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The smell

Ok, I'm a newb wanne be grower, just putting my gear together right now, and learning as much as I can before asking a bunch of questions that I can find the answer too if I just read the forums enough....Everyone talks about odor control and it's importance as far as stealth goes..but what types of smells should a grower expect? I realize it's going to depend a lot on what strain your growing, and where you're growing... I'm talking about indoor grows here...but are the odors from some strains acceptable in an indoor invironment? It seems like the majority of what I read leads me to think that it's a real problem. Just curious.

Joe Hawkins

Active member
Some strains yes, you wouldnt even know were there even brushing them releases hardly anything more than a hay smell.
But some are just killer odor and can be smelled from the outside, especially on a warm balmy night.
Back when I was young we scoped a few places that grew dope just walking past the house in the evening, that many years ago people only grew outside


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

the smell progressively becomes stronger the further into
flowering you happen to be, vegatative growth has very
little odor unless you've got a massive amount of plants.
All strains have odor during flowering.......

and you'd get better results asking this Q in the grow forums



tokers den, we talk about smells. oooohhh that smell, can't u smell that smell.

odor is what it is. one man's stink is another man's ___________ you guys finish it..


Active member
Many strains of cannabis STINK. Even the strains that are lower in odor can put out some pretty bad stink if the plants gets brushed or they're in their last couple of weeks of flower, also when you are drying your yield.

This is just my opinion Bushwacker420, I hope that you'll take the time to consider what I say here before you start an indoor grow. Effective odor control is an ABSOLUTE MUST for the indoor cannabis cultivator. The very, very few people that I know who have been charged with illegal cannabis cultivation have come undone because of ineffective odor control/filtering. Not only is marijuana such a strong distinct smell, but anyone who has grown (or filthy cops and any bastard arsewipe who has ripped off some poor growers plants - hope you all die soon and painfully you thieving motherf*$#ers) knows the distinct smell of it growing compared with the smell of it being smoked. This is DANGEROUS, even those cultivating in countries where it is legal or decriminalised are exposing themselves to the risk of their grow being invaded and robbed by violent criminals. More than many things that will need to be acquired/purchased for your grow will be the need to hook up a filter to your exhaust. This doesn't necessarily have to be expensive, there are many forums on IC that will help you decide what sort of fan and filter that you will need for the area that you have chosen to grow in. There are many hydroponic stores worldwide that sell cheaper second hand equipment, this may be an option if you're on a budget (like most of us are). DO NOT, and I seriously mean don't purchase a product called 'Odor Sock'. I bought one a couple of years ago for a closet grow of WW and my old townhouse smelled of Widow at the back door and the front door, I was freaking out hardcore. Never Again - don't buy these people they are not nearly effective. I would purchase a filter can before I purchased a reservoir and pump if I only had money for one or the other. I would hand feed the plants instead (hey, I already do - lol) until I could afford more. It can be pretty expensive setting up, I think that everyone on this site knows that only too well. There is some equipment/bits and pieces that you're gonna need immediately before you can start your grow and others can be added as you can afford them weeks into your grow. A proper odor filtering system is a prerequisite for a safer grow, it's a form of insurance so to speak. You don't want you or your wife and family living in a house that's emitting skunky smells to the street, someone might kick in your front door, assault you or your family and help themselves to your hard work. At the very least BW420 try to have some sort of filter by the time you flip 12/12, cause after that they really start to stink up (mmmmmmm!!!)

Like I said earlier though Bushwacker, it's just my opinion. I try to keep myself and my partner as safe as possible when I'm up to this sort of activity and I'll always advise others to be as stealthy as possible and do everything that you need to do to keep your home and garden secure. You can never be too careful......

Peace Out!!!


if you can smell it..then others can and that will make them a whole lot more curious then you were!!!! carbon filter is a must for any strain in my opinion not just in flowering but in veg too as someone else mentioned...cos after all we love the stinky shit!!!! be safe:joint:


Parallel is right, you absolutely can NOT skimp on smell control. In almost all cases, scrubbing with activated carbon is the way to go. If you are willing to keep your plants and plant numbers VERY small, you can get away with using products like ONA blocks or Vaportronics, but people swear by activated carbon for a reason. It's always better to be safe than sorry.


Active member
Go check out the growers forum,

and like the others said - carbon scrubber. I prefer ozone generators w/ a carbon scrubber for backup cause you never know... but for a beginner, make a mini carbon scrubber . There's a diy thread for a micro scrubber somewhere on here,...
I'm already planning on making my own carbon scrubber,and I've seen some really good ones that some folks have made here and on other forums. Maybe my question was too general, but I just wanted to know what the strain or strains you have grown smelled like to you.


smells??????????aahhh man it ranges from dead people to pineapples...and then some good luck with it all