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War breaks out within the marijuana legalization movement


ruger 500
next they will want to tax your garden veggies ,long live jack,i am taxed to the brink of not working for twwo weeks just to say fuck off with the taxes already ,can you imagine everybody not working for asy thursday and friday taking a four day week end ,and having a tax revolt at the same time ,just cut uncle sam off at the knees, if that dont work than neither will i,wantaknow.......


Active member
I see the paid hacks are out in force on this thread. You have to hand it to Mr. Lee, he's trying to cover all the bases. Fortunately, you can spot his propaganda operatives from a mile away.

FF - you're fighting the good fight, bro. Keep up the good work.

fatigues, anthonytaurus - report back to your boss, his shit ain't selling here.



Active member
So your telling me that right now the city dosen`t go around looking at peoples houses and property? I have 10 properties and right now I receive a threat letter if I lapse a week in cutting my lawn. If there is something wrong with a car in a parking lot it will get tagged and I receive a letter stating to take care of it or pay a fine.
You may not like it but its a fact.
Are you getting letters for growing too much stinky weed? I'm not and we regularly mow our lawn because we are good neighbors. We don't leave broken down shit in our driveway either.

I dunno I get my car inspected every year
Cars have been proven to kill people whereas cannabis has not.

and my apartments are inspected.
Is your personal residence inspected? Probably not because you are an owner. You think its bad try being a renter. We don't need another fucking inspection.

My business can be inspected at any second of any day and shut down on the spot by the inspector but I gladly trade that for the opportunity to make a boat load of money.
Why would it get shut down on the spot? Are you doing something illegal? That is why we don't need weed inspectors who can just come in and shut us down.

They don`t buy your weed and you are not allowed to sell it. Fines would be monetary and forfeiture in extreme cases like smuggling.
You try not paying your taxes and see what happens.

Just because its legalized are you going to do anything to stop it from being sold at schools? Are you going to make the punishment have teeth to ensure that children are not being exploited by this?
Why can we just have parents who actually know how to fucking parent? I personally don't give a fuck about anyone elses children. I had plenty of opportuinty to be a stoner kid. Seriously I coulda lit up at 4 if I really was inclined too. However I wait until I was older. Take this save the kids talk and hang out with Jerry Falwell.

Don`t pay your taxes and let me know where you end up?
Yes if you cheat we should first start by hitting you in the wallet and if you have blatant disregard for the law then we should be able to take your property. You can still be fully legal and grow and sell just follow the directions.
And send people to prison too right? Sounds like a plan. Let's call it the Marijuana Tax Stamp Act. This could be really good. No not everyone will be able to be fully legal and grow and sell and just follow the directions. The permitting under the proposed legislation would be up to local authorities. Yay thats great, except for you know what, they are going to gouge people for them, and they will make sure people like me who have felonies cannot grow or sell on a commericial level.

Easy to criticize but whats your plan to address the issue?

I don't need a plan. It's already legal here just the way it is.


I am not concerned with the economic aspect.

In a free market system many "producers" vie for a market share. That's normal. That we must stop the private citizen to make sure there is a market? That is not normal. Or Norml... (pun)

Let the People be free and let commercial interests find the market.

It comes down to one question with the Cannabis industry. Does Industry serve the people or do the people serve industry?

And which are you fatigues? Do you serve the people or do you serve Cannabis industry?

Yes. They do.

But if cultivation and sale of marijuana is completely legal, the vast majority of it will be cultivated by farmers as a cash crop on their farmland. Not by gardeners gardening in their backyards.

Hence the later comment re: Tractors. Ball Caps and Drain to waste farming. As a commercial enterprise, that undertaking is more properly reflected in the word agriculture (though both technically apply).


Bullshit? Nope. I don't think so. I think it's a balls on accurate prediction of who the producers in a legal marijuana market would look like. Because they'll be farmers, not suburban stoners.

It appears that you disagree. Yes, yes - "power to the people" and all that. But if you can get past your ideological position and perhaps think about the economic implications of a truly legal cannabis plant, commercial competition and the means of production used to produce a legal crop efficiently? Once you manage that, it is difficult to disagree with my prediction on any rational basis.

Absolutely. :crazy:

Obviously, the entire thrust of my posts have been to denigrate cannabis and to decry its very existence. I have plainly and obviously crafted the argument that only commercial exploitation of the plant by the Very Very BIG BIG BIG Corporation or America can rescue cannabis and restore it to its proper place in human history.

Or...or it could be that you have not read what I have written very carefully. On reflection, what do you think? :chin:

Are you actually reading what I'm writing or just too pissed off to care at this stage? *shrug*

I think that municipal authorities elected by its residents have a valid recognized legislative interest in controlling land use. That they are empowered as a matter of law to restrict and prevent commercial agriculture from being conducted from residentially zoned land. Because commercial agriculture is to be carried on in agriculturally zoned property. That's what zoning is for.

Fact is, municipalities have often and frequently exercised that legislative power to prevent homeowners from keeping smelly livestock within residentially zoned property. It's well settled law. You think farming skunky marijuana is likely to be handled differently when you are trying to grow it on a commercial scale? I don't think so.

That does not mean that you cannot grow legal marijuana in your backyard in this theoretical future. It does not mean that some local council's definition of a "commercial purpose" in terms of plant limits on growing marijuana on residential zoned property is not open to abuse. It probably will be abused, too, initially. I agree with you on that point. But that's why we have courts and appeals from zoning decisions.

To suggest a municipality could stop personal use gardening under such a legislative power, however, is incorrect. They have absolutely no authority to stop something like that through zoning.

Seems to me, that if you wanted to grow marijuana on a commercial scale as a legal cash crop -- the place to do that would be on a farm, not in the suburbs. You want to farm? Go and farm man - nobody stopping you in this theoretical new world.

I also expect that in an economic environment where commercial cannabis would be grown by the acre, your ability to economically compete with farmers using only your backyard is ... more than a little optimistic and borders on hubris.

That said, quality and loving attention to detail does have its place and would be valued by connoisseurs. *shrug*


New member
I agree with Jack Herer. Everything what goes into my growing is taxed allready, and when i'm only growing for myself, why should i pay some cannabis tax.

Thou, i don't live in the US ...but THAT government (with it's "shadow") controlling cannabis totally! ..any government! ..who knows what monsanto GM buds you'd get ..yea, i'm that paranoid ...LOL!


Active member
Not that many years ago, in the days before agri-business took over the production of our food supply, you could go to the local grocery store and buy fruit and vegetables that actually tasted like fruit and vegetables. Now all you can buy is hybrid crap that looks pretty but has no taste. Anyone bought a peach lately? You might as well eat cardboard. I live in a strawberry producing area and they grow 3-4 crops every year now - apparently some kind of auto-flowering hybrids that, again, look very nice but are pretty much tasteless.

Agri-business is so much into the bottom line that they produce shit and people buy it because it is the only produce available. Why would anyone think that their production of mj would be any different? The fact of the matter is that we can actually compete with agri-business in mj production because, simply stated, they don't have the mentality to grow good weed.

The only way that agri-business will be successful producing mj is if they have the upper hand vis-a-vis government regulations that give them monopolistic control of the market. Once they have that control, one would have to be a fool to believe that the whores in Sacto would do anything to dilute their market share. Politicians simply wouldn't go against their masters as it would endanger their positions of money and power.

That is one of the main reasons that this "legalization war" is so important. If a bad-for-independent-growers initiative passes, the only thing we can be sure of is that the legislature will make it worse, not better. We absolutely cannot rely on the politwhores to do anything other than work against the good of the general public and for the special interests. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it and the history of California government is that they are whores who are bought and paid for by special interests and, like any good whore, they will do anything their masters require.

(My apologies to the hookers of the world. You are hard working ladies who perform a valuable service and I don't mean to demean you by referencing our scum of the earth politicians as whores.)



New member
I see the paid hacks are out in force on this thread. You have to hand it to Mr. Lee, he's trying to cover all the bases. Fortunately, you can spot his propaganda operatives from a mile away.

FF - you're fighting the good fight, bro. Keep up the good work.

fatigues, anthonytaurus - report back to your boss, his shit ain't selling here.


Oh please. Give me a break. Folks like you think in theories and hold tight to ideologies that simply don't work in reality. I commend you for staying loyal to your ideas but it's, at best, naive to stick with them so harshly.

You complain about taxes but what are you doing to fight besides run your fingers in a forum and PAY TAXES? You complain about big business but what do you do besides run your fingers in a forum and BUY THEIR SHIT? In fact, how many name brand items do you have in your house right now. What are you typing on? Who's your internet provider? I don't want to know but I want YOU to realize big business is stamped all over your soul whether you like it or not. And, everything in there including the clothes on your back was taxed.

At any rate, I knew when I read the original post, this was some "tea party"-ish nonsense. I picked up on that quickly. Sure enough, it's turned into a bitch rant about taxes.. TAXES, TAXES, TAXES.

You guys don't care about marijuana legalization.

You just don't want to pay taxes. Fine with me. I respect that. And, as I've told tea party folks before, if you don't like taxes, STOP PAYING TAXES. If you don't like the govt, FIGHT THE GOVERNMENT. If you don't want to support big business, DON'T SUPPORT BIG BUSINESS. If you're too scared to do any of those things, MOVE OUT OF THE COUNTRY. But please.. please.. please.. STOP BITCHING.

You won't get support from people who live in the real world and you won't get any from me.

And, don't assume to know me or know who I work for because I support regulation and taxation as a pathway to legalization. I just live in the real world. And in the real world, nothing is going to stop big business from taking over the marijuana industry once legalized. But, I DON'T CARE. I will continue to grow my own in spite of any laws AS WE ALL ALREADY DO.

As far as I am concerned, there is no war within the marijuana community. That is so far from the truth it's laughable. If there is a war, it's folks like you and Jack fermenting it for no real reason.

Just don't screw over the marijuana legalization movement because your greed is keeping you from seeing the big picture.

That's all I am going to say on that. I'll unsubscribe from this nonsensical thread after this post. "We" don't deserve to be bothered with this.


PS. I have to go back to my employers now LOL. :abduct:


Active member
Oh please. Give me a break. Folks like you think in theories and hold tight to ideologies that simply don't work in reality. I commend you for staying loyal to your ideas but it's, at best, naive to stick with them so harshly.

You complain about taxes but what are you doing to fight besides run your fingers in a forum and PAY TAXES? You complain about big business but what do you do besides run your fingers in a forum and BUY THEIR SHIT? In fact, how many name brand items do you have in your house right now. What are you typing on? Who's your internet provider? I don't want to know but I want YOU to realize big business is stamped all over your soul whether you like it or not. And, everything in there including the clothes on your back was taxed.

At any rate, I knew when I read the original post, this was some "tea party"-ish nonsense. I picked up on that quickly. Sure enough, it's turned into a bitch rant about taxes.. TAXES, TAXES, TAXES.

You guys don't care about marijuana legalization.

You just don't want to pay taxes. Fine with me. I respect that. And, as I've told tea party folks before, if you don't like taxes, STOP PAYING TAXES. If you don't like the govt, FIGHT THE GOVERNMENT. If you don't want to support big business, DON'T SUPPORT BIG BUSINESS. If you're too scared to do any of those things, MOVE OUT OF THE COUNTRY. But please.. please.. please.. STOP BITCHING.

You won't get support from people who live in the real world and you won't get any from me.

And, don't assume to know me or know who I work for because I support regulation and taxation as a pathway to legalization. I just live in the real world. And in the real world, nothing is going to stop big business from taking over the marijuana industry once legalized. But, I DON'T CARE. I will continue to grow my own in spite of any laws AS WE ALL ALREADY DO.

As far as I am concerned, there is no war within the marijuana community. That is so far from the truth it's laughable. If there is a war, it's folks like you and Jack fermenting it for no real reason.

Just don't screw over the marijuana legalization movement because your greed is keeping you from seeing the big picture.

That's all I am going to say on that. I'll unsubscribe from this nonsensical thread after this post. "We" don't deserve to be bothered with this.


PS. I have to go back to my employers now LOL. :abduct:

ROFLMAO - Methinks thou dost protest too much!

Before you go accrediting me with all of this, perhaps you should take the time to read this thread and tell me where I uttered any of those words.

Typical hack - when the facts won't do, just make stuff up.



yea prop 215 screw you tools for the goverment like dennis says before he had a heart attack,not one dime,besides the state board of equalization already discriminates against medicinal marijuana users whereas pill poppers pay no tax.
doesn't matter what self effacing argument you propose this won't fly with medicinal users,or a host of other groups.taxation does not equal legitimacy,medicinal mj being under constant scrutiny and the purview of the courts with illegal modifications via s.b. 420.this proposal will not change the federal view of mj as being illegal.
furthermore myself and others think it is hypocritical to fund the excesses of state spending,institutionalized conflicts of interest by law enforcement and prison officials.


Patient Grower
Peron, shame on you you cocksucker. I knew Peron was no good since 1996 when he was pushing eighths for $100.

Yeah, all the cocksucker did with the money is use it to get Prop 215 passed. What an asshole!

Cannabis is not to be taxed and regulated, besides that it is IMPOSSIBLE to regulate a plant that grows so freely and easily.

Right, like tobacco is such a difficult plant to grow. They never had to limit production using a allotment to authorized growers.

Funny how people get stuck on an unworkable position, and continue to insist that their position is in fact workable. No my friend, taxation and regulation of cannabis is inevitable. You can deny it and have no voice whatever in what things will be, or you can get involved and be pragmatic and realistic about the need to compromise with people with whom you disagree, who also believe their position to be just as righteous as you believe yours. The difference my friend, is there are enough of them to squash us like a bug.

Money talks. Bullshit walks.


I gotta say that there are either too many clueless kids on these boards or people just drink the government is bad coolaid....

It was true 100 years ago and its true still now that the only sure thing in this world are death and taxes and you can either lose fighting it or you can work with it to your benefit.

I don`t even have any vested interest in what you pass in Cali since I`m on the other side of the country but Its easy to see that your going to end up screwing yourselves out of a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Look what a few bad decisions did years ago to the health care industry. Just remember that once you let the special interests in you will not be able to get them out.


Active member
I gotta say that there are either too many clueless kids on these boards or people just drink the government is bad coolaid....

It was true 100 years ago and its true still now that the only sure thing in this world are death and taxes and you can either lose fighting it or you can work with it to your benefit.

I don`t even have any vested interest in what you pass in Cali since I`m on the other side of the country but Its easy to see that your going to end up screwing yourselves out of a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Look what a few bad decisions did years ago to the health care industry. Just remember that once you let the special interests in you will not be able to get them out.

It seems to me, then, that the moral of this story is to become a special interest.



Active member
Yes and no!

If marijuana is legalized, I think there will be fierce competition early on due to the influx of growers. But, all of that will dry up in the long run when big time farmers get involved. That's just the dust gettin stirred up. It will settle sooner than we think.

Also don't forget the import business. You can get pounds of marijuana from places around the world for next to nothing. If marijuana were to be legalized, as a business man although I am NOT a commercial grower, I wouldn't even waste my time growing. I'd put all these SOBs out of business with one flight to Africa or even Aghanistan, flood the market with quality African landraces or hash from the Middle East.

Don't worry about little old me. The first people to worry about is the Altria group. They've got the funds, the distribution, etc etc etc. They can put all commercial growers out of business.

And I am with Zealious. The best commercial growers in the US will have to hope for is a wine business model. Even then, I already see competition from breeders we get our seeds from - Greenhouse, Soma, Rezdog, etc etc etc.

Personally, I'll keep growing. It's a good hobby and I already have my set up! So, legalization doesn't bother me much either.

fierce competition from growers??? It's not easy to grow medical grade and any "headies" don't make it to the dispensarys. So let's talk about quality and competition. If there was that much quality medicine being grown then we would see said medicine in the collectives but we really aren't. most of it is not cured properly, premature, either screened/kiefed, or i'm thinking those trim machines take off lots of resin glands, and improperly flushed.

that folks is your competition. so if you are a farmer in kansas and have $30,000 saved up move out here now. i've never been anywhere where there was so more herb than demand could support. California likes to party ;).:joint::joint:


Active member
there are def operatives for the Oakland Cannabisness and LEO's on here, who knows who else.

the way to confuse people is to flood with misinformation as well as facts and then it's too hard to figure out what's what. whatever happens, it seems like we are seeing the first turds in what is sure to be a giant shitstorm ahead of us.

oh, and , fuck corporations. yes, they will get a huge share of the pie, but any legislation that doesn't protect small independent farmers is Anti-American, and hurts regular folks.

The future of cannabis does include Marlboro Weed, and Budweisser of Weed, but it must also include, and encourage the MICRO BREWS.



Active member
And which are you fatigues? Do you serve the people or do you serve Cannabis industry?

In my personal capacity? Neither. I serve me. I write about things that I believe are important and of interest to me. While I am sure I have my biases, I don't attempt to promote anyone's particular interest when I am doing things on my own free time.

And I assure you - I am here on my own free time; I do not post on ICM on behalf of anybody other than ME.

Is there a particular side I am inclined to support? Sure. I am on the side of whatever ballot initiative has the best chance of real success at the polls.

Why? Because that success in California will inevitably lead to a broader political crisis between the State of California and the Federal Government over the full legalization of marijuana and the end of prohibition.

That is a constitutional and political crisis that cannot be ignored -- and because it is a ballot initiative, it cannot easily be repealed. Because it cannot easily be repealed, there is nobody with whom the Federal government can quickly bargain with who are in a legally enforceable position to make concessions that have been directly authorized by the People of California.

In that sense, it's a gift of a political crisis that will just keep on giving like the Energizer Bunny. If you are in favor of prohibition -- it's a political nightmare.

Because IF such a ballot initiative passes, it will also reflect the will of voters in the most populous state in the Union. Given that, it cannot be dismissed lightly by any Democratic politician. It will have to be dealt with; and because it will finally come on the agenda in a manner that requires it to be resolved, given the current balance of power in Washington, and the balance of power expected in the next three to seven years, Federal prohibition will inevitably fall.

Why? Because the ensuing political crisis and discussion concerning the legalization of marijuana, generally, will put the issue front and centre under the bright lights of CNN, MSNBC Fox et al.. And it won't go away. Because it will last so long and "keep on giving", the media and the politicians will have to deal with it seriously. And that means, prohibition will lose and be repealed. It will be left "to the laws at the State and local level" -- in the same manner as alcohol was left when the Twenty First Amendment was passed. It is the easiest manner for a federal politican to effect a political compromise. It's the easy way out.

And it doesn't take reading the entrails of sheep to know which way a politician will go when the heat is on. The easy way out gets the nod, 19 times out of 20.

And as federal prohibition falls in America, it will be falling in Canada and Western Europe as well. Americans might not care much what happens in other countries, but other countries watch the American media very closely.

So, the process that will end this thing in the entire industrial world looks like it will begin in California -- IF the ballot initiative wins. If it loses? All bets are off and we're back in the soup for another generation, most likely.

So that's why I care about this. I'm not here on behalf of an institution, a university research centre, a political party, a political initiative, or a particular client.

I'm here for me; for what I believe in and for what I think is right.


This "discussion" has turned poisonous....

Let's be clear:

The California Cannabis Initiative forbids the taxation of personal cannabis use, cultivation, and possession.

The Lee Initiative opens the door for the taxation of personal cannabis use, cultivation, and possession if state and/or local governments choose to do so.

Both tax and regulate commercial cannabis. So, are people against commercial taxation? If you are, then I hope you realize that any realistic legalization regime would have commercial taxation...it's a bargain but it's not a Faustian bargain....

And I'll say this about the "war" within the movement:

Already, the Lee supporters are spreading lies about the CCI. They are calling it unconstitutional among other things. This leads me to question the ethos of their campaign.

I'm also curious: FreedomFGHTR, are against the CCI?


You got a roast.. A flame under the butt is all..

I did 130+ Signatures today for CCI.. Are you collecting any signatures?

My position now is to die serving CCI..

Do you have a passion in this cultural change?

I see you write that you support what will win.. Is that like hanging out a t a fight and trying to be seen supporting the winner all along?

I believe in CCI.. It's not everything that i would like to see but it's really close for me.

In my personal capacity? Neither. I serve me. I write about things that I believe are important and of interest to me. While I am sure I have my biases, I don't attempt to promote anyone's particular interest when I am doing things on my own free time.

And I assure you - I am here on my own free time; I do not post on ICM on behalf of anybody other than ME.

Is there a particular side I am inclined to support? Sure. I am on the side of whatever ballot initiative has the best chance of real success at the polls.

Why? Because that success in California will inevitably lead to a broader political crisis between the State of California and the Federal Government over the full legalization of marijuana and the end of prohibition.

That is a constitutional and political crisis that cannot be ignored -- and because it is a ballot initiative, it cannot easily be repealed. Because it cannot easily be repealed, there is nobody with whom the Federal government can quickly bargain with who are in a legally enforceable position to make concessions that have been directly authorized by the People of California.

In that sense, it's a gift of a political crisis that will just keep on giving like the Energizer Bunny. If you are in favor of prohibition -- it's a political nightmare.

Because IF such a ballot initiative passes, it will also reflect the will of voters in the most populous state in the Union. Given that, it cannot be dismissed lightly by any Democratic politician. It will have to be dealt with; and because it will finally come on the agenda in a manner that requires it to be resolved, given the current balance of power in Washington, and the balance of power expected in the next three to seven years, Federal prohibition will inevitably fall.

Why? Because the ensuing political crisis and discussion concerning the legalization of marijuana, generally, will put the issue front and centre under the bright lights of CNN, MSNBC Fox et al.. And it won't go away. Because it will last so long and "keep on giving", the media and the politicians will have to deal with it seriously. And that means, prohibition will lose and be repealed. It will be left "to the laws at the State and local level" -- in the same manner as alcohol was left when the Twenty First Amendment was passed. It is the easiest manner for a federal politican to effect a political compromise. It's the easy way out.

And it doesn't take reading the entrails of sheep to know which way a politician will go when the heat is on. The easy way out gets the nod, 19 times out of 20.

And as federal prohibition falls in America, it will be falling in Canada and Western Europe as well. Americans might not care much what happens in other countries, but other countries watch the American media very closely.

So, the process that will end this thing in the entire industrial world looks like it will begin in California -- IF the ballot initiative wins. If it loses? All bets are off and we're back in the soup for another generation, most likely.

So that's why I care about this. I'm not here on behalf of an institution, a university research centre, a political party, a political initiative, or a particular client.

I'm here for me; for what I believe in and for what I think is right.

Will of voters, when they do not for the most part understand the difference between legalization and decriminalization, is an interesting thing

So which Initiative are you supporting? Are you out gathering signatures?

I'm tired after a good day but i would like to place you in context.. You write well..



This "discussion" has turned poisonous....

It's the nature of the topic.. I have no hard feelings towards anyone.. To Quote FF "We are all smokers at the end of the day."

So lets really hash this one out.. I wish there had been a conference of weed people before and from that we drafted one initiative but that's not how the initiative process works.. We cannot have a Cannabis Congress even though we needed one.

So here is a chance to have a Mini one maybe..


Interesting article. Did they know that CRRH (ie: Paul Stanford) is collecting signatures for a new ballot measure in Oregon that allows unlimited personal use growing. No weight or plant limits as long as it's not sold.


We've all known or even FELT this for a while now. If you're distributing, you're making some real money and probably don't want government and big business swooping in to snatch the profit.

If you AREN'T distributing (and this is from just life experience), then you have a disposition towards having it legal no matter what.

Its two different sides of the same topic


Where as the buyers would just like to up and have the black market evaporate so they can just get a card and be done with it, the distributer is opposite, naturally, because he needs the buyers.

It reminds me of an episode of weeds. Nancy is doing well and all is good until some serious competition shows up from a nearby medical dispensary thats selling weed, hash, clones and edibles. If big business and govt got ahold of grow fever then they would put everything else out of business. I am for legalization with the rule of limiting grow enterprises either by employee cap or any sort of regulation that keeps us from having weed conglomerates

Lots of suppliers have wanted to keep weed illegal because they are prospering off of black market prices and remain fairly unopposed. A full legalization sweep would put these boys out of business, BUT - it will weed out the ones doing it for the money, versus the ones doing it for the love of the plant. Weed dealers selling for the money will convert to harder drugs where risks are high.

I would love to take all the guesswork, awkwardness and price out of seeing a dealer, but those are my friends too - so this is a very tricky web we weave.

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