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Nomaad's Outdoor Adventure 2009 v1.2


Active member
nice to see you try-comb. hope all is going well for you out there.

HL: I hear you. I agree that the triangle is blown up... I also think that respecting the brothers and sisters who have been holding it down for the last 25+ years, means only coming if you plan to come correct. But like you said, those who come correct are always welcome wherever they turn up.

There is nothing wrong with being protective of your scene. People have worked hard, put a lot on the line year after year. The hardest fought shit is the most fiercely protected... Only natural. And as long as their hearts are open to those who come to learn, build, contribute, support and elevate, my heart is open to their "localist" ire about the people they would rather see stay the fuck away.

I have shied away from giving myself too much credit in this thread. I have struggled with wanting to inspire those that could maybe pull it off without encouraging those who probably couldn't. Our culture is full of people telling each other "you can be whatever you want to be" and that's why, in its first season or two, American Idol was able to showcase some many hundreds of people who truly believed that they had what it takes to be America's next pop icon... only to be publicly humiliated when they are brought back to reality.

I'm usually the guy who listens to the band demo and says "it's alright, but I don't think its going to get anybody a record deal." People fuckin HATE me for it, but I'm not one of those people who feels like I need everybody to like me. I will tell somebody that they are cute, personable, smart... but that they can't fucking sing. Move on. I wish I didn't have to be that voice, but gringos are so completely incapable of telling themselves these truths...somebody has got to do it.

As a first time grower, I have kind of felt like its not my place to discourage anyone who wants to do this. But at the same time I hope I am not encouraging any delusions.


I didn't just trip over a log and find myself in the 707 with a half acre of ganja growing in the backyard....Will it be luck or hard work and true focus that set apart those who will be ultimately successful.

...luck is not why I'm pulling down a nice big harvest right now.

Luck plays a very small part in what goes on around here. Hard work, determination, and a little help from friends goes a lot farther than luck in these parts.


Insects, pests, wind, rain, nutrient imbalance, PH imbalance, mold, powdery mildew, rippers...there are many a way for a crop to go wrong.

Kudos to Nomaad and HL for seeing it through in such a successful manner. :yes:

I just wish I were in a community with more local knowledge and support.
OK... so we decided after a deep look at trichomes, that despite the fact that the Razzberry looks SO done, we're not taking it down till the full moon. the Goo, on the other hand is so ready, its ridiculous. nearly 50% amber trichomes.

I do have some photos, though. Just not harvest photos...


Bubba Kush.


Blue Dream


OG Kush- no flash


OG Kush with flash


Goo. Ooh oOh OOH.

I'll take a combo pack and a coke please! :rasta:


Our culture is full of people telling each other "you can be whatever you want to be" and that's why, in its first season or two, American Idol was able to showcase some many hundreds of people who truly believed that they had what it takes to be America's next pop icon... only to be publicly humiliated when they are brought back to reality.

I'm usually the guy who listens to the band demo and says "it's alright, but I don't think its going to get anybody a record deal." People fuckin HATE me for it, but I'm not one of those people who feels like I need everybody to like me. I will tell somebody that they are cute, personable, smart... but that they can't fucking sing. Move on. I wish I didn't have to be that voice, but gringos are so completely incapable of telling themselves these truths...somebody has got to do it.

That is hilarious. I come from East Coast Jews and that is the same attitude I grew up around and love. Shalom.


ICMag Donor
humboldtlocal, you need to remove the hyperlinks from your signature. It's not allowed to have links for advertising.... Thx...


Active member
Not to sound snitty, but was this thread the appropriate place to inform him of that? I was like "cool... THE JJScorpio posted in my thread!" and then I get here and THIS is what you post? bummer.


Sorry. I removed the link to the vids. I thought the links were only on youtube.


I have watched the small community I grew up in become overrun with people, good and bad, flooding the area trying to get in on the gold rush. Now we have more robberies, rip offs, and people bringing in the cops because of stupid illegal grows, than ever. While I respect Nomaad, I know that he has guidance from friends in the area and has done a very respectful and legal medical grow. I have no problem with folks like that, and many of my closest friends came here with that same positive and respectful attitude and have contributed to my community in positive ways. Nomaad has tried to make it quite clear to people that it is not just luck, and not everyone is going to just move here and do what he did. I hope he got that message across. Our jails are full of people who have tried, messed up, gotten greedy, and fallen short. He is an amazing success story but he is also a very inteligent, hard working guy who had good mentors guiding him. He would probably succeed at whatever he chose to do. Not every one is going to have the success he did and I would rather people stop moving to my neighborhood to try and find out.

hehe. yeah I hear you. we need to get it legalized nationwide.


Active member
good point sanchez. that will take some of the pressure off norcal as THE place to go to make a living from the doje. These days I hear about more people wanting to move to CO than CA. I think that's a good thing for both places.

So... today we start trimming. The Razz is dry enough to smoke... so... I smoked it. Its as nice smelling, tasting and stoning as it hinted at on the living plant. I can only imagine how dank this shit is going to be. The nug is at about 25% of original weight, but I am feeling like its dry enough to trim and break down into its component buds... once the stems are removed and they are trimmed they will dry instantly. We'll probably move them to cardboard boxes for a day or two before they go into jars (mine) and bags (the rest) for the cure.

I'll post up some pics later.


Active member
Grapes and Clueberry came down today leaving 9 in the garden. Spent the day putting up tents and reinforcing them for the wind that we're expecting. I had planned on taking down the Blue Dream as well, but I just couldn't do it... I really want it to finish... so I sort of folded it down and in on itself so that it would fit under the 9x9 canopy... we took off some of the lower branches that were totally done... I'm hoping that she finishes by the end of the week.

The chems (OGK, ECSD, HB, Bubba) all need more time. I am starting to have some clarity as to what strains I will be running out there next summer.


cluster 1. I did my best to change the leg height on each of these to create as much of a dome as possible for wind deflection. The pic was taken before we created a reinforcement web of nylon cord tied into all of the corners of the canopies and deeply rooted objects- like the rebar foundation of the hoop houses or the stumps from harvested plants. Gotta say, I still feel like its a coin toss as to whether a 35 or 40 mph gust will rip this shit out? Everything is very securely tied into everything else now... I am hoping that as a mass, the clusters will survive. We shall see.


Second cluster almost done. We got it up just as the first real rain began. My wife had to run out for more tent stakes and a 9th tent.


Blue Dream.

Wish us luck.

Trimmers will be here tomorrow late-night. They will miss the windy fun. Sherpa and the Bride of Sherpa are gone. He couldn't handle my intensity. Just in time as he was driving me crazy (and visa versa)... I have to make some adjustments to the intern/sherpa paradigm.

The trimmers that are coming are soul homies from El Honduragua and beyond. Its gonna be a very nice family event. I am pretty stressed out, but really all I need is a chiro adjustment and a couple of hours of massage and I'd feel fantastic.

I was getting the dreaded cold that my kids brought home from Babylon and has been rendering folks useless... last night I had the first severe head-cold symptoms... (I felt like my immune system took a dip from the Sherpa related drama- parting is such sweet sorrow) I said to myself "you're not allowed to get sick right now, bro." I took a couple of gelcaps of oregano oil at bedtime and woke up with zero symptoms. Thank you immune system. Thank you oregano oil. Back to business.

Tomorrow I am getting a 60 pint dehumidifier for the drying scene. Hopefully that is the last expenditure of this project. Its 50% RH and low to mid 70's. With the rain on, i figure its a good investment. When the lines are full with fresh stuff, its gets swampy up there. I think I will go check on it now.

I know everybody is on tilt right now... good luck with it.


Active member
Looks beautiful as always man. You know once you take all those ladies down you are going to have to start taking pictures of stuff indoor for us... I don't think it will be the same. It will be strange seeing you posting pictures like that.


Active member
Looks beautiful as always man. You know once you take all those ladies down you are going to have to start taking pictures of stuff indoor for us... I don't think it will be the same. It will be strange seeing you posting pictures like that.

no indoor for me. its all about the greenhouse. think monsters in the spring.

The girls look amazing bro! cant wait to see them all trimmed up. Great job!! :rasta:

thanks. me either. it will be a good feeling to be done with this project. my attention span is juuuust about spent.


Active member
no indoor for me. its all about the greenhouse. think monsters in the spring.

Awwww, thats a long time to go with no pics of beautiful girls :) Are you going to do a greenhouse with supplemental lighting over the winter or are you done for the year after this harvest?


Active member
late winter. i am done for the calendar year. might flower something real quick for laughs, but nothing serious.