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midwest growers unite

Chef Dude

Whattup all? It's been a while since I posted but I had to deal with a few compromises in security. Baba prolly remembers the story but its in this thread if you're curious. Anyway, i have moved to a house and out of my old condo, way out in the countryside. My only neighbor is my grandmother(about 1/4 mile down river) and the next closest is 4 miles out. Needless to say im feeling quite a bit more comfortable with my surroundings, and I am also extremely excited about the amount of available space for my garden in the new basement. I have been up and running in the new location since june now and have put out a few meager harvests to keep afloat (had to move all my plants from one location to another in a box truck, this stressed them immensely and I have had to recover). I am now back on track 100% with 3 new mother plants, White Russian, Mental Floss, and Super Silver Haze. I am also happy to report that I have a 42 plant harvest coming around in about a week or so, and they are 10 kinds of healthy and perfect. Judging by past harvests I'm guessing close to 1 and 3/4 pounds! This will be extremely welcomed as I need to buy more epuipment to take advantage of all of this wonderful space!! I will have some pictures to post here in a few days when I find my camera. I'm glad to be back and can't wait to get caught up on all the happenings of my months away.


Which strain to try on Halloween?

Which strain to try on Halloween?

My Super Silver Haze and Power Skunk have been drying/curing since Oct 12th. I tried a small sample of the SSH but I haven't tried the PS yet. Any suggestions on which would give the best upbeat party high? I'm going to a Halloween party on Saturday and will definitely be blazin' one or the other (maybe both, ha ha!).


yes i think having multiple strains to fit your mood/medical needs is the best way to go, doesnt let a good strain turn boring


Got 2 posts today for us:

1) Yeah! Mixing weed,, we call that "Poor Man's Cross"..

2) sorry to ramble but here it goes:

Spread the word, a phone call is all it is going to take to be part of WI history.

Do you use medical marijuana? Do you support patients and doctors rights?

The Legislators want to her from YOU! Their constituants.

The legislators want to different things, first is just noise, contacts from the people in the state, LIGHT UP and then LIGHT UP THOSE PHONES... COME ON! ACT NOW!

If you have a testimonial or can share how Cannabis saved your life and helps you be part of the community, let them know NOW, they want these things!

The second thing they want and need is information, medical informatoin. JAMA stuff, no overloads of email after email, but if you got a good peice of literature, GET IT TO YOUR LEGISLATOR NOW! Follow up with a phone call and make sure they got the information and understand it.





Koop no nanners on these bitches. I think you will be happy with the chemdawg08 cross. my PD was frosting up in the second week.


Alot of good herb coming around my part of the MidWest just in the last week Ive had Sour Huckleberry, Willie Nelson,Silver Hedge, Death Star, Shiva Skunk, and Lemon G. Some from Cali some from the MW.:joint:



Active member

Go with the Super Silver Haze. It will give you a lot more energy and keep you very upbeat.

But hey if you want to smoke both or mix em you can't go wrong.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Chefdude: Good to hear you're back, in new digs and doing well so far. Best of luck to you on your future upgrades, very exciting stuff.
The closet has now been replaced by my two tents, and yes I'm loving it. Everything's growing merrily now, will post updated pics soon. I'm thinking i can switch to flowering within a month....

Caljim: those are some happy looking plants. Reaching for the light, that has to be a good sign...

Cannaco-op: Good luck to you with the WI MMJ act. I know the IL House is considering our MMJ act this week, and I've already called my local reps to voice my support (all IL residents, I suggest you do the same).


there was a grower busted for exorbitant power usage in lincoln, nebraska i guessing he must of just moved into a new house or somethiing and turned on all his lights and maybe didnt use a flipflop, didnt even know it was possible to go by power usage in usa


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I hope everyone didn;t drown this month. Most rain in 93 years in Illinois. Now the wind is cold...


Buteo Jamaicensis
damn facelift, i dont know about drowned, but we've had four stints of snow this month in my locale. in fact today the temp dropped from 60 to 34 in about 3 hours, what fun. no flood damage to you right?


Hello again, back to ask for help... if you know anyone in WI, get them the words and get them to make some calls and emails!

Peace to all the happy folks out there! Midwest the Best!

Chef Dude

baba: dude the tents make all the difference in the world. Aside from giving you complete climate and environment control, it also makes a huge difference in the peace of mind and paranoia factors! I'm currently running in 2 6x6x7 tents, one flower one veg. I am almost finished with the remodeling of my house's basement, It has 2 secret rooms in it now! originally there was a front and back porch on my house. In 1958, before building code and safety inspections, the porches were turned into living space by digging extensions to the basement and adding the rooms at ground level. I went to the county office and got a copy of the floorplan the state has on file for my house and it does not show these two rooms. The rooms were built originally as coal storage for the furnace, but never used because they got propane installed a few years later when it was sold. So the only person who knows about these rooms is the previous owner, sadly he passed away about a month after selling the house to me(he was 86 years old and a daily smoker!!). So I have recemented the floors and insulated and sealed the rooms, built in air circulation and heat expulsion(can be directed into the house for heat in winter, or outside in summer) within the insulation to reduce the noise. I ran a brand new circuit box and wiring just for each room, and only need to install the fixtures now. Currently im working on building a faux cinderblock Pocket door for each, it will be virtually undetectable. I would really like to put some solar panels on the roof but they are hella expensive. These rooms and what come out of them will truly be the mark i leave in this world, and probably never be seen by another set of eyes!!

Everybody: I would very much like to organize and hold a private cup for some of us on here, I see the things coming out of your gardens and i really want to try some!! If this sounds like something you guys and gals might be interested in let me know and if theres enough interest I'll try and get it rockin.

Chef Dude

I'm looking for an extremely citrusy or lemon flavored indica strain, any suggestions? preferably 60 day flower or less and a decent yield, say 1 oz per 3ft plant or higher.