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Does Colorado want me? You tell me


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Donny, this *is* the Colorado thread. Just sayin'.....Reading is your friend. :wave:

donny darko

I thought it was but I have not heard of this case before so I was making sure. When do you think they will have some time of clarification on this case and if you have to do more than just grow the medicine to be a “contracted caregiver“ or primary caregiver and be within the law. On another note what do you guys think of the legality of me growing for a few of my family members and friends but trying to get a recommendation for 30 or so plants a piece, so 3 to 4 scripts but keeping the location to under 100 total plants. I know the law is theoretically allowing this but do you think the cops are going to hassle me. This would be in a warehouse in Greely and the owner will know what is going on and has no objections.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
I know people who have 70+ plants for themselves, the law says 6 or what the patient feels they need. The case was in Boulder. I would just stay under 100 so the feds don't get involved... :2cents:

donny darko

I plan on giving this attorney that has had all this recent success in boulder a call and ask him and probably retain him before as well.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Why invite them to look? Stay under the radar, keep your odor filtration functioning, and do it up. No need to get them involved, an unnecessary step IMHO.

donny darko

Your probably right and I would not invite them over but I read the case about the guys with around 1000 plants over a few houses and all were good but one that did not have the proper paper work. I have also seen a case with people with only 50 getting charged. So I guess I am asking what do you think the chances is that if the worst does happen and the cops do show up, do you think they will press charges say if I have chronic tendinitis and severe arthritis and 90 big girls in 5 gal coco and donate some of the unused product to severely ill and low income patients.


Long haired country boy
you can get a doc to right a recommendation, that says you require more plants. if your going that big I would highly suggest trying to make this happen.
So you think when I invite the cops to take a look they wont sweat me
It's hard to say really, there are so many independent variables. Do everything you can to protect yourself. You never know which way a particular LEO/DA is going to go. It's all about building an affirmative defense. If there were NO risk involved we probably wouldn't be fetching 4k/lb+.

On another note, if the police do knock on your door and you have the paper to justify your grow I would highly recommend you letting them in. I know of 2 people that have had that knock. 1 let them in, showed them about 90 plants WITH paperwork, and the cops were gone in less than 10 minutes and haven't been back since (happened about 14 mos ago). The other, had the paper but chose to defend his "rights" by not letting them in. The cops got a warrant in less than an hour, busted down his door and then arrested him and his wife and charged them with resisting arrest after they saw he was legal. Yeah it's total BS and they will most likely get off on the grounds that there was no reason TO arrest them. But if the guy in my 2nd example wouldn't of been a jackass to the cops he would probably have a lot more time and energy to grow now rather than deal with the stress that goes into fighting a court case. Also, both of these situations occurred in the same city.

I plan on giving this attorney that has had all this recent success in boulder a call and ask him and probably retain him before as well.
If shit were to go down there are only 3-4 CO attorneys I would consider having defend me. Each cost about 10k to get on retainer these days. Might be overkill unless you plan on starting a dispensary. If you are a patient/caregiver with paper, doing it straight up, you will probably be okay. You'll most likely only run into problems if you start dabbling in the "gray market." I wouldn't mess with any of that patient sharing/contracting crap that is really popular right now. A lot of folks feel it goes against the spirit of the law and the practice is really pissing off the powers that be. Know your patients. Be a CAREGIVER not a profiteer.
Your probably right and I would not invite them over but I read the case about the guys with around 1000 plants over a few houses and all were good but one that did not have the proper paper work. I have also seen a case with people with only 50 getting charged. So I guess I am asking what do you think the chances is that if the worst does happen and the cops do show up, do you think they will press charges say if I have chronic tendinitis and severe arthritis and 90 big girls in 5 gal coco and donate some of the unused product to severely ill and low income patients.
Cops wont give a shit about your condition or your charity.
If you have 90 plants with only your license, you will almost certainly get arrested and charged. What happens after that is largely contingent on how shut you can keep your mouth between the time the cops arrive on your doorstep and your consultation with your attorney(almost everyone convicts themselves during this time with their own words), which attorney you hire, what your attorney knows, and the geographical location where you choose to grow. i.e., you'd be a lot better off in Boulder than Aurora for obvious reasons.

If for whatever reason you are growing over your limit don't ever let the cops in your house, consent to a search or say a single word to a cop regarding your grow, under any circumstances. Don't open your door, don't even acknowledge their presence. Get on the phone and start calling family/friends/lawyers to arrange your bail and your defense. Once you are forced into a face to face situation with LEO the only thing you should ever say is, "my name is ..." "I do not consent to a search," "I want to speak with an attorney." The end.

donny darko

So for a vey documentable problem like mine where I plan on using all the product for edibles and cooking, I do not smoke much if any what do you think would be a justifiable amount of plants would be. I know about the affirmative defense and I know it would be a lot to do with the amount the doc would give me a recommendation for.

thanks a lot


Long haired country boy
I don't think even the doc can decide on how much you need to medicate, pretty sure it will just say requires more medicine/ plants.

pikes peak 69

Active member
I've had 24 plants from my Dr for about 4 years now. I'm hearing that there may be issues with a Dr putting a number down, for instance, if caught with more then 24 would i be outside of my Drs recommendation. I'm hearing from different sources that leaving that blank and if need be prove what you must in a court.
Only a patient can truly decide how much medicine is enough.


edit: if you can get a Dr to write something like "patient will determine correct dosage and therefore plant numbers" or something like that, that may be better.
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i was able to get a doc to right me a script for 18 plants. i went off this count for awile till i started doing biusness with some dispenseries and now am contracted for my weight. we've been to the lawyers and they all will tell you when it comes down to #'s and prosecution there is no grey area 6 plants is 6 plants. it's better to stick with your #'s than to hope that affirmative defence is going to save your but. and yes that is what $10,000 retainer lawyer will say. I know several dispenceries in the springs that won't do biusness with you unless your totally ligit. i.e biusness lisence, tax resale, fedral ein #'s, insurances and so forth. the more we legitamize this industry and do things by the book the easier time we will have fighting powers that want to stop our progression with the laws. if you want to be a garilla grower thats fine we all did. but when and if you get busted and i have. don't plead in the name of medicine it will only hurt us. just my 2cents.


So are you saying you on grow 6 plants or its 6 plants per patient? Cause my understanding is that if I have 5 patients I can have 30 plants right with only 15 plants flowering.


any of you guys vending to the dispensaries? Know anyone who has? Care to share the prices they are getting? Easy to locate prospective patients? What are pounds going for anyway?

I know this sounds crazy as pot sells itself in some markets, but I come from a state in the Midwest wherein there is no market for great cannabis. Seriously. Nobody has money, everyone is pot-retarded and can't wrap their brains around paying 40 or so an eighth for incredible pot when they can get rags for 20, etc. It's seriously like junior high.



Long haired country boy
It all depend on the quality but I'd imagine you could get 48 for super fire herb, I think that there are a lot of places that buy cali outdoor and then resell it as indoor( crock of shit) The prices at the dispensaries range anywhere from 35- 90 dollars an 1/8. I have a friend who went to a club and he told me their cheapest strain was 65 an 1/8 and their most expensive was 90, also told me that neither one was worth a shit.
it depends on what you are trying to get rid of and how much. $4800 lol that's funny maybe on the black market. most dispenseries in the springs won't pay any more than $4000 a pound and that's if your going all around to the disenseries and only selling a pound or so. if you have lots of weight and are looking to off load to one disensery youll get alittle bit less. I'm under contract so i loose a little bit of money. but on the flip side my guy show's up once a month with a check and takes all my product. even my trim.