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My Wife, I Hate Her.


New member
Hey, i saw that Lordbudly posted here... i am the friend he was talking about... i guess i have a somewhat similar situation... we did take the test today, should have the results back in a couple days. my heart goes out to you. i hope everything turns out the best for you! all you need to worry about is the little one. he will grow up fine as long as he has caring parents. even if you two are no longer together he will be happy as can be as long as you two are. obviously you two dont get along well. maybe the time apart will help you clear your head. you need to move ahead, your little man will have much more trouble if he sees the fighting all the time. Be strong for him!

Take care, only best wishes


Hey, i saw that Lordbudly posted here... i am the friend he was talking about... i guess i have a somewhat similar situation... we did take the test today, should have the results back in a couple days. my heart goes out to you. i hope everything turns out the best for you! all you need to worry about is the little one. he will grow up fine as long as he has caring parents. even if you two are no longer together he will be happy as can be as long as you two are. obviously you two dont get along well. maybe the time apart will help you clear your head. you need to move ahead, your little man will have much more trouble if he sees the fighting all the time. Be strong for him!

Take care, only best wishes

Thank you, best of luck to you as well, hope everything works out. Life is fun huh? lol
Welcome to IC brother, you are among good folks, as you know, (well w/ the exception of Lord Budly and myself lol, but most everyone else is really nice.)JK

peggy is still sorta hot now

Oh yeah, now it's more justifiable, she looks alot more contemporary, but back in the day she was really over the top, but very hot then and now lol. In fact I had a dream about her once, it was wild to say the least,
she tasted just like chicken!

Most of these posts seem to all start out the same .. just once I would like to see one end with ..

OMG .. she tasted just like chicken.



Well, so that's not true, but I had to give ya what you asked for! Cherish it, can't imagine ever seeing a post end w/ that phrase for any reason here!:yoinks::laughing::abduct:


Active member
LOL, no fucking way man. That's the one thing, I DO NOT want to chance her getting pregnant ever ever again. We don't really do that.

lol.....on the flip side you're glad you did at least once, cos now you got a wonderful son.....GOOD TIMES...... shame you were too good a guy and married her eh??.......BAD TIMES.....lol


Invertebrata Inebriata
Married people crack me up. And then people ask me all the time, "Why haven't you ever been married?" Uh, not stupid enough, I guess. Or smart enough to wear a condom when I'm fucking some crazee chick. Good luck.


Active member
Hoping the best for you and your son man.....here's to dads all over the world!!!!



lol.....on the flip side you're glad you did at least once, cos now you got a wonderful son.....GOOD TIMES...... shame you were too good a guy and married her eh??.......BAD TIMES.....lol

True, having my son is the best thing that ever ever happened, but as it is now, and has been, there is no fucking way in hell that I could ever bring another child into this mess, that would not be right, or fair to that child. I don't know how else to really explain that, but yeah...
So does the boy want mommy dead? Seems that the boy is a bit concerned about post situational response!

Maybe the boy still wants to have incest with mommy!


Odds of being decent off by going the solo route - 2:1

Odds of her being perfect for the rest of life - 1:10000000000000000000

People's flaws generally don't dissipate, they manifest themselves day to day.

I MAY have even lived one,myslf. ;)
Even Rez is hanging nicely these days.

Everyone's rooting for you - I would only hope you do what you know deep down is best.


ICMag Donor
Kush hun, hang in there....sounds like its still kinda tough at your house, what are you going to do?..are you trying to make it work or just biding your time till you you can leave? sorry maybe thats too personal? Just checkin in on ya :D
Have a good Sunday.
I left when my daughters were 2.5 and 1.5. Same thing psycho, bipolar, screaming bitch I KNEW I should never have married, let alone bred with. My daughters were 9 and 8 when they came to live with me. My older daughter started college this year and has adjusted well to only having one parent that she can relate to (or wants to be around.) My younger daughter, however, is not doing that well. I just yesterday took he back to her mother. She has never been able to deal with not having both of her parents together, not been able to deal with the fact that I remarried and have had a wonderful, successful relationship with the woman of my dreams (who is NOT her mother)

If I have one regret, it's that I ever let them stay with her at all after the divorce. Like I said, my younger daughter is fucked up to this day because of being with that bitch for as long as she was. I'll be amazed if she doesn't end up dancing on a pole in a couple of years... My older daughter is great now, but it took a few years for her to come back to center after having lived with the psycho for those few years. Therapy was a wonderful thing for her, and will be for your son too, when you make the decision to end this bullshit.

Broham, do not wait. Every day does more damage to yourself and your son. The bitch isn't suffering, she's winning. End this and move on and rebuild your life. Take one piece of advice: fight like hell to keep your son, don't sign anything, and don't leave until the man tells you you have to. Stay and fight for that son you love so dearly. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT and FIGHT some more. You will then control his therapy, recovery, and attitude. It's the only chance you have when dealing with an impossible psychotic.

Get this book - http://www.amazon.com/Winning-Your-Divorce-Survival-Guide/dp/0452273730 - and win your and you son's freedom.

Good luck and Ja bless. We are with you. Hit me up if you need ANYTHING, even an understanding ear to bitch into.


New member
Hey its lordbudlys friend again... Though id stop by again and let you know the baby is not mine :(
I was very depressed the first day, but it slowly got better. I am fine now
Hope all is well for you


Hey its lordbudlys friend again... Though id stop by again and let you know the baby is not mine :(
I was very depressed the first day, but it slowly got better. I am fine now
Hope all is well for you

Aw fuck man...
I can only imagine, that is some heavy shit. I am sorry, and congratulations, happy and sad for you.

Update for myself,
I got a j.o.b. yesterday, so that's a step in the right direction, nothing spectacular by any means, but it will get me the fuck away from her for the better part of a day/night, so that is swell. I can start getting some dough together so that is swell too.
Everything else, so so, she was in rare form this morning, just once, just one time....BOOOM! To the moon baby! LOL
(I in no way advocate violence against women, but if you wanna beat my wife, then by all means.....lol):laughing:

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Glad to hear you got the job my friend!!!!!!

Wishing you the best mang.

You were the FIRST to ask me to be friends on ICmag, You will always be close to my heart.

Take care and please don't let it get to bad there.




If she's crazy, why don't you have her committed? Then you'll definitely get custody of your son.


ICMag Donor
Sounds good kush, try to stay busy and be happy! If your not happy your kids wont be either, so do whats good for you and your well being, the kid will thank you later.

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