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Marc Emery Surrenders, To Face Extradition to US


man, i dont want marc or anyone (who hasn't commited a violent crime) to have to spend time in lock up.

cages are for animals.

all non violent offenders should have to WORK, not sit on their asses taking up my money.

best thing to do is put marc in a garden somewhere, you know he'd be alright at that - then he's giving back not just taking tax payer dollars.


Active member
the best thing for emery to do now is to 'say' in u.s. court "i'm sorry i realized what i did was wrong and i won't do it again." ...then his lawyer can go on about how he stopped selling seeds years ago after his bust and he is no longer any threat to the citizens of america...there is a whole new 'administration' in power now and after all he only sold seeds...


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Egotistical, Arrogant....

WHO CARES! I cant stand the man as a personality...but what he has done for our movement CAN NOT be ignored. Some of you make me sick. The man has donated MILLIONS to help the cause, and everyone is so ready to throw him to the wolves because he calls himself the prince of pot. WHO GIVES A SHIT! Not one of you can dispute how many MILLIONS of our plants where started here in the US from HIS company? He is TRULY a fighter in this war we have going...and if you dont see that, stick to dumb posts in the tokers den.

I have done time twice for pot, once for four years, and will do it again if needed. I dont recognize anyones "right" to tell me I cant have my meds. The man has my respect for sure for takin his lumps, and protecting his friends.

Good luck marc.

good vibes

Green Supreme

Respect WT420. He could have taken assylum in a local church like this Russian dude is doing locally. Instead he has chosen to face the music for something quite ludacris. Many have mentioned that he sent seed across the border, well I see a new scenario forming now. You see Mexico has legalized. How long before the US goes after Mexico, because its citizens are crossing the border to buy. Is it Mexico bad because they are legal or US is bad for crossing and taking it home. Hmm thoughts to chew on. Peace GS
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ICMag Donor
He shouldn't have taunted and teased the DEA and I don't think anything would have been done. Look at the other companies that have kept quiet and went about their business. They haven't been touched. I guess that's the lesson to be learned here.

I think it would probably be best that people not be happy that he's being incarcerated. Although a lot of people feel he acted like a douche and may deserve it, the bottom line is he isn't going to jail for those things, but for selling seeds, which is wrong in itself....


the russian "spy" green supreme?

canada should not give him up. It isnt illegal to buy seeds here for what it's worth..i buy seeds all the time(not his company...) in person, it's great, they package them up in a little container right there for me, and off i go...

so how is he being dragged across international borders? I wonder what would happen if the prince of pot lived in GB? think the US would pull him or her over the atlantic? it's just because USA has us in their pocket - so sad. it's mind boggling to me, and i hope he gets justice in his favour. yeah, proper spelling. word marc, keep babbling, youdaman


Active member
marc seed sales were his idea 2 generate the most amount of "legal" cashflow in order 2 support the legalization movement.he wanted 2 b as high profile as could b.no 1 else in the biz used his/her real name 4 a seed co.he was the first seed salesman in north america.all things considered,personality quirks aside,he has done a helluva lot for the cause

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
He should run run run! Dont trust anyone in the U.S. government to do what they say, it hasnt happened since lincoln. Why would they tell the truth again now?

and that "pot by post" service is freakin nuts. If we could just have a thousand people with the balls enough to do that then we could really force legalization, and get Emery's ass out of prison. I think more importantly we could get eddy lepp out of prison. he is a VET. how can we imprison a vet for a plant!

Emery has helped the movment more than anyone almost, and I think he is trying to be like the nelson mandela of pot. I hope he doesnt have to sit in jail for like 20 years to do it though.


I never met the man, I cannot say anything bad about him. But I do remember seeing his seed catalog in cannabis culture and almost having an orgasim, just to find out he actually shipped to the US! I'm sure the police state had the same reaction.....
But as soon as he declared himself the "prince", he was done. You just cant be that much of a spectacle from within sights of the USDOJ's scopes.
The man is a freedom fighter none the less and has my support. I cant imagine what canadians must think.
I also seriously doubt that this whole war is over 5 years. Think of the millions spent prosecuting him, the relationships ruined within the canadian/us justice system.... All for 5 years??
I have a feeling that he'll be in jail the day pot is nationaly decriminalized, and he'll stay in there because thats how screwed up the USDOJ is.
Just for example, I had neve been in trouble in my life, tax payer, hard worker, paying for my pot. I got caught with a couple (2) pills of AMT. I recieved the same bail as a women who used her toddler as a weapon against her husband. The baby had permenent brain damage. Never been in trouble not once before that, she had a long record. So if thats any insight....


Thomas Jefferson said...

Thomas Jefferson said...

Separate the male plant from the female plant, i bet He wasn't talking about corn.


One way or annother, intentionally or subconsciously, Emery has been wanting this to happen for a long time. Hopefully he will make good use of this dubious opportunity that he has created for himself. The ball is definitely in his court now.


stoned agin ...
i am canadian and i say we shouldn't give him up. he's a first class dickhead with a martyr complex, but he DID put it all on the line for the bud, and i say we should stand up for him. fuck the u.s. gummmint pot haters and the canadian toadys.


Active member
this whole 'war' on marijuana has got to end before it gets worse. why is marijuana illegal anyway?...all emery sold is seeds and 'ya' can't get high on seeds....if 'they' ever end the 'iraq, afghanistan' war i am in fear 'they' are going to turn all their new 'high tech' gear on marijuana growers....right now 'they' have spy satellites, drone airplanes and thermal imaging cameras that can be easily used to find outdoor plots...how did it all come down to this? pot is just a weed. a finer grade smoke than tobacco and surely not as toxic or 'intoxicating' as alcohol...

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Monday, September 28, 2009

Prince of Pot's sentence reeks of injustice and mocks our sovereignty

Emery's jail term longer than for some violent crimes

By Ian Mulgrew, columnist
The Vancouver Sun

Marijuana activist Marc Emery wrapped up a 30-city 'farewell tour' before turning himself in to serve a five-year sentence in the U.S.

After two decades as Canada's Prince of Pot, Marc Emery will surrender himself today in B.C. Supreme Court and become the country's first Marijuana Martyr.

Emery will begin serving what could be as long as five years behind bars as Uncle Sam's prisoner for a crime that in Canada would have earned him at most a month in the local hoosegow.

It is a legal tragedy that in my opinion marks the capitulation of our sovereignty and underscores the hypocrisy around cannabis.

Emery hasn't even visited America but he was arrested in July 2005 at the request of a Republican administration that abhorred his politics.

He is being handed over to a foreign government for an activity we are loath to prosecute because we don't think selling seeds is a major problem.

There are at least a score of seed-sellers downtown and many, many more such retail outlets across the country.

In the days ahead, once the federal justice minister signs the extradition papers, Emery will be frog-marched south to Seattle where his plea bargain will be rubber-stamped and he will be sent to a U.S. penitentiary.

For comparison, consider that the B.C. Court of Appeal last year said a one-month jail sentence plus probation was appropriate punishment for drug and money-laundering offences of this ilk.

The last time Emery was convicted in Canada of selling pot seeds, back in 1998, he was given a $2,000 fine.

In July, his co-accused Michelle Rainey and Greg Williams were given two years probation for conspiracy to manufacture marijuana.

They were indicted along with Emery for their role in what the authorities described as a

$3-million-a-year business.

Rainey, 38, worked for Emery from 1998 to 2005, helping him operate the B.C. Marijuana Party and his mail-order business.

The 54-year-old Williams took phone orders.

Emery flouted the law for more than a decade and every year he sent his seed catalogue to politicians of every stripe. He ran in federal, provincial and civic elections promoting his pro-cannabis platform.

He championed legal marijuana at parliamentary hearings, on national television, at celebrity conferences, in his own magazine, Cannabis Culture, and on his own Internet channel, Pot TV.

Health Canada even recommended medical marijuana patients buy their seeds from his company.

From 1998 until his arrest, Emery even paid provincial and federal taxes as a "marijuana seed vendor" totalling nearly $600,000.

He was targeted because of his success, targeted as surely as pot comic Tommy Chong - who spent nearly a year in U.S. jail because his son ran a company selling glass pipes.

Emery challenged a law he disagrees with using exactly the non-violent, democratic processes we urge our children to embrace and of which we are so proud.

"The same seeds I sold are being sold right in America," Emery complained. "The people in California are doing it the same way I did so there's a terrible hypocrisy at work here."

He's right.

Emery recently wrapped up a 30-city "farewell tour" of speaking engagements across Canada.

And, he's banking on the transfer agreement that allows Canadians convicted and jailed in America to serve their time here and take advantage of our very liberal early-release laws.

If that happened, he could be out within a few years. But Ottawa has regularly rejected drug offenders for the program and I doubt Emery will find any sympathy.

I suspect he's likely to moulder in a violent, overcrowded U.S. jail for probably his full five-year sentence.

"I'm going to do more time than many violent, repeat offenders," he noted.

"There isn't a single victim in my case, no one who can stand up and say, 'I was hurt by Marc Emery.' No one."

He's right again.

Emery is facing more jail time than corporate criminals who defraud widows and orphans and longer incarceration than violent offenders who leave their victims dead or in wheelchairs.

Whatever else you may think of him - and I know he rankles many - what is happening to him today mocks our independence and our ideal of justice.

[email protected]

Contact: [email protected]



Slap-A-Ho tribe
I am by far not a fan of Marc's and know what a ripoff he is but come on, lets just waste more taxpayer money to send him to prison. Over seeds, my god. I'm so sick of the U.S. at this point I could puke. If I could afford to move somewhere else believe me I would


This is the bottom line the canadian armed forces is helpless at best all 700 of them. They depend on american military might to defend there sovernty. We have one million trooops they have like a hundred thousand. they give us wood and oil we give them protection. Canada will never take a stand against us no matter how sad it is. canada cant even nuke a country with out our support. the button is in our country.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
AAAAAAMMMMMMMMEEEERRRRRRRIIIIIICCCCCCAAAAA.......America fuck yeah! Comin' to save the motherfuckin' day yeah!

Why Marc? I don't understand why you turned yourself in. I mean this has been going on for years and just now you decide to "surrender". Why? What are you thinking?

I still have this gut feeling that Marc has an ace up his sleeve and is waiting for the right time to play it.

The reason Marc turned himself in was he was told by his very stupid Lawyers (IMHO) that the DEA and FEDS said that they were going to take the other two ppl Michelle and the other guy would go to jail if he didn't go to jail. These are the two ppl working for him on his store when he was caught. I guess you didn't read my last post lol peace out Headband707