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The apocolypse on 13/08/2012 ???!!!


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
Sorry to burst all of your bubbles, I was really entertained by all of your comments as well as everyone's who actually buys into this. I hate to break to you all but uh, 2012 ALREADY PASSED. What everyone fails to realize is the Gregorian calender (our calender) is off by several years. When we switch from calender to calender there is always a loss of time.

Also, we haven't always had knowledge of leap year, so a lot of time has been lost due to that.In reference to to the Mayan calender we are ahead by several years, thus 2012 has already past.


weed fiend
I googled 2012 already passed. Many hits on the subject. Looks like there are just as many predicting the opposite, the Mayan 2012 will occur after ours.

Some of this info is interesting enough to contemplate and discuss but the rest is filler. One can only take so much speculation.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
Regardless, it is all bullshit, there have been too many supposed 'apocalypses' for anyone to be giving a shit any more.

I bet Elvis is coming back to...

Buy your tickets now

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
I don't know WTF will happen on the 21st december 2012, some say we go into a new era. Others say there will be a major catastrophy and others believe its the end of the world.
I would recommend preparing whatever the outcome, BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY HEY...? I understand not everyone can prepare, its the law of the jungle strong over weak.

What I also know is the government is preparing. Fema camps, D.U.M.B.'s and a police state in case of...........I don't know. They wouldn't prepare if something wasn't wrong. right? 1+1=?

I am almost sure nothing will happen on that date cause throughout history the same has happened with other doomsday myths., but what if it does? Will you be prepared?

I have never heard of another ancient tablet predicting a date. This is the oldest I think, correct me if I'm wrong.

This thread sucks so far. No real info is being shared. Just peoples opinions.

So in an attempt to save this thread. The mayan calendar:
mayan calendar.gif

Deciphering of mayan hieroglyphs:

A mayan calendar explanation:

Here's a good read Secrets of the maya, deciphering Tikal:

Deciphering the mayan glyphs, good read:

And there you have it.



Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
If you think that the world will end then just send all your money and other worldly possessions to me...I'll keep them safe for when you are all sent to oblivion.

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
If you think that the world will end then just send all your money and other worldly possessions to me...I'll keep them safe for when you are all sent to oblivion.

Who's saying the world will end? You can't read can you...lol holy fucking shit...its gotta be the fluoride/mercury...lol


weed fiend
I hope those suggesting end of story to this subject realize the fascination will continue up to the critical moment.

It won't end there. Others will speculate about different ways the world will end.

And there will always be those that will say hogwash, end of story. The world will actually have to blow up in their faces before even being considered.

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
One more thing.

Its better to prepare and not need to, than not to prepare and need it.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
I think they got it backwards it's REALLY gonna end 2102... trust me, some REEEEAALLY old dudes told me... :crazy:


It's all absurd. Look, I'm excited about the whole thing too, but it's not going to happen. Nostradamus wrote cryptic quatrains that could be twisted to fit any disaster, like the bible. The world (as we know it) will end the minute we die, for each of us. So your philosophy of living life to the fullest is always a smart move. Some of us will never see 2012, or tomorrow for that matter. Live it up while you can, and revel in your time.


Merilyn Tunneshende is a scholar, author, and student of nagualistic/shamanic and visionary healing practices. She holds degrees in Spanish and Religion/Philosophy and spent years studying and traveling in Mexico. Her first book, "Medicine Dream: A Nagual Woman's Energetic Healing", was published in 1996 by Hampton Roads Publishing.

... What the current social order and world view have done is to close the aperture between the physical and energy body. When this happens, there are several possible scenarios. One is that earth energy will rip open the closure and the dam will break, allowing the flow of repressed energy to resume. This is the "vengeance of Gaia."

Another is that the social order creating the blockage will disintegrate, and there will be a series of revolutions. This is the violent social reconstruction scenario. A third would be that human kind will strive to balance itself, this scenario would be supported energetically by the zero wave due in the year 2012, beginning a new vibratory era.

And finally it could be like letting the string of a balloon go. Being irreparably sealed the aperture would wither to a faint, hair-like strand and finally separate. It would float away into the unknown vastness, leaving the physical, which remains here to die. This is the extinction scenario.

... Where the energy will take us we do not know. Therefore, all expectations must be released. We may evolve beyond the human. The indoctrinated glosses and limitations of perception may fall away, yielding a view of pure energy. None of what we know may be important anymore. It is, however, a mistake to have a co-dependent view. This work does not require a united New Age front to be realized. Throughout time, advancement has always been achieved by individual practitioners. One is dealing with one's undiscovered, unexplored, infinite energetic potential as a luminous being. Therein lies the journey. The permission of a calendar or a society is not required. Energy is the ultimate authority.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
You're probably talking about Nostradamus, but it's easy to be accurate when you generalize everything.

OTOH, I have noticed an uptick in the number of 'doom & gloom' posters (not just on this site), so who knows? It's much easier to tear down than it is to create. By acting destructively, the imbeciles may indeed bring about their own destruction...

The problem with nostradamus is his "predicitons" were so vague you could apply them to almost any situation....

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
I give up.

you guys remind me of that movie half baked.

I feel dumber just by reading your comments...
