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where can I post my poetry at? its good one.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
I couldn't have said it better myself (actually I could, lol).

Though disfunktional is right, and all art at it's core is expression. Cheesebud was simply expressing himself, and who are you to say that what he had written is not art?

I agree that it may not have been what is considered a 'poem', but I had actually read the entire thing and would have to say that it at least tells a story.

BTW Cheesebud, did you happen to be on peyote while you wrote this?
I laughed when I read the part about eating the cactus.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times...
Dickens? Really, I said write something not change three letters.

Would you rather I was dishonest and said it was good? Or even remotely readable?

No, but there is no reason to belittle someone just because you don't find anothers work to be as great as for instance, Charles Dickens.

Also, if you remember correctly, you said the THREAD was an 'assult on the English laungue', suggesting that everything on this thread was a crime against literature. Which would include the very idea of have a thread dedicated to people sharing their ART.


Well-known member
Ok, let's end the negativity with an apology to anyone I've offended. I didn't mean to get personal, and my post should have been more carefully directed, not at the thread in general.

But I still can't get behind the idea that anything can be art. Can I type out a block of random letters and call it poetry because I feel it expresses my deep, aphasia-inducing rage and sadness?

Why bother having a language if you're going to render it useless by ignoring its structures?

You see, Green, my problem wasn't with the quality of the OP's content. Your claim I was belittling him because it wasn't Dickens is false and based on a leap in logic, when you wrote:

"Also, if you remember correctly, you said the THREAD was an 'assult on the English laungue', suggesting that everything on this thread was a crime against literature."

My problem was mainly with the disregard for the language.

If you totally disagree with me, check out George Orwell's 'Politics and the English Language' for a more eloquent piece on why shitting on the language is bad.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
I agree, that not everything can be art, though that is my opinion. For instance, what a parent whom was just given a picture drawn by their child thinks is art, is going to completely different from lets say what a photographer would consider art.

Literature is art, though not all written arts are literature. I to have a problem with disregarding the language. I believe that in today's society the English language is being 'assaulted' more than ever. I don't consider most 'amateur' works to be literature, though nearly all are 'art' in some form.
Why bother having a language if you're going to render it useless by ignoring its structures?quote]

part of the art in my poem writeing is complete disregaurd to word structure. il post another one some time so you can get an idea. i just strightened it out quite alot because i wasnt sure how it would be taken.


i can hear u but i stil cnt find my way
trapd ina house of mirrors i sit n dcay
tired n weaknd by theze constant inr let downz
left out 2 sea 2 die all alone my hope now drownz
panikd irationality ah to be bak at home
shakld to theze emotionz so i cannot rome
as i search 4 the lite at the end of the tunl
anxiety is poord down my throat thru a funl

America ~ land of the Free, home of the Brave

Out of many, one nation was formed

The best of ideals, the best of intentions

Freedom for all, governed by the people, for the people

We gathered together on this distant shore, a cornucopia of races and creeds

All striving for a better world for our children and generations to come

A patchwork of ideas woven into one desire, yearning to be free from oppression

Our Nation has undergone birth pangs to be sure, civil war, social unrest

We shall soon celebrate our 232nd year of Independence as a nation

Difference of opinions abound yet, we have the freedom of expression

We must heal the partisan divide which has crept into governance

For a house divided, shall not stand

Black and White, Red, Yellow and Brown all yearning for common ground

Our founding document was flawed and incomplete, a work in progress

It made plain all men were created equal yet, slavery and occupation coexisted

Through all these trials, we as a people have overcome these discrepancies

Slowly, sometimes painfully we matured as a nation

America, land of the Free, home of the Brave, less a statement, more of a promise

Our work is still incomplete, contradictions are still replete

A wealthy nation yet so many poor are left behind, waiting for their turn to arrive

A product unfinished should not be exported to foreign markets

We have much to be proud of, great accomplishments have we achieved

We can ill afford to rest on our laurels', complacent and proud

It is the duty of each generation to vouchsafe our freedoms, lest we lose them

For if we take our freedoms for granted, as if guaranteed by inheritance

We shall fall victim to arrogance and misplaced pride

For far too long our nations youth have been neglected being taught civics

How many of this generation and the next have studied the Constitution, the Bill of Rights

How many of this generation and the next harbor civic pride and responsibility

We lay claim to being a nation United yet, we've become fractured and divided

Our common goal has become less national and more individual

I believe this is due to our Government becoming more Capitalistic than Democratic

Capitalism and a desire for soft living has fractured our society into the Haves and have-nots

While Capitalism is a good model for economic well-being, it is not beneficial for governance

When you gather together this Independence Day with family and friends

I ask each of you, to reflect on what it means to be an American.

Amidst the hotdogs and apple pie, place a copy of the Declaration of Independence The Constitution of these United States and the Bill of Rights.

Take a few moments with family and friends to reflect upon this legacy you've been handed

For if you celebrate our Independence absent understanding, what have you gained

If you neglect this civic responsibility and rely upon ours to shoulder the burden

You risk losing your voice on the direction your nation follows

In a Democracy, your silence gives others permission to chart your destiny for you

Are you willing to simply be a passenger on this great voyage or, a crewmember?

Celebrate America's great achievements but, do not be blinded to her transgressions

For to lose sight of past misdeeds and misguided foibles is akin to navigating a ship by the brightness of the Sun.

You risk being blinded by passions and ambitions, you risk running this mighty ship upon the rocks of adversity, just shy of the shores of the Promised Land.

o ya almost 4got :respect: nice piece man

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