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First Grow, Leaf Tips Curling


New member
Hey guys, first grow here. Kept it really simple for my first but I am having one issue that is bothering me. The leaf tips keep turning yellow and curling up . However, its only a very small part of the tip of the leaves. But since they are happening on the newest leaves on the top main cola and not really the other buds, I am thinking it is possibly heat?

I had damaged a few of the bottom leaves in the beginning because I didnt test my ph and I think it was a bit too low. But after I got the kit, I have attempted to keep it at around 6.0... but sometimes it is hard to be accurate with the colors. Either way I believe that my ph is fine, but who knows since I am still a newb.

About the grow: Today is day 32 of flowering and I have been using Rezdog's formula : 6 to 9 ratio of GH Micro and Bloom respectively... up until day 25 when I dropped the micro. The strain is Purple Lady which came as a freebee in one of my friends seed packs from Attitude. I water it everyday at night right as the lights come on. I also spray it down with a sprayer filled with RO water ( the same as I use to feed the plant). I am using 3x 42watt CFLs, A grow-lab 40 tent, some computer fans for intake, and 2x 4inch oscillator fans from wall-mart to blow up onto the plant and hopefully guide the hot air to the top of the tent where I have the hole for the fan open. On the top of my tent is a small Ozone generator which I use to try and purify the air coming out of the top of the tent, but who knows how well it will work when it starts to really stink. Its only very mild smelling now...kind of like garbage lol

I just wanted to introduce myself and hopefully get some help with the curling problem. Also any advice or suggestions would be accepted gratefully. If you think my plant looks nice, tell me... it would make me happy lol. If it looks like shit, tell me... I want to know how I can improve it. Anyways thanks again guys!

Pics are below of day 32....
Also, I have taken pictures nearly 3x a week since day 1 of popping. If you guys want me to post just just let me know :)


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the tent

the tent

I forgot to show pics of my setup in the tent. Anyways, these are from day 21 of flowering and day 4 of flowering... It is just to show how my lights are set up, as well as how the fans are positioned.

As of today however, I have place cd cases underneath the fans so that they can blow air to the very top and move the heat from the cfls upward.


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Looks perfect, just a touch of N burn, it should subside....I wouldn't push N at this point!

Pushing the PH up just a bit, cuts down on N...I think you look good!


New member


So i just read a thread about how this guy waters and has barely any run-off, and I realized that I may have been overwatering my plant...maybe. When I water, I just pour the water/nute solution into the pot/container thing and try to have it go around all four corners evenly. I usually just pour fast over the hydroton so that it completely soaks the coco and runs out evenly on the bottom. Sometimes i pour alot, and alot of solution drips out the bottom. I remember my friend telling me its chill if it runs out the bottom, because the plant isnt using that. So anyways, is this a bad idea?

Guest 18340

Dude, your plants look perfectly healthy to me.
As for how you're watering them, it's fine. Wasteful, but fine. You don't need a ton of run off. And as you pointed out, some do with no run off.
Again, your plants look good. Keep up the nice work.


plants look fine to me,any run off i normally empty outside, as i dont want the plants to suck it all up as the run off is unused salts


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Day 39... yellow like lemon jello

Day 39... yellow like lemon jello

So its day 39 now and my leaves are kind of getting a yellow tint to them. Judging by the pics, how would you guys say they look? I am not trying to be spoon fed help, I just want to know quick opinions from the ones that have had this issue. Thanks guys.

Note: two of the pictures look redundant but notice the fan leaves at the bottom turning pretty yellow.


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i going to go out on a limb and say your bullshitting.....this isnt your first grow. if it honestly is your FIRST grow, congrats on a truly wonderful job.

your plant looks plenty fire to me! those pics look indictive of possible cal/mag def. id say its pretty safe to go ahead and start applying heavy molasses! use at least 1 tsp / gal! that should alleviate the leaves from yellowing/rusting. other than that, it really seems that u no what your doing....which is why i dont really believe this to be your actual 1st grow! but hey...ive only done about 3-4 and check my pics!

hmm just looked again....maybe its an overdose on nutes......if you were gradually increasing your ppm throughout flower...thats cool....but i think its time to actually cut back ppm.....just to play it safe


does the coco get dry in between waterings? if i let mine dry out I start to see the same symptoms. not really anything to worry about but you could probably step up the frequency


New member

Buddin, thanks man I really appreciate your words. Yes this is infact my first grow and I haven't really done anything special whatsoever. For the first 25 days I used 6ml of GH Micro and 9ml of GH bloom. After that I dropped the 6ml of micro and am just doing 9ml og GH bloom per Gallon. I water once a day at night right as the lights come on, but when I go to water it, it often feels really lite.

I dont know how I would be giving it too much nutes as I have kept it pretty much the same throughout the grow. I use good bottled water and I keep the ph at like 6.0 (nice yellow color)

How could I step up the frequency, it kind of does seem like the plant may need more water, but than again thats adding more nutes. Also sometimes I spray it with a water bottle to hopefully keep it cooler in the tent.

I really dont know what to do, I just feel like its starting to die but maybe its ok.


your plants look really good, at first glance i would of though u were a week further into flowering then you were as well which is a good sign, your plants filling out nicely!!! i think your plants are look pretty juiced up on N and u said u cut the micro, everything is looking really good, id try a little blackstrap like someone said and see how your girls react in a few days treatment, and your leaf tips to my eyes look slighty burn, maybe back of just a tad on the bloom.. but as long as u dont make a major mistake your going to have a really nice harvest and seem to be on tract.. i to have one of them purple seeds my friend growing out for me from attitude, happy to see its a performer.


Your plants look pretty good. I do see some light burn on the tips of your leaves and then in some of your later pics some rust coloration that indicates Ca/Mg issues.

Here are some questions for you:

1. Do you water with Nutrients at every watering or do you use plain water in between feedings?

2. Have you measured your run off PH? If so what is it? It's possible that you have some trace lockout due to being in the incorrect PH area. You mentioned that you try to stay as close to 6.0 as you can. I use the PH color kits as a back up; nothing beats a PH pen that can tell you within a tenth what your PH is.

3. You said you use a sprayer to spray down your plant filled with RO water. Why are you doing this? Also you mentioned bottled water later in the thread. Are you using RO water or bottled water.. and if you're using bottled water is it distilled, drinking or spring water?

4. Do you water the plant with straight RO water with the 6/9 H3ad formula or do you add a cal/mag supplement as well?

Over all your plant looks great and even if it does have problems.. at 40 days you're pretty close to being done (assuming an 8 week strain) so it should be fine. :joint:


Also check on your plant a few times a day. you said your plant feels light sometimes. It is completely possible that your plant needs to be watered multiple times a day in that small pot.

Have you inspected the root mass yet? Aside from the pot getting light in half - 1 days time.. looking at the roots is another good way to see if it looks like it could take on more waterings.


if it feels really light before you go to water again it definitely needs more. most likely the cause of your symptoms because coco can start to do some weird stuff when it gets dry

oh, and don't spray your plant anymore, that's just asking for mold. it won't keep the temps cooler just more humid


New member
Your plants look pretty good. I do see some light burn on the tips of your leaves and then in some of your later pics some rust coloration that indicates Ca/Mg issues.

Here are some questions for you:

1. Do you water with Nutrients at every watering or do you use plain water in between feedings?

Yes I water with nutrients every feeding. Here is what I do: I buy RO water, pour a tiny bit out, measure out 9 ml of bloom, add the bloom to the gallon and shake it, pour a tiny bit of PH UP into the gallon because I know that it will naturally be at a low PH after adding the bloom, Shake it up again and pour a tiny bit into the little vial and then drop 3 ph indicator drops into it. If it is the yellow color that I am used to seeing I then water my plant with it and put the gallon away until tomorrow's feeding.

2. Have you measured your run off PH? If so what is it? It's possible that you have some trace lockout due to being in the incorrect PH area. You mentioned that you try to stay as close to 6.0 as you can. I use the PH color kits as a back up; nothing beats a PH pen that can tell you within a tenth what your PH is.
I have never measured my run-off's PH. I think its time to stop being inaccurate and sloppy and just go buy a pen so I can tell what my ph is exactly. This way I can keep the ph and a constant level every day and not worry about whether it is fluctuating.

3. You said you use a sprayer to spray down your plant filled with RO water. Why are you doing this? Also you mentioned bottled water later in the thread. Are you using RO water or bottled water.. and if you're using bottled water is it distilled, drinking or spring water?

To tell you the truth, I really don't know why I decided to spray the plant down... I think that its possibly because I figured that in nature, plants usually get rained on, and also I was hoping to keep it cooler in the tent but yeah, I think its not a great idea. Ill stop. Also it was Spring water that I was using, not RO water.

4. Do you water the plant with straight RO water with the 6/9 H3ad formula or do you add a cal/mag supplement as well?

I water my plant with RO water, yes. Just as I listed above. No supps are added. Just bloom and ph up.

Over all your plant looks great and even if it does have problems.. at 40 days you're pretty close to being done (assuming an 8 week strain) so it should be fine. :joint:

YAY!!! im happy. Lets just hope I dont fuck up. I had a bad dream last night that someone broke into my house and chopped off my plant and all I was left with was the stem :( I woke up and have been in a bad mood since. WTF!

Anyways, my last question is this: How am I supposed to water in between feedings, or even check on it between feedings? The lights are off from 9am to 9pm and I read that you should not expose the plant to light in its "off hours" because you can make it turn into a hermie and produce seeds. How do you suppose I do this? Thanks guys you are all F'kin great!


New member
PS.... how do I inspect the roots? Just straight up pull the bitch out? I have a feeling that I would mess something up for sure if i did that.


YAY!!! im happy. Lets just hope I dont fuck up. I had a bad dream last night that someone broke into my house and chopped off my plant and all I was left with was the stem :( I woke up and have been in a bad mood since. WTF!

Anyways, my last question is this: How am I supposed to water in between feedings, or even check on it between feedings? The lights are off from 9am to 9pm and I read that you should not expose the plant to light in its "off hours" because you can make it turn into a hermie and produce seeds. How do you suppose I do this? Thanks guys you are all F'kin great!

Sorry about your dream and mood but I would've preferred you answered my questions instead of replying with a question since I'm trying to help you. I'll humor you... If you're having to water your plant at least every day because it feels light and you are watering right as the lights come on.. then go up and feel your pots about 40 minutes before the lights go out; if it feels considerably lighter compared to when you had fully saturated it earlier in the day then you should probably give it another watering to hold out until lights come on again.

Pretty simple eh?

So how about answering the other questions instead of responding with a question? :joint:


PS.... how do I inspect the roots? Just straight up pull the bitch out? I have a feeling that I would mess something up for sure if i did that.

It's best done when when your pot feels light but not completely dry. loosen the pot from the medium; turn put on its side and pull the plant out. It should come out with very slight resistance to no resistance. Be sure to use a gentle force when pulling out of the pot.. gentle but firm.


New member
Sorry about your dream and mood but I would've preferred you answered my questions instead of replying with a question since I'm trying to help you.

So how about answering the other questions instead of responding with a question? :joint:

Are you serious? Maybe you need to go back to the post and look at the BOLD writing in the Quote. All of your answers were there my friend ;)

Anyways, moving on.... Today I just took out the baby to water her and I noticed the fan leaves are MUCH more yellow than they were yesterday. The buds and the leaves on the bud stalk look dark and green still, but the fan leaves look alot different than yesterday. Also there was a freaking GNAT IN MY TENT! I dont know how that bastard got in there but there was only one.

Anyways, new pics of the fan leaves are below. Where can I buy a ph pen... like tomorrow.


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Today the leaves were even worse and looked like crap so i decided to chop them, as I dont even think they were seeing too much light. Here are pics of what the leaves looked like:


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