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Hella's 35 gal Rubbermaid grow (336w CFL, Bagseed) *1st Grow*


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
LOL, its a learning experience.Sometimes the learning curve is steeper. I hope you get a good m/f ratio out of your survivors

Hella THC



Hey all :wave: Welcome back to the show! First off, let me say I'm sicker than a dog, and running a 102 fever, so if some of this lacks "flow" and cohesiveness, please forgive me. I was going to update this thread last night, but the illness prevented me. Onto the good stuff...

I have been slowly adding some more nutes to their feeding. Last night, they were all fed with a full dose of CaMg+ and Bio Root, and then given just a pinch of Bio Weed seaweed extract. Man, that stuff is THICK! It's like runny guacamole as someone else described it. Crazy looking stuff. I think after this weekend they will start getting full veg nutes, unless something changes. They seem to be liking the food. I also bought a small desk fan to blow on them. Their stocks seemed MUCH stronger last night! As the temps continue to lower around here, I will continue to add more lights.

I think I'll do like last time and start off with the pics as well as an accompanying description :joint:

Plant 1, going hella strong! This little lady is doing so well, I can't believe it. The leafs are dark green, and plant structure is building in nicely! Look at the branches :woohoo: I expect only the best from this one!



Here is plant 2, and she's about on par with number 1! Great growth, great color, great structure.... I really have nothing bad to say about this one. Keep up the good work I guess!


Now this is plant 3. I have a few gripes about her. First, do you see the interesting formation of the leafs? The main fan leaf is huge, and the accompanying leafs are very small. And do you see the "curling" on the leafs? Its not so much curling as it is... well, imagine what a piece of paper looks like after you spill water on it... it kind of crinkles up and then wont lay even. Do you see what I mean regarding this? Could it be too much calcium? The leafs are also still showing the white-ish dots on the leafs... no one seems too concerned about it though, so I guess I won't be either :D Either way, I'll be excited to see how she grows out. Should be interesting!


Plant 4... The Underdog! Haha, what a little mutant this little one is! Its still growing though, so I'm going to see what happens! This little baby encountered sooo much stress early on, I'm surprised its even alive! Grow on!


And last but not least is Plant 5. Small, but healthy! And growing ever so slightly upward :abduct: Hopefully it will continue to do so.


And here is a group shot with the fan!


So, things are going good! I'm happy to have anything actually! I sometimes forget I will soon actually be able to enjoy the fruits of my labor, and that I'm not just growing them for fun! I probably wouldn't mind either way. It's been so much fun having something to look forward to every day!

If any of you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them! And wish me well, I feel like I'm at the edge of death with this damn sickness! I haven't even been able to smoke today! And I've been too sore and tired to make anything edible.

Stay green,

- Hella


Plants are looking damn fine hella. Super tight internode spacing. Good job man! Most first time grows the plants are long and spindly looking as they stretch to get more light. Im working on my second grow and hell my plants internodes arent that tight. Keep up the good work bro, your doing just fine. Peace

Hella THC

virago420 - Thanks for the comments my friend! I, too, am impressed with the inter node spacing. I know what you mean about the spindly growth most new growers encounter. It can be especially bad with CFLs. I'm not sure if I'm just lucky, or if I'm just doing things right. They are still about 8" from the lights... not terribly close.

growMEDS - Hey man, good to see you here again! :wave: They should really start taking off now with the addition of all these nutes. They really seem to like it.

bengie187 - Thanks for stopping by! Hope you enjoy the show :D

I'll be checking on the girls later tonight. Hopefully see some exciting things! Do you folks mind all the pics? I know its what most people want to see anyway, so I figure I'll try and keep the updates picture heavy.

- Hella


Looks great dude. I can totally relate about having something to look forward to.. It's the first thing I do in the morning, after the bathroom of course.. lol

Glad to know we're both first time growers.. keep up the good work and keep the pics coming, as will I..


Hella THC

realistik - Hello, and welcome :wave: I always like to keep in touch with those that started growing around the same time I did. Its fun to see people progress together. I don't know if I've had the chance to look at your grow... why don't you toss a link in here and I'll go check it out.

It's the first thing I do every morning, too! I get an update on the progress of my babies. Sometimes I like to go a day between checking just to be surprised by the explosive growth! Its oh so much fun!


Wow thats awesome being as though they are so far from the lights! Now that I think of it I bet I know why my nodes arent so tight this time. 2700K bulbs instead of 6500K. Well I'll blame it on that, haha. And by all means yes keep the pics coming. Worst case scenario you eventually dont get as many comments as you are now. That inevitably happens anyway usually. At least you wont hear me complaining. Keep up the good work bro. Peace

Hella THC

Wow thats awesome being as though they are so far from the lights! Now that I think of it I bet I know why my nodes arent so tight this time. 2700K bulbs instead of 6500K. Well I'll blame it on that, haha. And by all means yes keep the pics coming. Worst case scenario you eventually dont get as many comments as you are now. That inevitably happens anyway usually. At least you wont hear me complaining. Keep up the good work bro. Peace

LMAO, I gotta say man, I'm using 3 - 42w 2700k CFLs and 2 - 26w 6500k, so I'm still not sure how I lucked out on the spacing. Beginners luck? It won't matter in a few weeks anyway, as I'm revamping this whole set up and will be using a HID, but for now, I'm loving it.


You couldnt just keep your mouth shut and let me believe it was the bulbs could you? Haha nah dude could be alot of things but my plants arent stretched much just not as tight as I would like them, they are healthy though and thats what matters. Good idea with the mixed spectrum too. Keep up the good work man, peace

Hella THC

when you make the switch to HID, are you scrapping the rubbermaids as well?

Somewhere down the line, yes. They are too difficult to work with. I have chronic pain and lifting, kneeling, bending, are all very difficult for me, and these Rubbermaids require a lot of all of the above.

Consider this set up a trial run... a learning experience if you will.

Hella THC

Nice looking setup Hella and the babies look healty too. I read you were thinking of getting a lifter for the top? I was thinking a bicycle hoist would work good for that and they're not too expensive, check out http://www.performancebike.com/bikes/Product_10052_10551_1023851_-1_400007_400007_400007

Thanks man. I'm not sure I'm going to go through with the lifter or not. It depends on if I decide to hold onto this Rubbermaid system or not. That bike hoist looks like it would work perfectly though, if I decided to follow through with it. How tight would it be to attach a little electric motor to the hoist and have it do it automatically?! /dream


- Hella


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
sounds like a nice cab with double doors on the front would be the way to go for you hella

doing this run before you design the cab will teach you a lot though and you'll get a better setup in the long run.


Hella THC

sounds like a nice cab with double doors on the front would be the way to go for you hella

doing this run before you design the cab will teach you a lot though and you'll get a better setup in the long run.


Exactly :D Allow me to explain the reason I built this system.

Imagine loving marijuana (most of you already do, of course). Imagine 5 years of getting great smoke. Imagine having at leat 7 people you could get your hook up through. Imagine never having to worry about quality and price. $50 an 1/8th, $325 an oz.

Now, Imagine going from that, to $70 beasters. Liars and cheats. Imagine short bags, wanna-be gangsters, and rude dealers. Imagine waiting by your cell phone for hours waiting for "this one new connect" to get back to you and he never does. Sound familiar? Well, I could no longer take it anymore.

I took literally every last penny I had and put it into something I knew would be A.) Fun to construct (Never really "built" anything before and B.) Would leave me with a good medicinal product. I just wanted to do SOMETHING ASAP to help fix this problem, and I was sick and tired of sitting on my hands and just complaining about the weed situation in my neck of the woods. So I stepped up and just made it happen.

I wanted to build something that I could use to learn with. I wouldn't have an issue with using this setup forever, but it's just going to be too difficult in the long run, and I know I'll enjoy something easier, like a grow tent. I also need to make this perpetual, as I'll need a constant supply of meds, and I just don't see the Rubbermaid fitting into these plans.

Once these go into flower, I'll have more vegging :D I'm on my way to greener pastures. DITCH THE DEALERS! Most of em are just ass-clown bastards these days anyway. Has EVERYONE forgotten about the ethics of marijuana? Does no one feel the love anymore? Is it just all about making a buck? Man, where did shit go wrong...

- Hella


Grow like nobody is watching
Yeah! Sing it brother Hella! Right on :yes:

One thing I will rep till I die now is a sliding floor arrangement (obviously not for a rubbermaid though). In my tent, there were buds which I couldn't even see or reach!! Those days are gone :D

Photos and girls are great man, keep it up.

Hella THC

Thanks Scrub!

So I've been thinking about flipping them to 12/12 to sex them... but it will take a good month out of their growth. But I've heard plants can show pre-flowers around 30 days vegging regardless, and these plants will be vegging for probably... well, I'm not positive but more than 30 days.

Should I just wait for them to show sex?

By the way, the babies are looking really nice and strong. They are really taking off now. They get another feeding tomorrow. They are soon going to need to be watered every day in the 4" pots.

- Hella


Yeah man I would just let em continue to veg and show sex on their own. Theres a few downfalls to inducing flower early to determine sex, 1 being the amount of time it takes, 2 and this affects micro growers more so than others and thats going through the 'stretch' twice. A plant wont show sex until they are mature enough, theres no definate they will show in 2 weeks, could take longer than that. And by then they have grown a bunch, then revert to veg which takes a couple weeks of little to no growth. By the time youve done all this your going to have some pretty damn full rubbermaids. Around 30 days into veg your plants should have alternating nodes and preflowers. Peace