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CDPHE Emergency



That denver post article Furiates me.

"They could under my bill simply hire a licensed pharmacist or get state accreditation themselves," he said.

So after the '50/50' split with the state, then you gotta hire a licensed fckn pharmacist, your left with what..? NOTHING

These right wingers just need to stay t-f out of it. And these people getting caught need to go with the affermative defense for THEMSELVES. Not saying they were a caregiver when they didn't even have their card. Spitting in the systems face is gonna ruin it for everyone.

sac beh

I can't help but believe that this is only a small step back in the continued journey forward. Even if the Coory petition does no good, the movement and support for compassionate mmj laws is too strong here. Reps and CDPHE officials won't be able to keep watering down the laws without political consequences.

We need to support efforts to clarify the laws for all parties because vague definitions won't help us either. I have high hopes that we can get something like the Colorado Medical Cannabis Patient and Caregiver Protection Act passed into law. Yeah the recent actions suck, but let's keep movin forward! Sorry for the optimism :joint:


i've got a name and am hesitant to just post a name without knowing much more about her. i can tell you 2 things....she is supposedly opening a 'high-end' dispensary in cherry creek, and she was high up (perhaps in charge) of fundraising for barak obama in CO...CONNECTED!! hope this doesn't cross any lines, but that's what i know about this person, and i can't find anything else yet.

I think I know this woman, I think she is the one that hired my band to play at the 420 celebration of 2008 at civic center park.
I predict we´ll probably see outright legalization at the state level and possibly at the federal before you will ever be able to buy medicinal cannabis at Walgreens.

This guy is just talking out the seat of his pants, but at least he´s talking about people having access rather than summary execution for possession, so that´s a step forward for someone of his political persuasion.


I have given up! Fuck this bullshit. It was better for me on all ends the way it was before anyways. I was trying to play nice with these fucking assholes. Whatever.
Gov weed is a joke. I'd like to see them try! Looks like the so-called black market is where they have decided they want the industry, FINE WITH ME.


I was joking guys. The 100.00 an oz would probably be worse than mexi schwag. These people have no idea what it takes to grow the kind of meds that actually work. I wish the people on the board of the CDPHE could spend a complete harvest with a grower to see all the trials and tribulations from start to finish.

I Feel the same as you BowlPacks. But now they have our number. We just need to keep fighting the good fight.
I can't help but believe that this is only a small step back in the continued journey forward. Even if the Coory petition does no good, the movement and support for compassionate mmj laws is too strong here. Reps and CDPHE officials won't be able to keep watering down the laws without political consequences.

We need to support efforts to clarify the laws for all parties because vague definitions won't help us either. I have high hopes that we can get something like the Colorado Medical Cannabis Patient and Caregiver Protection Act passed into law. Yeah the recent actions suck, but let's keep movin forward! Sorry for the optimism :joint:

Looks like pretty good DRAFT OF A bill to me but that's until the politicians get their hands on it! I would encourage everyone to call there state House/Senate Representative and ask them to support this DRAFT OF A bill. REPEATEDLY. The more we remind them of what the PEOPLE want the better chance we have of getting something good passed.

We cannot afford not to contact our rep's this bill written by the Cannabis Therapy Institute is good but it's far from being what will actually get passed. Once SOMETHING makes it to the floor to be debated/amended they will try as hard as they can to screw it up if we dont say something.

You can figure out your House/Senate district here:|40371055|24.502157|19.569056&map=7&mi=%2FMaptitudeTempFiles%2Fredist%2Fa6d4c9c7.png&mapimage.x=398&mapimage.y=33

You can find your House Member/Senators contact info here:



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Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
I would encourage everyone to call there state House/Senate Representative and ask them to support this bill. REPEATEDLY.
This isn't a bill, it is a draft they gave to Romer at a meeting, so the representatives probably won't have any idea about it.
This isn't a bill, it is a draft they gave to Romer at a meeting, so the representatives probably won't have any idea about it.

MY apoligies ill go make the necessary corrections, we need to ask them to support this draft of a bill.. But what im really trying to say is we need to call them in support of Medical Marijuana as most of the calls they are probably getting are complaints.
Those crazy Colorado politicians are at it again:


The bill would give the state a monopoly on growing and distributing marijuana in an effort to keep black market marijuana out of the supply chain. It also would attempt to crack down on the illegal distribution of the drug by requiring a prescription to be filled by a licensed pharmacist

Now we get to the crux of the matter, 'nuff said. Other shining examples of state monopolies: public education, and the ever efficient DMV.


Active member
Now we get to the crux of the matter, 'nuff said. Other shining examples of state monopolies: public education, and the ever efficient DMV.

I don't mean to rain on your parade here, but these knee-twitch capitalism good; socialism bad arguments are not well thought out.

Health Canada supplies middle of the road weed which they pay the princely sum of $10 per OUNCE to their "monopolist" grower. (A grower which turns a PROFIT at that price, too, I might add.) Their weed has a poor reputation, but the insults to its quality are greatly exaggerated. It's not primo weed - but it's not ditch weed either. It's midis, in street slang.

Prairie Medical could easily grow more potent strains than the one indica strain they do grow (12.5% THC) but there are political reasons why they don't. Health Canada does not want people to buy government weed and flip it on the black market. (Which is already sold to patients for a little less than $150 an ounce - at a 1500% percent + markup and STILL much cheaper than any illegal alternative). They dont WANT their weed to be potent. And they don't WANT it to retail for $20 an ounce, either. But it certainly could be. Nothing stopping that at all but policy.

If a state gov wanted to grow legal weed and maintain a monopoly on it, there is absolutely NOTHING peventing them from doing so at a price that no illegal grower could remotely touch.

You may not like that result on an ideological basis - but the "post office and DMV" arguments you knee-twitch with are complete and total bullshit, ok? Recognize your response is an ideological one, not a response that it logical on an economic basis.

If the plan was to provide quality weed at a price patients could easily afford, the government monopoly weed would EASILY be the best and most economical solution compared to the current marketplace. Given the benefits to a legal grow over the profiteering in an illegal grow, it's not even a remotely close comparison.

Now, if you want to argue that their grow and pricing policies will be dictated by politics so as to prevent a high quality and cheap MMJ from being flipped by patients in the marketplace for a profit? I'm with you. That's a policy problem where politics could intrude.

But the economic argument you raise is demonstrably complete and utter bullshit. We know that for a fact.

We've had enough of the government lying to us over the years about weed - we don't need to get all nostalgic about it and start lying to ourselves, too.


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
MY apoligies ill go make the necessary corrections, we need to ask them to support this draft of a bill.. But what im really trying to say is we need to call them in support of Medical Marijuana as most of the calls they are probably getting are complaints.

sac beh

You may not like that result on an ideological basis - but the "post office and DMV" arguments you knee-twitch with are complete and total bullshit, ok? Recognize your response is an ideological one, not a response that it logical on an economic basis.

Completely agree with you on this. I find the USPS and my local DMV to be quite efficient for their purposes. The reason why government controlling MMJ distribution makes us, or at least me, cringe while a national government health care option seems necessary is, as you say, ideological. I want a public health care option because I'm sick of the private insurance industry using me and my family for profit and I know the government could provide basic health services to more people. But MMJ in the hands of government (particularly growing it) is different. I'd much prefer that my MMJ came from fellow patients and caregivers who respect the plant and know how to get the most out of its medicinal properties.

I love MMJ exactly for the reason that it doesn't come from a government agency nor a large pharmaceutical company; it comes from people in my community who I know personally.

I think in the end we have a better chance of passing MMJ patient/caregiver protection legislation in CO this coming year than Obama has of passing decent health care reform. Getting rid of dispensaries would only encourage the black market more, as many of us would prefer to get our medicine from friends rather than some generic mid-grade medicine from walgreens. Protection and regulation of dispensaries and patient rights is the only way to encourage a safe non-black market of mmj.
One thing I think would be a benefit from government involvement would be the ability to standardize strains and perform diligent efficacy studies.

Right now this is impossible because everyone working with medicinal cannabis has to do everything on the sly, randomly trading cuts then growing in every imaginable style then having to rely on an incredibly small sample of more or less random patient feedback.

Something as simple as rescheduling cannabis would permit us to move forward, but with everyone from the DEA to police unions to private prison corporations to the pharmaceutical industry having such a significant part of their livelihood tied to cannabis continuing to be 100% illegal I´m not expecting it to happen anytime soon.
M'kay, to clear my stance, I did not mean to post that article to defend "War on Drugs" profiteers. Fatigues, I'm sure we could both agree that if the feds were to give up this useless war, Colorado would be flooded with some kind green and prices would plummet. Indeed, the profiteers would abandon ship. But to give the state a complete monopoly over it while its still federally illegal worries me. The federal gov't has used its clout before to force states to do their will (remember when they withheld hiway funding until the drinking age was raised to 21) By all means, the state should be involved to an extent, and it would be great if the federal gov't got involved (in a way other than arresting and harrasing patients and caregivers) I'm just worried about the 100% control aspect.
Do I make any sense, or am I still full o' crap :)