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White Widow, OG, & Bubba Kush ~ 400 Watt Madness


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Bubba Week 8 (I think?)

Bubba Week 8 (I think?)



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Still drying

Still drying

Well, I chopped her earlier than expected. Around the 7 week mark. I swear I was seeing amber trichs, but now I dunno. She shriveled up to the point I am almost positive I chopped too early. I think this one plant yielded an ounce. Hope the smoke is good. Smells great!



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Pretty sure this Bubba isn't Bubba. Smells musky. Not really fruity. Makes me wonder if it might not be some Sweet Tooth. Maybe something else, I dunno.

The OG and the White Widow have been chopped for some time now. Decent smoke. Nothing to rave about. I think I can blame that on my impatience and lack of strain confidence. I know the OG could have used another week, at least. I let this Bubba run the longest and now I'm thinking she's a week or two over due.

Might have a pic of her pre chop. Might just take her down in private. Round 2 comming soon.


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Smoke Report

Smoke Report

Everything but the bagseed has been cut & dried... and nugz have been cured anywhere from 1-3 weeks now.

my White Widow seems more like Hindu Skunk. Smells great, fruity. Taste is the same. Looks good... pulled 2x as much from this one, but she vegged 2-3 weeks longer than the others. Running this strain again.

the OG was chopped down about week 8, a little early. Still smells very pungent, taste is strong chemical. Makes me wheezy after smoking...then muchies... and sleepy. Running this strain again.

my Bubba seems more like Sweet Tooth. Somewhat sweet smelling. Flavor is similar but very subtle. Mild effect. Took this one to week 9, maybe too long? No plans of running this one again unless she is a successful reveg. Will miss the red leaves definately. Other than that wasn't too impressed.

Round 2 will also include a Master Bubba I was gifted and another bagseed of the same bunch. Updates comming soon.


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Here is a shot of my bagseed 12/12 from the start. Smallest yield of the 4 ladies, most definately. Have a round 2 of the bagseed comming up which got nearly 2 months of veg time. I also realize now I didn't take any end shots of the OG. She was so heavy and bending over every which way it was difficult to keep her in frame. I'll make sure to get a finishing shot during round 2.



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Bagseed #2 (6 weeks to go)

OG (7 weeks to go) and MasterBubba (5 weeks to go)

Hindu Skunk top view (4 weeks to go)

Hindu Skunk side view

I think the Hindu (what I called White Widow last run) is bigger this time around, but not certain.

The OG looks the exact same as last run except I didn't snap the main cola.

The bag seed looks very promising.

MasterBubba is already frosting over crystaline white.


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I've been getting signs from the universe its time to put the garden on hold. Last night I received final confirmation. BUGS. I dunno if they crept in on my Master Bubba cutting I received from someone I hardly trusted (to give me bugless cuts) or if they popped up from my Miracle Grow Organic Choice.

I prefer using Fox Farms soils for this specific reason. Maybe a little over priced, but if you take good care of it, no need to buy pesticides.

I'm too far along to start spraying anything but the soil... and even then has me nervous that some side spray is ricochettiing off the walls of my pots and onto my plants.

Long story short, after this cycle is through, I'm through... at least for a week (they should be dead in a week, right? no plants, no water, no dirt to live in...) Then maybe I'll pop a seed or two I've been stashing and I will try to take it from there.

I really wanted to try and reveg the OG because I didn't take a cutting this time. Maybe I should take a cutting, now? A month into flowering maybe its too late.


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Bagseed #2 has barely grown since the first pics. She started yellowing and was the source (MGO soil) of my bugs... I believe I'm dealing with root aphids, which are dying off because I haven't been watering.

The Master Bubba looks GREAT.
OG is kickin ass of course.
Hindu Skunk round 2 looks nice, about the same as last run I think.
But bagseed #2 is lookin' like a total mystery.
Bagseed #1 dried and cured to have little to no smell/flavor, so I dunno what's up with this batch of seeds.

komrade komura

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Cool MBD...

...harvest time for my OG!

Ya plant looks much better than mine....excellent!!

..excellent smoke

...hit all cloudy trichs at about 60 days.


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So this

has turned to this

i dunno if its a PH lockout, nute deficiency, pests, or just plain overwatering...

but the nugs on this bagseed run #2 with 2 months of veg is looking much sorrier than her sister run 12/12 from seed. I blame myself.

Shortly after this one time I watered suddenly there were many bugs and no more visible growth. Bud development non-existant for at least 3 weeks... any idea if this thing will ever bulk up, let me know.

She has lost more than half of her big fan leaves. They turn yellow green crispyish and then they come off the plant when you barely touch them.

My hindu turns yellow a lot and looses leaves, so I wasn't tripping, but the hindu continues to bulk up while losing leaves...

this girl aint doin' squat


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The harvest begins...

The harvest begins...

Well I have decided to cut down my bagseed #2. After a successful 12/12 from seed run with a cousin or sister bagseed, I figured a 2 month veg would have me rollin' in dope. The reality is much more grim.


Here is my total harvest (not dried) from a 2 month vegged bagseed lady in a 5 gallon pot ( i think its 5 gallons anyway)... hardly even an 1/8th once dry by my eye.

I had very high hopes for this girl, and she bent me over and kicked in my balls. Maybe I over watered. Maybe nute lockout. Maybe bugs did her in. I dunno. But yield was totally whack. I think I could have a hard time giving this stuff away. I'll see what the dried stuff looks like, but my guess is its only downhilll from here. But what can I expect? There has been little to no development with this plant for almost a month. Don't tell me I shoulda let her work out her problems on her own. I can't see how anything could have developed after a month long stall out.