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****Cab of Dreams ~ 110 plant SoG w/ HPS****


Thanksuys, yeah the good side is that I'll have plent of seeds to grow out and I might find a really nice plant.

Well, my seeds finally arrived yesterday. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

I had this wierd feeling that they would arrive and sure enough, they did. I have White Widow and Northern Lights from Nirvana...I've always wanted to grow these strains. And I got some Haze x Skunk from Sam the Skunkman, that should be really good too.

I've got everything priced out and it looks like I'll be building the tent out of 2x2 wood and covering it with Panda plastic. I'm also working on getting two 1000 W HPS lights. I think 2000 W is enough for 42 sq. ft. Might need to add some cfl's

my clones are doing great and my moms too. I took some pics, but I'm away from home. I'll try and get those up soon.

Stay up and stay safe.



Hello guys and gals.

I feel like an ass because I've gone dark pretty much for the past few weeks. And I've been neglecting the plants a bit. My harvest is gonna suffer, I don't know how much though. It's a tough lesson to learn, but I only need to learn it once.

Tomorrow everything should be different, I just have to sort out my heat issues in the closet... something I should have done a few weeks ago. The heat exhaust and light proofing were never completed, my bad.

Things are turning around for the better, I've realized the errors of my ways. Now I'm growing with a strong motivation to grow the BEST weed possible. And I know that means providing the best ENVIRONMENT I can.

I will be putting a tent up within the next two weeks. And I will kick off a flower shortly thereafter.

The tent is gonna be 6' x 7' and filled with Hempy buckets. I'll be running around 32 5 gal Hempys filled with clay pellets. Fertilizing with Flora Nova. Looking to get 2 1K's, still not sure about that. It'll be perpetual, 8 plants every 2 weeks. I'll have them veg'd out for at least a month.

Everything else will stay in full operation. My mother cab is doing great. The Original Flower Cab is now the Veg Cab, which is growing the healthiest plants I've ever grown. My Flower Closet needs some help though, but I'm on it.

I have pics awaiting, my reader isnt working or else I could show you my new babies. BTW, I LOVE CLONING :) having good success now.

It's coming up on 8 months since I joined the mag. It's been a great ride with a lot of ups and downs. Right now I'm coming up from a down time, and I don't plan on slowing down, just OVERGROWIN.

Stay up and stay safe. Pics within 24 hrs, I swear my Mothers lives on it.


Harvest is only 18 Days away. My last feeding will be this week and then it's pure water. I'll reveg the plants. I just hope the buds fatten up.


In all my days, I never thought I would sit down and write this post. But here I am, writing this mother-fucking post.

I just learned a hard lesson today. And as I was out back just now, in one of my favorite spots; chillin with my dog and taking some bong rips, I realized that if you want to be a seriously good grower who grows serious amounts of weed, you gotta be on your shit all the time.

I let my guard down for just a few minutes today and I got fucked. I won't go into details, but security is compromised.

Harvest is almost 2 weeks away for the first official run in the Cab of Dreams. Unfortunately, I think I will have to harvest early. Then, everything must go. :badday: :badday: :badday: :badday: :badday: :badday:

I have to vanish and stay clean as possible. I was really just starting to hit it, I just got everything for the upgrade and all. My dream seriously was almost complete, and BAM!!! It feels like I got a 2x4 to the side. More like the heart.

Well, I'm out of words now everyone.

I'll keep you updated.

I'll tell you this though, I'm not quitting. I'm gonna be coming back stronger than ever. All my plans for the present will just be re-tooled and I'll come back better than before.


couldn't be more true



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Wow, that's sad to hear White. It's always a downer when a fellow grower has to put down his green thumbs. But I know you'll recover and come back stronger!


New member
Just read the whole thread. Wow you def have some skills. That cab is nothing less than amazing. Wish i could build something half as nice lol. Really sucks about the security issue, but don't let it get you down. You seem like you are really into it and love to grow. Never stop doing what makes you happy. Good luck with your next grow. Keep us posted.


Active member
Sucks bro.. I had to shutter my cab for a couple of years to let things cool down.
Take it easy.


Hey everyone,

How have you all been? I just got back from a little vacation - and man did I need that.

Thanks SaucyMcdank and thanks for stopping by. I came onto ICMAG already with a love for growing. The first time I ever grew was back when I was a young teenager, and I always dreamed of being able to do it for real. Well, now I'm doing it and I love it. Things are gonna be fine, I already had plans to move my grow around, this security scare just made me change plans sooner.

:joint: Well, I just smoked my ICE for the first time yesterday... HOLY FUCK!!! I love it. It's a Sativa high for sure. It's got a lot of trichs and is almost piney in smell with a hint of spice, but also a very fresh smell.

I loaded a bowl into my bong yesterday and took my first hit of my first harvest. It was a smooth smoke, almost tasteless. I held my breath for about 20 seconds and then exhaled a thick white cloud of smoke, a wave of HIGHNESS hit me almost immediately. My head felt like a helium balloon trying to fly away and I was 100% relaxed.

All I could so was say "Whoah" :abduct: :abduct: :abduct:

Right now I'm high off of my Bushy Sativa x Speed Queen. The whole top was a mass of hairs, very cool. It comes on a little slower, but it's a strong influence for sure; I can feel the indica for sure.... it's a good mix.

ICE is my favorite for sure though. Cant wait to try my many other flavors :)

Guanito, a couple of years??? That would take a lot. Hopefully I can be full operational again within 2 months. I have a lot of work to do :)

Well, I hope you all are well. Stay up and stay safe.



We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Glad to see everything worked out. Hope ya get back on schedule


glad to hear ur not in trouble atleast lol. get ur scare over w then come back bigger abd better :) and guess its true, ur own homegrown always tastes better!!!


Kaotic, it's so great to see you. The BS x SQ is great and theres some Ki x LR and some LSI - btw, what is LSI? - thry're looking pretty frosty. Thanks for everything, couldn't have done it as good without ya.

Hey J-Blunt. Yeah, it's so true, homegrown is always better. I'll get this scare out of the way. I take it as a big warning and as a call to bring change to my grow-op. Gotta be way stealthier than before. I think I'll convert my current cab to computers eventually. ;)

But the flower chamber is getting moved ASAP. I'll keep you updated on that.

Stay up and stay safe.


White! I'm sorry to hear about your blues. Your operation was so solid & pro. It's always darkest before the dawn; this too shall pass.


whoa. that bites man!

Hope your gonna get some good vibes rolling and grow some premo ganja.

Good luck and I'll be checking out your grow!


Here's some good juju to you and your coming plans... Its always better that you have your health and your freedom though, so do be glad for that.


Well-known member
Here's some good juju to you and your coming plans... Its always better that you have your health and your freedom though, so do be glad for that.
Yah Im with u on this all the way.

Also wsup dude its great to see that ur back at it.
peace out and stay safe.

Dr 4 four

Glad to hear your back in action and in one piece White! It's almost like you found Jesus and changed your ways and purpose of growing for the better. lol

Next time your moving any gear around put them in a rubbermaid inside your trunk. And you might want to think about relocating any guns you still have off your property.

Can't wait to see your new(ish) setup in action.

Take care and stay safe!