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Cloning Technique Form


Devil's Advocate
Yea, I handled my clones like crazy in the bubbler. Normally I wouldn't do that to some plants, I barely ever touch them, don't want to contaminate, etc. But I think in a bubbler it's forgiving of that kind of thing. I mean if they're in Rapid Rooter plugs, you can't be pulling them out for instance, that would be bad, I think.
Humidity of the stem is totally important, but I surely didn't need anything more than 53% RH in the room. No dome or anything. I guess that is another feature of the bubbler.


Every time you handled a cut it would take days to recover lol?Were you playing ping pong with it or something?Of course humidity is probably the single most important ingredient in getting cuts to root.That and rootech whyich kicks ass even better than Olivia's I recently found out

ya olivias has just npk no hormones...its just a weak fertilizer

yes days to recover.. i dont know why but its true.. i think cause they have a limited amount of energy until thier roots form, & every time you mess with them they have to rearange their leaves & get "used" to the new position..all that wasted energy could have been used on putting out roots..i dunno thats just my hypothisis


Active member
ICMag Donor
Peat pucks and/or cups of coco rule.

I find RR's suck for clones. In fact, I am not much on RR's for much of anything.

Bubblers are best if the numbers have to be there and you are in a hurry.
They can also be the worst...depending on how they feel that week. And that's no shit.


There are alot of variables. I understand if you look hard enough and measure every possible variable, you may find why some have succes, and some dont.

Heres an example. I cloned in one location and had great results and my domes held humidity w/o any problems. Current spot, domes dried out each day. Tried matching temps, etc. Everything was the same, media, method, trays, domes. Could not figure it out.

Finally we realized that the A/C was blowing air from 20 feet away and blowing through our domes and drying them out. Domes were closed but the small amount of air that would pass through the domes, dried them out. This was a wall unit A/C, fan set at low, vent pointed away from clones and was 20 feet from the shelf the clones sat on. Who would have thought that was the problem?

Finally we wrapped the shelf in clear drop cloth and the problem has been resolved.

Point is there are variables that are just unknown.

I am with FreezerBoy, cloning is VooDoo
Sorry ItsAllOver, after our discussion on the relavence of collecting the data, I forgot to fill out your form! Forgive me, here is my data, however belatedly....

Genetic Info: Misc. bagseed, Nirvana Papaya, pre-98 Bubba Kush
Cloning Style: Wick
Perceived Health of Mother Plant(s) (subjective): Good to excellent
Were Mother(s) Fed Recently? If so, what was fed?: Fresh cones on the Papaya and Bubba - no feeding. The bagseeds had Earth Juice Grow and Catalyst
Were Mother(s) watered within 24 hrs?: No
Medium: Soil for the donors, verm/pearl 70/30 for the cloning media
Ambient Temperature: 78
Medium Temperature: 78
Humidity in Cloning Area: (If domes used, humidity within dome): room ambient for central Florida
Amount (watts) and type (HPS, MH, CFL) of light used: CFL 320w
Hours per day light used: 18h
Distance of lights from cuttings: 10"
Air movement around cuttings? Fan used?: Yes, 4" circulating
H2O pH: Unknown
H2O PPM: Unknown
Was Root Hormone Used? Which one?: Yes, "rootone" from the local nursery
Were Nutrients Used? Which nutrients and at what concentrations?: 4 drops Superthrive/gal H2o
Chlorine/Chloramine Present in H2O?: Unknown
Amount/Size of Bubbles (if applicable): N/A Passive hydro
Sterility of Bubbles (eg bubbler filter life): N/A
# of Nodes Above Cut: 3-5
% of Foliage Removed: All, cut fans by 1/2 for 2 fans left on
Total Length of Cutting: 3-5"
Length of Cutting Submerged/Placed into Medium: 2"
Is the Cutting Old or New Growth?: New
At what angle were cuts made?: 45 deg
Were cuttings re-cut under water? (air bubble prevention): No
Scarification Used? What technique?: Yes, scrape over node, 1/4' above and below node
Stem Splitting Used? How long of a split? Was this done under water?: No
Were humidity domes used?: No
Are clones being moistened on areas other than the stem? (eg misting or splashes from bubble cloner on foliage): No
What Cutting Implement was used?: S/Steel surgical scissors
How often was cutting implement cleaned during cutting process? (eg Every 10 cuttings): NEver
What cleaning agent was used on cutting implement? (eg 91% Iso Alcohol): None
Did you wash your hands before cutting began? Throughout the process?: No
Have you handled the cuttings since placement in medium? If so, describe and give frequency of handling.: Gentle tug to see if roots had consolidated the medium
# Days (subjective) before transplant is possible: 6 before viable, 12-14 before I actually transplant
Total Number Clones Taken: Varies
Total Number Clones Survived: All
% Survival Rate: 100
Yellowing of leaves at transplant time? How much?: 50% of trimmed fan leaves
Necrosis (dead plant material) at transplant time? How much?: 50% of trimmed fan leaves

Other Relevant Info: Media must be damp/wet prior to clone being inserted


Peace out amigo, Happy data trawling! :joint:
do you use a clone machine? i just built mine and took cuttings last friday! i havent checked for roots yet, but it seems i took all the proper precautions! About how long would you say clones take to root given proper conditions and rooting solution?


Here's one of my Moms

Home made Cloner

Ready for action

cuts taken!
Cloning by the book?

Cloning by the book?

When I found this thread I thought it might provide some usefull and entertaining info.
What I found was live chickens being sacrificed on a fire of hemp to the voodoo god canna by those true believers, as they leered at those who percieve that the true god is science.
Alas through it all I found zero usefull information about cloning.
The truth is that there is no magic or scientific technique, potion, or system that will make you an expert cloner on your first try.
We all know the basics (for those that don't there is enough written about it to make ya go blind trying to read it all)
Try this....get yourself a bottle of ro water and a coffee cup. fill the cup 1/4 to 1/2 full of the water. Get a small aquarium pump with a tiny little airstone. Get a piece of black plastic (like from a trash bag). poke a hole through the center of the plastic and feed the airline through and push the airstone on the end. Drop the airstone in the cup and stretch the plastic over the cup and secure it with a rubber band. Take 5 to 10 cuttings.
Cut them in a few different ways that you have heard about or seen. poke a hole in the plastic with a toothpick and shove the cutting through it till the end is submerged in the water (1/4" to 1/2") put it in that little unused cupboard above your refrigatorleave the door cracked open just a bit and forget about it for 2 weeks.
After 2 weeks take out your clones. some will have lived some won't...as you plant them in your favorite medium look at the cut methoud that appears to have given the best success rate.
That is as basic as it can get. then try a few experiments in your future cloning efforts.
Here is the truth. if you break a branch off a plant growing outdoors just stick it in the dirt and 4 out of 10 times itr will take root and grow if it hasn't begun flowering. After all it is a weed that grows all by itself in the wild.
nuff said!
Peace and love to all
Da Beach Bum


Devil's Advocate
No doubt. It's simple, but lots of people fail, mostly due to misunderstandings of what is important to succcess. No one expects expert status on the first try, either, I wouldn't think.
The more we recognize which aspects of technique are important (and which are not), the better results people will be able to expect.
I'm just trying to put as much organized info in one place as possible to help out everyone. I started this thread because I was tired of seeing the claims of voodoo, which are not helpful or true.
If you want to throw in, why not fill the form out to get a more organized version of what you're talking about. If you think it is excessive and mentions pointless variables, be sure to leave them out and not waste your time. It's up to you.
Peace out


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
the best , I suggest is to clone with all methods and get success with all them, so you can help out any friend in the future and use whatever you have on hand

the more knowledge the better

I have cloned in aero / soil / rooters / coco / dome / sprayed / not sprayed / low light / high light / heat mat / temp probe / no heat / high heat / low heat ............. and I know how to control all of them in any given situation to get roots


What I am so surprised about is that all these bubble cloner users aren't having the SLIME issue that some of are getting. Some people use bubble cloners for years without ever seeing the brown algae/slime issue but now that mine cloner has caught the bug..damned if i can't get rid of it. And yes I know of and have read the entire slime thread in the infirm.

I came to this thread in search of alternatives to bubblers. I love the bubbler and man it works wonders (when it works) but now mine are infected and nothing seems to be able to get them back. Shit.. i even made a new one with 100% new parts.. but that shit came back!

Oh well maybe dixie cups with perlite?

I know this has been said before and i'll probably get railed for it.. but what about a cloning forum. Cloning is somewhat of an art like curing.. so why no it's own forum?



Active member
I know this has been said before and i'll probably get railed for it.. but what about a cloning forum. Cloning is somewhat of an art like curing.. so why no it's own forum?


Great idea. There are some excellent methods but they are all scattered out in different sections.

For example, Burnt Rope ( https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=42847&highlight=Walmart+cloner ) has a great cheap way that could easily be adapted for Hydro but is in the Soil section. I would guess most growing Hydro wouldn't even look there. Bet a separate Cloning Forum would be one of the most popular and useful sections that could be added. Have all the info in one spot --- sure makes sense.



my :2cents:

my :2cents:

Genetic Info: williams wonder x semango, a bagseed beaster strain i've been cloning like crazy
Cloning Style: bubblecloner
Perceived Health of Mother Plant(s) (subjective): they're green and the biggest whore of them all is now 68" tall (a beaster of course)
Were Mother(s) Fed Recently? If so, what was fed?: every other day, whenever the tops dry out with 6ml micro, 9ml micro bloom, 30ml/gal H2O2 per 2 gals RO water. i use cocotek mixed brick coco for all my plants. moms tend to be in 5 gal bags also i take cuts from pretty looking girls for flower when i like them enough to want to see them again later
Were Mother(s) watered within 24 hrs?: see above
Medium: mothers are in cocotek mixed brick. i used to use atami b'cuzz
Ambient Temperature: 75-80
Medium Temperature: i use a CVS heat pad set to medium sitting under my cloner in the winter. in the warmer months, I just go with air temperature
Humidity in Cloning Area: (If domes used, humidity within dome): no dome here

Amount (watts) and type (HPS, MH, CFL) of light used:2 15W CFL daylight bulbs in clamp lights
Hours per day light used:24
Distance of lights from cuttings: 1ft
Air movement around cuttings? Fan used?: ceiling fan in the veg room
H2O pH: usually 6.0 straight from the RO filter
H2O PPM: RO water
Was Root Hormone Used? Which one?: rootech gel
Were Nutrients Used? Which nutrients and at what concentrations?: no
Chlorine/Chloramine Present in H2O?: RO water
Amount/Size of Bubbles (if applicable): three airstones hooked up to two cheapo dual output pumps
Sterility of Bubbles (eg bubbler filter life): change the res every run and just started adding peroxide to keep down bios
# of Nodes Above Cut: 2-3
% of Foliage Removed: ~25% I trim the leaf tips except on the new growth tips.
Total Length of Cutting: 3-5 inches
Length of Cutting Submerged/Placed into Medium: I try to hover the cut tips a bit above the water surface but sometimes they go under just a smidge
Is the Cutting Old or New Growth?: whatever is sexy at the time usually old growth though
At what angle were cuts made?: 45deg
Were cuttings re-cut under water? (air bubble prevention): cut em off the plant with scissors and recut under water on a 45deg angle give a few little horizontal slashes and a scrape then get it nice and coated with a good layer of rootech gel before i pop it in the cloner
Scarification Used? What technique?: see previous
Stem Splitting Used? How long of a split? Was this done under water?: nope
Were humidity domes used?: no
Are clones being moistened on areas other than the stem? (eg misting or splashes from bubble cloner on foliage): no
What Cutting Implement was used?: scissors followed by a razorblade
How often was cutting implement cleaned during cutting process? (eg Every 10 cuttings): whats cleaning? my jeans.
What cleaning agent was used on cutting implement? (eg 91% Iso Alcohol): hippie sweat.
Did you wash your hands before cutting began? Throughout the process?: no.
Have you handled the cuttings since placement in medium? If so, describe and give frequency of handling.: i pop the lid off every day or two and lift it up a hair to check for roots or nasties
# Days (subjective) before transplant is possible: 7-14
Total Number Clones Taken: 40+
Total Number Clones Survived: all but 2 and i decided to kill them because i didnt like how they were looking
% Survival Rate: 96% if you count my two murders
Yellowing of leaves at transplant time? How much?:depends. sometimes about 50% of the lower ones but i tend to trim those
Necrosis (dead plant material) at transplant time? How much?: not too much of this so far

Other Relevant Info:
i pretty well described my method here. hope it helps somebody out.


I bought a small bubbler and had success with it but went back to humidity domes mostly for space reasons.For someone that has use Olovia's cloning gel for many years what I'm about to say is important.Rootech gel blows the doors off of any kind of propagation gel or powder.The shits just amazing.Try NOT rooting after using it


Devil's Advocate
Thanks for all the good info, folks! Keep it coming!
I am beginning to think it is extremely unlikely that cutting implement sterility is important, lol @ hippie sweat cleaning fluid.


hahaha... Cloning is EZ, Cut at 45, dip in rooting hormone powder, stick into Jiffy peat pellet! Stick in old plastic tote with lid under light. Open in 10 days, put rooted clones into soil! 100% success rate.

I think it helps if you have a green thumb.

Q: Do ya'll TELL the Mother what you are doing? If you tell Mom you are making clones and why, they will grow.


good thing that some of us don't believe in this voodoo garbage. I think what you're doing is great. From my experience, when I get take a clone and it is sloppy(cut at 45 half way through stem and rip) and very quickly put the clone in water..the clones tend to do better. It's probably not very good for the mother though.

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