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Anyone ever made good friends on message boards or myspace?


Active member
Ive known about a dozen of good people off overgrow, shroomery and ICMag

I met about half of them

I also sent msgs to dozen of myspace users who i liked and i found some interesting people, few of those i have met.

In fact, next month i am meeting this geezer off shroomery, hes flyin to do London with me and another friend...



Active member
no bad experiences ?

I have a crazy story about a chick I met on craigslist

she ended up punching me a couple of times (almost a dozen)
and was saying... im gonna tell the police you beat me

thank god my friend was there

I reported it right away

long story I might share it later
before that she was very rude once, insulting

I gave her a second chance, but after that one lol, fuck it

that night I felt something was wrong with her, she had a lot of tension, im like whatsup

wtf u looking for

so I told her well dont think were gonna hang out tonight


Yea, this one. Some have gone, some are still around. Can't wait to see everyone again in the dam! :joint:

I'm not really into myspace and I use facebook only to communicate with my family and friends around the world.


Active member
ive met good ppl off here and on other boards....ive never met a better thing than my dog tho.

when my comp is off my dog cares for me.....rawks my world....if my comp is on im neglecting him.


I don't whore myself out on here to try and be-friend everyone like someone hint* "(((((((((hugs)))))))))". I don't have a problem re-jecting requests, some people are just forum whores, some people I just don't trust. But there are some pretty stellar people on here. I haven't be-friended them all but the few that I have added on here I'd smoke a bowl with any day.

On another forum back in the day I met a lot of people off of one it was a site for ravers so it was all about networking and meeting up ect anyways. Never had any real drama with that.


just don't molest my colas..
Met a couple of good people on OG, some douche bags. there was a time where I was in a crew round there and here that I kept in touch with every day. very generous and kind people.


The Hopeful Protagonist
1. I AM in London, my friends flyin here not me
2. i get paid TOMORO friday

any more questions?

So everything is FREE in London now ?

Or do you just like living (with mum & dad) from paycheck to paycheck ?

And here I was thinking the problem with younger folks was exclusive to the US....

I'm sure you'll figure a way to "work-off" your expenses....bring knee pads.


The Hopeful Protagonist
My reading comprehension is in perfect working order, perhaps you should work on yours.

h^2 O

i was into searching for chicks on myspace a few years ago...I met two that were cool - one I used to phukk but then dropped her, and the other was like an artschool crazy


cant stop wont stop
who was that member that met some obese girl on craigs list? god damn those threads were funny.. eatcannabisraw?


no wuckin furries!
i think it was from OG (may have been on another aussie site thou?)....started talking to two guys a day or 2 apart....only ended up meeting one cause the other sounded very VERY sketchy and is still on weed sites ...even on here.... but under a different name...but wont go into that to dig up old shit....

but the guy i did meet at 1st tripped me out(way before i met him)....thought maybe he was a cop and traced me somehow?(when i did an IP search on my IP addy it said i lived in that town too???) cause he said that he lived the next town over...
..chatted more and found out from what he told me that he wasnt a cop (talked about the town and his family who they are and what they do....so his story checked out) found out his mum was in a certain position in the community and was looking after my young son sorta on certain days at a certain place...ect

meet him...shared weed ect.....i ended up needing a place to live down the track and stayed at his house for a few months....cool guy!

only just contacted him again months ago....and chatted a bit here and there online...and he said he was coming down to see me sometime...

but he dont REPLY to fukn emails and is a lazy bastard !!!! yea i hope ya read this...get of ya ass and email me back....bloody stoners :D .HH. =]-~