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Round Five, lets see them thrive!

Hi Dr Dog, thanx for the visit and the recommendation :)

Updates from the seedling front :D
I've replanted 2 chunkys, dug em up to find they hadn't turned to mush just yet, sturdy as ever so..in soil they went again

i've got 5 out of 5 misfits poking their heads above soil, 4 out of 5 dominatrix' and 1 out of 3 Chunky Micks and 2 out of 3 Bublicious

Those last few surprised me, i really thought they would not be viable anymore...shows what I know :
That's all the news I had to share so..
Laterz, Low


Looks like everything is going smooooooooth... :smoke:
Glad you managed to get back on track with that CFL. Yeah... fuckin € is always the problem...

Anyway... just checking. Keep it green, keep it safe!

they're growing fast!!

they're growing fast!!

Hey Stevius, thanks for the visit and the encouragement :yes:
Wanted to show you all the progress these beans/sprouts are making

They're growing very very fast, the ones that popped that is...
Here be pix

Some of them are already in need of a re-pot which will be happening tomorrow, i've got a theory about those Chunky Mick beans that just refuse to pop like this...mebbe they just need to be treated a lil less carefully 'cause they're robust/sturdy seeds...gonna resow them tomorrow, two in a pot lets see what pops..
Of the 16 beans i've started 12 have already sprouted so i'm not too concerned or unhappy/disappointed :)

Laterz, Low
Hi bengie187

naw just regular seedling- and clones soil, Ratios that were printed on the bag: NPK 12-14-24
and i've put them in a heated propagator so that might 've helped, warm feet ya know :)
I'd attribute the vigor to the genetics mostly but thanx for the compliment!

Well since most of em were stretching like crazy i've repotted them...also to save a bit of space and to prevent molding..
Here be pix

Chunky Micks yes :woohoo: another CM bean sprouted!! had to dig it up and hopefully it'll thrive now that it's got it's head above soil and some fresh air to breathe..

Bubblelicous these are also still in the propagator just like the CM's because they're so small yet..

MisFiTs well only one of the three later sprouting misfits seemed viable so i've got three left..

Dominatrix'These are very pleasing to me as they just shot off as soon as they were planted, i've lost one bean though..tried digging it up couldn't find anything, ah well 4 is better then none right :joint:

They're all still in seedling soil i've watered the soil with a light mixing of Plagron Alga grow...gonna be adding some light I think..not sure yet..

Laterz, Low

Sativa Soul

Hi there low!
here to grab a seat and tell you those Dom's and Misfits won't let you down.
Some nice pheno's in there. my favourite dom pheno was the most sativa one. Strong smoke and nice lemony/hazey taste, 11-12weeks flower
Had a great green misfit pheno too, nice and fruity, rock hard buds



Good luck with this run!
Hiya :friends:

@ Sativa Soul: woooww Nice!! Now i've got even more good things to look forward to :)

I thought i'd had 3 misfits left but one that I had planted but didn't expect anything from, decided to get into action after all! So i've got 4 MFs and 4 Doms :D

One of the CM sprouts had started to mold so.:badday: it had to go, have got one CM left..No CM pollen chuckin of my own then :wallbash: I'll just have to get some danish/darwin/blue hemp genetics for next years outdoors then

The babies have all been placed outside of the propagator to harden off..and they're doing fine..no pix yet wanna wait till they're a lil bigger, makes for prettier pix :D



High lowrider- Hey man Ill be watching this one as I have started some Misfit's also and I have 5/5. I dont remember quite how old they are. 3 weeks maybe?
Ill try and put up a pic or two. Hope all is well with the babies.
Hi :friends:

@neongreen: hmm i might have gotten off to a good start but some of them have stalled...so i pulled them..I've got 2 doms 3 Misfits 1 Bubl and 1 Chunky Mick left...
i'm worrying it might be the heat or lack there of?

@TryComb: nice 5/5! Post up pix if ya got em man there isn't a lot to see in this thread just yet so..:)

sorry for the small text-only update..next one will be with pix I promise :D



Active member
Sorry to hear that Low...

What are your temps? It could well be a factor... the closer your temps are to ideal (73-4) the better. Plants growing fast, are less vulnerable to all kinds of problems.

It could be worth investing in a heat pad that you can control the temperature with, or find somewhere else a bit warmer to start them off.

Definitely try scuffing the shells before a pre-soak if you are getting problems, as this can help if the seeds happen to be a bit weak to start off with.
mmm yeah, i've had them in a heated propagator, however they literally racedfor the lights so they stretched like crazy, which caused me to re-plant them but in deeper bigger pots which no longer fit in the heated propagator..gonna have to find me a better solution
heating pads would be nice apart from the fact that I cannot seem to find one for a reasonable price?? :confused:
No temp/Rh meter just yet, the last one crapped out, stupid lowbudget analog thingy..
Thanx for the scuffing tip.
For now if all me babies survive i'll still be having me hands full, but otherwise I might start some new ones in a couple weeks time..

Thanx for stopping by!


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Really glad to hear you got this figured out mate.. I'm having similiar troubles with the sudden dipping temps and odd warm days as I just switched to hps upstairs and that one is off at night... I think I'm getting there though :)
updates week one of vegging..

updates week one of vegging..

Hmmm, i'm doing something wrong because of the 16 beans I started with, there's now 5 :eek: left !! :wallbash:

But the ones that are still alive are doing relatively well..
2 Dominatrix'

2 MisFiTs

my one remaining Bubblelicious

Might start up some of the seedbay freebies that I've still got lying in me seed-drawer just so i'll end up with some more smoke..
Speaking of smoke..:kos: i've just chopped all the popcorn nugglies from me drying plants..gonna hit the bong in a minute :D

Well that's all the news for this week, have a great weekend everyone!!


Hey Low!!! Whatup?

Hope all is well at your end

Any updates? Anything growing?? Or did this 5 of 16 beans died?

Keep it green bro! :wave:
Hey Stevius

Everything is good on my end, the 5 sprouts didn't die :dance: :jump:
But they don't look too good, *cringe* so i've dropped some more beans.
I had some Safari-mix beans left so i've dropped those str8 in seedling soil, watered them down some and turned on the heated part of the propagator..

here's the pix but be warned, they do not look good.
Chunky Mick

I'd discoverd that the shrivelled up sprouts had all been of bubliclious variety..which i still don't like but there's always another day and Nirvana's beans aren't too expensive.


They haven't had a lot too eat yet and they might've suffered from cold feet


These haven't been fed a lot either and also suffered from cold feet.

I've fed them all and i'm hoping they'll pick up some now that i've closed some wind gaps in the attic...

And because i've so little seedlings left, i've started some more beans; Safarimix by Mandala.
I've dropped me last 6 beans, let's hope they'll fare a bit better...


That's all for this update


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya HL still have problems going on? are they still discoloring in the centre???.Or is that the pic itself?

could you give us more info if there is something wrong?..maybe fill in a questioneer...?
so i can try and start to help you get tru this phase..

i think you might have a huge PH problem and nute lockout coz of it...:2cents:
Hmm PH l problems already?? never encountered those before..there's a first for everything ofcourse but if it's really PH then I do have a problem because i've not got PH/EC meters...and no €'s to buy one at the mo..:badday: They are still in seedling/clone soil and that type of soil doesn't carry much nutes...Dammit! I was so confident this round would go well :wallbash::beat-dead I've fed them some plagron alga grow, which is a couple years old already, would that be causing problems ya reckon?
The discolouring is (i think) because of no nutes so like i said, i've fed them some and will check up this week to see if the discolouring is starting to fade a bit and getting more healthy colour...Thanx for looking out man! :)
Laterz, Low:witch: