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Is it possible to love 2 women?


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Well, what do you guys think? Is it possible to be in love with 2 women? A very close friend of mine who is married has been seeing another woman for over a year now and hes totally in love with both of them.
As he puts it, each one has what the other doesnt, each one fills in the gap left by the other.
I've seen them both and they are polar opposites in every way. One is tall, the other short. One is blondish, the other dark brown. One is country, one is city. One has big tits, the other small ones. One has a booming ass, the other suffers from the noassatall syndrome.
According to him, one is wild in bed, the other more shy. They're both in the same age group,early 30s'

So what do you think, is it possible to love 2 women? :joint:

Sounds to me like your friend has found what he was looking for in the first place. For him to have done this for the amount of time he has LIES and DECEIT have had to play a part somewhere and that in itself is grounds for him to survey his actions since he is obviously not considering the consequences.

If not today maybe tomorrow but somebody's gonna get hurt and gonna get hurt bad. For him to tell someone he loves them with all his heart and then within 48 hours say it to someone else is selfish bullshit IMO. Now understand if his WIFE and her and him did this together thats another story,the idea of 3 consenting adults exploring their bounds of sexuality is human and good for the soul if done TOGETHER since thats what he committed to do to with his WIFE when he took his vowels of marriage and that being COMMITTED TOGETHERNESS not when it's convenient for him.

I've watched my parents put me through 5 marriages and 5 divorces. I remember times as a kid when dad said to mom we were going out to do something and then end up at his girlfriends house a few hours later in other words I've seen it first hand the good the bad and the ALWAYS UGLY in the end.

What you have here is a dynamite factory in the woods thats on fire. One day there is gonna be one hell of an explosion. It's simply a matter of time before the fire reaches the building since it's already destroyed the foundation.

My Penny


It was not stated that the two women are aware of each other.
It's rather sad to see so many who actually do not understand the meaning of LOVE.

love isn't about 2 people, it's about love.

there is nothing wrong with loving two people, or 10 provided it is love and it is open and honest.

love is a beautiful thing, lies and deceit are not.


Well put mrwaggs

H2O over a year and probably still going on so going. This thread started in Jan.


I feel sorry for your friend. It sounds to me like he is not truly in love with either of them.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
sounds like he mixed up booty call with love..

"you go chasing after two rabbits, you end up with no dinner"


I feel sorry for the wife who has no idea what was going on. The girlfriend is no woman at all to be messing with a married man. I hope she gets what she deserves.
He "feels like he needs to protect" the girlfriend. What about the poor wife?
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follow your heart
ICMag Donor
It was not stated that the two women are aware of each other.
It's rather sad to see so many who actually do not understand the meaning of LOVE.

if this is the case, I smell insecurity from the "wife / GF" . no woman puts up with another woman...


^^^^^^^^ Give the man a prize. Finally hit the nail on the head.


If you are married, you only get one woman. If you want multiple women, then you have to not be married or not be in a committed relationship.

Pretty simple I think.


Active member
def possible to love 2 dif women but no way can he be in love with either one. If all people involved were open about it and comfortable then i can see them all being in love in a weird, twisted way..

Just another case of him getting bored with #1 so he wants to have fun with #2... but this guy jsut broke all the rules of the game with his 'love' bs...

Have your friend google steve mcnair
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I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
i did it for a few years in my first marriage.. It ages you very quickly and you litterally become someone else and it then becomes hard to distinguish who you are when you are, if that makes sense.. All i can say is i hope the dood figures it out quickly who he wants cos he will age by 10 yrs in 1.. I am now happily married again and almost 10 years sober of cheating... :woohoo: peace..



Congrats Sack on being faithful for 10years. Proof that people can change. Gives me hope that assholes are able to become better people and maybe I shouldn't write people off the first time they stab in the back.


my mom my daughter my wife .. sure

my definition of love doesn't include boning


New member
What an interesting conversation. Wow. Yes it is possible. A very close and dear friend of mine tells me. He has a wife and had a gf for a year long ago. He loved both of them and never lied to either one about the other. The wife wanted the gf to move in with them but the gf wasn't into that and wanted him to dump the wife. A little over a year later the gf found someone else and moved on. Then about another year later the wife took up with one of his friends And lied to him about the relationship. She eventually left him for the friend. Well, the friend got tired of the wife and kicked her to the curb. So she returned to my friend. They are still together and have been together for 43 years now. Ain't life funny. They should have went on JS's show. lol


id say its unlikely that anyone loves just one woman.

but, he is probably acting on his primal urges in this case. he has to think first about his kids, then his wife, and judge whether or not one is more likely to succeed in the end. it is not fair that he is in a relationship with another woman, and hasnt told his wife. she probably at least suspects it.

if you are really interested in helping your friend, i would implore you to give him a nice reality check.


Well, what do you guys think? Is it possible to be in love with 2 women? A very close friend of mine who is married has been seeing another woman for over a year now and hes totally in love with both of them.
As he puts it, each one has what the other doesnt, each one fills in the gap left by the other.
I've seen them both and they are polar opposites in every way. One is tall, the other short. One is blondish, the other dark brown. One is country, one is city. One has big tits, the other small ones. One has a booming ass, the other suffers from the noassatall syndrome.
According to him, one is wild in bed, the other more shy. They're both in the same age group,early 30s'

So what do you think, is it possible to love 2 women? :joint:

Not ruling out the possibility that one can love two women at once, but there is a more fundamental question to be asked here...

Ask your friend "How would you feel if your wife was in love with and seeing another man?"

Karma shall show him the way in the end...

Nuff' said


Moldy Dreads

Active member
Is it possible to love 2 women?

Of course!
