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Canna Boost V Molasses - side by side comparison.

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
What will be tougher for you to figure out is how much is being wasted, since only part of it is used by the plants because you have no microbes.

Hey buggerlugs :D, I did reply to you you know?, I am finding there is life in coco but need to read more so lets pretend its sterile for this.
As I said above, I am running this again shortly, I am going to use little plants/little pots in order to make things easier. As it wont be too much trouble, 1 bag of good soil, I may do a few soil grown as well, I keep hearing how organic tastes soooo much better, they never smoked my 3 or 4 weeks flushed, 2 month cured bud, I would bet my other pinky you could not tell which was coco grown, now I really dialed in my coco growing , I am sure I would win a second time! :wallbash:
On how much is wasted dongle, I really am at a loss as to how to calculate such a things, what I can do is see what comes of various amounts in both mediums, this should allow to see how little or how much is effective in each medium and take it from there I guess, this is where our *mistress* is at her best.
Right now it is looking like a blend of both satisfies the plants needs best, doesn't mean Boost is the best either. Someone with deeper pockets than mine can run a load of boosters head to head perhaps?

I was using both before I started this but was really hoping to drop one?, as I said many times, I used Molasses as a booster hence the side by side V Boost, I think while they are similar in that respect, as boosters, they also both do other different things, I really believe Boost is changing the buds in size and scent, it is improving the quality in any language, I am not certain what the Molasses is doing alone until compared properly, and of course, smoked. I am sure it has a benefit, I rarely see growers stop using Molasses once tried, or for bonecarver, a sugar product of some sort.
I don't think all those growers are mistaken. Thanks for popping by dongle :wave:

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
I wish

I wish

LoL that some of toms haze?

No Tex, I wish it was!, I think the release is 3 weeks off yet!, sorry it's 6 weeks off, you all start looking in around 6 weeks. I won't lie to any Haze lovers it's around 3.
I have 9 x's on my calender and I had 12 spaces to x, it's a bit like waiting for Santa with grown up gift's, I think it will be worth the wait,:woohoo: then do the same wait again and it will still be weeks off:wallbash: dedication Tex, that's what we need, dedication.


If I pulled 20 oz an extra 2 oz, if sold, I don't sell but IF sold is around £350/400 in London

I'll try writing that again! Chuffing phone! Basically yeah agree seems worth it really. Just need to crack special ingredient, still leaning toward tri-whatsit...

Also said after trying valiently to not think of trim lady legs, I do think keeping the plants large ish a good idea. Yeah uniform is good but * dodgy metaphore alert * is it not like testing a group of schools, bigger schools mean more pupils to test for a more accurate average. Err right? Bigger plants mean any difference should be easier to spot.

If you get my stoned drift...


Active member
Hard to tell from the pics, they all look pretty good to me. I'm keen to see what your final conclusions are from this experiment as I feel you've done it properly. I'm at day 32 of my current flower run and I haven't used Boost, but have been using molasses. I'm looking at my plants and thinking the yield is not gonna be that great unless they fatten up a lot more (which they may well do, given they are only halfway) and perhaps the difference from my previous runs is that I have not been using PK13-14 or Hammerhead or Boost, just Molasses, Seaweed extract, liquid chicken manure, liquid bat guano, liquid worm humus and some Westland Nutri organic liquid feed (2-1-4), and the quality should be great, being all-organic, but I have a funny feeling the quality won't be much better than my previous inorganic grows while the yield will be less, not sure that is a trade-off I want to make and I will probably go back to my old inorganic ways, but whether I buy some more Boost or not depends on how the results of your tests pan out in large part, so I'm really keen to see your final verdict, great work mate!

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Tri - wotsit, that's what I call it, amateurs eh

Tri - wotsit, that's what I call it, amateurs eh

I'll try writing that again! Chuffing phone! Basically yeah agree seems worth it really. Just need to crack special ingredient, still leaning toward tri-whatsit...

Also said after trying valiently to not think of trim lady legs, I do think keeping the plants large ish a good idea. Yeah uniform is good but * dodgy metaphore alert * is it not like testing a group of schools, bigger schools mean more pupils to test for a more accurate average. Err right? Bigger plants mean any difference should be easier to spot.

If you get my stoned drift...

:D I do get your stoned drift S', You think of trim legs all you like Stranglely, it's good to fantasize.

I don't think the 'rule' you speak of really applies though, I think there are more problems than the enforced stair work :)
I would like to picture them in one photo at least 1 plant of each pair and not be so small it's pointless, single cola plants would not have to be tiny, but if kept around 12 to 14 inches and smaller pots, this would make comparisons that much easier and far more interesting for readers of the thread.
I could get at least one of each next to each other in a pic and it be easy to say/see the diff's so much better.
I rotate the 8 plants every third day just to ensure things are even on that score and again, it's a pain but I am more concerned with what almost continual upset does? little Popsicle colas could sit on a tray and I revolve it, lazy Susan styleee.
Amounts of Nutes could be lessoned and I only need my regular 20 Lt and a couple of 1 gallon buckets for the other feeds. G'Room is a bit crowed of late.
As long as they are mature, which clones are I don't think size matters, seem to spend my life saying that to fellas :D heehee!, not true!
It wont be until I am able to lay out single stems of similar wotsit that readers will truely see the things I am seeing, more on what in my next post, thanks S':wave:

Hard to tell from the pics, they all look pretty good to me. I'm keen to see what your final conclusions are from this experiment as I feel you've done it properly. I'm at day 32 of my current flower run and I haven't used Boost, but have been using molasses. I'm looking at my plants and thinking the yield is not gonna be that great unless they fatten up a lot more (which they may well do, given they are only halfway) and perhaps the difference from my previous runs is that I have not been using PK13-14 or Hammerhead or Boost, just Molasses, Seaweed extract, liquid chicken manure, liquid bat guano, liquid worm humus and some Westland Nutri organic liquid feed (2-1-4), and the quality should be great, being all-organic, but I have a funny feeling the quality won't be much better than my previous inorganic grows while the yield will be less, not sure that is a trade-off I want to make and I will probably go back to my old inorganic ways, but whether I buy some more Boost or not depends on how the results of your tests pan out in large part, so I'm really keen to see your final verdict, great work mate!

Thank-you indifferent, thats very nice of you to say so, with a lot of help from regulars it's getting there :)
As I was reading my fingers were already typing to get some PK product, looking at the other stuff,, especially the bat guano, I doubt you need it, looks like you covered your bases as our US friends might say.
You may well see them still fill out so hard for you to decide I guess, these things of mine are very slow, I didn't post a bloom pic till 21 days 12/12 and there is nothing to see on them, but now they are bursting, I am thrilled to be honest, I'll write more in the next post on how things are as it is changing fast now :woohoo: What is the NPK on the liquid guano?

On Boost a sec, I made no secret of the fact I think it is having a beneficial effect, I honestly wish it wasn't so but it seems this way.
I bit the bullet the other day, I usually buy the little bottles, 250ml
they cost £20 which really is a lot of money for such a small amount, I figured win or lose I'll need more at some point and got a litre instead, it makes it almost 1/2 the price, you get 400ml 'free' so it is a bit more affordable, a bit!.
Tell us, where do get liquid fert's you have?
Good to see you here too :wave:

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Mid week update, their week not ours

Mid week update, their week not ours

I did well doing my sniffing the other day because now I have that rotten chesty cold going round Britain :violin:

So the girl's, although 3 or 4 days ago it seemed that the B and D (Boost /Boost&Molasses) were pushing out so much more than the others, actually they were in front no doubt, I can now say there is a 3 or 4 day difference in bud development, the A & D ( No Boost for either) have gone through the same push, albeit 3 or 4 days later.
However, I am thinking there is more going on than simply swelling of calyx, I suspect we will see different rates of maturity in the trich's,
I'll explain. I made notes of exactly what I saw besides it was 7 or 8 days ago this kicked off so even I can remember this. :)
When the first groups started swelling the trichs were clear, by the time the second lot started swelling, the first lot were 80/90% milky/cloudy 10% clear. The second groups are staying clear, none are milky, I need a couple more days to say this is fact but I can't see 80/90% of these clouding up in 2 day's.
I hear claims Boost quickens harvests, going off the 3 or 4 days advance I witnessed, I can see it is possible, hardly worth shouting about, again it is all relative, 4 days might equate to 1/2 a crop a year extra, applying what I now call the Greyskull Principle ( I hope he doesn't mind, he shouldn't, I know he used it for a couple of oz's, thats the point! It's a good principle it works for any small increase adding up to a good amount.) an extra crop every 2 years would not be bad.
However (my favourite word) If it turns out that it increases the maturation of the trichomes then it could take a little more off the grow time, assuming it was not at a cost in potency, that would offset the cost of the Boost.
I will see how they go but as I said I can't see such an amount clouding up so quickly, we'll see.
All in all I have to say I am really pleased with these plants, not too much trouble to grow at all but I do have a slight dilema regarding stopping the feeds and flushing
I only grew the mother of these plants a while back and never grew any cuts till this grow, as a result I don't really know how long these girls go?
Let me tell you what I do know and what I plan then...... I don't really use the ratio of amber/cloudy to determine if these plants I grow are ready, I have taken loads of Shanti's Mango Haze and some Skunk x Haze of his 16 weeks and only seen 1/5th amber, the mum of mine only had 20% amber at 13 weeks.
The trichs were mostly clear, only 10% milky @ 11 weeks.
At 12 weeks 95% milky and 5% still clear
And at 90 day's only 20% were amber the rest milky/cloudy 80%.
I know some might say not enough amber perhaps but as I said this is based on the condition of the plant, it would have gone downhill any time, no food whatsoever for just over 3 weeks it would have hurt the buds to keep on.
I have always found Shanti's Hazes go 2 or 3 weeks faster than the parent plant, with this in mind and looking where the buds are now I think I will stop feeding at the end of this week, at 56 day's, 3 days time.
That will give them plenty of time to use up everything in the coco, 2 or 3 weeks should see them finish perfectly. If they finish in 2 weeks @ 10 weeks at least they had a 2 week flush, and if 11 all the better flush wise, I think 3 1/2 weeks from now is about right so it fits,
A while ago I was weighing up in my mind the size of the buds on the girls compared to mum, she finished with fat buds, long as a clipper lighter but fatter, I couldn't see the girls getting close but mum was 5 1/2 fee tall, too bloody tall for indoors, these are over 2 ft shorter so I could expect it This last week they have pumped out so much I can see they will not be far of at all, they seem to plod along as buds do and explode at this time but these things do stretch, they have filled gaps on the stems, I will be able to show you this at the next pics as the gaps are obvious in the older pics you'll see easily.
So all in all things are good around here, my SSHazes are all recovered and shiny, actually I am sexing them these days, not too bad ratio up to now :D
Started some pure Haze seeds to run with Tom Hills Haze in a week or two,
I am glad that one is due, typically, the day I soak my new Haze seeds I read some horror stories regarding this one,:mad: I copied it all and fired it off to the seed Co telling them to "say it aint so", I should say these are old old reports!, one from Mel Frank, haha take that how ever you like! Besides this line came from Sam via Positronic same as Tom Hills line originated, could they be THAT bad?, I can't see, he££, I am betting a lot of time on it, we shall see, I'll get back to you in 4 months :wallbash:


I hear claims Boost quickens harvests, going off the 3 or 4 days advance I witnessed, I can see it is possible, hardly worth shouting about, again it is all relative, 4 days might equate to 1/2 a crop a year extra

hehe :D

thats exactly as we said :D isnt it? :D

im glad the plants all of them worked out well :D

good job lady

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Hi Stranger

Hi Stranger

hehe :D

thats exactly as we said :D isnt it? :D

im glad the plants all of them worked out well :D

good job lady

Thanks bones, I was thinking of you when i was writing that, I knew you'd get a kick out of it:D.
It is funny how things are going, very similar to what you had experienced yourself and the reason you found your Panela a better option.
Not too long to go now my friend, touch wood.
I was starting to think you had left us :mad:, I am glad to see you're OK, hope our *m* is good too, not seen her for a little while?, I am sure she is fine but we can send good vibes her way in case :)

Owl Mirror

Active member
I also happen to have this same strain growing in my closet at this time.
I was not conducting any type of test on how best to grow it, just growing as I normally do.

Mango Haze x White Widow ~ 30 days of flowering -
In soil & water, molasses and micro-nutrients only


The individual buds along the stalk are about equal to that of my thumb in width and about half as long.
The top cola is about 6-8 inches in length.


I could get at least one of each next to each other in a pic and it be easy to say/see the diff's so much better.

yeah that would be cool actually! More of a gut feeling but if boost looks so good by speeding things up (at least in part) I'm not that sold. Variety of reasons around my personal grow limitations. Rather keep things simple.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
I got a reply back form canna. I was asking about using molasses, and they said not to, they said it gets the microbes in hyper mode and N could suffer from there reaction it causes to the microbes....

along that extent, I just thought people would like to know canna's response, and they did not even mention using boost instead or try selling me on it, he told me just to not use molasses ... !!! ???

oh also, I got a reply back form the testing company on boost and said it would be a reverse engineering job... sounds expense but I will still look into it..

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
3 wise men? thanks guy's

3 wise men? thanks guy's

I also happen to have this same strain growing in my closet at this time.
I was not conducting any type of test on how best to grow it, just growing as I normally do.

Mango Haze x White Widow ~ 30 days of flowering -
In soil & water, molasses and micro-nutrients only


The individual buds along the stalk are about equal to that of my thumb in width and about half as long.
The top cola is about 6-8 inches in length.

Hi OM, I am so glad you posted her, for one she is lovely, she will be so fat at the end, also, it is exactly the style I would prefer for my next run, perhaps a touch shorter and I know this is from seed but this shows it very well. It will be so much better, you must keep posting now, at least show us when she is fat :D, betcha she will be!
Good to see you both here.

yeah that would be cool actually! More of a gut feeling but if boost looks so good by speeding things up (at least in part) I'm not that sold. Variety of reasons around my personal grow limitations. Rather keep things simple.

Hi S', I hope you're well! Still time for a shock that could change your opinion! :) As you read they are pushing on ahead, but at what cost?, if any?. I am just pleased the others are only days behind really, It looked a huge diff at one stage until the 2nd lot kicked off, we will have a good idea soon to help you decide, only a few weeks to go.
I too prefer simple Strangely, however since starting this I have more products than ever.:mad: .

I got a reply back form canna. I was asking about using molasses, and they said not to, they said it gets the microbes in hyper mode and N could suffer from there reaction it causes to the microbes....

along that extent, I just thought people would like to know canna's response, and they did not even mention using boost instead or try selling me on it, he told me just to not use molasses ... !!! ???

oh also, I got a reply back form the testing company on boost and said it would be a reverse engineering job... sounds expense but I will still look into it..
Hi habeeb, nice to see you too, seems a while?
Thank-you so much much for letting us know how you are doing, it is very good of you :)
That is very interesting, I assume Canna meant in soil grows?, I have to say it makes little sense to me, I understood growers use Molasses in part to encourage the microbes to go berserk, they in turn would make more nutrients available to the plant?
Why would Canna say such a thing?, the plot sickens :D, thickens!.
I have a feeling Canna are getting a bit fed up of Boost, Molasses q's, from me alone!, they will not answer me regarding the guarantee, I have re-sent last weekend but I don't expect a response!
Damn, reverse engineering huh, it does sound expensive.
I was hoping they only had to weigh out a tiny amount of the subject, stick it in a gas chromatograph machine and minutes later you get a copy of everything present and in what %, saying that I still imagined a fair cost for the service.
This is where I am a fan of unions, co-ops etc, if we formed a growers union, got 10,000 members paying 50 cents a year subs we could pay for all our grow related lab tests :2cents:

Good stuff habeeb thank-you :)


Green Mujaheed
just Molasses, Seaweed extract, liquid chicken manure, liquid bat guano, liquid worm humus

Wouldn't chicken manure & worm humus contain a bit too much nitrogen for use during flowering stage ?

Irie !


Active member
Thank-you indifferent, thats very nice of you to say so, with a lot of help from regulars it's getting there :)
As I was reading my fingers were already typing to get some PK product, looking at the other stuff,, especially the bat guano, I doubt you need it, looks like you covered your bases as our US friends might say.
You may well see them still fill out so hard for you to decide I guess, these things of mine are very slow, I didn't post a bloom pic till 21 days 12/12 and there is nothing to see on them, but now they are bursting, I am thrilled to be honest, I'll write more in the next post on how things are as it is changing fast now :woohoo: What is the NPK on the liquid guano?

On Boost a sec, I made no secret of the fact I think it is having a beneficial effect, I honestly wish it wasn't so but it seems this way.
I bit the bullet the other day, I usually buy the little bottles, 250ml
they cost £20 which really is a lot of money for such a small amount, I figured win or lose I'll need more at some point and got a litre instead, it makes it almost 1/2 the price, you get 400ml 'free' so it is a bit more affordable, a bit!.
Tell us, where do get liquid fert's you have?
Good to see you here too :wave:

The liquid worm humus is by Chempak, I have used it for years, I find humic acid is very important in coco, ladies will take a good 0.2ec higher I find. The bat guano is by No Mercy, it's 1-15-1 I think. The liquid seaweed extract is from a local supplier that just went bust, sadly, but Maxicrop or Vitax also works good or you can buy kelp powder from a healthfood shop and disolve that. The Westland Nutri Organic Liquid was 3.99 for 2.5 litre, reduced from 8.99, local garden centre had a sale.

My local garden centre has a big tub full of stuff reduced to 50p because the labels got wet and damaged, I pick up tons of stuff from it all the time. Today I bought a tenner's worth - 6 bottles of Agralan Revive, which is normally 7.99 a bottle, it's beneficial micro-organisms to boost poor or tired soils, should work a treat in an organic grow methinks. I also got 8 bottles of Biotal organic liquid compost maker which I shall be using to make liquid Comfrey and composting. I also grabbed a few bottles of Pyrethrin bugspray and a few packs of Trappit sticky pest strips so I stocked up on loads of goodies and saved a fortune.

Wouldn't chicken manure & worm humus contain a bit too much nitrogen for use during flowering stage ?

Irie !

The chicken manure, I don't know the NPK of, but it is high in potash, I only use it until 2/3rds way into flower, then I cut out all N. The worm humus is for humic acids, it's not a nutrient as such. I never have any issues with too much N in late flower although I often find it hard to get plants to yellow up even with a two week flush, but quality doesn't suffer imho.


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Green Mujaheed
I'm looking at my plants and thinking the yield is not gonna be that great unless they fatten up a lot more (which they may well do, given they are only halfway)

eheh, I forgot to quote the first half of sentence...
I was linking your impression of not "that great" yield with the use of lombric & chicken manure as too much nitrogen inhibits flowering actually.

The chicken manure, I don't know the NPK of, but it is high in potash
Usually high in all three elements, and most of the time contains more Nitrogen than potassium & phosphore.

I never have any issues with too much N in late flower although I often find it hard to get plants to yellow up even with a two week flush

Maybe little too much of chicken manure ? Or being nothing else than diluted raw matter, maybe it takes longer to being processed and assimilated by the plant (well, I'm not a big specialist of the plants' metabolism...)
I'm curious about this liquid bat guano. Will have to give it a go for my next grow. If it works as good as powdered one then no much need for anything else. I once fed my garden with some and the year after (takes long time to degrade and be assimilated) everything went totally out of control ! Good stuff...

Irie !


Active member
Typically, chicken manure pellets are something like 4.5-2.5-3.5, the bottle of liquid stuff I got says it's high in potash but doesn't have any NPK info on it. I like the bat guano, it does seem to enhance taste a bit and gives a decent yield, not as much as a chemical Pk booster does though.

The comments about the yield is based on the plants being from seed rather than cuts I have run before. This is my first grow in a new setup I built from scratch after a 9 month break from growing due to family problems, I'm not seeing inhibited flowering as they are well advanced at 32 days, one plant looks like it will be done in 45 days, another looks like it will be done in 50, and I never have problems with excessive leafiness, which is a problem with too much N. My flowering times tend to be the same as friends when we run the same cuts. I do have a reeferman G13 that looks like it will go 80 days though lol.

I do get some fade in the leaves, but they never go really yellow like I see with some grows unless it's a long flowering sativa and I tend to cut out all N from week 8 with those and flush from week 10 or 11 when harvesting at 13 or 14 weeks, then I do tend to see more yellowing.

As I said, it's day 32 today and I plant to feed the two that look to finish at 45-50 days for another week before starting to flush, I will probably end up letting them both go 55, but they do look unusually fast, 45 days is probably wishful thinking on my part though and they will take 55 or more. Since day 21 I have been feeding them molasses, bat guano, chicken manure, seaweed extract, Westland Nutri, liquid silicon and liquid worm humus, so they haven't been getting much N, just what is in the chicken manure and a tiny bit from the molasses (which is 1-0-5) seaweed (which is probably something like 1-1-8) and bat guano (1-15-1), I don't know the NPK of the worm humus, it is probably very low, like 1-1-1, so I think the breakdown of the NPKs they have been getting is like this:

molasses 1-0-5
seaweed 1-1-8
bat guano 1-15-1
chicken 4-3-10 (at a guess, it's labelled as a high potash feed)
Westland 2-1-4
worm humus 1-1-1
OVERALL : 10-21-29

I think that is about the right ratio for the middle of flowering, for the last phase before the flush I will feed the same but less of the Westland Nutri and Chicken Manure. I should mention that I'm not using straight coco, but a mix of 50% coco, 25% diatomite, 20% worm casts, 5% seaweed meal plus bone meal for phosphorous and rock phosphate for potash. The seaweed meal contains a fair bit of potash, and the slow release nature of the P and K in the bone meal, rock potash and seaweed means by the later stages of flowering, the plants are getting loads of P and K.

Next run I will be dropping the chicken manure in favour of homemade liquid Comfrey which will be 8-5-20 according to info I got from the Royal Horticultural Society, their info in based on the Bocking-14 cutting of Russian Comfrey (which is very widely grown in the UK) and my Comfrey is from wild plants, but I think the high levels of potash in the Comfrey will give a nice boost to my plants, shame it has a lot of nitrogen in it too.


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I got a reply back form canna. I was asking about using molasses, and they said not to, they said it gets the microbes in hyper mode and N could suffer from there reaction it causes to the microbes....

along that extent, I just thought people would like to know canna's response, and they did not even mention using boost instead or try selling me on it, he told me just to not use molasses ... !!! ???

they just seemed to have missed the ball & dont have a molasses product currently on the market, like their competitors... would not be entirely shocked if they brought a molasses product to market, w/in a year or 2...

probably have been 1 or 2 of the 12k+ viewers of this thread... target demographic research is not unheard of in any industry...

kind of makes presumed in-depth research & science jargon become less impressive... when a company declares to a gardener that a long-used natural & inexpensive substance (molasses),
I was asking about using molasses, and they said not to...
he told me just to not use molasses ... !!! ???
due to its incompatibility, presumably, w/ an expensive product they make?... or is molasses just inherently bad? can lead to :chin:...

enjoy your garden!

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
@mriko nice to see you here, glad indif' could help you

@ *mistress* I knew you would like habeebs post, the Canna line on Molasses, I hadn't thought of the regret they must have, letting every other company steal a march on them with the black stuff. Good to see you're ok, not the same without the regulars :D

@ Indif', Thank-you for these posts, I really appreciate you taking the time, your total NPK looks ideal, assuming it all blends you really shouldn't need any Booster like you said.
I was looking at comfrey a week or two ago, as you say it has a lots of N, still could be good as early bloom food though, a kick start if you like?
Please don't say Kays has gone bust! up in the Lake district? I have been waiting about 6 weeks for an order, I thought it was the post dispute and check cashing slowing it up. Thats a shame, she did good stuff, good prices. I better check my account!
I do use Maxi crop seaweed but I had ordered some of Kays, oh bum!, Still Maxi isn't too expensive, just you get about a gallon extra from Kays, DID i should say. many thanks indiferent :)

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