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Mist's Ebb&Gro with ST#3XBlack Russian grow diary


Well there are hard choices that we make when space is limited and I just made one. The two 4ft. mothers are gone now. I have limited space in the closet I use for my mothers and my little purple pheno mother was suffereing because of lack of light due to the size of the two huge mothers. She is way more important to me than the other two phenos right now so I took cuttings from the two big ones for my next grow and chopped them down. Now it is just the purple pheno in the closet with all the light she needs and I can be assured that I will have her up to size to be able to do a whole tent of purple girls on the following grow.
I can always keep one of the clones for new mother of the phenos I just chopped down. Also it would have been a huge waste of time and space to just flower out the two mothers in the tent where I can do 12 girls. If I had the extra space and lighting I would have done it though.

Happy Growing.


Afternoon Mist,
I'm all too familiar with having to make tough decisions like that. Did you salvage the leaf for making ganja butter? It's a pain to make but I sure love eating it.

I spoke with my friend who's watching my plants. All my potential Mom plants are doing well (in dirt). With my new E&F veg system, a couple young ones died but I put over 30 plants in there and he said the rest are doing good. I mixed up a bunch of MaxiGrow at around 900ppm/ ph6 which he's using to top up the res. No testing of anything because he doesn't know how. I'll be home in about 2 more weeks so I'm hoping...


No, I didn't salvage anything. It was kind of a thing of the moment. I was taking cuttings and looked down at the purple pheno and saw that it wasn't doing well and after I took all the cuts I needed I turned the scissors on the mothers and just started cutting them down and putting them into an all too handy trash bag. The first thing my wife asked when she saw what I had done was ask if I had hung them to dry, LOL! I said no and she asked where they were. Too which I replied by pointing at a trash bag laying on the floor. She just said "oh well".
Actually the first thing she asked was "Is that the purple mother in there?". That was really all she cared about. She wants a whole room of purple girls.
We are not real big on edible cannabis so cannabutter never even crossed my mind. We are both overweight as it is so we don't need yet another excuse to eat butter, LOL!

I too have done the babysitter gig with a good friend watching my grow. He had to make one batch of nutrients while I was gone, but I had run him through a crash course before I left and he did fine. I can leave my wife in charge and she kicks ass. We were apart for a couple years and she grew on her own using DWC buckets and did really well. So if I leave instuctions for mixing nutes and caring for the plant,or pretty much anything else, she can do it as good as I do.

Hope you get home soon. I am waiting on some pictures of your grow.


Oh yea, while my buddy was watching my grow one thing did happen. The day before I came home he went by and called me frantic because all the 5ft. tall plant in one room had all fallen over. They were all laying over the same direction like you see where wind storms hit the side of a mountian. He was freaking out and I told him to just leave them and I would be home the next day. They had gotten so heavy with bud that they had just layed over. I stood them all back up and they finished fine.

Happy Growing.


Well another week has gone by and they are getting fatter still. Going to be a nice harvest on this one for sure. I think that I can get a little more out of them on the next grow though. Check my crimping tutorial update and it tells what I am going to do differently.
They system is holding up well too. There are a couple changes I would like to make to it like putting a bulkhead fitting with a 1/2" 90 degree fitting where the drain line coming back to the resovior goes into the lid. Over time the gromet seems to work itself loose from the hose jerking when the pump in the controller comes on. I would hate to think I could leave the system for a couple days and that line come loose and spray water all over every time the system drains. That would be a bad thing, LOL!

Anyhow, here are some pics of the girls coming up on week 7 of flowering.

The purple pheno mother is so happy now that she has all the light she needs.

Clones getting ready for the next grow. I am going to do some of the citrus pheno on this round. I really liked the bud and want to see if I can get it to produce more this time.

And a parting shot with the lights on. They look so different in the pics with the lights on. I wish the camera could see what I see.

Happy Growing.


Hola Mist,
You're lucky to have a lady who grows. Us bachelors have to settle for whoever we can find. Funny story about your friend and the plants falling over. That's the thing about plant-sitters. If everything goes smoothly...well great, but they freak out over problems. Any grower would be happy to have that problem to deal with...heavy buds!

And on the new pix: Ooo la la! Looking good...

One Love 731

Senior Member
looking great Mist, and to think I almost missed it. I was thinking about running a few ebb n grows, how do ya like them? If doing a short veg, how close do ya think ya could run the buckets together? anyway I hope everything is everything. Karma, One Love


Mist try using the auto white balance on the camera. If it is a new cybershot...it should have one. Pretty simple to use. Nice grow btw

LARGE :respect: MIST!

Just read the whole thread, great info and loved all the pics, never enough.
Anyway I'm a noob on my third grow, doin some fem super lemon haze and fem Alaskan ice in soil now under a 600w but I've been looking at maybe getting a ebb n grow system and a second 600w. Are they as easy to run as they seem? Am I correct in thinking that they do require somewhat large amounts of ferts?
I'm just wondering how much cash I'd be looking at putting out on the perrifials, ferts, air stones, ect. I know what I'd be spending on the EnG setup and extra light.
I got a 5'x8' closet I'm using and am only using a 3.5'x5' area for growing. I'd love to fill the whole room, or atleast a 3.5'x8' area.
I got a little grow diary, my first, goin under soil grows, not much to see yet just some little sprouts. Check it out if ya like.
Anyway, agian much respect and hope to here your opinion.



looking great Mist, and to think I almost missed it. I was thinking about running a few ebb n grows, how do ya like them? If doing a short veg, how close do ya think ya could run the buckets together? anyway I hope everything is everything. Karma, One Love

Thanks One Love, glad you didn't miss it too:biglaugh:
I really like the Ebb&Gro system and you can pull the buckets in till they are only a few inches apart and run it like that through a whole grow if you want to. Or you can just do that in vegg like I do and then spread them out when you put them into flower.

solarz said:
Mist try using the auto white balance on the camera. If it is a new cybershot...it should have one. Pretty simple to use. Nice grow btw

I am using a cyber-shot with tons of settings and have tried to adjust the white balance to get rid of the red, but it doesn't look right to me. I like the colors I get when the lights are off better. I am always trying new settings though. So you never know what may show up next. Thanks for the tip.

Farmer Stealth said:
Just read the whole thread, great info and loved all the pics, never enough.
Anyway I'm a noob on my third grow, doin some fem super lemon haze and fem Alaskan ice in soil now under a 600w but I've been looking at maybe getting a ebb n grow system and a second 600w. Are they as easy to run as they seem? Am I correct in thinking that they do require somewhat large amounts of ferts?
I'm just wondering how much cash I'd be looking at putting out on the perrifials, ferts, air stones, ect. I know what I'd be spending on the EnG setup and extra light.
I got a 5'x8' closet I'm using and am only using a 3.5'x5' area for growing. I'd love to fill the whole room, or atleast a 3.5'x8' area.
I got a little grow diary, my first, goin under soil grows, not much to see yet just some little sprouts. Check it out if ya like.
Anyway, agian much respect and hope to here your opinion.

Well, as far as cost goes, I am still spending money on this system and continually adding to total cost. And since you already know the cost of the system and the extra light all you really need is a good exhaust system to get started as far as equipment goes. There aren't any airstones in the individual units so a good air pump with a 4" airstone is all you need to keep the resovior aereated and moving around.
Nutrient cost will depend on what brand you want to use. The Canna Aqua line that I am using easily costs $500 per grow with 12 plants. It is expensive, but well worth it in my opinion.
For an exhaust fan you will want one that is at least 435cfm.(Around $200 for a good 6" inline). You should be able to cool your lights and exhaust your closet all at once with that.
With that size closet I would start out with just 6 plant sites for the first grow where you will be able to have the plants spaced at a nice distance and get used to the system. Another thing that you will have to address is plant support. The best support for you would probably be tomato cages. Cost depends on where you go, but a 3-4 bucks apiece is about normal. With those you will stil be able to move around in the closet to get to the plants if you need to. With netting like I have you would be screwed at getting to any plants that are out of reach. I have don't large closet grows and know how much of a pain it is to get to those plants in the back. I did a lot of crawling between DWC buckets before, LOL!
Anything I didn't cover here just ask and I will help all I can.

Happy Growing.
Thanks for the response Mist.
I got a good 6" in line fan and a filter so I figured that could handle a second light to.
I meant to say a air stone for the reservoir. I guess the number I was looking for was your costs on ferts, $500 per grow? Whew! But seeing your results I'd have to say their DEFINITELY worth it!
Agian, much thanks from a noob.


Well the $500 is a rough estimate. If you bought a combo pack of the canna like this>


you would have leftover nutrients and some of the additives would carry over to another grow too. But the killer is the Boost which runs $135.oo per liter. And each 30 gallon resovior fill uses 200 to 250ml depending on how hard you want to push them. I change out my nutrients every 5-7 days during flowering because they drink almost all of the 30 galllons in that time. So I go ahead and drain the left overs nutrients and start with all fresh. Somepeople just add water and nutrients by using a TDS or PPM meter to judge how much nutrient they need to add. I am not a proponent of this method myself because I don't believe that there is any way with a tds/ppm meter to tell how much of each nutrient part and additive needs to be added. There are too many variables so I prefer to just spend the extra money and start with fresh batches each time where I know exactly what the mixture strength is and can tweak it if needed.
Anyhow, my point is that you may be able to come out cheaper on the nutes with different methods of mixing.


The big finish will be somewhere around the 13th-15th of Nov. .
I just got a new dehumidifier so my bud rot worries are disappearing with the humidity in my house. It has been cold and raining for weeks with just a sunny day here and there so I was getting kind of scared since the buds this round are fat as hell. I have dropped the RH by 20% over the last couple days and am keeping the dehumidifier on full tilt till the end of the grow. I would like to see 35-40%, but will settle for 50, LOL!

Check back later tonight and you will see the new veg tent setup.


New vegg tent setup

New vegg tent setup

Well I got the new tent all setup today. I am whipped, LOL.

The tent is 2' 8" W x 4' L x 7' 6" T. Inside the tent is a 2' X 4' jetflo ebb and flow system. It barely fits in the tent since this models resovior sticks out on one end a bit whick makes it bulge out the tent a little on one end. Oh well, it all fits and works fine.
The light is a T5- 8 bulb(Vegg). I really like the light since you can switch it from all on to just the middle 4 or just the outer 2 on each side. Probably common knowledge with T5 light users, but this my first one. Bye Bye to the days of shop lights I guess. Each bulb puts out 5000 lumens for a total of 40,ooo which is really cool. I forsee many years of use out of this setup.
I am using 4X4X3 grodan blocks for the medium and the rest is pretty much self explanitory from the pics. I have 14 clones fresh out of the cloner in there now so I will have a nice head start on the next grow.
The only thing I haven't gotten yet is a timer for the system. I went to homedepot for one, but they didn't have the one I wanted so I will be off to lowes tomorrow. In the mean time I will just turn it on and off by hand when I need to. The wanted $105.00 for one at hydro store and I can get the exact same 15 minute interval timer at lowes for $15.oo. Hmmmmmm, same amperage and timer for $90 less. It kind of pisses me off when I wonder how many people don't know any better and buy it at the hydro store. The rest of their prices are good so I don't understand.

SO here it is.

Getting kind of tight in there.

Happy Growing.


Nice additions bro! Where'd ya get the tent?
2'8" x4 is a pretty nice size - 600 hps maybe (for me atleast :D)

I got it from my local hydro store. I am going to just stick with the T5 light with this one. But this setup could easily run a 16 to 24 plant SOG with an air cooled 600 watter. I could probably do a decent SOG with just the T5 with flowering bulbs too and not have any heat issues to deal with. It is putting out 432 watts with a huge coverage area. I may just have to give it a try if I can stage it right with the other tent.

Happy Growing.


Weekly picture bonanza

Weekly picture bonanza

Well I was so excited to get the vegg tent setup that I forgot all about my weekly picture update. So here are the girls in all their glory with just 2 weeks left to go. You will see by the pics that I could take them now and they would be good, but I prefer to wait till they are great. I like it when they are so swollen that they can't get any bigger. I also like them to be 2 hit and you don't want/can't smoke anymore, LOL!


Happy Growing.


Mist those plants are looking dam good!! I'm like the tent addition, I like your style. I have the same thing!! LOL!! :joint: