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against all odds...my friend "moved to cally.." and he's making it


Active member
I have a quick question for those in cal, is there a difference in selling price between sat dominant heady highs and heavy hitting indicas? I mean indicas tend to be the more heavy yielding right? So I assume most growers are putting out indicas because of the increased yield... Just wondering.


yea come move to cali then show ur new friends where u grow...u will get jacked believe that
I feel really sad that your life experiences drove you to believe that friends would jack friends. I mean that-that's no subtle dig or anything, that's really sad to hear, man.

I think what you mean to say is, if you're new in town and make nice with the most socially accessible tards who smoke pot, they might rob your shit. To which I would agree.


In the 19 years I've lived in the San Francisco area , I've had no run ins with gangs.

Trust experience over imagined fears.

Would you take investment advise from a broke person? Don't take living and growing in California advice from someone who has never lived or grown in California.

Ask the people on this site ( there are some really great experienced Cal growers on some other sites too) who actually live and grow in Cal.

I got to stick to the grow forums... this is silly.

I'll second this. It's all about location. There are gang infested neighborhoods in any big city. Just stay away from those areas and you'll be fine.


Active member
Hey, I feel yalls pain. Hurricane katrina came thru and destroyed most everything I had. I said fuck it and decided to follow my dream of legally growing n a med state. Was really hard to pak my car and leave my family without telln them the real reason I left. 3 years later I'm still loving my decision. Southern town = felony for 2 grams... Medical town = cops can't take my meds and have to respect my medical authorithai! . That's a no brainer lol.

My car got towed once, cop was goin thru my car givn me my jars of weed and even found my missing ipod trying to get all the weed out b4 they towed it (didn't want anyone gettn a special suprise lol)

For all u guys that r thinkn about doin this. I moved out here with 10g, mailed my equipment that wouldn't fit n my car, and set up shop within a month. It took a while to get "friends" that I could trust. But then I find out that half of my friends were medical also.... Just can't go wrong. Even if ur not a patient, move to oregon and u can still b sum1's legal medical grower. Ur allowed to grow and posess but not imbibe. But u can "sample" for quality testing lol. I'm a patient grower and enjoy "sampling" as much meds as I can lol.

If anybody needs a med grower friendly landlord agency send me a pm if ur serious only! Not an invite to blow up a 3 bed house n garage, but the landlord is cool w/ my 4 cards (96 plants total) so if u can't do w 96 u don't need to b out west lol


In a major victory for pot advocates, the California Supreme Court has refused to review a landmark appellate court ruling protecting the right of medical marijuana patients and their caregivers to collectively grow marijuana. Rural sheriff's departments in California may have to find a new pastime to replace bullying medical marijuana growers. In a major victory for pot advocates, the California Supreme Court -- right around harvest time! -- has refused to review a landmark appellate court ruling protecting the right of medical marijuana patients and their caregivers to collectively grow weed. Americans for Safe Access (ASA), a nationwide medical marijuana advocacy group, filed a May 2006 lawsuit on behalf David Williams, 56, and half a dozen other collective members after the Butte County Sheriff's Department conducted a warrantless search of Williams' home in 2005. The officers forced Williams to uproot more than two dozen plants, threatening him with arrest and prosecution if he didn't comply.
Williams was incorrectly told by Deputy Jacob Hancock that his collectively cultivated marijuana was illegal. California state law, in fact, does allow for collective cultivation.

Butte County Sheriff/Coroner Perry Reniff and his department were attempting to impose a de facto ban on medical marijuana patient collectives, according to ASA.

"By refusing to review this case, the California Supreme Court sends a strong message that local law enforcement must uphold the medical marijuana laws of the state and not competing federal laws," said Joe Elford, ASA chief counsel, who litigated the case for Williams. According to the July 2009 appellate court ruling, the "deputy was acting under color of California law, not federal law. Accordingly, the propriety of his conduct is measured by California law."

The court went further, stating that to deny medical marijuana patients protection from warrantless intrusions and seizures by law enforcement "would surely shock the sensibilities of the voters who approved [Proposition 215].

The appellate court ruling upheld Butte County Superior Court Judge Barbara Roberts' ruling from September 2007, in which she stated that seriously ill patients cultivating marijuana collectively "should not be required to risk criminal penalties and the stress and expense of a criminal trial in order to assert their rights. Roberts' ruling also rejected Butte County's policy of requiring all members to physically participate in the cultivation, thereby allowing collective members to "contribute financially" rather than with sweat equity.

The Butte County Sheriff's Department was already known for its zealous anti-marijuana enforcement. The first medical marijuana supplier in the state to be prosecuted in federal court after the passage of Proposition 215 was originally arrested by Butte County officers. Chico resident Bryan Epis received a 10-year sentence in federal court in 2002 for medical marijuana cultivation after Butte County officers raided his home in 1997 and seized 458 plants.

Observers of the medical marijuana scene say the court decision could have repercussions statewide in other (predominantly rural) counties with pot-phobic local law enforcement. Elford said he has received hundreds of complaints from medical marijuana patients about local anti-pot cops seizing their drugs on the logic that "we'll take it from you and let the courts sort it out."

Repeated reports of problematic behavior by Butte County law enforcement, as well as other police agencies throughout the state, resulted in the filing of the Williams lawsuit, according to ASA.

"After uncovering Butte County's de facto ban on medical marijuana patient collectives, ASA decided to pursue the case to show that collectives and cooperatives are protected under state law," said ASA media liaison Kris Hermes.

"In addition to protecting patients' rights to collectively cultivate, the Court has reaffirmed that medical marijuana patients enjoy the same constitutional rights as everyone else," said Elford, "including the ability to file civil rights actions when those rights are violated."


Active member
I feel really sad that your life experiences drove you to believe that friends would jack friends. I mean that-that's no subtle dig or anything, that's really sad to hear, man.

I think what you mean to say is, if you're new in town and make nice with the most socially accessible tards who smoke pot, they might rob your shit. To which I would agree.

start making $$$, ppl WILL notice i dont care what u say. ballers are the 1st to get it


Active member
this thread kicks ass!!!!!!!!! givin hope to all the growers with big dreams of livin the good life. I 2 am thinking of heading out to CO or California after my degree is complete, working a relaxed job, growing incredible ganj, freestyle skiing on unbelievable mountains with chill people and mad cool snowbunny's, n making realll good money. WHAT THE FUCK COULD BE BETTER AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

when i do this I will let you all know, should be in less than 11 months. gotta stay focused. Someone said misery loves company and so does success, be around success and positivity and you will become successful and positive no doubt. good karma to all, hope to see some of you chill people in CO and CA.

caregiver for 4 patients is 96 plant count, can you have more than one caregiver per residence or no? and the extra lb's that dont go to your patients could be sold to the clubs i'd assume, all this legally god damn that sounds nice


meh I don't think it's worth it. The state doesn't even protect it's own people's rights. I would never move to California.
Just saw a show last night on Simi Valley - guess there was a reactor there while back and there was an accident and the radiation isn't going down for centuries. Boeing owns the property now.
Plus you have the illegal immigrants - to whom 50% of your state taxes are going to feed. Then you have serial killers - all the serial killers like California. Think FBI says there's always like 10 active serial killers in California.
Then you have forest fires, earthquakes and landslides. The possibility of tsunami's.
California is like 1840's Missouri to a lot of judiciary conservatives - as long as whiney little punks get nominations to Federal courts the sovereignty of California is in jeopardy. Which is odd, because conservatives believe state rights are important and that the government and judiciary should have little role in state affairs - except if it's cannabis, it seems.
I think I'll stay in the northeast

Hey that's the fuckin truth dude. Yea we might have some pretty radical laws but they don't mean shit because ultimately it's up to local jurisdictions to enforce federal or state laws. I also hate the white picket fence mentality between counties, one county is liberal and wants to protect patients rights, while right next door there's 90% conservative counties that give kickbacks and ignore their buddies crimes while at the same time treating medical marijuana like some crazy fantasy law.

I love it here at the same time tho... Love hate relationship.
making it too!!

making it too!!

The people who say it's hard to be successful are the ones looking for an excuse to not try. Never listen to them and make sure your friends are encouraging you to succeed.

Misery loves company and so does success. Choose positivity and hard work and you'll be fine.

Right on Red Swan!! Stay positive and stay safe!


Active member
Dude, what do you have to start up with, really? If you can handle 6 months rent where you want to live, plus food and utilities, then get up and go. If you don't know how you're gonna make it past month 3 without bringing in a good harvest, fuck it.


Dude, what do you have to start up with, really? If you can handle 6 months rent where you want to live, plus food and utilities, then get up and go. If you don't know how you're gonna make it past month 3 without bringing in a good harvest, fuck it.
10-12K, not including 3-4K for equipment.

Tough call. Very borderline.


10-12K, not including 3-4K for equipment.

Tough call. Very borderline.
User killerdemo wanted to share with me his wisdom via negative karma message for this post. Thought I'd share it: "you wont make it, good luck trying to be a kingpin as soon as u get here...lil kid with cali dreams but it wont happen"

E-wars can be fun if you're really bored, but dude, you gotta pick your battles. You can't just throw hate out at random people for no apparent reason. That takes the fun out.


Sorry, but I gotta say movingtocali, all your threads are some dumb shit. clean the sand outta your pussy already. do it or dont


Sorry, but I gotta say movingtocali, all your threads are some dumb shit. clean the sand outta your pussy already. do it or dont
I'm being rational, slow, and considered, while utilizing a fantastic resource to soak up information. I like my life at this particular moment, so I'm in no big hurry.

I'm not particularly concerned with whether internet user mrdizzle thinks my threads or internet persona are interesting. Sorry brotha.
