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Freedom Fighter
Whats up with the censorship?? I know no one wants to hear it but Eddy had this coming seriously that many plants in plain sight of the highway did he really believe he would get away with it?? Also he had far too many plants for me to believe that all of it went to patients. Please don't censor what I have to say!!!!

Thanks for your opinion...you stated it, what now, you want to keep it going?? You obviously don't know what you are talking about...but don't let the truth get in the way of your bitterness--
Eddy grew all that in plain view...BECAUSE he was in compliance with the Law!! State Law anyways....
Why are you so angry at Eddy?? So you believe that Growers should be in prison?? He stood up and challenged the Law....and if not for the Feds stepping in...he would not be in jail today--
Sorry....you stated what you feel....it is just that most of us don't agree with you and the DEA--:2cents:


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Censorship? What Censorship?

Censorship? What Censorship?

Whats up with the censorship?? I know no one wants to hear it but Eddy had this coming seriously that many plants in plain sight of the highway did he really believe he would get away with it?? Also he had far too many plants for me to believe that all of it went to patients. Please don't censor what I have to say!!!!

Well, I have no clue what censorship you are referring to. Your opinion is welcome as long as it is not insulting.

Firstly, are you asking this out of compassion or are you simply stirring the pot with accusations of stupidity on Eddy Lepp's part - believe me that was not the case.

Secondly, are you a California Medical Patient in Compliance with your numbers and the law?

Why are you so worked up about this in a negative way?

Do you know anything about the history of the medical movement in California and who the key players were that got Prop 215 passed? If you know these things then you would realize it was all part of a plan to push the envelope, to guarantee your rights as an individual to grow as much cannabis wherever and whenever you want to.

It is just a plant and it is happily very good medicine.

I would like to hear some answers to these questions directly from you 'Mr. Fantastic.'




"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Man, it's simply amazing to me that he's been harassed so much by the feds. I'm broke as hell right now, but I can see a few friends and I getting some dough together to send to Rev. Lepp in the near future. In the meantime, I'm gonna go write the man a letter. Knowing that people care about you, even total strangers, makes a world of difference when you're locked in a cage. Payaso, please tell Rev. Lepp we are all praying to our respective higher powers for him! :wave:


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Thanks BG, I am sure Eddy will be very happy to get a letter! It means a lot to hear from folks outside the cage.
Okay not trying to start anything, I agree that he doesn't belong in prison for what he did. However he had to understand that no matter what it is still illegal under federal law. Basically he took it too far and I think anyone who is not a fellow med patient or even a smoker would look at what he was doing and raise some suspicion as to whether any the product ends up on the streets into the hands of younger kids. My knowledge is limited about California's Prop 215 however I do know that Dennis Peron one of the key players in the legislature is very unhappy with the way things have panned out over the years. The rest of the country sees what is going on over there and are using it as an example of the law gone wrong. I mean lets face it you can get a medical card for anything in California. Things need to change or the DEA will continue to target individuals such as Mr. Lepp. No doubt Eddy is a great guy I have had a few conversations with him he is brilliant and no doubt an incredible gardener.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Well, what an interesting way to start out a post where you are trying to stir the pot needlessly.

Did you not read thru the entire post before making this statement? Where do you get the information causing you to think that Eddy Lepp nor anyone else involved with this case thought this was NOT illegal under federal law? Get real, everyone knows that.

You admit you know precious little of Prop 215, yet you are offering a judgemental statement about it?

If you knew the facts you would know that 1,800 people participated in that grow, all of whom are legal medical patients in California, and members of his church. Under California's Prop 215 and according to the RFRA Federal Law what he did was legal on both medical and religious grounds.

How could you possibly infer from any of the facts printed in many newspapers, online and elsewhere that this crop would end up on the streets in the hands of children?

Federal law does not mean it is right to send someone to jail for ten years for growing some plants. Federal laws are somtimes ill-conceived and wrong, and this is why there exists many mechanisms for changing bad, old, or outdated laws. As society changes so should it's regulations to fit the needs of the populace. When this does not occur it leads to social unrest, and possibly revolution.

It seems that it would be better to change the law than risk the further deterioration and fracturing of our society by powers that be who rule by the mighty dollar.

I have no sympathy for politicians who refuse to change and get voted out of office by angry constituents. The politicians need to start listening to the people, and not the bankers and uber-rich. WE give them the votes, not them.

I am beginning to believe you are a troll and here to do nothing but stir the pot. Please do consider keeping your judgments to yourself on matters you have no knowledge of.

On the other hand if you have specific questions about this case, please do a little research and read more about this case before you pass judgment on it. And ask questions! That's always a good thing to do as a way to learn about something.

I personally have little or no respect for anyone who makes accusations based on their own imagination.

Now that you have cast a stone at Eddy Lepp, are you completely innocent yourself?
Hey man chill out, you have stated your opinion I'm not going to insult you now. I think you need to get a grip is Mr. Lepp your dad or something??

Either way I'm out sorry I had the gall to call the bullshit on this one.
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Hey man chill out, you have stated your opinion I'm not going to insult you now. I think you need to get a grip is Mr. Lepp your dad or something?? Did you forget that they sold a pound to an undercover officer?? Either way I'm out sorry I had the gall to call the bullshit on this one.

You had the gall to make yourself look like the cop you are ; )


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Dear 'Mr. Fantastik' -

You have some 'fantastik' way of thinking!

You did not bother to answer even one of my questions, and now throw out some very tainted bit of gossip that you probably read in the news...there is little evidence that anyone sold a pound to an undercover agent. The judge during the trial referred to that 'evidence' as "incredible." The definition of that word from the Free Online Dictionary is "So implausible as to elicit disbelief."

Those charges were dropped.

Please do not post further misinformation here. If you don't like Eddy Lepp that is your opinion, and you can see he has many supporters here at ICMag.com...a lot of us know the truth and were involved with the ministry and farm.

If you are a really a supporter of cannabis freedom and legalization then you should show some support for the folks that tried to make a difference. Your repetition of old gossip with no basis in fact is disturbing, TROLLING THE THREAD is not cool. Folks get banned from the site for less.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Eddy was convicted by a jury based on information presented during his trial, which lasted less than 24 hours over 4 days. I attended the entire trial and every pre-trial hearing during the previous year. I have first-hand knowledge of this case, and am willing to discuss the facts, and not opinions about this case.

Here are some links to read that present the most factual accounting of the entire Eddy Lepp case that exists in print or online. The person who wrote these accounts sat at my side during the trial and hearings, taking shorthand notes of the proceedings. Her account is accurate and truthful.


Apologies to those complaining about my offsite link, but it would not be cool to just copy and paste ALL of Vanessa Nelson's writings here, they are copyrighted.

This thread was started to let folks know about Eddy's life in prison. We have already debated endlessly the pros and cons of this case while it was happening. Stay tuned here for some of Eddy's Writings from the jailhouse...

Now that ought to be interesting...


Original Editor of ICMagazine
My knowledge is limited about California's Prop 215 however I do know that Dennis Peron one of the key players in the legislature is very unhappy with the way things have panned out over the years.

Your knowledge is so limited on this topic that I now know you are doing nothing but trolling this thread for some sort of excitement.

Again more misinformation.

Dennis Peron is not in the legislature, either California's nor Federal.

After hearing from Dennis recently I know that he is unhappy about the new proposed "Tax & Regulate" legislation currently being touted by BUSINESSMEN like Richard Lee from Oaksterdam U.

If you knew your facts you would also know that Dennis got FIRED from Oaksterdam U because he stood up to the BS that Lee and others are trying to shove down the throats of legitimate medical users in this state.

Your statement that Dennis is unhappy with the way things turned out is an echo of almost everyone's sentiment here. We are unhappy that we still have to fight to keep our rights.

Either you are with us or against us, which is it?

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Thank you for the link to read. tell your friend Vanessa Nelson, I.C. magers thanks her for posting it up for us to see.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Thanks Zeppelin Man! How's it going with you...

Got a letter or three from Eddy this week.

I am typing up a story from him now.


Freedom Fighter
Hey man chill out, you have stated your opinion I'm not going to insult you now. I think you need to get a grip is Mr. Lepp your dad or something??

Either way I'm out sorry I had the gall to call the bullshit on this one.

What if he is his dad?? Eddy's son (I was trashed, at a concert) gave me a signed poster from Eddy--
You do not have "Gall"...you are a presumptuous ass...
That is all--:fsu:

turtle farmer

FREE EDDY LEPP!!!!!!!!!!!!
I miss the hell out of him
some times I'm not so proud to be an American----happy American yes,proud of my government NO!NO!NO!!
this is upsetting---I must write Eddy
thanks for the updates Payaso
peace to ALL


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Hey Turtle Farmer, I am sure Eddy would love to hear from you. Check above in this thread for the address...

Yesterday I spoke with Eddy for awhile as we work to save the farm from forfeiture to the Feds. Papers have been filed with the courts, and we hope the latest maneuverings will work.

It seems Eddy has to pay rent in there to keep himself in a lower bunk, and not having to climb stairs. If he has less than $100 in his commissary account they could move him...and on top of that they are charging him fines of $34 a month. When you realize that as a felon his Social Security and VA pensions have been stopped, it is difficult for him to raise funds.

This is Eddy Lepp we are talking about, the man who shared his genetics with the world, gave hundreds of folks the opportunity to learn and grow, and freely gave of his time and money to those in need. Of course he is not a saint, no living person is. He is a human being and deserves better treatment than this.


ICMag Donor
Payaso, do you think we should do something to raise some cash for Eddy? I know he and GN were close. It seems we could muster up something.....


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Payaso, do you think we should do something to raise some cash for Eddy? I know he and GN were close. It seems we could muster up something.....

Sounds like a great idea JJ. I know I'd be willing to kick in some dough, or buy some special beans people donate for the cause, or whatever! I was actually gonna talk to my friends and local MMJ patients about getting money on his books, even if I could just get him a few bucks or a few hundred, I'm sure he'd appreciate it. I've never met Eddy, but he seems like damn good people to me, for sure. I hope to meet him someday, when he is free, feeling the sun shining and smoking a spliff! :yes:

I'm going out today and picking up some nice stationary to begin sending him letters. :wave:

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