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Do you ever donate to charitys even when you're broke?



I can't pass a Salvation Army kettle without purging my pockets

h^2 O

no money unless I have enough of my own. I help homeless old drunk dudes when they fall on their faces n stuff but ftmf with the signs who come out at red lights.
Do what you can. If it feels right it feels right.


Active member
I've been homeless. I've been homeless with a kid in gradeschool.

Let me give you a tip if you want to help people out. Give your charity directly to the people that need it. You can also help out a lot by just donating GOOD hearty food to emergency aid shelters. You wouldn't believe the garbage that goes through some places that's handed out as a 'meal'. Hard to imagine most people ever making it off the street these days.

I spent a year and a half homeless and couldn't help people. Now I do what I did before and help when I can. The other day I donated 2 C-99 clones to a dispensary for folks that couldn't afford a clone. I know I wish I'd had that option a year ago myself!

Give when you can. A meal. Some time. Hell, an extra blanket at times is worth more than you can possibly imagine. I love my crappy stove and cruddy fridge. Not being homeless has a lot of advantages these people don't. If I hadn't found out I was autistic, I'd probably still be there.

Life is good.... learn how to appreciate and enjoy what's around you. :D


New member
Yep, sharing is caring. I give food away all the time if I have it to give at that moment especially when I exit off the freeway and I'm waiting at the light. I was bringing in some dunkin donuts to work the other morning and that same situation happened and I just handed the guy the box..dude was stoked! Or when they have a dog with them, i'm a softy for that...cool thread


Volunteerism costs you only your time, even if you have money or are broke; so kind of loaded question....But I did read some stats some where that the "poorest" people are most likely to give, because they know what is be there and may need it again.

Barney Fife

Volunteerism costs you only your time, even if you have money or are broke; so kind of loaded question....But I did read some stats some where that the "poorest" people are most likely to give, because they know what is be there and may need it again.

Very well said my friend. :joint:


since i was 13 ive always put change from purchases into charity pots, might not be much at a time, but im sure the years have added up


I'm with Hydro soil, i spent a year on the streets and one thing i learnt is that 90% of charity donations go on tax and overheads for government and the charity itself. By the time your $5 gets to the man on the street it's worth less than .50c. After i learned that i realised that to help you must first find someone who needs help. You cant proxy charity through a company and expect it to be used effectively. You need to give direct to the man on the street to do any good.

Charity is a helping hand in dire times, not a few coins in a box that then disappear into corporate pockets.


I'm with Hydro soil, i spent a year on the streets and one thing i learnt is that 90% of charity donations go on tax and overheads for government and the charity itself. By the time your $5 gets to the man on the street it's worth less than .50c. After i learned that i realised that to help you must first find someone who needs help. You cant proxy charity through a company and expect it to be used effectively. You need to give direct to the man on the street to do any good.

Charity is a helping hand in dire times, not a few coins in a box that then disappear into corporate pockets.

now i feel bad:frown:


i give what i got when ever i can even if it leaves me a bit short


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

my regular donation is @ McDonald's for the Ronald McDonald House,
I saw the way they helped my friends family through tough times as
their daughter/sister went through grueling cancer treatments.......

If I can afford even the cheapest drive through food then I can donate.



I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
i always donate money .... its a karma thing for me... ive literally spent hours talking and picking the minds of bums on the streets... for that, i like to tip them 20 bucks for entertaining me with their stories... it also makes me feel good to help them out.... yeah im sure theyll go buy some crack rocks with it , but hey, if crack rocks are what make them happy, then so be it..

im on the road alot, and vary often when im at gas stations, i have people begging for money - i dont mind tossing them a dollar or so... hell, i do it because i never doubt that one day that could be me in need of a couple dollars...

and the salvation army guys? shit, i love donating to them... especially walking out of the store with 68 cents, and tossing it in that bucket... it all makes a difference...

i am a firm believer in karma, and paying it forward and thats why i love donating... i could care less where the money goes... if greed or unrighteousness is to ever take over the minds of one of the people in charge of the donations, then so be it... karma will be sure to pay them back negatively...

there is a book called the millionaire mind by thomas stanley, and he goes and interviews i believe some 2000 millionaires...he picks their brains... one of the most common things that millionaires do is donate money.. not just for tax write offs, but for the karma ideology... typically when the millionaire is involved with financial difficulties at any poiint in their lives, they will donate money... i believe they do this because they feel it will change THEIR lives around as well...

karma has never failed me... negatively or positively...


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
No, never. Too much negative stuff with lots of charities. But i do charity of my own, like spring time i was in Africa, i packed 20 kilos (didn't wanna pay extra) of clothes and handed em out to beggars on the streets and traffic lights. Also bought food to a couple of Nigerian guys who sold passport covers and those fuzzy dice thingies 8hrs in the middle of traffic, under the african sun, daily..
This how i know my shits went to ppl that need em, and no -20% taken to red cross admin fees or sum shit like that.

haze crazy

I'm not a big donater to organized charities. Random acts of kindness and helpin the truly disadvantaged. Seems strange, but I donate more when I'm broke than when I'm flush. Has something to do with knowing what it's like in another's shoes ....and not wanting to pull out a fat wallet in front of a desperate person....


I ran an office that raised funds for the special olympics in Colorado springs some years back.The breakdown was 65% to the special olympics and 35% to the owner of the little telemarketing company.Thats considered pretty good.I won a lot of radio contests too lol 4 Allman bros tickets in two contests one day.I've only given money to doggy organizations like the ASPCA until I found out they were becoming advocates for barnyard animals lol gimme a fuckin break


Yeah I do always do, broke a lot. Sometimes good comes back to you cause of it. I donated $30 to the boys and girls club and I won a $300 worth of gift cards from the super market cause of it.