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Mexican Pot Gangs Infiltrate Indian Reservations in U.S.


Active member
I think the big growers aren't quite seeing the right legalization scenario. We can make it so big growers, small growers, everyone can grow anywhere within reason.

There will always be a need for commercial weed. There will always be a market for gourmet varieties. So like wineries there can be huge ops and family ops and co-ops.

But you've got to get that into these initiatives, or vote for the one that comes closest to it.

I see the biggest growers as well as hemp farmers taking up hundreds of square miles in the central valley (better get some land now!), while more boutique growers will opt for those failing vineyards in Napa, Sonoma, Mendicino and Lake. What? They're not failing? Yet...

Once people enjoy having cannabis in freedom few will drink as much wine and beer and hard liquor. That is their fear of course and they will fight this keg and barrel!


Active member
You realize you're talking to a forum filled with illegal marijuana growers, including those who grow on public land, right?
Yes, and I've seen too many of them busted for it and even more have stopped and only do backyard/indoor now. They've learned the hard way. Be smart.

Legalize it!

Then you guys can be like the big wine growers, who can strut around in public and be the celebrities they long to be! You will make many times what you do now and be like those Dutch Breeders & Coffeeshop Owners.

We've got one year to make it happen. And spread it across the USA.


ICMag Donor
As you wish...

So lemme get this straight. For many of you, it's perfectly fine to allow illegal aliens to be smuggled into our country, to abuse our public and private lands, to do illegal grows that provide a great excuse for the permanent presence of Feds & DEA agents in our state, to be armed and set traps that might even kill an innocent hiker, just so ONE BIG GUY can reap in enormous profits.

And people (landowners, LEOs etc.) shouldn't harm a hair on their heads.

But when it comes to HOMELAND SECURITY, it's just fine to send HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF SOLDIERS to foreign lands where the natives there have done NOTHING TO US AT ALL, and rain bombs down upon them, killing thousands of innocent men, women and children. That's just fine to a lot of you, I know....

hell to the no man!


Active member
wow sounds like u just hate mexicans, what happen one got ur girls preggers?
come on man if u really want to go that rout then go ahead remmember mexicans where here before u and me, they lived here with the native americans in the west south west.
it's a visious circle we kill the indians the mexicans kill us canadians kill the mexicans the the goobacks come from the future and take over. mexicans are not the only ones doing this. check your sources before you speak little man.to use this forum to evoke violence and murder u r a low life pothead no need for people like u.

You need to get your facts straight, jerk. Spain was in control of California, not Mexico. When Mexico won independence from Spain, they tried to lay claim to all of the previously Spanish territories. Well, that didn't work in what is now California because Mexico never had actual control of California.



"indian" reservation.... IMO thats worse than the cartels commercial growing on the national parks and reserves (which would still technically be 'Native American' territory depending on how you look at it lol)


Freedom Fighter
wow sounds like u just hate mexicans, what happen one got ur girls preggers?
come on man if u really want to go that rout then go ahead remmember mexicans where here before u and me, they lived here with the native americans in the west south west.
it's a visious circle we kill the indians the mexicans kill us canadians kill the mexicans the the goobacks come from the future and take over. mexicans are not the only ones doing this. check your sources before you speak little man.to use this forum to evoke violence and murder u r a low life pothead no need for people like u.

WTF...now we can't even say the word "Mexican" without being a racist??
Skip never implied it was only them, nor that he hated Mexicans...only, as the topic of the story was...that there is a problem with them at this time, and he gave his opinion of what should be done--:2cents:


Active member
WTF...now we can't even say the word "Mexican" without being a racist??
Skip never implied it was only them, nor that he hated Mexicans...only, as the topic of the story was...that there is a problem with them at this time, and he gave his opinion of what should be done--:2cents:
Thanks for popping up in my defense, but some ppl don't understand cynicism when they see it.

I'm merely pointing out an ever more likely scenario that will lead to violence and death if nothing is done to stop these "cartels" from doing what they're doing.

Like I said I think this is all gov't propaganda, the "cartel" b.s. It justifies them putting enormous resources into the west to fight them. And after harvest what do you think all those new DEA and local drug enforcement agents are going to do to justify the big bucks they get paid, huh?

They're going to come down on everyone else who isn't in perfect compliance with the law.

And this next year is going to see something we've probably never seen before... A heavily funded US gov't campaign to stop the California legalization process dead in its tracks.

And you can bet they're going to lay down some big-time propaganda on everyone, and the focus is gonna be these "cartels" and they're gonna play up the violence in Mexico and warn that its going to come here if we legalize. Of course it's one of the best reasons to legalize, but they're not gonna spin it that way. They're gonna use fear, just like I did, to manipulate the vote against legalization.

And all of this is going to come down during the next harvest, just before the elections, when they will have huge headlines screaming about some gang violence related to marijuana growing. Hell, the DEA might even instigate violence themselves if they feel their jobs threatened enough by legalization.

If indeed there are actually Mexican cartels here, then it bodes ill for the future this country. Cause now that they've got a foothold they're not gonna leave. The only reason we haven't seen more violence yet is because there's still room for market expansion, the cartels aren't stepping on each others toes yet like in Mexico.

But as the economy goes into its second much bigger dip, the market for pot is going to contract, more ppl will grow, and then for-profit growers will be fighting other for-profit growers for what's left of the market.

It won't be a pretty scene.


Active member
Look at begining of article again there is a sentence that explains about everything." Its Land that Mr. Smith patrols." Way back when when the Goverment put us on reservations they tried to pick the wosrt hard to live on land as possible believe me they were doing us no favors now this land and some of these reservations are huge and the goverment finds out a lil later its worth alot more than what they originally thought for whats underneath it they never thought of the minerals ,gold all that so later try to take it back in some cases csucceeded and others not. We have been fighting them from the begining and yes now the Cartels see some of these huge lands as a free spot to grow their crops and make tons of money for nothing ,its hard as hell to keep track of who is sneaking on our lands as some of it vast and hard to find ,perfect for the cartels to do this and it is the Cartels as I know for fact. Even some Indian tribes officials have been bribed to go along with this in some instances but most huge 10,000 + grows are just the Mexican Cartels using our lands as a free money making market .Skip is right in about everything he has said and I agree with him.We are just being invaded again and it must be stopped in our own hands or DEA but these cartels have to go one way or another its getting bad and some peeps just don't believe Cartels are in our county and just how much money they are making using our lands both Indian and non to make multi millions and something has to be done. my 2 pennies ndnguy :noway:


Active member
Skip I always see you posting Legalize it! But do you really think their going to allow us growers to continue to grow if it's legal? I would think not they will make new laws that will punish private growers like moonshine laws and big business will take over growing it like the tobacco companies and it won't be long until our beloved smoke as the same crap that they put into tobacco. To say the least I hope it is never made legal!


Active member
If you vote for the Gang of Four's Initiative then it will be illegal to grow under a lot of circumstances. You don't want to vote for that unless you own a dispensary in Oakland.

There are plans afoot for sure to limit growing so that only a few can make big bucks off it. We just need to fight that. We still have Prop 215 on our side.

We must be very careful what we vote for come election day. If we choose the wrong one, we set back the cannabis legalization agenda 20 years.

The truth is legalization may put most dispensaries out of business and they will fight it. I think they're going to want to limit how much individuals can grow so only certain approved business can grow the big amounts. They are not just protecting their businesses, they are trampling on our rights.

Growers should be at the FOREFRONT of this legalization movement, not fighting it. Growers need to be in collectives. Collectives need to organize themselves instead of competing with each other. I have a plan for that if anyone is interested...

The beauty of the current situation is that the PEOPLE are in control for a change. We are going to decide the future of marijuana, not just in CA, but the country and maybe the world.

If we fail in this grass-roots effort, the law will come down from above and of course it's going to favor the big corporate interests, which in this case is probably the tobacco companies. If they can't defeat cannabis, they're gonna control it. I believe they've already trademarked a whole slew of cannabis product names. They've been waiting for it for decades too. With tobacco finally being recognized for the toxic death trap it is, they need new products and markets to stay alive.

But this incident on the reservation highlights a whole attitude among certain growers, cartels whatever, that they are not going to follow whatever law comes down. And in the long run that attitude is not going to go over well with the public who worry about immigration and cartel violence coming to the USA. Either you're for legalization or against it, and we must recognize who is on which side and why. Then maybe we can help change the minds of those who are against it, but have every reason to be for it.


skip, i agree with you on most of what you said, except where you said they should stop illegal grows because we can do legal grows now. only the sick can do legal grows in the specified states. whats everyone else supposed to do?
But this incident on the reservation highlights a whole attitude among certain growers, cartels whatever, that they are not going to follow whatever law comes down. And in the long run that attitude is not going to go over well with the public who worry about immigration and cartel violence coming to the USA. Either you're for legalization or against it, and we must recognize who is on which side and why. Then maybe we can help change the minds of those who are against it, but have every reason to be for it.

But that's just the thing: cartels and other organized crime syndicates don't want legalization. They thrive off of prohibition and the economy it creates.

The end of prohibition will bring about the end of the criminal marijuana trade not vice versa.

Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
I dont like that the cartels grow on american soil. They're making worst for the growers that have been growing there for years.


gramma watt

Skip, man...you are RIGHT on point.

I don't want to be as blatant as you have been about the race side of things, because I have my own personal issues with what is happening at our border and in foreign countries. I think we as greedy Americans are fully to blame for the fact that we have an immigration issue. If they flooded our country...got here, realized that NO ONE was going to give them work....they'd stop coming...kinda simple. BUT NO...just like greedy Americans to find a way to make the individual more money, whilst putting the Americans who broke their backs and bleed and worked 15 hour days to get them where the are in the first place...now they sell US out to hire some shoddy, half-assed employee to do the job, simply because it lines the pocket of the individual faster....IT IS SICK.

I am NOT at all racist, and I have zero issue with Mexicans or immigrants. I have a problem with the greedy Americans who encourage AND CREATE THE DEMAND and the possibility in the first place.

It is much the same was with the MMJ. I have been on record on MANY occasions thumping and encouraging people TO NOT try to bend the laws and test their limits. THE ONLY way to truly further legalization or even a national form of regulation is to show that when given an inch we (the communities as a whole) don't attempt to take a mile. By testing the limits of the laws in the MMJ states, all we really do is show other and politicians that they were right and it is nothing more than a farce to allow people to smoke "dope". This type of negative attention is NOT what is needed. MMJ and the patients and providers need to become more active in the communities they reside in as well. It is the only billion dollar industry that has nearly zero (in comparison) lobbyists and we as the constituents are the ones that pay the cost. Not only in laws not going in our favor, but also by failing to win public opinion. NOW, I hate the politics of it all, but the simple fact is, it is essential that we have a foothold in the system in order to change the system. Activism and non-violent protest is what ALL people should be willing to participate in, but there need to be those figureheads that capable of representing and relating to all peoples. Those suit and tie microphone types that make the general populace, albeit I feel most of the general populace are sheep...well why not let us herd them in a more positive direction by NOT proving the right wingers and left wingers to be correct in their accusations an skepticism of the MMJ communities.

This isn't a if you can't beat them, join them type of approach, but rather, a join them to beat them mentality. It is possible to be part of the system and lubricate the gears of policy change, WITHOUT becoming a sell out and an outcast. It is all about how we present ourselves and how we are viewed by those that come into contact with us. We can choose to embrace the old "stoner" montage, and I see nothing wrong with that...but there still needs to be the iconic American patriot who isn't an extremist, but rather a realist. Just like Skip was saying, in order to have this spread like wildfire and to truly see an end to prohibition...no one should be attempting to have a 20,000 plant garden, but rather we should have 10,000 people growing two plants. This is the way to integrate ourselves into the community and when it is seen that the guy next door can grow a garden, and still have you over to watch football and enjoy a BBQ...then we are making progress.



Best post I have ever read here.


Active member
skip, i agree with you on most of what you said, except where you said they should stop illegal grows because we can do legal grows now. only the sick can do legal grows in the specified states. whats everyone else supposed to do?


Can't grow cause you're not a medical marijuana patient? Then LEGALIZE IT!

As you can see, most of the problems associated with cannabis disappear once it's legalized...



Can't grow cause you're not a medical marijuana patient? Then LEGALIZE IT!

As you can see, most of the problems associated with cannabis disappear once it's legalized...
dont ask me, i dont even smoke weed to do your boycott. plus this story doesnt carry the same weight here, things are slightly different


to skip and dank frank ,

this is so true about the rich american's hiring latino people to do there dirty work for them for the benefit of reaping greater profits. I have seen this first hand through my many years of being a chef. For either country clubs or private rest. . The country clubs hire them to work on there golf courses at a fraction of what they would have to pay an american citizen, w/ the promiss of a job for the years to come, But what alot of ppl don't realize is that when you hire 1 to work a season he is allowed to work here for up to 5 yrs. w/ NO federal or SSC taken from any of thier paychecks. You might think that this is how they fair seeing that they make a minute fraction of what the hourly rate might be, But now they are here and they are here for 5 yrs. w/o the fear of being deported now that they have a work visa. Now when the rich american is done w/ his work for the season these ppl all scatter the U.S.A. looking for other forms of work. This is what happened where i was working at and it eventually spread into the kitchen i worked for. But now they are making the same wage I am and not haveing tax's withheld BS IMO. ANdD this is just the begining of the spectrum. Alot of them live in a 2 bedroom apt. w/ about 10 others save there money and buy either property,companies.ect... until they are forced to either get american citizenship or go back to mexico and file for another work visa to come back to the US to screw our economy even more. This is in the northeastern part of the country and it shows that it is spreading more than you could even belive. I for 1 had been affected by this first hand. It is just hard to work next to some1 knowing that they are making the same but getting more at the end of the week only because another part of the equation needed to save a few buck's. just my .2 cents and nothing more....


Indian reservations have some troubles with meth, so this is good news.


New member
