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The Mayor's cabinet


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Cabinet, get it? Cabinet members: 2x65w cfl. 2x150w HPS, autopots, coco/perlite mix, RO water, and a whole bunch of Nirvana seeds.

Stealth is very important - if my constituents (the rocks and cactii mostly) find out I am growing, next election every vote will cost me an 8th oz. I tried to think of what sort of large container wouldn't seem out of place being in a closet and locked permanently. I could only think of two a safe or a gun cabinet. Gun cabinet it is! I just had to find one that worked with my closet dimensions and gave me as much interior space as possible. It's only a minor hassle that I can't have both sides open at once, no biggie.


As you can see, I have a cupboard above and a drawer below, nothing whatsoever looks amiss inside either of those even with the drawer out. For some (WONDERFUL!) reason my house's interior walls are plywood rather than drywall or plaster which made it really nice for running the ventilation. there's a stud in the wall right at the mid-point of the flower side so the cool tubes pull in air from one wall space and exhaust it into the neighboring space. For the cabinet's actual exhaust, a 4" duct goes out the top of the veg side & up into the attic. The fan & carbon can are placed inside a cardboard box that's lined with carpet. Open the attic & it looks just like one of many boxes of junk. I did have a lot of vibration from the fan. I think it may have a tiny imbalance and/or my plywood walls just make the house reverberate. I took two pieces of plywood and sandwiched a bicycle inner tube in between then I set the box containing the fan on that. Worked like a charm. There's an intake in the bottom of the veg side and another larger one at the bottom of the flower side. Inside the wall the fire blocks keep the cabinet's cool air intakle from mixing with the exhaust or cool tube air. The cabinet draws air through a vent in the wall in my bedroom (opposite side of the wall) and/ or through the drawer in this room so long as it's left open a crack. In the summer if necessary I can pre-cool whichever room I want to use for the cab's intake if temps rise. Both rooms have a tiny window a/c.

Veg side:


moms & clones on the bottom, single vegging plant on top. the top section is a little shorter than the flower sides, I figure I can get the screen right up to about an inch below the cfl, then when the many tops start to form buds and grow upward they'll still have some space in the larger flower chambers.
Engine Room:

I painted it all black and the shelves act as light baffles (see the glow behind the resevoir? - air comes up behind there, then goes around to the front of the res before going up to the engine room where it leaves the cabinet. I lined the engine room with some of the sticky foam that came with the gun cabinet, how thoughtful of them to include this for me!

Flower side:


The screens are 14"square. exactly the width of the door opening. I'm thinking that once they're in their flower room I'll let them overgrow around the edges of the screen and form a bit of an inverted dome shape to make use of all available light & increase yield.

So I figured with a gun cabinet some AK-48's would be an appropriate strain to start with. First time around I'll grow 4 individual plants, no scrog. I'll take cuttings from each (that's something I've studied ZERO about yet) & after smoking I'll decide which will be the mom for future generations. Originally I wanted to keep the grow to 4 plants, no more. So i went with femmed seeds. Now I really want to play with genetics a bit so I'm not sure if i'll keep to that plan or not. we'll see. I was just going to pop one seed at a time, scrog it, harvest & let it's genes go. But I thought for the first go-around I'd do 4 plants quick to get a stash, taking cuttings of each until I decide for sure what I'll do next. I also have femmed Bubblicious, blue mystic, super skunk, ice, and non-fem NL & Chrystal. I'm thinking of keeping moms of my faves until I get some males, then making seeds for posterity. I'm thinking of relocating in the next few years, someplace where stuff grows outside besides rocks and poisonous critters.


I'm anxious for any advice. When I get into something new I'm voracious about learning, a LOT of thought has gone into this, but as of yet I have nearly no real experience. I think I've covered most bases, but i'm sure i'll run into stuff I hadn't forseen. If you have any questions, ask away! You think 4 oz off one screen is overly optomistic? I smoke about an ounce a month if I'm trying to conserve, an ounce and a half if I'm not worried about it. I'd like to grow for a couple years, get a stash built up then be able to take a year off growing to sell my place, move and get set up somewhere else. Thanks for taking the time to read and maybe give a pointer or two.
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Active member
I've got a couple questions. The small containers you see are 4"x4" & 5" tall. Are those pots too small to flower plants sog style? If I need more volume for the next group of seeds I'll go search for something taller. The plan is to take a clone of each plant from and decide on one plant from each strain to keep after sampling each. I'll do that with a few varieties before switching to scrog long term to keep the plant count down. I just like the idea of having 4 or 5 plants instead of 28. Is it ok to let the plant continue growing for the first week or two of 12/12 before taking a cutting or is it necessary to keep the seedling in veg until after cutting? If so does the seedling need to stay in veg a few days after I take a cutting from it? digging around in the coco group it seems like it's common to get good results rooting right into coco, so I'll get a dome, some rooting gel & a thermometer & give it a try! simple is good!
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I love it!

I would like to take you're idea and make a mom cabinet out of it. Locks secure as hell, and very stealth. I would love to keep six bonsai moms indefinitely, and this may be just the ticket. I could use a couple very small CFLs and computer fans to keep it just nice.


Active member
^It would make a great mom cabinet, comes with 4 shelves total, there's choices on the left hand side where to hang the shelves but you gotta drill your own holes on the right hand side (intended for rifles standing up) and the shelves aren't as wide as that side. I'd think you could fit 6 moms in individual spots easy. might want to look into circuline floro fixtures to maximize headroom with 6 chambers, I've seen them with two bulbs, an inner circle and an outer. Or shit, what about going led for mums? I'd be interested to see the results...

I guess the three girls are about 2 weeks from their seeds being put in water. I lost the fourth, it sprouted bu never grew at all. whe I examined the seedling I found the tap root had formed a circle near the surface of the soil, never got it's bearings I guess.

SERIOUS QUESTION - if someone knows or can point me to a thread I've not found yet, I'd be super glad. -
I really want to get these 3 into flower. I'm very broke & I'm figuring I'll be out of smoke in a month unless something changes money wise. I'm intent on saving my favorite plants to clone from but I really don't want to delay my first harvest in order to do so. I'd put these 3 into flower today and figure on re-vegging at least one of the three, or taking clones of each as they flower, but I'm worried about it not working & I lose the strain as a result. re-vegging a plant itself sounds the simplest, but are clones from a re-vegged plant ok or can re-vegging permanently imprint the plant with troublesome traits? If I clone from a flowering plant and get them to take will that make a better mum than a fully flowered re-vegged plant? Or should I decide between taking take the time to clone first and extend the harvest a couple weeks or get them flowering now and call the first go a one-time affair and start cloning with my next batch? Being the impatient sort and being extra excited about my new hobby I'll probably choose the latter...


No Longer a Human Watering Can
looking good man i love cab setups

i wouldnt count your eggs before they are hatched id wait to see how many fems you get before making plans on weather to clone or grow


Active member
^ I forgot to mention that the plants are from fem seed. When I first started planning this cabinet my intentions were to plant single fem seeds, grow them out, then start fresh with new seeds. At the time I didn't realize how much genetic variety is in even well developed seed strains. Now I'd prefer to isolate the best individuals and keep them for posterity, the only choice is whether to fit in a quick harvest first but risk losing genetics or to go without smoke for an additional couple weeks but know I've got each plant saved in case one is special.

Aside from these AK-48s I have: 3 fem bubbleicious, 3 fem super skunk, 2 fem ice, 3 fem blue mystic, 5 regular NL & 5 regular Chrystal. (bought 5 each of the fems & 10 each of the non but I sent a bunch to a friend who lost this summer's outdoor crop to the po-po.)


Active member
Anyone have any input on taking clones from a flowering plant or re-vegging? See "SERIOUS QUESTION" paragraph a few posts up. I think I'm gonna put the girls in the 12/12 side tonight unless I get advice not to...

EDIT: I found some info on revegging. I'm confident enough that I can pull it off, sounds pretty straight-forward and not as risky as I thought.


Active member
I re-potted & put them into flower yesterday, hopefully it's not bad to do both at the same time? After I got them into the new containers (eventually I'll get some proper pots if I keep doing multiple small plants instead of scrog) I gave them a good top down soaking with half-strength nutes. Transplanting + first night under the HPS doesn't seem to have upset the plants any:




Active member
Wahoo! Things are going great, no problems so far. A whole lot of that is due to all the super info available here at IC, so thanks to everybody who posts anywhere on the grow forums here! It's been a bit over 2 weeks, a lot to post not sure where to start, so how a bout a couple pics!

Here's one of the three, I think it's the one that popped last & is just slightly less bushy than the other 2, but all differences are slight. This one is also a slightly brighter shade of green & has a little longer internode length.

Here's the three filling up the chamber. I may need to move one up to the second flowering chamber shortly, we'll see. Probably would have fit better with 4 plants & slightly less veg time or 2 plants & slightly more veg. time:

I hadn't been planning on doing so much training, but I overshot a bit on the veg I guess. Looks like that will end up working to my advantage now anyhow! Don't ya love when things work out better than planned?! It helps to ease the pain that comes when you get home from a 5 day trip and immediately do this:

that's one of three seedlings that popped last week before I left. I put the 2 Super Skunk and 1 Ice sprours into the coco/perlite mix & came home to 3 perfect babies, then I dusted off the bong and proceeded to throw one of them on it's head, the poor thing. Hope it'll be ok.

My next post will document my simple gravity feed system. So far I'd been hand watering daily. I'm superb at procrastination, so it was the night before I left for 5 days before I got the system finally set up. I tested it thoroughly, but still worried a lot since it had been tested in the kitchen but not actually USED in the cabinet until 8 hours before I split. Worked perfect!


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We're on the home stretch now - something like 4 weeks to go (pics are from 13 days ago) I've got two sativa leaning phenos and one darker fat leafed Indica looker. The indica looking one smells like grapefruit & appears that it will yield a lot less than either of the others. One of the two sativa lookers has a hint of grapefruit smell, but not like the fat leaf plant.

Here's what it looked like on the bottom shelf 2 weeks ago:

Here's my top achiever so far, she's rewarded by getting to be on the upper shelf with a 150 all to herself:

and here's the other sativa looking plant:

Just noticed my camera has a button with a flower icon on it. Obviously this setting is designed for photographing buds so let's give it a shot. Both pics are from the indica leaning plant, pics of the others didn't come out as well, although the buds are larger on those. maybe next time...




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And here's one of the last two plants a few days prior to harvesting. I realized after harvesting the farhest along plant (a few amber trichs, 90% cloudy, a few trichs still clear) that I missed the opportunity to snap a pic of it fully finished so i took these of the remaining two plants before letting them go a few more days. I'm re-vegging the two sativa leaning phenos, as they yielded the best & seemed to like the LST more than the one indica leaning plant. I'm smoking on the first finished one, the other two are drying. What a nice feeling kicking back watching a movie smoking a spliff of my very own handiwork even if it's well, kinda harsh. I dried it too quick & didn't flush long enough. The latter was intentional as I was without internet to search for answers & I was worried about re-vegging if I took them to terminally malnourished state. Still not bad overall. plenty strong for me & I can detect a decent smell & taste lurking underneath what my my ham-fisted harvesting/drying techniques left behind, so next round should be better as I expect I'll be very careful come next harvest. After all, I'll have had 2 straight months of smoking harsh weed! Having said that i'm overjoyed, proud of my results & optomistic about the future. This harvest should just about get me to next & I know harvest amounts will improve as I get my technique & plants dialed in. :smokeit:



Also next time no cat hair all over the buds, I'm putting some filters on the intakes!


Active member
Round 2:

What did I just say about cat hair?

lost one seedling, so again the standout gets the top shelf while the other two gotta share a room.

those are the better of the two I harvested, they sure do get thick re-vegging!


Active member
Shit, Shit, Shit!!!!

I got problems. I got home from out of town to find my cabinet's ventilation stopped up. I recently changed the fan & filter set up & didn't think about the fact that I was subjecting the flex duct to negative pressure (fliter in cabinet and fan in the attic). a clear coating inside the duct peeled itself off and sealed the duct completely. Cabinet had been very hot and humid for anywhere from 1 to 5 days(thankfully the cooltubes work separately, but they don't exchange any humid air). I fixed it, now my issue is that I see a faint white fluff on the top of my coco/perlite mix. I see nothing on the plants themselves, looked all over with a magnifying glass, but I'm paranoid about what I see on the soil. Humidity is usually zero issue in the cabinet and the air turns over fast. Widest temp swings are a cool of 60 and a high of 90 degrees. I drained the autopot trays & the plants are just going into their second lights on cycle with no water, the coco/perlite still has a little moisture in it so I'll wait 24 hrs. before giving them more water. I figure it best to get everything dry before introducing more moisture but what else can/should I do about what's growing on top of the mix?


I don't know how I missed this thread, But I'm glad I found it Nice Grow!.
I'm sorry to hear about you mishap I hope every comes out OK.

Currently I'm working out of town, But my wife is look out for my plants I just hope that I don't come home to poorly performing plants when I get home


Active member
second round is almost ready for harvest, been flushing for 5 days, going two weeks. I'm pretty sure I'm going to convert the 150 bulbs to vertical after this chop. I'm wasting a lot of space on the flowering side - in both compartments the plants are up on blocks 6-10 inches. I've got some ideas to simplify & further quiet the cabinet in the process. I may need to veg a bit longer in the flower room to get the plants to stretch upward after I've trained them outward in the shorter veg chambers. I wish I'd gone with some flat leds on the veg side, my re-vegged plants are a bit squished, especially the lower one which is a bit shorter than the upper. At some point I'll make the veg side shelf adjustable.

back in with a couple current pics in a minute...


Active member
I struggled with these 3 the whole way through flower. They always looked starving for nutes, so i'm at least pretty confident I'll not have nutes in them when I'm done like last time. There are almost no leaves left except on the buds now & those are all pretty yellow. But the buds are smaller & the yield will be too. I blame me messing around with bloom additives, but I'm going to let these genes go this time anyhow. Once I get the revegged AK-48s into the flowering chamber I'll go back to following the simple feeding schedule Grat3fulH3ad describes here:http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=55683. Although instead of the 6/9 start to finish (besides seedlings or clones & flush) that he started with & I used last time (was thinking of one resevoir simplicity then) I'll go with his updated routine which does change some in flower, but no additional products. Or I might try RezDog's which is pretty similar with the addition of a little Kool Bloom now & then. Either way I'm going to start hand top-watering more, apparently coco really likes that as it pulls new O2 in that the coco can hang onto to. I'm not sure I get that effect with my bottom feeding autopots. I also think that my inch of perlite on the bottom of the pot this time made the rest of the pot too dry. Probably prefect for soil, but word is coco should stay wet. Ok, here's the pics. the ones that look green are because I found a setting on the camera that makes the HPs light look way better, but it makes the plkants look way greener than they really are. they're pretty yellow aside from the buds.





Active member
Well, it's harvest time again. This time the plants are thoroughly flushed - Poured a lot of R/O & nothing else through them over the past 2 weeks. I kept checking the coco's runoff during the process, it's well below 100ppm now. One plant's runoff started as high as 2000ppm-I guess I should flush more throughout the grow! Plants each have at least 5% amber trichs, one is probably close to 15%. Yield will be less than last time, but this time I've done the flush properly & I'll be sure to not let them dry so fast. Full cure is defiitely in the plans as well. I had to break down and buy some smoke so I'm in no great rush this time.

I'm anxious to get the re-vegged AK-48s in the flowering chambers - they're unbeleivably thick. I now have both veg chambers going, one plant in each. I've got them flattened out under their scrog screens. I'm going to let them overgrow the perimeter of the screens (they already are), but I'll keep the center pruned to screen height until the stretch is near complete. This will make a 5 sided cube of weed and should boost the harvest considerably. I'm plain 'ol wasting a lot of vertical space in the cabinet. The plants in both chambers are blocked up about 10". I'm going to turn the lights vertical hopefully within the next week. initial plan is to let the exhaust fan pull the flowering side's air through the cooltubes into the veg chabers where it will be exhausted with the rest of the air. Right now there's an intake at the bottom of each side, but i'm keeping the veg side taped shut. This will do away with the two fans in the cooltubes now. I'll probably use them for circulation inside the cab. I'll have to make some thin light traps for the veg ends of the cooltube set ups.