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Drying and curing, the FeltonMuggs way

So here's my method as it stands at the moment - I feel my curing process starts with the flush, at least 2 weeks of straight water that's I leave sitting for 24 hours to help eliminate chlorine and other additives and get the minerals and nutrients our of the plant.

Alot of water treatment facilities are using chloramine rather than chlorine now days and chloramine doesn't evap from water. Carbon/sediment filters work best for removing these products from H2O. RO will really flush your plants but it sucks to use during any other growth period as it pulls nutes away from the plant:2cents:


flipped these ladies last night

gotta use two trellis' to keep these bushes level and to hold all the weight up! its gonna get heavy in here yall


Fort Collins Funk

Fort Collins Funk






New member
I feel like 6 plants isnt enough. it just depends on the person. I can easily go through an oz in a week if not more. I think it would be hard for me atleast since they would think im just some kid trying to score dope if I had to go to court but I mean I would fight til the death. chronic tecticular pain is a bitch


Hey Mac420, I too got sick of the quick dries we have here and decided to combat it in the following manner...it has worked beautifully.

i purchased a grow tent that i use exclusively for dry/cure.
inside, i have a circulating fan (sometimes 2) on at all times. then i bought the CAP humidity controller. i plug an exhaust fan in for dehum (could use an actual dehum, if you want obviously), and a cheapy room humidifier. this way i can set humidity @ 50% and just wait....it works wonders, really. i hang my harvested and trimmed plants on branches. when the nug is not mushy and feels dry (which it does even @ 50%) i will cut the buds off the branches and put them into rubbermaids, i prefer long rather than tall so buds at the bottom aren't squished as they re-soften, then i sweat. cure is underrated.

now THAT is going the extra mile i bet you get an awsome cure!! wow
i think i might have to do something like this just on a smaller scale more appropriate to my budget

i really like this though thanks bro


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
ME TED, nice! That MoroccanxLebanese looks interesting, I'm always interested in landrace stuff! Where did you pick that one up? That Master Kush has a similar bud structure to these sativa blueberries I have finishing up, looks dank! :respect:


SO there is a slight possibility that the plant the clones came from ( #5 ) is a female, but the clones just exhibited male pollen sacks?

And does anyone else think that fem seeds are horrible. If this is the case I am screwed cause I had all my seeds sent to my old address before I moved, and now have no place to send anything ahahaha. Oh well.

here is the response from the MMJ registry:

nice work kelly! i'm surprised they wrote back. the one thing i would say is they are by no means lawyers. they HATE us because we have been making them work their asses off and they don't get the $90. while this opinion of theirs may very well be the case, i would highly suggest speaking with an mmj attorney....they will all give you an hour consultation for free.

TMA of Colorado

New member
Sunnyside Alternative Medicine in Denver is carrying some Blue Rhino 1947 crosses,
they have Cheese X Blue Rhino 1947 and 2 Pounder X Blue Rhino 1947

In a few months they will have the Blue Rhino 1947 F2 seeds available.

They will also have the Majick Dragon clones available soon(Blue Rhino 1947 X Blue Dragon)


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
i have been wondering about this myself as of late, so are you saying just buy water..let water sit..filter threw a brita or what? these are the days i wish had a ph/ec/ppp meter.
A lot of bottled water out there is tap water with pretty packaging.


i have been wondering about this myself as of late, so are you saying just buy water..let water sit..filter threw a brita or what? these are the days i wish had a ph/ec/ppp meter.

Most grow shops carry the Small Boy or Tall Boy carbon/sediment dechlorinating filter, for like $100 or so. I got this one on ebay for close to half the price:
These filters remove the chlorine products without removing the needed minerals. Not only do I use for my plants but I also use it to filter my own water.

Budgood the MorocconxLeb is from a caregiver friend that I visit frequently. He got the clone from a friend that has traveled the middle eastern area since the 80's and collects seeds. Apparently this is that guys own cross. That's the story that was given to me with the herb. It was def some FIRE!


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Most grow shops carry the Small Boy or Tall Boy carbon/sediment dechlorinating filter, for like $100 or so. I got this one on ebay for close to half the price:
These filters remove the chlorine products without removing the needed minerals. Not only do I use for my plants but I also use it to filter my own water.

Budgood the MorocconxLeb is from a caregiver friend that I visit frequently. He got the clone from a friend that has traveled the middle eastern area since the 80's and collects seeds. Apparently this is that guys own cross. That's the story that was given to me with the herb. It was def some FIRE!

I want to pick up a tall boy, I'll check out that link for half price tho!

Damn, that would be awesome to use that clone in a breeding program, sounds like some amazing stuff! You should try to pick that bad boy up, that would be a worthy addition to the CO MMJ clone scene! :hotbounce


You can check your city's water report online.

I know i don't have anything bad in my water. besides pharmaceuticals lol
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