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Muscadine Mash Indoors

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I am thinking of chopping her down. She sits right in front of the window and now she has some powdery mildew on her! dammit!

what do ya'll think I should do? I am sure the conditions are right with cooler temps and high humidity here right now.

woe is me... spider mites, and powdery mildew... what is next? :)

And I have $50 worth of predator mites ordered, so I don't want to drench the plants with miticide and waste the $50. what a dilemma. don't know what to do!

at least the fungus gnats are dead and gone... lol.

I am fighting for every bowl here! HELP! :)


Garden Nymph
Woe is you Lola!

But here are some ways to naturally get rid of em. Dunno if they work but you can try it out.
1. The first method requires the sprayer and the milk.

2. Mix one part milk to 9 parts water in the sprayer.

3. Spray affected plants once a week in the early morning till mildew disappears.

4. The second method calls for sprinkling cornmeal around the base of your plant. Early spring is best, but can be done so year round. (This method works especially well with roses.)

5. You may work the cornmeal into the soil, but it is not necessary; water in the cornmeal well.

To control powdery mildew on plants, mix together:

1 tablespoon of baking soda
½ teaspoon of liquid soap
1 gallon of water
Do not store unused mixture. While this recipe has been known to be effective, it can burn the leaves of some plants. It is recommended that you water your infected plants well a couple of days before applying this mixture, and don’t apply it in full sun. Try on a small area first, to test the plant’s response before spraying the entire plant.
Some recipes also recommend applying 1 tablespoon of ultralight horticultural oil to the mixture. The oil coats and smothers the fungi. The soap is added to help the mix spread and cling to the leaf surface. Be sure to apply to lower leaf surfaces as well.


Thx for the recipies!! I too have PM on my Mash's..... Lola things are looking good kiddo fight the good fight!


I see it in the pic. :badday:

Lot's of that stuff going around these days.

I don't have any first hand sugestions for battling PM. (Yet.)
:listen2: But, I have recently started researching DIY sulfer burners...

Good luck, Lola! :ying:

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
Sounds like a dehumidifier is needed! If you get the metal box loud kind it will also raise your temps a degree or two while lowering your humidity to proper levels. If the pm is in your house, there is a good chance it may already be in the garden waiting to pounce. Make sure you never go visit your other plants after caring for that one. the pm could be on your clothes, hands hair or feet and get a free ride to more hosts to live on. Many commercial greenhouses wont let you step inside without slippers over your shoes or at least have a trough with a bit of water and germ killer you must get the soles wet with before entering. Keep the plant as far from the rest as possible!


Mmm. It sho was good!

Very grapey aroma and taste.

Had to cut the one gal down, but she did her job well before she got attacked by the ole PM.

I made Lots and Lots of BEANS, and CLONES.

I am expecting some Floramite soon and will be dousing the plants down. Once the spider mites are gone, I will be ripping apart the bloom, and using bleach for the PM.

So the one gal has given me a small amount of bud, about 1 oz, which is nearly smoked, some purebred GRAPE KRUSH beans, some CaliOrange/Grape Krush beans

I also crossed Rick James, the kinky ruffled leaf Dad in all crosses for extra goodness.

I almost forgot that I made a batch of Grape Krush/Apophis beans.

All the males are retired. No more beans for me unless it is just a branch here or there. Making even one bean seems to greatly reduce the yield, as the plant knows it don't hafta do anything else to survive.

With Grape Krush Daddy and Apophis #11, #12, & #13 for mommas, I think the New Strain will be christened Chemdog Krush.

Apophis is a Chemdog strain with some Diesel if I remember correctly, feel free to correct me.



Here's a Muscadine Mash clone at day 30.


Day 57 of bloom... Ta Dah!

Day 57 of bloom... Ta Dah!

This is the grapiest, divine smelling stuff in the world. This cut is from a clone of the original female I grew last year.

That one had to be cut early, so I didn't get the full effect of the Grape Nehi or Grape Crush Soda Pop smells and I tell ya'll, this strain literally drips with resin.

Just tying up these Grape Krush F2s means arms, and hands will be sticky and smell like grAPe soda pop. I swear, you can almost smell the dadgum bubbles if you close your eyes.

THANK YOU PEAT, I would never have these killer genetics without your gracious sharing. :bow: :thank you:

I am starting to see a little yellowing of the fans. I have mostly been just flushing with water to get the best tasting herb.

I am trying not to pick em yet, hoping they will put on some more weight the last couple of weeks if I let em go to like Week 10.

That is probably about as long as I can stand not picking em.

Here's a pic to let ya see how they are doing.


Garden Nymph
wow Lola, did you use that Floranectar on this one?

I will have to keep trying some pure Muscadine Mash...maybe after this run. Your description makes me drool!


wow Lola, did you use that Floranectar on this one?

I will have to keep trying some pure Muscadine Mash...maybe after this run. Your description makes me drool!

Yes, been using the Floranectar on all of it, even through the flush.

I am going long on the flush with this strain, last time, it needed it the worst of all, made me cough so bad. So hoping to get the full effect of the DJ Shorts Grape Krush Effect this time around.

Bless Peat for buying the DJ SHorts Grape Krush and making F2s to share with poor ole me. I love you PEAT!


Cannabis Casanova?

Cannabis Casanova?

LolaGal and Hippie Lettuce! :flowers2:

:listen2: What are you wearing right now?

I'm just feeling the love... ;)

If MM's got your attn. now, just wait til ya smoke her...

...I don't wanna say too much...I want you to tell me. ;)

Good vibes! :ying:

Credit to the Maestro, DJ Short! :respect:
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