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PROPER ENGLISH And how we've fallen down


Language Nazis

Language Nazis

It is my belief that people who favor form over content in causal written communications, like this forum, display a certain level of arrested development. Maybe they did well in Third Grade English class. Were you the Teacher's Pet Nug? Those were the days, eh?

But seriously, don't you get the feeling that complaining about attention to punctuation, sentence construction, and that type of thing is an attempt at compensating for something that they find lacking in their own abilities to communicate effectively? Or maybe it's just the online equivalent to the old man who sits in his parlor waiting for children to step on his grass so that he can open the door and glare at them.

I dunno. Lighten up dude. Life is too short to spend ur time bitching about things that don't matter.


perhaps it is the plastic nature of communication that allows the fulfillment of the desire to break through the usual convention... I will not dismiss someone because they dangle, improperly modify, run on, or misspel (sic).

i do however reserve the right dismiss willful ignorance in all of it's disguises and manifistations.


Wow...you guys are being a lil rough on dude, aren't you ?

In all honesty, there are some post "types" that are difficult to read.



Well-known member
I think, that the use of improper English on ICMag can only hurt its functionality as an educational web site.

I have yet to meet any members who joined ICMAG to earn a degree or become ICMAG Valedictorian.

Most people don't speak proper English. Even those that are fluent in the language, both formally educated & uneducated people, misuse words, talk in sentence fragments, use double negatives, and make all sorts of grammatical errors.....myself included.

To say the use of "Improper English" hurts or diminishes the educational value, and quality of ICMAG is a meaningless point when looked at under scrutiny.

Personally, I find people that constantly contradict oneself, more confusing than the occasional misspelled word. For example:

ICMAG is an intelligent site.

And five minutes later

This site is so filled with with unintelligent crap!

Precisely why do you feel the need to express disapproval of others grammatical skills, or lack of?

Your smart enough to know that your opening up Pandora's Box. Painting a big red bulls-eye on your back for everyone to take a shot's at your own grammatical shotcomings & defects. You remind me of the fool who knowingly plunges his hand into a box of poisonous snakes hoping to draw-forth an eel.

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h^2 O

how's this thread still going.... oh i see..selective binning....yes it all makes sense now...


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
When one attempts to communicate the components of an idea or concept in writing, one should consider utilizing written English in a way that does not undermine it's prominence as a mastered writing system.

Proper written English is a rare sight on ICMag. ICMag is an intelligence web site, but the site's users use improper written English. I think, that the use of improper English on ICMag can only hurt its functionality as an educational web site. If we all worked to improve and perfect our written language skills, ICMag would become a better place to learn and grow.


Sir_Nugget :joint:

The only way it would hurt the functionality of the site is if

1. Someone's spelling or grammer is so bad that you cannot actually understand what they have written.

2. You have a prejudice and presume that bad spelling and grammer indicate stupidity.

in your case Sir i suspect it is the latter of the two.


P.S. Einstein was dyslexic


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
First published: 1946

MEIHEM IN CE KLASRUM by Dolton Edwards

BECAUSE WE ARE STILL BEARING SOME OF THE SCARS OF OUR BRIEF SKIRMISH with II-B English, it is natural that we should be enchanted by Mr. George Bernard Shaw's current campaign for a simplified alphabet.

Obviously, as Mr. Shaw points out, English spelling is in much need of a general overhauling and streamlining. However, our own resistance to any changes requiring a large expenditure of mental effort in the near future would cause us to view with some apprehension the possibility of some day receiving a morning paper printed in-to us-Greek.

Our own plan would achieve the same end as the legislation proposed by Mr. Shaw, but in a less shocking manner, as it consists merely of an acceleration of the normal processes by which the language is continually modernized.

As a catalytic agent, we would suggest that a National Easy Language Week be proclaimed, which the President would inaugurate, outlining some short cut to concentrate on during the week, and to be adopted during the ensuing year. All school children would be given a holiday, the lost time being the equivalent of that gained by the spelling short cut.

In 1946, for example, we would urge the elimination of the soft c, for which we would substitute "s." Sertainly, such an improvement would be selebrated in all sivic-minded sircles as being suffisiently worth the trouble, and students in all sities in the land would be reseptive to- ward any change eliminating the nesessity of learning the differense be- tween the two letters.

In 1947, sinse only the hard "c" would be left, it would be possible to substitute "k" for it, both letters being pronounsed identikally. Imagine how greatly only two years of this prosess would klarify the konfusion in the minds of students. Already we would have eliminated an entire letter from the alphabet. Typewriters and linotypes, kould all be built with one less letter, and a11 the manpower and materials previously devoted to making "c's" kould be turned toward raising the national standard of living.

In the fase of so many notable improvements, it is easy to foresee that by 1948, "National Easy Language Week" would be a pronounsed sukses. All skhool tshildren would be looking forward with konsiderable exsitement to the holiday, and in a blaze of national publisity it would be announsed that the double konsonant "ph" no longer existed, and that the sound would henseforth be written "f" in all words, This would make sutsh words as "fonograf" twenty persent shorter in print.

By 1949, public interest in a fonetik alfabet kan be expekted to have inkreased to the point where a more radikal step forward kan be taken without fear of undue kritisism. We would therefore urge the elimination, at that time of al unesesary double leters, whitsh, although quite harmles, have always ben a nuisanse in the language and a desided deterent to akurate speling. Try it yourself in the next leter you write, and se if both writing and reading are not fasilitated.

With so mutsh progres already made, it might be posible in 1950 to delve further into the posibilities of fonetik speling. After due konsidera- tion of the reseption aforded the previous steps, it should be expedient by this time to spel al difthongs fonetikaly. Most students do not realize that the long "i" and "y," as in "time" and "by," are aktualy the difthong "ai," as it is writen in "aisle" and that the long "a" in "fate," is in reality the difthong "ei" as in "rein." Although perhaps not imediately aparent, the saving in taime and efort wil be tremendous when we leiter elimineite the sailent "e," as meide posible bai this last tsheinge.

For, as is wel known, the horible mes of "e's' apearing in our writen language is kaused prinsipaly bai the present nesesity of indikeiting whether a vowel is long or short. Therefore, in 1951 we kould simply elimineit al sailent "e's," and kontinu to read and wrait merily along as though we wer in an atomik ag of edukation.

In 1951 we would urg a greit step forward. Sins bai this taim it would have ben four years sins anywun had usd the leter "c," we would sugest that the "National Easy Languag Wek" for 1951 be devoted to substitution of "c" for "Th." To be sur it would be som taim befor peopl would bekom akustomd to reading ceir newspapers and buks wic sutsh sentenses in cem as "Ceodor caught he had cre cousand cistls crust crough ce cik of his cumb.''

In ce seim maner, bai meiking eatsh leter hav its own sound and cat sound only, we kould shorten ce language stil mor. In 1952 we would elimineit ce "y"; cen in 1953 we kould us ce leter to indikeit ce "sh" sound, cerbai klarifaiing words laik yugar and yur, as wel as redusing bai wun mor leter al words laik "yut," "yore" and so forc. Cink, cen, of al ce benefits to be geind bai ce distinktion whitsh wil cen be meid between words laik:

ocean now writen oyean
machine " " mayin
racial " " reiyial

Al sutsh divers weis of wraiting wun sound would no longer exist. and whenever wun kaim akros a "y" sound he would know exaktli what to wrait.

Kontinuing cis proses, year after year, we would eventuali hav a reali sensibl writen langug. By 1975, wi ventyur tu sei, cer wud bi no mor uv ces teribli trublsum difikultis, wic no tu leters usd to indikeit ce seim nois, and laikwais no tu noises riten wic ce seim leter. Even Mr. Yaw, wi beliv, wud be hapi in ce noleg cat his drims fainili keim tru.


Active member
a lot of people struggle with writing

kids are having more and more problems with the language
I don't really mind, the language has to change + lazyness of today

you can't stop it

I'm sure you can find good in this


the use of "proper" english has no bearing on intelligence....


It does, 90% of the time. It really, really, does.

But let's give you the benefit and say it doesn't. You start inventing slang/shortening words and they end up being other actual words. Quick example, "Imma go do this." I'm a = typical conjunction. "Imma" = bastard slang with completely different meaning and same pronounciation.

But hey if language and the civilized society that go with it are too much to ask of you, plenty of places in the world offer no running water, no electricity, nothing at all really but you can speak pidgin english all day like some moron.


Evolve or Die

Evolve or Die

Languages evolve. Lots quicker than we Humans. I think that the "bastardization" of English (not just English) that many people complain about is just a natural part of the way languages evolve. Changes that are accepted by a majority of speakers/writers make the cut and become part and parcel of "proper English".

Humans aren't the only ones who must evolve or die. Look at Latin.
You remind me of the fool who knowingly plunges his hand into a box of poisonous snakes hoping to draw-forth an eel. :joint:

Or the chick that called 911 to report herself as being a drunk driver!!!!

911 opertaor: whats your emergency?

Lady: I wanna report a drunk driver

911: Where are they at?

Lady: Im driving down the road

911: ok where is the drunk driver driving now?

Lady: Im driving down ______ I dont think I can keep driving because Im too drunk

911: OH....Ok.... you're the drunk driver? pull over now and Ill notify and send officers to you right away.

Lady: Ok thank you, Ill wait here for them.

crazy wacky stuff!