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Apartment Growers


Active member
Start em up, fuck it, if you spend your whole life waiting for everything to be "perfect" before you do anything, your going to miss out on a lot.
Be safe as possible though
good luck


I'm an apartment grower myself, on my 2nd grow. I only run a 150 in a light tight cab in my bedroom. I feel very paranoid at times, but work hard to contain many factors already discussed in this thread.

I work hardest though on my relationships - I keep it very cool with my Landlord. He was a real asshole in the beginning of my term (about 1 year ago), which I thought to myself - let's play this to my advantage. I moved in December, and there was no working heat. In the state I reside, this is pretty much grounds for a termination of the lease and reimbursement, assisted by the dept of health after like 7 days of no heat. I politely asked him to get it up and running many times, and it took him 14 days to do it. I could have gone berserk on his ass and called the board of health at like day 7, but I kept it cool and used a few space heaters. Was really no problem. When he finally came to fix it, he came over himself with someone who seemed to be his relative. I turned off all the space heaters before he came and hid them (lol).

He was so apologetic I was almost laughing. He was like, "JESUS! I'm so sorry! This is really bad!" etc. I played it cool. I applied enough pressure to let him know that this was a huge fucking problem but also kept reassuring him how I want to have a good relationship with him and how I want us all to win. I have had similar experiences since where I'm just gaining rapport with this dude. At this point I feel like the guy would have to be a huge asshole to report me if he ever caught me. We both know he's done some pretty ignorant shit to me that I dealt with politely as hell. Rents always in on time.

It may not seem like much to some, but nothing makes me feel safer than building this kind of rapport with my landlord that I'm just a good guy trying to live. I get the sense he feels SAFE with me as a tenant because I've shown myself to be so reasonable. So nowadays he has less reason to go snooping where he doesn't have to. Just my :2cents:


New member
I want to start growing in my bathroom in my apartment, but the only intake vent is a vent that ducts to the main intake of the whole building. I was wondering if you guys thought this would be enough fresh air to let the babies grow, the duct is about 6" in diameter.


i figured this information was common sense

but apparently, some people are too ignorant to care whether or not they go to jail

i'm sure this info will save tax dollars and lawyer fees

good post


I keep my growbox inside my hollowed out dresser, and the lights are off while the office is open. I think the lighting schedule is important in case you have even the tiniest of light leaks. If you keep your shit off while the office is open, you really minimize the risk of the maintenance guy seeing light coming out of a locked box if they are in there for any reason.

this is spot on exactly my thinking that i was to lazy to type from well smoking erb all day


The conventional wisdom is a house is better for renting but I dunno. For example at my place I've already had the landlord just show up randomly before I gave him a piece of my mind for coming in without notice. He just didn't know any better because he's never been a landlord before. Moreover he simply cares more because it's his house!

Comparing that to an apartment I've had with professional corporate ownership: they didn't really give a shit either way(i was just one of hundreds of tenants), knew the laws well as they are in the industry, thus honored the 24 hour notice.

Hiding in plain site has its' benefits as well. Living alone in the middle of nowhere, unfortunately, raises the eyebrows of many.


Active member
I want to start growing in my bathroom in my apartment, but the only intake vent is a vent that ducts to the main intake of the whole building. I was wondering if you guys thought this would be enough fresh air to let the babies grow, the duct is about 6" in diameter.
duck to your sewer


Active member
A hidden cam will tell you if you're getting visitors or not. Changing the locks is usually a good idea.. the landlord has to give you notice before they try to enter the premises regardless.

dj digigrow

Active member
Pest Control,, Im looking for a apt. as we speak and most of the places have pest control every 10 weeks or so.. do they have to get in every room? How do you guys get around the pest control??


New member
I grow in an apartment.

I'm also the superintendent responsible for all the building's maintenance.

So I'm that guy who's coming into your apartment.


Being I do what I do...

I am VERY respectful to the tenants and give them FULL notice of when I plan to enter. Written and verbal.

Please keep in mind: most maintenance workers are not as, shall we say, honest, as I like to consider myself. I know of the guy who was in here before me who showed me the ropes told me some BAD stuff concerning invasion of privacy.

Before I had this sweet situation (job) I would personally NEVER allow a contractor/worker in my living space ALONE ever. I would always be present. You'd be surprised. Some people are too trusting. Don't be.

I have a 5 X 5 Hydrohut tent with a 1K. I live in a one bedroom and crash in my living room.

I have a thread somewhere I just started.



A few pages back some members posted about the legality of searches that resulted from a landlord entering an apartment in violation of a 24 hour notice requirement. Search and seizure restraints dont apply to landlords, and it doesnt matter how the cops find out about something as long as they go thru the proper channels to conduct the search (call a judge, get a warrant, etc).

If a cop decides he wants to be "super cop" one day and bust down 50 doors looking for a grow op and finds yours, then you can claim that your rights were violated, but if a landlord or lay person does this and calls the cops youre not protected.

The legal remedy for a landlord entering without perssion would be to end the lease, so if your landlord has a habit of entering without notice, just threaten to void the lease and move. If your landlord is smart he will stop doing so.


I forgot to mention good faith exceptions. If a cop has a legit reason to be somewhere and happens to see something, he doesnt need a warrant to conduct a search. In addition, if he has a warrant for "A'' but finds "B" while looking for "A", he has done nothing wrong and "B" can be used against you.

One piece of advice. If a cop ever asks to come into your home or apartment, just say NO (like the anti-drug commercials). Smell isnt enough for a cop to enter without a warrant in most places (cars are different).


Grinding extra.
You are also not obligated to even answer your door. Regardless of who is knocking...

If I'm not expecting someone at a grow location and there's a knock on the door, you better believe I'm not even going near it. (the door)


Active member
its all about the noise so dont make any, and be waterproof even at places were u wouldnt expact any leaks, once had an appartment, was newly renovated but the bathtub leaked even without bathing, was a tiny rinse but after one month it came through and the brigade opened up, 3,6K running inside :( lol
greez mo
Anytime I rent I changed the locks. They might not like it it but to bad. They should be giving you 24hr notice before entering.
Did you ever have complications from that? I'd like to relock the front door but that sketches me out quite a bit. The grow room will bs locked.

dj digigrow

Active member
But what about the pest control?? I could see if it was once a year, but its every
Three months! I can't make an excuse that many times.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I have pest control at my place about every 3 months and I tell them every time I don't want the spraying anything inside my place. They just come in and check a sticky pad beside the fridge and change the air filters for the a/c and then leave.

Just keep your odor control in check and a lock on the door where the plants are. I've also realized that having a scrubber sitting in a room running isn't as effective at removing the odor as having the plants in a tent and exhausting the tent through the carbon filter. Since I got a tent there is no, I mean 0 smell, even in that room.

I built a diy carbon filter where the carbon is only 1/2" thick and it works great, and I can replace the carbon in 30 min when it stops working. It only cost my around $10 to change the carbon.

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