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I Got Busted!

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I doubt deleting your account will help.Even if they try to use your posts/topics against you it's not gonna get you anymore time added to a possible sentence.They already have the grow.Besides even if you did delete you account your name will still be listed in the posts you've made.Your avatar and Custom User Title will be about the only thing deleted.I've seen plenty of closed accounts and it still says the members name,sometimes it only says Guest.It's too bad that all the posts made can't be deleted.I suppose a Mod or admin would now better.


Active member
Maryland has some odd half ass medicinal MJ laws. If I can prove it was for medical purposes it a max. $100 fine.
I smoked for pain relief,PTSD, anxiety, appetite enhancer, and a sleep aid.

Needless to say...I'm pretty messed up right now w/o my meds.



Active member
You know the worst part so far is:

They came in, threw my mom (shes my caretaker, I couldn't survive without her, however she is very nieve and had NO idea about my medical MJ use) on the floor hurting her back and then handcuffing HER!!
I have this horrible memory of waking up to men in black masks bending my arm behind my back and pointing a AR-15 assault rifle at me (thats been haunting me). They went through all my personal belongings and took ALL my medical plants I worked so hard and long on (just days from my main harvest) and my computer I put A LOT of time and money into.

And Maryland hasn't even began its punishment to me!!

This is horrible!!


Isn't what they did to you , your mom, going thru and taking all your stuff, punishment enough? The fact that you have to suffer in pain or take a dozen pills that can kill you, is that enough punishment? When are they gonna leave us alone and catch some real criminals?
to the cops-"Gee, you busted a sick man who grows a few plants in his home for himself. Great job douchebags. You saved so many lives in the community. Hope you're real proud of yourselves." Tax payer money spent on B.S.
Good luck Elite.


Sorry folks...newby screwing with the reply function....

China is scary!
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move country! America is the most backwards place on the entire planet. Plus when the bond market tells the fed to stop spewing fiat currency, and it will, the shit will really hit the fan. The balance of power is slowly slipping from the US' grip and into China's - the worlds largest debtor vs the worlds largest creditor... Hmmm, but maybe China as a super power is worse .


Active member
Hope you're real proud of yourselves." Tax payer money spent on B.S.
Good luck Elite.

They where actually playing the bad boys theme song and laughing hysterically in my drive way, while eating pears they picked off my trees.

I wouldn't believe it unless I saw it myself, fucking ridiculous!!



I've been saying that for like a year now(about china) I was so scared that McCain might get into office. Thank whoever he didn't. China owns 2/3 thirds of American currency.
The only chinese I know--- Ni,hao. Do lay lo mo. Hello, go fuck your mother. Think that's really all I need to know. Oh, except maybe "where can I find weed?" It would be good to know that in any language.


Maryland has some odd half ass medicinal MJ laws. If I can prove it was for medical purposes it a max. $100 fine.
I smoked for pain relief,PTSD, anxiety, appetite enhancer, and a sleep aid.

Needless to say...I'm pretty messed up right now w/o my meds.


Medical need / relief is the correct path to take

Get specialized legal counsel

Head up my friend

You are not a criminal

All the best


danny karey

Did you have MJ card?????? growing at moms house............I dunno dude. Wish ya all the best.



You have a medical condition and your so called friends ratted you out, NICE!! Friends like them good thing you don't have enemies, shitheels.
Trust No One, Tell No One, your freedom depends on it.

Best of luck Elite.


Active member
Did you have MJ card??????

Maryland doesn't have cards, you just need to prove its a medical necessity. The best way to do that is to have a doctors recommendation. The catch 22 is it nearly impossible to find a doctor that recommends an illegal substance.

growing at moms house............I dunno dude.
If I lived with you, I'd grow at your house...Its a medical necessity for me, don't judge



Active member
Hey Bro, get the best lawyer you can afford.
I know it seems bad right now,but their will be plea deals offered.,and with your medical condition,I'd bet they will go easy on you.,especially since Maryland has some medical MJ laws.
Try not to worry yourself,sick.It doesn't help anyway.
You'll probably get probation or home arrest.,and a fine.
The hell of it is.,it'll probably take at least 6 months til you know for sure.
And yes it is fucking sickening how the cops can come into your home and terrorize you and your family, and then disrespect you by laughing and stealing your property(pears off the tree).
Most of them fuckers(cops),were the kids in school,who got teased and picked on.Now that they got their badge and uniform they think they are better than everyone else.They bitch and cry because they don't get respect but they don't/won't give it either.Fuck them.
Your not a criminal bro,
just hang in there, it will all get sorted out.


Elite, my friend. These stories need to be told

Growing is risky business. Anyone can turn on you to avoid going to jail. That is the biggest risk.

For me, lately, it is easier to buy weed. That is a lot more dangerous than growing, but has a lessor penalty. It makes no sense.

Its true but Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to survive.
I hate reading stories like this man, total bullshit.. dea peice of shits ever try throwing my mom down they better pray to god I'm unarmed and medicated lol.
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