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I think im going through a spiritual realization.



Hello everybody at IC, im going through somthing that im just starting to grasp my head around, and would like to see if anybody else has done the same.

Recently there was a topic up here in the tokers den asking about 2012.

I posted saying it will be like any other normal day we will just be hung over ect, I posted this because i had never even heard of anyting about 2012, and through my left brain supressed mind thought nothing of it.

Now it just so happened that a person here on ic pmed me asking about my thoughts on 2012, i sent back saying i didnt know much, but told him to hear about some of david ickes stuff.

Well just sending him to that made me instantly look into it myself, which led me onto other videos and videos further on from there, unless ive pretty much come to the conclusion that we are a constant existance having a local experience inpart of our own living conciousness.

Since having the instant realization of this fact, my body has now felt lighter, i feel happier and i only feel but love, ive had tears in my eyes since ive realizied and this is one of the greatest feelings ive ever had, to know im so unconditionally loved by the world that i am allowed to think that i am not.

Somthings coming up on 2012, and i hope my relization of the fact i am forever existing in an infinate relm will help me through the obsticals that come.

I love you all, for i am all that is you, you are all that is me.

thank you.


Since having the instant realization of this fact, my body has now felt lighter, i feel happier and i only feel but love, ive had tears in my eyes since ive realizied and this is one of the greatest feelings ive ever had, to know im so conditionally loved by the world that i am allowed to think that i am not.

I had this experience once. I was 19. I was trying to figure out my relationship to the world. it's was real, and fleeting. cherish the memory. it one thing to understand this, another to feel it. It shook me to my core, and I experienced BEING unconditional love for everything, unconditionally. It dissipated but the memory effects me to this day. Not many people experience this, and only a few ever have been able to remain in this state. Some would say Buddah, Jesus Christ, even Gandhi. Modern psychology talks about the mystical experience. Shulgin would say ++++ :)


Active member

, to know im so conditionally loved by the world that i am allowed to think that i am not.


So what are all these conditions the world loves you by?

I'm more of a fan of unconditional love myself.


lol I was going to ask you why you decided to remove the hat but I see you're still reppin'. Still can't read your mind ;)


sorry that was a typo, it is ment to be so unconitionally loved, thanks guys, im also 19 myself, and this is a point in my life i will remember forever.

to understand that i have the creation of reality in my existance of my selfconcious is such a good feeling, i cannot discribe it, i realy cannot.

take care.


I had this experience once. I was 19. I was trying to figure out my relationship to the world. it's was real, and fleeting. cherish the memory. it one thing to understand this, another to feel it. It shook me to my core, and I experienced BEING unconditional love for everything, unconditionally. It dissipated but the memory effects me to this day. Not many people experience this, and only a few ever have been able to remain in this state. Some would say Buddah, Jesus Christ, even Gandhi. Modern psychology talks about the mystical experience. Shulgin would say ++++ :)

did you feel it coming on as a change over a period of time? while looking into it i heard somthing about a transitional period of 6 days after 2012, does that mean my transitional period to spiritual enlightenment has taken 6 days or am i still within these 6 days?


2012 is significant because it is the last year the Mayans figured their calendar. All the various prognostications regarding this date, and its significance, are products of the very creative human mind. It is ripe for abuse from charlatans. Those who neglect to research the many claims made about December 21 or 23, 2012, are ripe for being taken advantage of. It is a story easily made interesting and filled with all kinds of phenomena, just think, REALITY WILL CHANGE!!!! Certainly is adrenalin rush inducing.

Its good that you feel good. Its good to find common ground with your fellow human brothers and sisters. But there are oodles of other reason's to feel positive like this, and from what I have read about December 21, 2012, the most likely event to happen that day is the same thing that will happen every day thereafter....shit...a bunch of shit...some good, some bad.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
“Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark” - Rabindranath Tagore

“You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water” - Rabindranath Tagore


I have a feeling that somthing is going to happen on 2012, and the transition will be needed to stop it from happening.

clackmas i tried to respond to your private message, but it said you wernt allowed to accept them.

i feel for your losses, but have faith that they will live on in another experience and hopefully a happy one.


Active member
I have nothing but love for all of you

I haven't been without sin, but I try to keep myself in check

I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings My wisdom flows from the Highest Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together for unity and love. --Mahatma Gandhi

Clackamas Coot

Active member
The 'Mahatma' (Great Soul) is a good place to start on a path to self-realization, IMHO

He's one of my favorites at any rate - LOL


Clackamas Coot

Active member
clackmas i tried to respond to your private message, but it said you wernt allowed to accept them.

i feel for your losses, but have faith that they will live on in another experience and hopefully a happy one.

I must have a setting all screwed up - I'll fix it.

Thanks for your kind words.

"In the darkest winter of my life I learned that spring would come again"



Are you sure you didn't just drop a bomb ass ecstasy pill? Hahahaha.

But no seriously, 2012 isn't the end of the world but the beginning of a new age. I hope this coming one's main themes are peace and prosperity (in juxtaposition with the war and poverty of this one).


all ive had today was some cannabis but i had alot of my realisations about life before i had even started smoking, when i had smoked some it all fell into place.

i thank you all for your words, have a happy experience.


Active member
Hello everybody at IC, im going through somthing that im just starting to grasp my head around, and would like to see if anybody else has done the same.

Recently there was a topic up here in the tokers den asking about 2012.

I posted saying it will be like any other normal day we will just be hung over ect, I posted this because i had never even heard of anyting about 2012, and through my left brain supressed mind thought nothing of it.

Now it just so happened that a person here on ic pmed me asking about my thoughts on 2012, i sent back saying i didnt know much, but told him to hear about some of david ickes stuff.

Well just sending him to that made me instantly look into it myself, which led me onto other videos and videos further on from there, unless ive pretty much come to the conclusion that we are a constant existance having a local experience inpart of our own living conciousness.

Since having the instant realization of this fact, my body has now felt lighter, i feel happier and i only feel but love, ive had tears in my eyes since ive realizied and this is one of the greatest feelings ive ever had, to know im so unconditionally loved by the world that i am allowed to think that i am not.

Somthings coming up on 2012, and i hope my relization of the fact i am forever existing in an infinate relm will help me through the obsticals that come.

I love you all, for i am all that is you, you are all that is me.

thank you.

I don't love you :)


You can choose who you love, that is the beauty of it all, but we are all still loved constantly.

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