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I Got Busted!

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Make sure you get pics of the Pear damage left behind.I doubt very much permission was given to consume fruit from your tree on your property.On top of that be sure to find legal aide.I mean if your condition is bad enough where you are on an IV at home,medical use will be the defense to use.100fine and do you get your puter back and other property stolen from you??/ Fight the pricks,this is stupidity. Big


Active member
and do you get your puter back and other property stolen from you??/ Fight the pricks,this is stupidity. Big

I think the pears are gone forever...

Seriously, I hope so, but I doubt it. I know how that shit goes...mysteriously once you loose sight of items like that...They can never be located again, you just get the "run around"

I will definitely be fighting them...If it goes all the way to jury trial, I can't loose...I'm right and they are wrong, anyone who isn't a cop can see that.

Kinda odd I haven't been charged yet...Whats up with that?? What are they waiting for?? Can they do that??



They can wait a long time to charge you as long as they aren't holding you. I heard you say that you were getting a lawyer, but do it sooner rather than later when the events are still fresh in your mind. You'll want to have spoken to someone already and have someone to call when/if they get around to charging you. You don't want your introductory call to be 2 hours before your arraignment.

Good luck man. It's a broken system, the cops can basically do whatever they want and they don't care all that much about what happens to you after the fact. As long as they have those 14 super-dangerous plants, they can justify the raid and their heavily-armed existence. After the cops, you then have to spend a lot of $$ on a decent lawyer who knows how to play the system. After that you've got judges, court personnel, probation officers, etc. A lot would be out of a job without hard-core criminals like you to take down. . . sorry that you are going through this.


man this is why i use my shitty lap top to come on this site, my quad core is in no way connected to my grow.... Id cry if they took my baby... man i feel for you... it does suck people knowing, both my roommates know and Im pretty sure the one told some chick hes banging.... my ex knows.... as well as my parents ( kinda got everything shipped there when i was setting up) Everytime i hear a sound in the back alley im looking out the window for po po... it sucks :(

Ever watch that DEA show, with out people ratting people out... the pigs would be shit outta luck..... if you get busted KEEP YOuR MOUTH SHUT ask for a lawyer and don't rat out your damn friends!!


ICMag Donor
Elite, I deleted your first post. A simple google search revealed your name and address........



it does suck people knowing

it sucks a lot more getting busted. wise up dude.

both my roommates know and Im pretty sure the one told some chick hes banging

po po? hope she doesn't tell some little thuglets. Just wait until someone drunkenly asks you about your grow at a party in front of an entire house of strangers. And that's in FRONT of you. I wouldn't even tell my own brother if we lived in the same town.

man this is why i use my shitty lap top to come on this site, my quad core is in no way connected to my grow..

you seem more concerned about your quad core than your freedom, your roommates records/lives/scholarships etc. god forbid if you get busted they take your computer too. do you really think they're going to check your computer first to see if you accessed grow sites before they take it? they come in and wreck your house and take everything.


Active member
Have you ever seen the movie Blow? Maybe your mom ratted you out cuz she was scared? Or you say she didn't know about the plants... which is fucked up for her to be getting man handled with no clue as to her son's felonious (in the cops' eyes) activity.

Come on now, come clean Elite. We all know you plugged in that 8ft cfl monster hood and your house was visibly glowing for miles around, causing the top floor of your house to increase by hundreds of degrees which was picked up by FLIR imaging miles away.


Active member
Elite, I deleted your first post. A simple google search revealed your name and address........

Like I told the 50 people who private messaged me and alerted me to that (I was very polite to everyone, but I'm a hacker, I wouldn't let a slip up like that)

Thanks JJ but my name and address was used on the news and in the paper, I don't care if IC members know...I have nothing to hide anymore...the only thing I have left is rolling papers and a plastic clone dome.



Active member
Like I told the 50 people who private messaged me and alerted me to that (I was very polite to everyone, but I'm a hacker, I wouldn't let a slip up like that)

Thanks JJ but my name and address was used on the news and in the paper, I don't care if IC members know...I have nothing to hide anymore...the only thing I have left is rolling papers and a plastic clone dome.


So they took the 8ft moster cfl hood, too?


Patient Grower
Elite, don't discount Mr. Katz and the medical defense if you don't have a note, at least without consulting him first. Let the lawyer deal with that reality, as I said above, the guys a fucking magician.


Active member
Come on now, come clean Elite. We all know you plugged in that 8ft cfl monster hood and your house was visibly glowing for miles around, causing the top floor of your house to increase by hundreds of degrees which was picked up by FLIR imaging miles away.

And here I thought it was the snitches...It was the Southern Lights drowning out the Northern...they just followed them to my door!! Or perhaps the snitches where astronauts!!


Active member
If you've got a legit medical case here's an asskicking lawyer with MMJ experience in MD:

He got a guy with 30 plants a medical conviction in PG County. Now that's pulling a rabbit out of the hat since the law mentions a limit of 1 ounce and nothing about growing.

I read all about that...I'm sure that Fucker is expensive, and unfortunately hes far away, even know hes is in the same state, he couldn't get much farther and still be in MD. But whats the cost of freedom??5K??6K??



Active member
Elite, don't discount Mr. Katz and the medical defense if you don't have a note, at least without consulting him first. Let the lawyer deal with that reality, as I said above, the guys a fucking magician.

Can you clarify that for me a bit...what do you mean discount and note (doc's referal)??



Active member
So they took the 8ft moster cfl hood, too?

Yip, and a couple other innocent vanity lights in the vicinity, they where just in the wrong place at the wrong time...


LOL, my mom at first thought they where pulling apart our ductwork:biglaugh:
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