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Why do people get irritated when you ask what strain they're selling

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It's happened to me more often than not when I used to buy. I'd be buying a small amount. Ask what kind it is, what strain, does it have a name? etc. And they're get all bent out of shape. Usually saying, dude, it's green, it gets you high, relax.


Well first it wasn't really street dealers. More of, a friend of a friend type of thing.

And I understand they usually don't know, but instead of simply saying. Oh I don't actually know the name of it, but its good.

They usually get upset that'd I'd ask such an asinine question. I'm just perplexed on the part that they get so damn bent out of shape that I simply asked. Happened many many times.

Joe Hawkins

Active member
There are only 2 other people I know that give a fuck about strains, and they are fellow enthusiasts. I know a whole lot more who arent neccessarily fussed, as long as its good pot.
The guy I sell my pot to, when i first started selling to him when I mentioned strains I would be met with a blank look and a shrug followed by "as long as it does the job"
Most pot smokers and growers in the world dont give a fuck about name brands, its a very small percentage that do.
If you totalled all the weed forums memberships it would be a drop in the ocean of the cannibas world.
The only reason I can think that they get a bit miffed is maybe you come off sounding more knowledgable than them about pot, but they are the ones with all the dope and ur not, maybe they feel threatened that you have to ask so many questions and becaus you know so much, maybe you want to scope their setups, who knows?
Im not justifying them, in fact i would be keen to have a discussion, but some people are quite simple when it comes to these matters and react as if its a threat.
I dont even get into pot discussions anymore, except here, you can give a lot away. I know one usual suspect who clicked that I either was the grower or in partnership when I mentioned strains once, not worth it.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
if they dont know its commercial trash 99% of the time... if they do know its most likely commercial trash with a made up name.... Real grower know the name of there shit.... and knowing the name of the strain usually means your close to the grower..... some big growers dont give you a name for that reason.... but its usually the first one...
Asking someone what brand of weed they're selling is like asking them if they grow, or if they're just ignorant to the product they buy.

Unless you get into some close knit group of growers and their friends that stay up on the subject, there's just no way to know what you're buying is anything but something green that gets you high.

People that ask "what brand is this" while not knowing for sure that the person they're buying it from would tell the truth or even have a clue are 10x worse than than people that get peeved when you ask what brand they're dealin


i hate that. they dont know, and they get mad because they think your being a snob or something. before i grew i didnt caer much, but whenever a dealer told me what kind it was i thought it was pretty cool. now that i grow im always curious what strain it is, just makes sense coming from someone who grows.
its like when your drinking some beer from a keg or someone hands you a glass of beer, you want to know what kind it is... idk that might not be a great example


I have found 99% of people never know cause they never grow it. When you meet people who grow you prolly wont go back to the 99% to hook you up again. Unless you have to.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Sometimes always knowing so much about names and strains just points to you as the grower. Sometimes people don't want it out there like that....but for the most part, I'm sure they don't know what the hell they have.


cant stop wont stop
Funny thing is most people round here take pride in the name.. so much so i was selling some regs to a guy who happened to have a bowl of some danks ''i just had to try".

i recognised the bud from a mile away, from the look, the smell, everything about it and the TASTE was the final dead give away. was my buddy's harvest. Mr. Bubble was the strain and he was told it was 'northern lights' lmao!!!! the most generic kind name you could call some bud. shit was hilarious to me, i just smoked with a smirk on the inside..

moral of the story - goood bud is good bud, people call it what they will but unless you grow it, or know the grower just take it as it is - some DANK


prolly because you dont call before you stop over, you always bring a friend they dont know or leave a bunch of people in the car bumpin tunes. you always ask the stain even thou you never get a answer. you always problably stare over his shoulder when he weights it out too

Ive concluded that your dealer doesnt like you, but he will start to if you know what you want, go in buy it and bounce
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