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15 plant coco grow, recurring Nutrient/Magnesium deficiency problem


Hey ET, you should try it mate, the BHO that is, its so easy to make and its so quick. The high is powerful but mentally uppy. I`m puffin on one now:smoker:

Hey no, I`m not using bottled water on my 15 planter, its 3 60liter tanks to fill, there`s just no way I can get that into the house. The only way fwd if it is the water, is a RO unit and I cant afford one at the moment.

I used bottled water on the 2 plant grow, but to honest have been lazy and used tap water for the last couple of feeds.

ET, I think I may have found the problem to be in the use of hydroton for a drainage layer at the bottom of the coco where the main root mass is. I dont think the roots like it with coco nutes and feeding regime. My thinking on this was inspired by what Bonecarver had to say and you`ll find it from the middle to bottom of this page mate if ya wanna check out the thoughts. http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=138214&page=8

I just transplanted the 2 in veg for the tent sgrog grow and noticed that in the bottom of the 7 inch pots where I`d put a layer of hydroton for drainage, ther was no roots. There`s lots of roots along the sides however, and down as far the hydroton layer, but it stops there. I removed the hydroton and repotted into 12 liter pots of canna pro coco with nothing else mixed in.

I`m pretty sure the water supply that my friend uses is the same as mine just being a few streets away, but I did take a sample of her water to see if it looks any clearer than mine when frozen, I haven`t checked it but I reckon it`ll look similar to mine. I got two lollies made to compare tmro. I have got the water in the back of my mind as a possible culprit to my problems, but nits not the main suspect. If I have problems with these two, it`ll be an easy enough job to switch to bottled water and see what difference it makes. Will also give me advanced warning to get a RO unit for the main grow as it`ll be a few weeks behind the tent grow.

Make sense to ya`s?

These are the two chosen from the best 4 from a whole bunch, I`ll top them again and start training them prior to fitting the screen in a week or so`s time.

They`re looking good, but I am keeping a close eye on them for any intervienal yellowing, but really hoping its a problem solved. . . . . watch this space.

I dont know if that`s going to help Phatty tho, other than mixing perlite. What`s your root zones looking like Phatty? You pulled any to take a look?



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Haven't checked out the roots on these ones, but on the last crop they were fine, if stunted.

I am pretty sure it is my hardwater and the fact that house and garden has 11% calcium oxide (why I didn't think to look at the label sooner I'll never know,) so I think that's what's locking out the mg.

I'm going to flush everything out and feed with different nutes (GH hardwater micro and bloom,) and see if that fixes the problem. Sucks cus I just bought big ass containers of the other nutes around the time I moved, maybe I'll get R/O down the line and use em...

anyways I'll post back some pics and let you know how that works out, what is the calcium content on your nutes toke?


Wow that sounds like loads of calcium, especially for a coco suited nutrient, I though 3% was around the desired requirement.

Regards the hydroton drainage theory check this page out,http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=141009 , loads of valuable info regards this issue, really worth a look even if its not specifically your problem.

I doubt its the water quality my end, do you know of others in your locality that grow from tap water, and what are their results?

I`ll check the bottles tmro Phatty, but if I remember correctly its around 3%. I use Atami B`cuzz coco nutrients if ya wanna know quicker, you`d be able to get the stats from their website.



The only other growers I know are serious fucking professionals (hired mexicans to dig out 6 feet of concrete under their house and built a 12+ light weed-cave down there!) and use R/O only, or they live in an area with pristine tap water (75ppm.) Yeah 11% seems crazy high, I don't know what's up with that...hopefully the flush&new nutes will help them out I'll post up some pics soon.


I`ll be in the grow room in the next couple of hours so I`ll let tou know what the Cal % is in my nutes.

My tap water is EC3, used to be EC4 a couple of years back.



Hey Phatty, I checked the Atami B`cuzz coco nutrients, the calcium content is 4.49%, a little higher than the 3% I thought, but still way below your 11% with H&G?? Magnesium is 1%.

Hope your plants improve mate, have you been using these nutrients for all the plants you`ve had trouble with? Were you doing ok before with other nutrients?

Its day 57 of 63 today for my big girls. The Ec has remained constant at Ec12-13, though the ph in all 3 tanks has dropped to ph5.8 from 6. I`ll dump the res and plain ph water flush them for the final week. They`re not able to put on much weight as I suspected, already being a bit fucked and generally tired, but the quality is assured I reckon. The resin build up is good, and oudour is powerful, and the nuggets are among the most dense I`ve grown.I`ll post some close ups to show you the booty!

I do hope my stealth is up to how I think it is as my nieghbours have moved out today. Its rented accomodation and that means the landlord and prospective tennents will be buzzing about for a while. I exhaust into my attick and though I use carbon filters on both exhausts, I`ve been a bit paranoid and been all around the areas that are sealed, just to check that they`re all good. I dont like change, especially so close to harvest! :puppydoge



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A lil more bud porn

A lil more bud porn

A few more :joint:


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New member
yellowing of leaves

yellowing of leaves

hi ive been browing in coco for about a year and with canna nutes to the letter,,,my leaves are always a lime greeny yellowy colour is this a bad thing i got 2oz per plant dried but it is a magnesium problem i think,,


hi ive been browing in coco for about a year and with canna nutes to the letter,,,my leaves are always a lime greeny yellowy colour is this a bad thing i got 2oz per plant dried but it is a magnesium problem i think,,

Canna nutes to the letter would be quite strong for most plants, you sure you`re not over nuting yer plants. 2oz per plant could be good or it could be bad, depending on your grow set up. If you post a photo it`d be easier for people to diagnose any problem mate.



Thanks BC. Yeah I have 23 clones rooting up right now of this strain that I`ll be using for the next grow. Just hoping I avoid the past problems, I think I`m quite brave just to give it a go, but I hate to be beaten by a problem that is beatable.

I`m just setting up the first of 2 grow journals today. This one is going to be for the 2 plant growtent sgrog. The second which will be in a couple of weeks time for the new sgrog set up for my 15 plant grow.

Hope y`ll al drop in and keep an eye on how I get along. I`ll put em both in my signature, once I figured out how I do that:eek::


Ps I been shrooming again today and managed to pick over 600


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Here's another shot of my leaf damage and a william's wonder bud w/out the HPS on...

And the canopy under the HPS on day 32:

It's only been a few days since I switched nutes, but I'm leaning towards getting an R/O filter in any case...


Wonder willy looks good mate. Yeah I may end up getting an RO system too mate, especially if I change my set up to one res, and run to waste. I`m just too skint to do it at the mo.

Is the yellowing wide spread throughout the plants, and is it worse near the tops or bottoms for example??



Hey, I`ve harvested the top half of the plants and leaving the bottoms to go for a week or so longer, time to ripen and firm up the buds that have`nt had much light.



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Well the tops are curing in tubs




The plants were flushed for the week before harvest. I then
fed the plants for a couple of days a at Ec1.2. I`ve now got
them back on plain water again for a week prior to harvesting
the lower half of the plants. Here is what one of my trays looks lie after harvesting all the tops.

The bottoms are ripening up well and are innundated with



There`s a lot of small bud so I`m hoping they`ll
fatten up a bit too over the next week. I plan to crop them
after the weekend. By then my clones will be about screaming
for transplanting and putting in the trays for the
forthcoming scrog (diary for the scrog is in my signature).


I`tll be a wek or two before the results are in, but I`m not expecting much in the way of yield, but the smoke is really good:joint:



New member
i use 50ml/5gal of cal mag every feed every water every time.all thru flower ,except when im flushing.i only flush with ph'ed water no nutes.and i add molasses in my flush.hi yeilds great taste very dense flowers.hope this helps...


hello tokesome,coco coir is very particular.many foods dont perform well in coco coir.Ive found that monkey juice with R.O. water is the most predictable.


Well as I feared the harvest has been truly appalling, just 16 and 3/4 oz from all the tops, its going to have made little more than the last sad harvest of 19oz and all the hard work trying to improve them has not made a significant difference.

I`m totally gutted of course, I should be taking 65oz from this set up, but at least I`ve got to the root of the problem and feel more confident about my next grow.

Thanks urbangardenCO for the Canna site info. I`m a bit wary of the manufacturers claims and recommended doses, but there is a lot of useful info there for sure.

Toke :-(