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Goin Vert


Well-known member
I am helping a friend get set up and he wants something that will take up minimal space and produce. I'm thinking vert. any vert gurus out there that can either post links or pics of vert hydro systems. he will be running rockwool and loves the NFT system I built him last time. I was thinking of building a tiered NFT stadium, but I want 360 coverage and I can always build a top drip system. I would really appreciate any info or suggestions. thank you!:joint:


Active member
What kind of output is your friend looking for?

Perhaps expressed in terms of Oz's per month, average need?

That would help a lot. Otherwise, we're just left to guess at WAY too many factors.


Well-known member
fatigues: he wants to shoot the moon.. he wants to get 2+ per 1000w w BubbaKush..
He has 4 ballasts, 8 tubes and a 4 ballast flip box & MLC. There's Co2, AC, and I might throw some of my gear in a spare bedroom. It's just sitting. He is not the brightest bulb on the tree, and he has only grown with my NFT system in rockwool. He gets the basics, but I don't want to wander to far from where he already is. he has 8 hoods running flat over a 10x15.5sq' in a zig zag pattern that flip internally every 2 hours of the 12 hour photo period. I'm thinking to add another flip to run 2 home made coli's that will run off the existing ballast power since these will both be bloom rooms. running 12 hoods off 4 ballasts Could help significantly in the yield dept. I pulled almost 7# off that room set up the way it is. I can only imagine what 2 vert gardens with 4kw would do run off the other rooms power the remaining 12 hours. I'm thinking of doing a pair 5x10 octogons


Octagon grows can produce a large amount of bud for ya , the biggest problem is fine misters tend to clog, I found the ez clone misters to work pretty well.


Well-known member
thanks BB. I don't plan to use misters as after a decade of experience with them, they tend to be the weak link inmost aerogardens. I will run NFT through a PVC Octogon, filling the 4" pipe 1/4 the way up much like Heath. I have followed Heaths threads for a while. He ultimately made me realize the world was round. not flat... If I could just convince my friend to grow out a super yielder like Heath, but there is market for it in LV. He needs short squat kushes...

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