to chooce one that is better looking than the rest, since even the lesser yielding single kola phenos have a nice yield and are maybe better suitable for SOG etc. also the fact the two one kola plants have different colours, one is dominantly green/white and one other got a lot of purple/pink hues.

the one reveggin had a lot of purple and deep red tones in the trichomes.

the remaining big bush pheno got an amazing resin coverage, and it propable got the thickest lower stem i have ever seen on a plant of this age. easilly this plants stem might have a girth of 3 x the other ones, a bit more than 2 thumbs wide and thick at the base.

the last amnesia haze /ssh/ptk/ptk is showing a nice resin coverage also, lots of sparkling trichs :D now i only hope it gets to be a more solid pheno than the other big ones of this one this far.

also finally i flower the last snowdawg mom :D she was nice but she is the one we can handle the best to loose, to make space for the new moms we have. the number of moms is getting rediculous almost.. atm the veg are is very crowded :D but its nice to have a lot of plants on the way to the flowering room...

soon its time to plant seeds again :D i got a few crosses i need to plant of to check them out :D amongs others the Sweet and Sour Diesel x SSH/PTK/PTK and SSH/PTK x SSH/PTK/PTK and also the last beans we got of jaggen/ssh/ptk/ptk to look for even better moms if possible :D also soon we will plant seeds of the original ssh/ptk/ptk to look for males to repeat the jaggen /ssh/ptk/ptk. we will only use males similar to the ones we used earlier. also we are planning to test the ssh/ptk/ptk f2's on the jaggen to see how they behave, depending on how the first test rounds of those turn out. :D

peace all!

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