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Grow like nobody is watching
I'm still lolling at the "leafy and pulled too early" comment. :)

Glad you could make it back. And Leviathan, all I can say is that I don't even do obbt's, bio-boxes, or organics, yet I've learnt an incredible amount from LL and all the posters in those threads. A lot of it is very applicable to any system, and is basically just good hoticultural knowledge. Sure she overdid it and fucked up, but I can say with assuredeness that I won't be making that mistake after being taught it here on ic by LadyL. So we can either laugh, or learn.

Peace out.
Haha, oh, you guys! :redface:

Come on now, I'm sortof full of shit anyway!

Green Smoke:

You get the idea here man. I grow like this because I enjoy spending the time with my plants. Weaving them and developing them by hand through training on a daily basis is an odd sort of therapy for me. This is my hobby, not in it for a quick buck or a quick smoke, I'm in it for a love of the cannabis plant.

Way kewl that you're going ScrOG matey. What's your situation gonna be like? Lighting, etc?


I do like to think that the core values of my gardening method (Bio Box) are grounded in some fairly sound horticultural principals. I get awfully voodoo about shit for sure and I really need to stop voicing my usage of them so strongly. When it comes to teaching I'm gonna be sticking to the shit I know is solid, and will only preach about the strong Bio Box principals that have already benefited a few gardeners.

And of course I'm still learning too! I've already gathered so much new information, its changed my perspective on gardening a lot. All of the great new ideas that people have come up whilst developing Bio Box with me have been terrific food for thought. I'm totally stoked for these next couple of grows, I think time spent with this community is going to be the time where I really hone my craft. I've been at it a couple of years, mostly on my own and have a solid base knowledge. Its now time to branch out and see what the cultivation world has to offer! :joint:


Active member
i would be interested to hear all the things that you experienced with using cytokinin.

apparently cytokinin can be responsible for making a male plant flower female and then hermie towards the end of growth (when cytokinin therapy is stopped)

i have never heard of it suppressing plants flowering that are already female but im noob with this stuff and only been using it for the last 3 months.

its sold as a rooting booster for seedlings or right after transplanting. i have a plant that i gave quite a large dose of cytokinin to in its early flowering and now at week 6-7 its got like about 15 white hairs on it and absolutly no sign of real bud formation. im wandering if this is possibly a male that doesnt want to show sex due to the hormone treatment, or it might just be screwing with me coz its a 100% sativa land race plant.

EDIT: its been a while since i gave the plant any hormones and its flowering away nicely. solid female.
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Ah, this is a little different:

Bonide tomato blossom and set spray is derived from kelp. They super-concentrate cytokinin and then convert it to a processed derivative called kenetin.

My old regime consisted of, first off, all the typical female-influencing environmental factors: blue light in veg, high humidity, low temps, nitrogen-heavy diet, small K deficit in veg, low-stress in general, etc.

Then I regularly treated with various forms of the tomato spray. Sometimes alone, sometimes watered down and mixed with liquid kelp and such. Treatment starts at birth and continues right up until heavy flower.

Sexual Supression was the result. The plants showed absolutely no signs of sex at all through veg and into nearly the 3rd week of 12/12. I'm not a newb, I know how to look for pre-flowers, they just aren't there

Very first pistils, appeared 2 weeks into 12/12, flowering wouldn't really start for another week, and this was all too early. The way it happened before I should have had a third week of sexless stretching. Something went awry. It demonstrated to me just what a delicate balance I was striking, the whole trick is surely too environment-specific to pull of reliably.

Its still a handy tool. Good growth stimulant in general. Makes plants very thick and complex in veg. Tons of strong offshoots that will actually make it to the canopy. Works really nicely in conjuction with supercropping, just don't over-do it!

I'm ditching the ole tomato spray. There are other, better sources of natural cytokinin. Going to look into stuff like Nitrozyme. I definitely think there is a lot of merit with hormone treatment, but it definitely isn't the be-all end-all that I thought it was. Ah well, gonna have an excellent time with my next crack at it. :joint:


Active member
the stuff i am using is called "seaweed concentrate"

active ingredients:

natural auxins 2,2 mg/litre
cytokinins 0.0062 mg/litre


Active member
i feed it to the soil diluted with water at 15ml per litre, it recommends 25ml per litre.


The only reason cultivation of MJ has advanced as far as it has is by the experimental work of people like LadyLargely. Some folks forget that once upon a time no one knew anything about cloning and started all plants by seed. I applaud your work Lady and look forward to any experiment you might have up your sleeve. Keep experimenting. I dont doubt that one day Leviathan will be putting some of your experiments to use on his own plants. +Karma for you Lady. Peace -virago420

Edit: Shit! Well I tried... You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to LadyLargely again.
Hahaha, thanks man! I don't see myself too much as an innovator, just a tinkerer. I'm not scientifically-inclined enough to do this shit properly. I just putz around till something works!

The kickass thing is though, having introduced this concept to the community some properly scientific blokes have picked it up and are beginning to tinker. Its a strong concept based on ancient and powerful forces, I understand it very little. I know how to create it, and how to maintain it, but I havn't the foggiest idea of how it works. Pretty sure I know why it works, just no idea how. Maybe someday.


Sounds like a lot of the things I'm looking into. It seems all the best hormone treatments are kelp-derived, which makes sense. That's why I had so much faith in the tomato spray, it says right on the bottle "derived from Ascophylum Nodosum Kelp". Good-ole AN kelp is the most cannabis-compatible of them all. Turns out though that the term "derived from" can be used quite loosely indeed.

I'll be looking into something like your seaweed extract for sure. Lots of great products out there on the market.


The only reason cultivation of MJ has advanced as far as it has is by the experimental work of people like LadyLargely. Some folks forget that once upon a time no one knew anything about cloning and started all plants by seed. I applaud your work Lady and look forward to any experiment you might have up your sleeve. Keep experimenting. I dont doubt that one day Leviathan will be putting some of your experiments to use on his own plants. +Karma for you Lady. Peace -virago420

Edit: Shit! Well I tried... You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to LadyLargely again.

ill never get involved with pouring sex suppresing hormones on my plants, cannabis hasnt really changed at all do to science, its just indoor and the control it gives u over the enviroment and finding phenos and crossing them, i mean theres what 500 hundread diffeant strains out there (by name) and what maybe like a very small handfull of actually unique weed, id say 4 but most of guys are so intoxicated from the marketing that u actually believe ''triple fudge scoop vanila thai stick crossed with skunk 34 inbred with skunk 32.5 back crossed with afgahni ice sour bubble dieseal kush cotton candy milkshake purple urkle crossed back with a very special norhtern lights #5 pheno for vigor'' .... is actually something new...to each his own.

Green Smoke

ill never get involved with pouring sex suppresing hormones on my plants,

That's good to know, I'll alert the media.

i mean theres what 500 hundread diffeant strains out there (by name) and what maybe like a very small handfull of actually unique weed, id say 4 but most of guys are so intoxicated from the marketing that u actually believe ''triple fudge scoop vanila thai stick crossed with skunk 34 inbred with skunk 32.5 back crossed with afgahni ice sour bubble dieseal kush cotton candy milkshake purple urkle crossed back with a very special norhtern lights #5 pheno for vigor'' .... is actually something new...to each his own.

Ok, so what's your point?

Dude, you add nothing to this thread but your negativity. Why pick a fight, we're having fun here, and learning to boot. Let the lady post her grow,..and let the rest of us lurk in peace.
Sideways cannabis UPDATE!

Sideways cannabis UPDATE!


WW#1 side cola

Yes, now that's more like it!

Both ladies are now well into starve. WW#1 was looking good and I decided to push her off just 2 days after WW#2. This means just a couple of her potential buds had to be culled. If any of your bud-sites look like this:

At the onset of first starve you should remove them. Only a little time seperated these culled sites from these:

Which where left on. A couple more days without starving could have seen those little ones make it, but it was time to move on.

If you look closely you will see that I also decided to pollinate.

Dutch Mystery#2 ended up living through the over-training kenetin-poisoning incident. As a result, a very curious thing happened:

Most recent picture of DM#2 before she was whacked. Still looks sexless like before right?

Look carefully. You will see one nut. One nut on a stem junction there.

DM#2 turned into what I call a weak male. He did not nut up all over his crown and make a big crazy inverted pineapple of nuts like males usually do. Just a lone nut or two on some of the internodes, that's it. Sortof like a hermie, but with no pistills.

So I let a couple of the nuts mature and pollinated some buds before pulling that plant out.

Sadly, as usual, I over-did it somehow. I'd say the majority of WW#2's nugs have a seed or two at least. WW#1 fared much better and had just a few select pollinated nugs as planned. Hope the resulting hybrid is cool, because I've got a shit-ton of them.

Anyway. Starve is scooting right along, all the signs have shown up:

Yellowing. Many of the smaller, less well-lit fan leaves have begun to yellow and die off. Larger, better-lit fan leaves are showing a uniform drop in color.

WW#1 _________________________ WW#2

Also seeing a good bit of reddening on the fan leaf stems. This indicates a P deficiency and means my nute program is continuing exactly as planned. Very little P or K was placed in the pre-loaded mix and only a very weak supplement has been given so far. We are very close now to the first large flowering nutrient dose. It will be the first every introduction of heavy P to the system. WW#1 is bitching about it much more than #2. But they are both wining for flower nutes and that's good. Couple more days to let them get good and hungry and then angry high-potency nutes will finally be making a return!

Till then, buds are filling out really nicely. By now the horizontal colas are starting to take shape. Tricome coverage is really encouraging this early in the game. They look remarkably potent for having another 4-6 weeks to go!



Mmmm, can't wait :joint:

Training has been over for a while, but I have made an adjustment:

George Washington, my favorite stoner, kicks it in the foreground for scale.

Floros are brightest in the middle. Some of the better nugs on my plants rested very near the ends. That would be fine if I where using the middle bit, but I wasn't. If you look above you see 4 tubs now instead of 5. Took the center one out with great difficulty (broke it in the process) in order to scot the two plants further towards the center.

All in all though, all is well. The recent move let me take this picture:

George hanging out with the stem of WW#1. I can't get over the diameter of some of her lower offshoots. They're like 1/2 that of the main stem!! The first couple offshoots that are really close to the root-ball like this always tend to go all huge and woody for me, like they are their own plants!!

Looking like I'm gonna finish out decently well, despite all the setbacks. After a few more days of starvation I will smack the ladies with their first dose of heavy flower nutes. Simultaneously, I will suddenly have the need for these:

Because my UV-B treatment will finally begin! Next update those bastards will have been up for 3-4 days. Results of their effects should have already become apparent by then.

Till next time!! :joint:
Supercropping is the shiz. Thanks for sharing!

Nice work!

beutiful canopy......

Thanks everyone! Its getting to the good part now, glad so many peeps have pulled up a chair. I promise to put on a good second half of this grow!

we want MORE

Haha, your wish is my command sir!

The pics below are from nearly a week ago now. They where taken at the 'bottom' of my first starve cycle. Emptied the tubs of all excess water and by the 5th day the girls looked like this:

Sad and hungry. Organic starve is different than normal. The fan leaves do not turn yellow in a uniform way. Instead, one at a time, the leaves turn yellow, then fully pale, then curl up to an impossibly thin brown wisp. Only then do they finally fall off:

Sadness is seen only on the stems and fan leaves. Buds looked great the whole way through. Also visible with the yellowing was a lot of red/purple coloration in the stems:

This is indicative of a phosphorus deficiency. Perfect! If you've been keeping track you'll know that I've fed the girls precious little P (and even less K) so far in their lives. The reason for that comes down to this moment at the bottom of first starve. I've made the plants a bit P deficient so that they are very hungry for flowering nutes. And once starve was over these where the nutes that I gave them:

1 gallon concentrate to be diluted down to 3 gallons:

7 Tbsp bat guano
1 Teaspoon soluble seaweed extract
6 Tbsp flower fish
3 Tbsp molasses
1 Pint hot kelp extract made with 1/3 cup kelp meal

At the very same time I took down my pair of un over-driven T8 tubes and replaced them with these:

UV-B monsters! They went in and will stay there till harvest. Its not a good idea to use them until a late stage like this. Every flowery part of the plant should already be covered in a decent layer of trics before hanging lamps like this. THC will protect the plants' delicate sexual organs, and hopefully they make much more of it in response to the intense radiation. A bit under a week after hitting them with nutes and UV tubes, they look like this:



You'll notice the extreemly dark red pistills. This doesn't mean the plants are finishing. Most of those pistils are that way because I pollinated the plants quite heavily (much more so than I intended). Also, if the UV energy corrupts a potential seed location badly enough the pistil will wither up so as not to generate a mutant seed. WW#1 is not nearly as badly pollinated as #2, which is why she has far more white hairs.

Still, despite all setbacks I think they look nice. Now comes the easy part that is always hardest for me: waiting. Training is over, there is very little left to do to the girls but they still have 4-6 weeks to go. Literally all I will do for the next 2 weeks is make sure they don't go too dry and keep myself from breaking down and clipping off some premature nuggets to dry up real quick in the microwave. They look so tasty already..... Gahhhh....


Errm, anyway! Stay tuned kids! Budswell is pretty remarkable with this rig. Nothing out of this world, but its surprising to see what floros can generate bud-wise. :joint:

*EDIT* had to delete smilies, hit my image count limit!

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