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Ice in bong = bad?

Hey can anyone say , smoking bong filters some CBDs & CBNs out of smoke right?

Look up the solubility of the compound in question, Delta -9- THC has a solubility of 2.8 mg/L or something. SO it should reach some point of saturation and stop filtering out active compounds very quickly. Using minimal water helps things a little too


Now the question is how big would a bong need to be to hold 1,070 cubic feet? It would be like V=pi r^2 H.....this is confusing
V - we know the volume, 1,070

Assuming the bong has the same diameter as it's height, the radius would be 5.543 feet.

Assuming a more typical bong aspect ratio of 10:1 (height to diameter ratio), then the radius would be 2.573 feet.

That would be a monstrous bong hit. In order to fit that much into the lungs of an average human adult male with a lung capacity of 6 liters it would have to be pressurized to about 76,000 psi. Lung buster indeed.
To the OP... I've actually heard the same thing numerous times throughout MMJ clubs all over California. I believe if you look up the company "Illadelph" and scroll through their bongs you will notice they invented + patented (I believe) the glycerin coil detachable "ice chamber" bong piece. I'm stepping out to class but if I remember i'll try to dig up an article I read on their website that deals with your question and addresses why is it harmful to filter smoke through ice ( something about the temperature and frost being bad for your lungs but my memory is a bit fuzzy after years of ice cooled bong rips).

h^2 O

dude lets start a weedbusters show. anyone here work for a cable channel?


Has he ever taken a hot/steamy shower before? If what he said were true we'd all be dead.

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
the cold will also make the smoke condense faster though, and wind up on the side of the bong/on the ice rather than in your lungs

i never tired it with hot water, but i always enjoyed a smooth cold hit


Invertebrata Inebriata
The drummer in my garage band recovered from a collapsed a lung he says was due to bong hits. They don't call em lung busters for nothing.

You can overdo anything, and I bet he didn't bust a lung just smoking a bong nice and easy, now did he? Prolly piloting a preposterous nine foot monster bong with booster fans and carburetor fins- right?

Smoke safe kids, it's not a race. ;)


I think the cooled smoke is much better to your health then hot smoke .


hot water sucks and is harsh as fuck! idk if thats some kinda joke but *cough FUCK *cough that!

Hmmm, that's funny. I do it all the time with 140-150 degree water and I think it's the smoothest smoke there is. The smoke isn't really hot by the time it hits your lungs plus it's very moist so it's like being in a tropical rainforest, or a steamroom, or a really hot shower. Different strokes I guess.

My theory is that since all chemical reactions proceed faster at warmer temperatures and generally solids become more soluble at warmer temperatures, the filtration effect is greater with hot water. Of course that may also remove more THC but I've never noticed.

My bong has those stupid ice prongs which are more than useless for me since I never use them and they prevent me from really getting in there with a brush to scrub the resin off.


I used to use ice regularly and never had a problem. Once I used a Volcano I threw out my dirty old Bong...:joint:

h^2 O

volcano is the only good vape but its like 5 billion dollars, im not exaggerating


the only downside to using ice in bongs to me is when you put it straight into the water. it seems like ice causes gunky build up much quicker in the water area which you'd have a problem cleaning.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Hot water still cools the smoke considerably. Cold water also solidifies some thc moreso than hot water. Hot water also feels really good and smooth when you smoke through it.

The reason the ice in the water causes gunk faster is because of all of the solidifying resins and tars in one immediate area.

I find iced cold smoke in a bong very hard to hit. It can be too dense or thick and tends to expand more which makes my lungs cringe... hot water makes it feel like I'm barely even smoking.

I think the effect of cold air on a smoker's lungs is like slamming a million little doors that hot water opens up for them. I think of it like walking out into a bitterly cold day and feeling your lung capacity and comfort, and then comparing it to a steamy sauna and consider lung capacity and comfort and realizing there is no comparison.


Hot water still cools the smoke considerably. Cold water also solidifies some thc moreso than hot water. Hot water also feels really good and smooth when you smoke through it.

The reason the ice in the water causes gunk faster is because of all of the solidifying resins and tars in one immediate area.

I find iced cold smoke in a bong very hard to hit. It can be too dense or thick and tends to expand more which makes my lungs cringe... hot water makes it feel like I'm barely even smoking.

I think the effect of cold air on a smoker's lungs is like slamming a million little doors that hot water opens up for them. I think of it like walking out into a bitterly cold day and feeling your lung capacity and comfort, and then comparing it to a steamy sauna and consider lung capacity and comfort and realizing there is no comparison.

Truer words have never been spoken~ must spread some rep. before giving to mr mean mustard again...
Combustion temps of herb is way higher than the hot water in your bong, think about it...
or better yet, try it for yourself and see.


Warm water here...had an old hippie tell me "Warm water give you more smiles for the mile!!!.." in 1978, and I've been doing that ever since!!

dunno why, just sounded good from an old hippie!! :D


Warm water here...had an old hippie tell me "Warm water give you more smiles for the mile!!!.." in 1978, and I've been doing that ever since!!

dunno why, just sounded good from an old hippie!! :D

Qutoed for truth.

I suspect people who claim hot water bongs are harsh haven't tried it because of old stoner folk tales about ice water bongs being better.

The smoke is only going to be as hot as your water heater can make the water which isn't really that hot. As someone else said, if you've ever taken a hot shower you've had the equivalent of a hot water bong hit without the THC. The steam is actually quite pleasant and the filtration is better.