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fuck butane! yay glass!


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
head - thanks for the article.

so what that is saying is that a torch lighter will also give you a cleaner taste since the rapid oxidation does away with incompletely burned carbon? that's what i got from that.

if i stumble across 1 perhaps i will do a side by side. if i don't post 1 up or even if i do, you guys can post ur own side by side taste tests if u wish...


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
by the way, i would use propane instead of map gas. map gas heats up like 5x as fast and those high temps would be complete overkill plus a greater fire hazard


I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
what you are talking about is a glass wand. they are awesome i had one a few years back until i stepped on it (yea i was high). the reason they are so great is they heat the weed enough to free cannaboid and terpeins (this is why they taste and smell so good) without destroying as much as using a flame would. the nasty taste is not the butane its burning organic matter. less heat = more flavor and a cleaner high.
I have had a volcano, a vapor brothers and a silver surfer (RIP To all three :( ) and currently have a piece of shit digi-vapor with a temperature control...

Now I like vaping, I'm all for it. The high is just undeniably different. Butane flames (i use a firebird) do not alter the taste when you pull them back far enough. If you keep it like 4" away and slowly go down you'll notice the little hairs igniting and the bud starting to glow red. This works best for ground up weed. I find you get much more smoke this way than just slapping it with a bic flame.

That being said I'm extremely interested in the Phedor vaporizer... that thing looks fucking cool!


Butane ruining taste is definitely not a myth...makes the hit taste like nasty bitter mercaptants that are in cheap butane, and makes the hit much harsher IMO.

I used to do the glo-rod thing, but it's not all that convenient. Now I use a torch lighter 95% of the time, which lets me light the bowl without ever touching the flame to it. The difference between that hit, and one lit from a bic is enormous.

Also, I know people have been using ceramic-tipped soldering irons as a good phedor replacement.

edit: didn't read the whole link that h3ad posted, though sounds like it agrees that traditional lighters ruin the taste, but not due to butane. Ever notice the black residue that a big leaves behind around a bowl (believe it's carbon,, not talking bout resin)? Torch lighters don't leave that residue.
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pack a bowl

i've read about this method time and time again and never tried it. i think i will smoke my morning bowl with my torch and a rod tommorrow... too lazy to light it up now.


Active member
So properly combusted butane provides an extremely portable, pure, odorless, and tasteless heat source.

That about ends the silliness doesnt it?Butane Rules!!!!:joint:


Active member
For me I was not concerned with the any of the so called hazards of butane combustion.

For the past fews weeks i had been using my new vaporizer and had not smoked anything for almost two weeks, just vapor. Then I did something really stupid and damaged the vaporizer and sent it in for repair. So back to smoking, I felt it in my throat and lungs and was completely disgusted.

After reading this thread I heated up the slide from my bong, heated it on the stovetop (15-20 seconds) and heated the bud in my bowl. Essentiallyy I make sure my bud doesnt catch on fire, bud is hot enough for vapor and usually still end up with partial combustion. So there is no cherry burning in the bowl. VERY EFFECTIVE AND BRINGS OUT THE FLAVORS.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
yes gp! i dig that the glass/torch method is waaaayyyy cheaper than the phedor ($150)

thanks for enlightenin me on borosilicate. i figured that all glass was not created equal...

if anyone is interested I can do a DIY on how to make a phedor for $35-40
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Registered Med User
if I first light me J up then smoke it after its lit is the butane gon affect me?

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
If its non-toxic ie no lead im interested.

it is LITERALLY the same thing as a phedor,,in fact its nicer IMHO. i have done this many times for medical cannabis patients who dont have money to be wasting on a novelty name..
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Paint Your DreamStrain
it is LITERALLY the same thing as a phedor,,in fact its nicer IMHO. i have done this many times for medical cannabis patients who dont have money to be wasting on a novelty name..

Count me in. A tutorial would be much appreciated, I'm ready to make the switch from butane!