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CNS17 New Coco Formula



Dongle...you start clones off at 1.5ec? Do you run 1.5 all the way through veg?
Usually I do.
It depends on strain.
I stay at or below 1.5 ec when the plants are under t5 lighting.
Once they are established and under HPS lighting, I raise ec levels.


Hey Dongle
I know you use good quality tap water, but if using you were using RO water in your ebb and flow setup, do you think calmag supplement would be helpful for this line of nutes?

I use r/o and magnesium has been an essential part of my regimen no matter what base nute I use. Keep a bottle on hand of a mag supplement or you WILL be sorry

I use sweet EVERY watering to make up for the lacking mag


I use r/o and magnesium has been an essential part of my regimen no matter what base nute I use. Keep a bottle on hand of a mag supplement or you WILL be sorry
I use sweet EVERY watering to make up for the lacking mag
Dial in your ph and you won't need to buy extra products.


my ph is 5.8 every time.

seems like the r/o is the common thread in the problem...
Try out the additive for sure... i've never lived anywhere where i had to r/o my tap water, so it is not a problem i have ever encountered... thanks for sharing, r/o users.

i'm not the only one that has mag deficiencies when using r/o :wave:


That's interesting, magnesium uptakes better at HIGHER ph. With tap water I've never had to supplement either.
It also uptakes better at a lower ph.
5.8 is just about the worst point to stay at between 5 and 7, r/o water or not.
Try starting around 5.2 and let it swing.


Mel Frank's numbers (according to his guide and CannaStats) say 30-60 is ideal for bloom.
CNS17 Coco Bloom has 38ppm mg at 2 ec.
That is just the guaranteed minimum analysis.
Usually there will be more.
I you are running lower watt lights, you can use less.
It is all about keeping good ratios between the different elements.
So many people try to add bloom boosters or whatever at incorrect times and dosages, which really throws things out of whack.
Try lowering your ph and you can save yourself some $$$ while getting rid of your problem, even with r/o water.
Adjusting ph correctly makes the theoretical ppm numbers obsolete anyway.
So easy...

I saw your thread...
Hopefully you have a way to accurately measure ec and ph now.
I wish you luck.
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Mel Frank's numbers (according to his guide and CannaStats) say 30-60 is ideal for bloom.
CNS17 Coco Bloom has 38ppm mg at 2 ec.
That is just the guaranteed minimum analysis.
Usually there will be more.
I you are running lower watt lights, you can use less.
It is all about keeping good ratios between the different elements.
So many people try to add bloom boosters or whatever at incorrect times and dosages, which really throws things out of whack.
Try lowering your ph and you can save yourself some $$$ while getting rid of your problem, even with r/o water.
Adjusting ph correctly makes the theoretical ppm numbers obsolete anyway.
So easy...

I saw your thread...
Hopefully you have a way to accurately measure ec and ph now.
I wish you luck.

30-60 is ideal for coco, soiless, what? i understand that drifting the ph will provide a better spectrum for uptake but from personal experience with CNS, flora3part, and now advanced3part that 60 ppm is necessary with r/o. I am now on a reservoir where my PH does drift from 5.4-6.3, whereas when I was hand watering I kept it a consistent 5.8. the mag def was coming up more frequently on drip, but not since the low dosage of sweet. I don't mind the extra $ as I find sweet to be a wonderful product with more than one use

It all comes down to what works for me because the ph drifting hasn't done squat... and yes I do have a meter now

Have you personally used r/o? Can anyone else testify to their use with r/o? After battling it and seeing many others around here as well, it would be interesting to know


It all comes down to what works for me...
I'm glad you have it dialed now.
Have you personally used r/o? Can anyone else testify to their use with r/o?
Yes, and no calmag or epsom salts needed with any of the one part nutrients that I have tried.
The members 10k and Hydro-Soil have some posts discussing the lower ph method as well.

Hazey the clown

New member
Hey Green,
(Hi, hope your day has been good)
I was curious about the sweet, how much are you using at what times? Do you escalate the amount, etc? I have no experience with this product, but it looks like a nice addition. Have you noticed any yield improvement, taste, smell, etc? I am helping with someone using cns17, and ro water, the cal looks plenty, but I worry about the mag, as you posted earlier, and I see potential benefit beyond mg....
Experience level is low for user, so drifting ph and such seem too much going on. Prefer less complicated solution with added benefits.
Thanks for any reply.


hey hazey sorry I didn't see your post till now. sweet is easily my favorite thing i use. it sure seems to make everything more flavorful and frosty :2cents:

i use sweet through veg at 5ml / gallon but thats really just for the extra mg as i have found needed with r/o

on a 65 day flowering plant:
during early flower till about 30 days I use 10ml / gallon. and then 30-60 days would be 15-20ml

up until my current grow I had only been using 5ml all the way through.. and the frost and smell has always been really noticeable. my buds right now at day 25 are the frostiest i've had at this point in time. its really just molasses but IMO the flavors (grape, berry, especially citrus) come through slightly

if your ph is drifting I would flush them once a week just to keep things in check. when you say drift what are we talking about here?

Hazey the clown

New member
Wow stoked you replied.
I'm helping with a newbie, there is no res involved, hand watering basically, and just adding another thing to remember is too much right now. So the "drifting" ph thing is too much, I can't be there to help every time, too many numbers for people is .... scary. Last time I was over, a few definitely looked like needed mg, and the cns line seems to have plenty of cal, so why add Cal-mag, f'n the numbers up(lots of N and such), if the Sweet does the job, and boosts frostiness, taste, etc.
Ultra thanks for replying, what YOUR feeling on cal mag with the cns line?(ro water) rather not use if possible, that's one of the appeals to this line, mg is so strain specific, that usually has to be adjusted.
Yeah 5ml of sweet with no cal mag appears (in use now) too little. The numbers say different, but the plants say more. Keep me posted on the 15-20ml thing, and if that turns out to work much better. Seems like a lot, but the plants never lie.


Adding further Mg will not solve the problem...no matter how much you add. The Mg is locked out, it is not lacking and that is a huge difference. The solution is letting the pH drift from maybe 5.2-5.9 or at least from 5.5 to 5.9...or making it drift in a no res situation. The fact that it is more to remember and potentially challenging to learn for a newb does not change that fact.

Good luck...but I would bet adding more Sweet will not solve this particualr problem


sweet is easily my favorite thing i use. it sure seems to make everything more flavorful and frosty :2cents:

i use sweet through veg at 5ml / gallon but thats really just for the extra mg as i have found needed with r/o

on a 65 day flowering plant:
during early flower till about 30 days I use 10ml / gallon. and then 30-60 days would be 15-20ml

I would caution using 15-20ml/Gal of sweet. That's a lot of Mg, and from my own experience, I think that much messes with the cation exchange (specifically lock out Ca). I shoot for K:Ca:Mg 8:4:1 or 4:2:1.


Just started using CNS ripe two weeks ago. Can anyone else verify that it's quite a bit stinkier than both grow and bloom?

Bud growth is GREAT so far, but it sure is stinky stuff.


Wow stoked you replied.
I'm helping with a newbie, there is no res involved, hand watering basically, and just adding another thing to remember is too much right now. So the "drifting" ph thing is too much, I can't be there to help every time, too many numbers for people is .... scary. Last time I was over, a few definitely looked like needed mg, and the cns line seems to have plenty of cal, so why add Cal-mag, f'n the numbers up(lots of N and such), if the Sweet does the job, and boosts frostiness, taste, etc.
Ultra thanks for replying, what YOUR feeling on cal mag with the cns line?(ro water) rather not use if possible, that's one of the appeals to this line, mg is so strain specific, that usually has to be adjusted.
Yeah 5ml of sweet with no cal mag appears (in use now) too little. The numbers say different, but the plants say more. Keep me posted on the 15-20ml thing, and if that turns out to work much better. Seems like a lot, but the plants never lie.

as others have said if the numbers say you have enough MG and the plants are saying different, it is definitely a PH problem. no matter how much mg or additives you give them, the ph has to be in check for them to absorb it. i know you are trying to keep it simple, and coco might not be the best choice for that, but keeping the PH in a solid range should be priority

Adding further Mg will not solve the problem...no matter how much you add. The Mg is locked out, it is not lacking and that is a huge difference. The solution is letting the pH drift from maybe 5.2-5.9 or at least from 5.5 to 5.9...or making it drift in a no res situation. The fact that it is more to remember and potentially challenging to learn for a newb does not change that fact.

Good luck...but I would bet adding more Sweet will not solve this particualr problem
yes you are right sam, ph is crucial

I would caution using 15-20ml/Gal of sweet. That's a lot of Mg, and from my own experience, I think that much messes with the cation exchange (specifically lock out Ca). I shoot for K:Ca:Mg 8:4:1 or 4:2:1.

is this with CNS? i know cns has quite a bit more mg then the base nutes I use so just wondering. I haven't seen any ill effects yet but I do flush quite often


Mine smells the same as the grow and bloom (no stink).

Damn, now I'm worried. Grow and Bloom smell like elmers glue, my bottle of ripe smells like a typical gross smelling fert mixed with elmers glue. Hopfully I didn't get a bad batch. I've been assuming that the "P" part is a just little stinkier than the N and K. I've heard phosphorus' odor described as "rotten garlic", maybe that's what I'm smelling?

Can anyone else verify that their bottle of Ripe has no odor?