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Underrated and Overloked Strains


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
White Rhino, not fashionable, but a spanking Indica, I grew some last Spring and it was far nicer and more distinctive than the NL#5 I was running indoors.


Active member
super skunk, northern lights, nl#5xhaze and white russian ... they are always just some side show - but in my opinion they are top notch


Well-known member
Plain old, basic, wholesome Thai!

I've tried a fair variety of respectable strains in my time, but nothing does it for me like your standard thai landrace strain.


If they were "unbeatable" then they would still be on top of the market.

Dont agree with this at all... the problem is that a lot of the old strains are not Cool any more and dont receive the ammount of hype/attention that a lot of the new & to be honest poor gear is getting......

Master kush
Pure Afghan
Muawi wowie
Sams skunk haze

I would put these up against most of the new strains that are being cucked out & I use the word in the correct sense as there is no time being spent to create stable lines any more its all about the $$$ and its sad.....
A good Northern Lights
I sure wish I could get some of the old NL.I would like to find Super Sativa Seed Clubs Skunk x Afghani.It was big stuff 10-12 ft. high untopped.It had a lovely sweet aroma when cured properly.It was the first strain that I ever seen powdery mildew eat completely down to the stalk.It was a vigorous strain that was ready about sept. 25. with massive 12 in. buds.:joint:

haze crazy

BAGSEED !!!!!!!!

BAGSEED !!!!!!!!

You young whippersnappers are prolly going to lambaste me but I'm going to say bag seed! If you grow enough of 'em and I've ....learned to pick the skinny leaf sativas to grow out. Grow them with just a little nutes and viola! I've found some crazy phenos, one cute one looked like a baby Christmas tree 9" tall and ripe!. Just let them ripen well before you pluck 'em. Take it from an old timer in a pinch it is great. Oh, and you have to cure them. Here's another thing a lotta people don't know.... Essential oils. When curing.... at about the time you have to start burping the quart sized jar.... add to the jar a piece of thick paper anointed with ONLY A FEW drops of essential oil .........and leave it in for a just a few days. Lime is very good for this because it tastes smooth and is not overpowering. BE CAREFUL!!! some essential oils are dangerous for your system. They are highly concentrated and can hurt you. Used properly the can be quite beneficial. After many many years hanging out with old hippies I learned a lot. Hippie chicks usually know about this sort of thing. Just ask the local hippie chick at the natural food store. She will be so helpful...I promise....but alas I digress.....

Before you purists start slamming me about all the wonderful genetics out there.... I get it, but for those paranoid people that are sitting out there ....in front of their computers reading this and would never think exposing themselves to the risk of buying seeds online... Staring and drooling .......while reading........... but never ever would ever log on and really do something ...that might be considered illegal buy some uneducated drones. (The people who say MJ is not medicinal are ancestors of the people who said the world was flat.) Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

But never underestimate the power of bagseed. Ripe fruit is ripe fruit. So save those bagseeds and overgrow the land. Or send 'em into seedbay as a donation to get to those who will plant them. Even if the Mexican cartels get them ....who cares ... just get them in the ground at the right time.

I've had about six hits all day of some sweet hazy limey bagseed and it is such a happy, trippy, smiley, fun, smoke...wish there was a good concert here tonight... Guess I'll just put on the Ipod.....

I really like getting on here and telling all these made up stories.... I think in the future I'll tell some more stories. I'm really just 19 years old working 2 jobs to get by. I do construction nailin roofs by day and work as a line cook at night. Can't work tonight 'cause they would have to pay me overtime. ......That really SEEMS like yesterday....

Another time .......more stories... back to Pink Floyd now...now crank it up!


Swiss Bliss, nice and fast!
they say mostly sativa, I say 50/50.

(Next project: O. Haze x Swiss Bliss):abduct:

But how old is the strain??