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UPDATED:New Los Angeles Medical Marijuana Draft Ordinance


Active member
it allows for reasonable compensation officer blue dot.

what would motivate anyone to provide a service?

what other service can you get for no compensation?

Blue Dot

it allows for reasonable compensation officer blue dot.

what would motivate anyone to provide a service?

what other service can you get for no compensation?

Yet no mention of the actual word "sales" in your post.


Active member
you are arguing semantics.

what does "compensation mean"?

how can there be reinburesment without cash exchange?

catch any criminals today officer blue dot?

Blue Dot

you are arguing semantics.

what does "compensation mean"?

how can there be reinburesment without cash exchange?

catch any criminals today officer blue dot?

compensation means reimbursing the provider directly for the costs. Afterall, the provider is SUPPOSED to be YOUR caregiver.

There is no middle man (over the counter) in that sentence.

When I give cash (over the counter) to a dispensary and they reimburse a provider they are acting as a middleman.

Middleman (over the counter) = sales.

Of course it's semantics, you know the very thing shady dispensaries use to try and justify their illegal actions.

Jalisco Kid

Active member
There some heavy bullshit in this thread. For those that say or think dispensary owners have our (patient and grower)have a distorted sense of reality. Paying 5 grand an lb. They try and beat you up for good og for 32 saying its the market. Go back the next day to see it up for sale 70-80 an eighth. I have brought herb in and asked for a low price if they sold it for that. I was told they will not have their prices dictated to them. The owners will shit when we the members have an equal rights in the coops.Can you imagine the crap spewed here those should make for some interesting meeting.One man one vote. I doubt I would be willing to vote the manager/owner a salary more then I make. Since herb can be produced for less then 75 a oz how are they going to justify those cost.
And for those who feel there is not much use of chemicals in herb do not read the infirmary section. Saying that is bullshit. And the guy claiming that his staff saves us from this crap(pesticides,insecticides,pgr's) is bullshit.
And the people who cry when they do not like what they hear cracks me up when blue dot posts.
Get off your asses and educate yourself.Protect your own rights with acts. Whining will only get you bent over. How many of us has been to a city meeting or protest .00??% I know it is far less then 1%.
Suerte JK

Blue Dot

How many of us has been to a city meeting or protest .00??% I know it is far less then 1%.

I agree.

The other post said there was a "union of paitents" at the meeting but we all know it was really a union of dispensary owners trying to keep what they have.


New member
Big Pharma has lots of expensive quality control for their product. That's one reason they can justify charging a lot.

Pot, not so much.

Ok I'm usually a quiet guy but when anyone hops on the pharma ban wagon, and tries to justify their practices it literally makes my stomach turn. Cannabis has been thoroughly tested for literally THOUSANDS of years, and nobody can document a death, but I do believe that somewhere out there, someone over the thousands of years has and will die from cannabis. But we in this day & age are about the #'s right? I don't have a figure in front of me, but would you be willing to admit that pharmaceuticals kill & forever harm individuals to the tune of thousands yearly and what I mean by forever harm is; that the persons quality of life has changed dramatically and or will die from the effects of said drug ie(heart failure, anemia, brain and or nervous system damage, etc. etc.). My wife has taken 2 or 3 different pharmaceutical drugs that were pulled from the market because they were killing people. She has a lot of medical probs that I wont bore you with, but I believe some of her problems stem from those pharmaceuticals. So with all of those checks and balances you talk of, many people are dying everyday. Oh and the kicker, we had to pay top dollar for these so called safe drugs. Talk about the legal screwing of a lifetime.

Pharmas and their stockholders say, "Hey your paying for R&D". Whata scam, or I should say, a legal way to curb the population and profit from it. When they test their crap for a generation or two, to see the short & long term effects from their chemical concoction, from those same people who actually ask their doctor "Is drug right for me", and believe me there is no shortage of sheeple in this country, then it will be thoroughly tested.

I whole-heartedly believe that some of the illnesses that we see today were made in a lab. It's totally plausible, when you can fast track a drug to market inside a few years.

You want dispensaries to model pharms? Wow where do I start? Well if you think people pay too much now, wait and see how much it's going to cost when the top execs take their 10 or 20 MILLION dollar yearly paychecks. Wait lets not forget R&D (licensed biologists, scientists, botanists, etc. ect.) Your going to end up with same problems they have. An ounce of cannabis will go up 300% with no guarantee that it will be any safer than it is now. I will even say that the end product would be inferior to what we have today and perhaps even more dangerous when scientists alter the plant to produce different chemicals that it naturally does. Oh and I almost forgot about stockholders, they have to get their cut to.

If & when the government does decide to take growing out of our hands and into theirs, people will die, it will just be the wrong people. And the kicker to this, NOBODY will go to jail, just like now with pharmaceuticals. I can see it now, "Oh we just killed someone, Oh well we'll just payoff politicians and make more laws to protect us from justifiable lawsuits, like we did in Michigan".

Gawd I could rant forever on this subject. The soapbox is now open. Thank you.

Blue Dot

Ok I'm usually a quiet guy but when anyone hops on the pharma ban wagon, and tries to justify their practices it literally makes my stomach turn. Cannabis has been thoroughly tested for literally THOUSANDS of years, and nobody can document a death, but I do believe that somewhere out there, someone over the thousands of years has and will die from cannabis. But we in this day & age are about the #'s right? I don't have a figure in front of me, but would you be willing to admit that pharmaceuticals kill & forever harm individuals to the tune of thousands yearly and what I mean by forever harm is; that the persons quality of life has changed dramatically and or will die from the effects of said drug ie(heart failure, anemia, brain and or nervous system damage, etc. etc.). My wife has taken 2 or 3 different pharmaceutical drugs that were pulled from the market because they were killing people. She has a lot of medical probs that I wont bore you with, but I believe some of her problems stem from those pharmaceuticals. So with all of those checks and balances you talk of, many people are dying everyday. Oh and the kicker, we had to pay top dollar for these so called safe drugs. Talk about the legal screwing of a lifetime.

Pharmas and their stockholders say, "Hey your paying for R&D". Whata scam, or I should say, a legal way to curb the population and profit from it. When they test their crap for a generation or two, to see the short & long term effects from their chemical concoction, from those same people who actually ask their doctor "Is drug right for me", and believe me there is no shortage of sheeple in this country, then it will be thoroughly tested.

I whole-heartedly believe that some of the illnesses that we see today were made in a lab. It's totally plausible, when you can fast track a drug to market inside a few years.

You want dispensaries to model pharms? Wow where do I start? Well if you think people pay too much now, wait and see how much it's going to cost when the top execs take their 10 or 20 MILLION dollar yearly paychecks. Wait lets not forget R&D (licensed biologists, scientists, botanists, etc. ect.) Your going to end up with same problems they have. An ounce of cannabis will go up 300% with no guarantee that it will be any safer than it is now. I will even say that the end product would be inferior to what we have today and perhaps even more dangerous when scientists alter the plant to produce different chemicals that it naturally does. Oh and I almost forgot about stockholders, they have to get their cut to.

If & when the government does decide to take growing out of our hands and into theirs, people will die, it will just be the wrong people. And the kicker to this, NOBODY will go to jail, just like now with pharmaceuticals. I can see it now, "Oh we just killed someone, Oh well we'll just payoff politicians and make more laws to protect us from justifiable lawsuits, like we did in Michigan".

Gawd I could rant forever on this subject. The soapbox is now open. Thank you.

Did you even read this:

Your right, but what about the mold and pesticides ON that cannabis?

At least when you buy a pharmaceutical you know it's 100% pure even if the active chem might kill you.

Most pharma deaths are dosage related and interaction related BTW, not necessarily the active chem itself.

Once again, I like the active chems in pot but hate the fact there is no quality control.

On the other hand I hate most (not all) of the active chems in big pharma but love their quality control.

kinda of a conundrum, wouldn't you agree?


Active member

Yesterday, two LA city panels rejected the LA city attorney's request to ban all marijuana sales in the city. They refused to accept his contention that state law bans the sale of marijuana for money, and want to get past this logjam to finally pass a medical marijuana ordinance. The crowd got more rowdy as the session got more contentious.

On Wednesday the full city council will gather to vote on the measure before them.



FDA finds bits of steel, rubber in Genzyme drugs

FDA finds bits of steel, rubber in Genzyme drugs

Did you even read this:

<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset" class=alt2>Originally Posted by Blue Dot
Your right, but what about the mold and pesticides ON that cannabis?

At least when you buy a pharmaceutical you know it's 100% pure even if the active chem might kill you.

Most pharma deaths are dosage related and interaction related BTW, not necessarily the active chem itself.

Once again, I like the active chems in pot but hate the fact there is no quality control.

On the other hand I hate most (not all) of the active chems in big pharma but love their quality control.

kinda of a conundrum, wouldn't you agree?

Yes I think Sgt. Pepper and others here have read this Blue Dot. Now you should read this. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5gcmSLoHIIdvgBOb62M97dLNX_LbwD9BUU7BG0
It seems everything going into "big pharma drugs" is not 100% pure. You can now even have bits of rubber and steel in them too :woohoo:
Look what quality control (in this case the FDA) did to ensure that the contaminated drug would not end up in the bodies of already sick and affected people.....NOTHING!


Active member
There some heavy bullshit in this thread. For those that say or think dispensary owners have our (patient and grower)have a distorted sense of reality. Paying 5 grand an lb. They try and beat you up for good og for 32 saying its the market. Go back the next day to see it up for sale 70-80 an eighth. I have brought herb in and asked for a low price if they sold it for that. I was told they will not have their prices dictated to them. The owners will shit when we the members have an equal rights in the coops.Can you imagine the crap spewed here those should make for some interesting meeting.One man one vote. I doubt I would be willing to vote the manager/owner a salary more then I make. Since herb can be produced for less then 75 a oz how are they going to justify those cost.
And for those who feel there is not much use of chemicals in herb do not read the infirmary section. Saying that is bullshit. And the guy claiming that his staff saves us from this crap(pesticides,insecticides,pgr's) is bullshit.
And the people who cry when they do not like what they hear cracks me up when blue dot posts.
Get off your asses and educate yourself.Protect your own rights with acts. Whining will only get you bent over. How many of us has been to a city meeting or protest .00??% I know it is far less then 1%.
Suerte JK

Look at this asshole strutting around like hes been to every dispensary in california. You getting low balled by some armenien dispensary owner and laughed at that because of the fact you think you can dictate the mark up shows how much of a little arrogant prick you are.

You probably grow good mediocre bud and are frustrated that you cant get paid over 4gs a lb for your "good" og. Why dont you stop wasting your time acting like you know everything and use that time to score some good genetics. You might not try to act like all dispensaries are the same.

You are not some member at a collective/dispensary. Your just some walk in "patient with extra meds" trying to sell his crop.


Look at this asshole strutting around like hes been to every dispensary in california. You getting low balled by some armenien dispensary owner and laughed at that because of the fact you think you can dictate the mark up shows how much of a little arrogant prick you are.

You probably grow good mediocre bud and are frustrated that you cant get paid over 4gs a lb for your "good" og. Why dont you stop wasting your time acting like you know everything and use that time to score some good genetics. You might not try to act like all dispensaries are the same.

You are not some member at a collective/dispensary. Your just some walk in "patient with extra meds" trying to sell his crop.

While I partially agree with you, I also think it's wrong to classify and judge weed like that. I've smoked all kinds of weed and I think I can say that the differences in quality hardly ever justify the differences in price. Also, genetics are only one factor, the skill of the grower and environmental factors play a way bigger role IMO. I have little doubt that the Cali dispensary business has turned into something that's pretty much against the spirit it was founded with. The way I see it, dispensaries have to rely on fancy strain names and "elite" genetics instead of focusing on delivering good quality - even if it doesn't have a name that involves "super purple mega OG ultra kush" - at a decent price. However, I've never been there and my sole experience with it is from reading about the situation on the internet, so I can't really judge it (I'm from Switzerland). But I honestly believe that the difference between the so called "good OG" and your "killer genetics" is not as big as you make it out to be.

just my :2cents:


Active member
I cant represent all dispensaries. And I hope im not giving off that impression. The only one I can represent is the one that I am affiliated with. Which is one of the few that actually try to help the terminally ill.

Im from the bay. Where bud is allot cheaper and the quality is near the same. I was and still am one of those guys that laughs at these wacky names and snickers about these outrageous prices, i dont think I will ever fully adapt to it.

All im saying is that there are some genetics out there that are significantly better then the kushes and purples.


Active member
That had to be one of the most entertaining and hilarious city council meetings I have ever seen.

I love LA.

To be continued to next Tuesday..

Jalisco Kid

Active member
I was talking about dispensaries in general. As a whole. If I am not a member then you can not legally buy from me.Once I become a member of coops I am as equal as you. One man one vote. That is where the medical will be heading.legalization is another matter.I grow for patients for free the last two years, I do not deal with clubs. I have been in maybe about 20 clubs. I have friends who are brokers for growers so I hear a lot about the clubs and the changes in the last year. My remark towards you was how your staff is protecting us from the bad elements. I did not see you comment on that. You got some pesticide sniffing dog or does your ass just clench when you smell infected herb?
I agree about strains so I will not go there, but calling me mediocre well I going to roll up in a ball and throw a hissy fit.
Your mommas barely protected your asses but you people think strangers will, that cracks me up. Suerte JK
Pug, Since your being such a pugnacious poster I will add I have designed and make a sys of growing that punches out 2-3 lb plants and the strains to go with them.What have you given over and above what you have taken from the sick.


Active member

that city council meeting was hilrious. who is that John Walsh guy? He's fucking pissed off about everything. he kept inserting his website address in between sentences. That guy cracked me up.

How about the City Attorney on repeat? "Sales are illegal". FUcking douchebag.

there were a lot of good points made. i hope they stick to allowing at least 400 in the city. that should be adequate for medical until it's outright legal next year.

Good stuff i hope. Looks like a court will decide the "sales" issue after the city violates someones constitutional rights.

Jalisco Kid

Active member
one man, one vote = mob rule

not a pretty sight.

Lord I agree with you there could you imagine the meeting. I thought about opening a club but I think I would go ballistic when the 60th person in the day asked hey dude whats the best kush you got? JK