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If "Erowid" was turned into a book...


Would you buy it?

I would, just because it's usually the most pure form of first hand accounts, the least biased, and even the most informative of any of the sources I go through when looking for information on any substance...

A website which by its own admission, is exploring the complex relationship between humans and psychoactives.
Also because I believe that "exploring the complex relationship between humans and psychoactives" is one of the most important things that our society can freely do right now, and also something that will be known as a benchmark once the freedom to do so is gone.

The internet isn't going to last forever, just look at og and any other site you've seen shut down, and I feel that that website has a lot more to offer than most people give it credit...


i think my favorite chapter would be Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters. man those are some entertaining reads. so yes, i would buy it. as long as there were some pictures. haha. oh man. there'd be some classic photos for sure. gotta love first times... sprinting into the unknown. i love it. publish it... and i'll buy it.


Sure would. Just the experiences of the Belladonna users alone are worth it =)

Why would anyone purposely ingest a plant known also by the name "Deadly Nightshade"?

To anyone who has been harmed injesting deadly nightshade, I'd like to perform a healing technique on you, it's called "kick in the balls".


Active member
it would be pretty heavy

much love and respect to the people at erowid for hosting real accurate information


when i was 16 me and my buddies knew a kid like that, so we gave him a listerine strip and told him it had acid in it. he took it out of peer pressure, then he freaked himself out...
So you're a piece of shit...

This and many other out there experiences are what make erowid an interesting website.


id buy it. although im pretty sure it would have to be an entire series

if erowid were ever shit down, id be pisst

Rollin Face

Agreed, the Trip stories and Disasters are awesome, I used to read for hours on there, the acid stories are pretty good, same with meth,

But the best/ craziest stories are with Datura seeds, AKA Jimson Weed....shits fuckin nuts man. I almost did it before i read a story where a girl was hospitalized and strapped to the bed seeing her best friend that died when she was 12...Amazing deliriant and one of the rarer substances known to man as far as delirium-type chemicals...


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Ha! It already IS!

What makes you all think being a printed book would be more informative, fact-filled and entertaining than the website?

It is about as absurd as trying to make a book about all the posts on Overgrow...just too much material.

I am sure many authors, including Cervantes, are looking at trying to negotiate contracts with owners of websites such as Erowid to create books. In fact that is what Cervantes did - got a contract from RC to publish a book, and OG went down before he could copy and paste enough material out of it to make it into something sensible.


But the Erowid site is filled with interesting stuff, which is amusing to read, especially the really out of date stuff. I can't give Erowid high marks for accuracy or new information...it seems to be mostly a collection of stuff from the early days of the Internet.

I am glad I have copies of Phikal and Thikal... they are the authorities...

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