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Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
One man's trash...

One man's trash...

... is another man's pleasure.

This is all of the really, really frosty trim from everything I've ever harvested. I finally decided it run it through some ISO. Pictured is the first wash. About 2g here, and then another full gram from my 2nd wash. (Not pictured.) Even the 2nd wash product is full-melt. Haven't smoked any yet. :smoke:

And thanks, AS. :)



nice bro,,, love the gift from the friend,,,i gave a guy some clones and seeds and then for somereason he tells me ur not supposed to ask for ant of it back,,,(not that i did ask) he just volunteered this out of the blue,,, i thought that was rude, i never thought to ask,,,i guess he was never gone to offer lol,,,glad u found a better person to give urs too,,peace


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
If you're not supposed to ask, the other side of the coin is that you shouldn't have to. Right?

Sounds like a lame excuse for not reciprocating, if you ask me.

(I did ask for a nug, though... I wanted a taste of the OD version. He sent like 9g... well more than I wanted and very generous. I bet he got about 2+ lbs off her, as is his reputation, but still. Wonder how he'll like my C99?)



i mean who cares even if i would have asked i put the time and effort into them and thought of him we should be entitled to a nug or two for sure,, i just was expecting common courtesy thats all,,,now i am going to ask him for some since he said that lol, see if he blows me off,,peace


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Thanks, cracker. It sure does the job!

Time for an update to the much-neglected (well, in terms of documentation) CFL box.

Grape Skunk:



Zoidfuel x Cherryfuel:



Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Thanks guys... more photos from last night that I was just too tired to run through Photoshop.

First, some midway-shots of the Mirre. 1-4, in order. 1 is a beefcake and drenched in greasy trichs, but with a very mundane odor. 2 smells like 4, both spicy/jackish and frostier than most of my plants - but less so than their sisters. 3 still smells fruity and is still the bigger and frostier of the two tall phenos.

The Wonder Haze, 65 days in and starting to look like she's thinking about finishing. I'm guessing 2 more weeks. She's faaaaaaat... thickest girl the 250's blessed me with thus far.

And the Zoidfuel x Cherryfuel. This one has a nasty chem/fuel/kerosene odor, with a sour kinda fruity flavor. Imagine what you would serve a jet fighter if it asked you for 'cherry limeade'...

She doesn't stretch. I mean, not one little damned bit. But she sure does bulk up. If I start with a 14-incher at the flip, I'll get a whopper of a cola:



Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Thanks Thundurkel... I like #3 but the two tall phenos are gonna have to be amazing to be keepers. They go 11-12 weeks and don't produce like the short ones. We'll see.

This whole seed run (along with the WH and ZF) got plagued in veg by a REALLY hot bag of FFOF. The tall Mirre girls took it the hardest, and by the time they recovered the first ~16" of stem was bare of burnt leaves. I'm not gonna get enough bud to do more than smoke-test them this time. I know they've got more yield potential, though, so I'ma give the better of the two a fair shake and run it again, in proper dirt next time.

Meantime, here's a couple shots of that OD Grape Skunk before I smoke it all :smoke:



Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Well, time keeps on ticking. I've had a lot of stuff piled up and while I've not fallen behind in the garden, I've fallen out of journalism again. This time, it's not work as much as it is the end of the outdoor season. No buds outdoors, but tons of tomatoes!

Here's a few:

And now, since that's not really what we're all here for... the indoor garden! Mostly pics of the CFL clones but I got 3 of the 4 Mirre shot as well. The other one was all droopy, and I respect her too much to show her in that condition. :D

Mirre 2, 3, 4:






its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
super nice updates bro,how are you enjoyin the wash you ran?
everything is comin right along for you bro and the gs always looks super fly.


just checking in SB. you have green fingers for sure m8. tamatas look delish also :D


lmao, those are gorgeous tomatoes :D

(you already know the bud looks good, and so do I, but those tomatoes are a surprise ;) )


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Wouldn't you know it, I post frosty buds and nary a ripple... but I put up a few tomatoes and people erupt from the woodwork. Are we so desensitized to cannabis photos around here that we take them for granted, while - ahem - garden-variety vegetables get our attention?

Probably, but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. :smoke:

Since they're such a hit, though, here's the rest. I have pics of 11 of the 12 varieties I grew this season - next year, there will be 16! Thanks for the good vibes, guys, I love growing these puppies as much as I do MJ. (And I'm a lot better at it...)

Tona, the ISO oil is pretty nice. It's dominated by the grapeskunk resin, although that was only a small portion of what was in the trim jar. It's funny... almost a year into this grow and I still don't have anything better from seed than her. What a gift.



Active member
Wouldn't you know it, I post frosty buds and nary a ripple... but I put up a few tomatoes and people erupt from the woodwork. Are we so desensitized to cannabis photos around here that we take them for granted, while - ahem - garden-variety vegetables get our attention?


Man, those are some beautiful tomatoes. Do you get a lot of large ones like that or are those the standouts? Very nice indeed. I hope to come close to that with my tomatoes someday. ^^You have pictures of bud too??


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Man, those are some beautiful tomatoes. Do you get a lot of large ones like that or are those the standouts? Very nice indeed. I hope to come close to that with my tomatoes someday.

Thanks, Hazy! This was such a good year... I am not exaggerating when I say I never even watered the garden. Not one time. Not even to feed... which I also never did. I can hardly even take the credit for these. :D

The criteria on which I selected for photos were high color-accuracy and average shape/size. These are for my personal archives as I keep many more varieties in seed than I can grow in one season. As such, they're all pretty much average. The Orlov Yellow Giant and Elmer's Old German, for example, are actually a little on the small side. I had a 2-pound EOG earlier in the summer, those in the pic were 14 and 16 oz.

Idly... I wonder how I'd be received if I put up a little budporn in a post at an Heirloom Tomato message board... :smoke:

^^You have pictures of bud too??
... of course not. That would be illegal! :noway:


EDIT: I've purged the last shred of Flo from my veg space. There is a jar with 6g of cured, delicious nugs and then there is no more. Too many male flowers, and I have F13 seeds in hand. I have faith that I will find better. I thought she deserved a note, however. She was hard to let go. No matter how bad my mood, she'd fix me right up.

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