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The Bad Girls Club!!!!


ICMag Donor
welcome to the club ladies!!!
altho its not quite the same without out Trichy around! :D
I hope she comes back


oh NO jury duty! gag! gag!

I think I will get out of it if I go in with a needle hanging out my arm, sorta like I forgot it... heehee.....


i'm not saying this is a new idea.. but canna tea is excellent!!!!


How's that Cali Orange treating you KK? :)

Hi Crela!

anybody been bad today? I have. Transplanted a whooollleee bunch of clones, gotta sex em though...


New member
I'm at school... And I should be studying but instead of that I'm doing something unnecessary again... Well, it just can't be helped that studying is not fun when you're not interested in the subject! :(

Yesterday I bought some hash that my friend made. It was pretty good. I should sell the rest though... I don't have that much money and I know that if I keep them I'll just be high all the time.

I've got some work today too... So I gotta go to sleep after school. I guess I'll smoke just a bit and then go to sleep ;)


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
howzit young ladies... Hope you all are doing well and enjoy your day... ;) peace.


Farmer John

Born to be alive.
Yeah that! So nice to see bad girls AND finnish ladies in a shady place like this. Worry not dear ladies, John is here to protect. :D Have a great day tytöt!! :D


Mornin' Ladies. Gotta question for you. I was thinking of going back to school. I can either go for 2 yrs for medical coding and billing or 4weeks for phlebotomy. There is probably more work for medical billing but 2 years seems like forever and it seems like a lot to learn. I like the only 4 weeks of schooling. Plus all I have to do is draw blood. My husband thinks that the billing would be easier. I have no problem with needles, blood or poking a complete stranger. I'd feel worse if I had to tell someone, "sorry your insurance doesn't cover that life saving operation." But, it's really all about the $. I'm not sure how much a phlebotomist makes but a medical biller makes between $10-14 and hour down here. I can't imagine a phlebotimist makes any less than that. So I guess my question is which course would you/should I sign up for?


medical billing. broader carreer options; can be parlayed into other 'billing', clerical & semi-accounting/book-keeping jobs.


Didn't even think of that. Thank you mistress
I was thinking maybe doing the phlebotomy first so I can get a decent job in the mean time and working my way through school. I can get gov funding but that is never enough.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
I have no problem with poking a complete stranger.

Tee hee heee..... Mrs. E.... Your so bad!\

So how is everyone? What the hell happend to Trichy Trichy? I saw a post that Lola put up, I just havent had a moment to read it yet.... Will do after this.

Well, my hands are sore. Just got back last night from working the harvest. Not a bad one to start off the season. A couple of the harvesters I work with were sick, so I had to pick up some slack. Kicked my ass a lil. I need a massage! Its sure is good to be home! I kinda missed you girls. I only hang out with one chick here, all my friends are guys.... And its nice to have more female friends. Just want to thank you girlys.


Mrs. Evel: Go for the phlebotomy. I have done both jobs. Phlebotomy is better. The medical coding is boring and you will be stuck in an office with a bunch of evil bitches with nothing better to do than stab each other in the back. Hospital/medical work is not the best field to get into.

Phlebotomy is very easy. Just tell people that they have "rolling veins" when ever you mess up sticking them. :biglaugh:

There is no such thing as "rolling veins", but you would be surprised how many times I heard that comment when starting to stick somebody...

Also Phlebotomy jobs are easy to find in the Red Cross. You travel around with retired old lady types in a van and go to blood drives. Good money honey.

I started out coding. Hated hated hated it. Got into nursing after. hated, hated, hated working at hospital with all those mean girls. I think they get stressed, then look to others misfortune to entertain them...

go for the red cross and phlebotomy. EZ EZ EZ .

get paid for riding around in a van.


Thanks Lola. I'm definitely looking for easy. I have a girlfriend that works in a hospital and she said the same thing. All the girls there were always talking about each other and always asking questions about her personal life. I think I'm gonna go to the school next week and see when I have to register and how much it is. I'll keep you's posted. Any others that have any advice is greatly appreciated.


you are welcome!

Hi there Mistress! didn't see your post earlier, sometimes they don't all load for me.


Hey ladies!! Hope all is well for everyone!!! :wave:

Mrs.B -- don't really have much good input on which career is better. You go girl! for wanting to go back to school. It takes a lot of will opwer to do something like that, but it will definitely pay off in the long run. Good luck with whichever you choose!

Lola -- I have been told many times that I have rolling veins, usually before I leave the office with a huge black and blue mark on my arm. There really isn't such a thing as rolling veins? I feel like they got me!! LOL!!!

Happy smokin all!!! :joint:


You been had.

Rolling veins = phlebotomist don't know what they are doing, or they are hung over, etc.

I have had bad days and blown 3 or 4 elbows in 15 minutes.

Now there are tiny veins, big veins, fat covered veins, but NO rolling veins.. heehee.

TIP: Give phlebotomist ONE shot. If they can't hit the hole in one, ask for another phlebotomist.

The bad phlebotomist will beg for "just one more chance". This is a bad sign.

Bad phlebotomists can mess your veins up for good. Make scars on them and make it hard to use that spot again. (think about junkie veins)

got a new pet today.

A preying mantis. I let it go in the grow. Hmmm... a stoner children's book.

Let it go in the grow... haha


Wow! Well the next time I go to my dr. office I am going to be prepared! Let one of them ladies tell me I have rolling veins again!!!

Thanks for the info Lola!

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