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BOOOYAAKKAA Welcome to kallens Outdoor Party...



My friends Thank u .....

This morning i was out early to take some shots in the morning light.....we have a beautyfull morning seems to be a hot day already ....

Purple Prinsses x BigBud


Nhu x Dc



Basic Kush/Banna kush x ChemdogD seems to do fine might pull it ?


Hybrid From Hell


Purple prinsses x Erdpurt




Stay safe n high
Gorgeous shots Kallen
I especially like the dark PurplePrincessxErdpurt pheno, I think i'm in looooovveee:D
Y'r gonna have such a great harvest man, I envy you! lol
be back laterz,


thanks yall ...that stupid photobuckt my pics will show up again in a few days...


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hey kallen....i just don't know why you don't use the ic mag upload.....plenty of roo there..If not you can use the old gallery....huge space open there...
Now waiting for them pix to show up ...hehehe....ohw yea something i need to mention...i'm starting to fart less with that kangeroo meat....ehehehe


You know the meat comes from a kangaroo, if it has a pouch. :joint:

&, the smella is the fella!

GO onlone tronslotor! ;)



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? Yea photobucket wants ya to upgrade.. They even want us all to see yer pictures... hehe.. be back later to peep what i missed.. peace.



Thats right Sacko-bro..And they want u to pay for spamming adverticeses right in ur face when ever u go to ur account....think its called GREADYNESS

peace world


Hell Yeah brothers Photobucket is greedy bastardos , i dont like em anymore But i still digg Translaters hehehe SO FUNNNNNY damn it ....

I will use this Icmag upload but damn so tiny pics ...remember almost all online here are probally stoned so we need big pictures...
Im glad u dont fart so much more------ Core :DBadabing:D now we can save the fight about the oil around Greenland cuz the ice will stay a few more years...ANY WAYS the oil is ours PLZ DONT touch it, Wikings Only we need to sell it very exspensiv to the rest of the world.....

Peat champ thanks 4 tha very great info about Tha Kangaruuu meat now we all now have to find it , but how do we kill it ?

Today me and me French was ina tha ring again aka Dog show and she did almost as good as last time ...this time she got a "exelent" stamp in her papers ..Again :D but last time she did better among all the exelent there she was 2 this time 6 but still a great day and a great result soon we be Champions i have no doubt about it anymore...Now i just have to find a propper stud 4 her ...Better then the one i have in mind cuz lesser aint good enough 4 her special not when then plan is to make my own Champs whit my mofo name as Breeder ......Im so proud of tha lil rabbit :D

Keep the smella fella....


Yes Champ she is a champ :D ..Or she soon be if she keep doing what she are doing ,im sure i will could breed some baby champions if i find the right stud 4 her ...Great material :D


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
The best part of a kangaroo is its tail roasted with garlic and rosemary the local aboriginals round here love kangaroo tails they fight over em kallen if you want some kangaroos fly over here there is some over my back fence...hehe


sounds like some i would fight over :) I tasted Kangaroo a couple of times but not in tale version just like a steak , it taste alright but cant help thinking that im eating a giant rabbit and that makes it hart to swollow .....i like rabbit but i like em small .

Now to a Update

Early Durban

Cores 008

Carpatain Bud

Basic Banana Dog

Purple Bastard x Auto Flower


Purple Prinsses X Erdpurt



Active member
nice , can you put links for bigger versions?? it's hard to see details for me.

I would like to see the carpatian bud in detail

cheers m8:abduct:


looks like someone's having plenty to smoke over the cold winter.
congratulations on your champion. my m8 in swizz just won a dog agility championship.
peace mota


thc ya stoner just click on it broski :)

Mota thanks m8 and big grats to ya friend.


Tv inspection 4 my pibes LOOOL and they have to work in my garden so they can see my plants hahaha actually they have to go right beside my plot LOOOL to get to the pibes they need to check so its pretty targical funny ... i just stay right here in this univers then they wont Notice me hahahaha


Active member
Du er kong Kallen!

Very nice pics m8... Exiting to see if that CORES 08 makes it up here in our northern viking bad ass enviroment.... :D

Stay safe