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Come and watch me fill my screen!


Grow like nobody is watching
Cool, cool. Alright, I'm down with this :D I've seen what PGRs can do and I know they are capable of some freaky results. This will be great to watch. :lurk:
theres plenty of people vegging for two weeks.. at one month veg plus 60 days flower your at 3 months atleast for a harvest.. not bad not great. your basically doing what most people can do, do u think bending a branch over is news? but i like your grow, your very talented.

Shit no man! I don't think hardly any of the shit I'm doing should be news to anyone! ScrOG under 48 inch floro tubes is like, the oldest trick in the book, nothing new or interesting going on here.

I know lots of people veg for two weeks, but those people use mature clones. As I said, I think you'll find 30 days to be right around the bare minimum when growing from seed. The only way to get much under what I've done with seed is if you are growing using some sort of SOG plantlet method. In that case, yea, it'll be possible to drop down to 3 weeks from un-wetted seed to flower or even a bit less.

But the difference here, what I claim makes my rig unique and what really sets me apart from grows like your Dutch Dude reference is that I'm not growing plantlets. These aren't clones, this isn't SOG. I'm not working on a nice carpet of popcorn here, I'm bringing in full-sized coke-can diameter buds like you might get off a large 3-5 foot tall plant under a 400 watt HPS. The only other specialty thing I claim is that pretty much all of my grow gear can be locally obtained in the USA from basic hardware stores.

Of course, at this juncture that's just a bunch of words; BS and hot air. At this point, yea, things surely are not looking too spectacular compared to other rigs. As long as no males show nothing special will become apparant until 2-3 weeks from now. If shit goes down like I think it will then you guys will know something is strange 2 weeks from now when I've been in flower for more than 14 days and there still isn't any sign of sex from the plants. From there, shits just gonna get weirder and weirder until I'm done.

Not trying to toot me own horn too much, but I think you'll understand in a few weeks time.


Haha, freaky is damn right! Things will start to get properly odd once I've busted out the flower spray for a while. In three weeks we'll hopefully be on the far side of my first flush/starve cycle and I'll be able to introduce the UV tubes not much longer after that. That's when shit will be hitting full-blown funkiness. Till then, stay tuned!
The Freak Show

The Freak Show


Greetings from the 4 inch gap between my screen and my lamp!

Cool things are happening there as we begin to settle into flower.

The good news is that we're way past 72 hours in and still no sign of lurking randy males! Full-blown males would have definitely started to show themselve by now. In contrast, all of my plants remain asexual in appearance. :woohoo:

That doesn't mean I'm out of the woods yet. any one of these plants (WW#2 with her accidental head cola breakage) could toss off some nuts in the future. We've still got our fingers crossed and the ladies-to-be soaked with cytokinin.

Growth has been solid, I'm still waiting to ween them off of bubbled tap water and finally get them wet with a nice tea. They've still got a while to go before early flower nutes get piled on.

And so the relentless training continues.

I said that things would be getting freaky and I wasn't lying, already there is some funky stuff in my screen:

Some truly horrific kinks for one! Those first two are in the Main Stem of Sheerah! As the girls go blasting off into stretch I've had to be increasingly violent to keep their growth in check and the growth tips receiving direct light.

Desite this ugliness it hasn't stopped the attached growth tips from being just as amazing as the rest:

They have been putting up with a serious thrashing and they are just lovely!

There have been other oddities too, DM#2 and WW#2 have gotten all covered in these:

Cool tripod nodes. On the one in the image the fan leaves have been sprouting in threes off the exact same spot on the offshoot for over 3 iterations now. Nug density on these bits will be schweet! :joint:


Support ya Lady Largely! i used 220w t5 unit and produced almost 8oz. 95 days from seed to harvest.

keep up the good work!

ive always liked your grow here even though i didnt know the yeild was so great as well, what was the strain if u dont mind. verry fat nuggs of t-5 goodness.

Wow! Free-standing plants with short internode gaps, lots of side-shoots making it to the top, fat dense nugs; woo-wee you got it all! I guess I have underestimated T5s, I just never figured un-overdriven floros could get density like that, but you cracked 1 gram per watt no problem-o! Any neat tricks with the color temps? Use any UV? Looks like just a nice typical semi-soil medium with an apparantly very dialed-in nute regime.

Color me impressed, but we'll see who out-does who in another 8 weeks :sasmokin:

Thanks for the kind words as usual from the rest of you! Any comments on the freak show? Specifically, I'm wondering if anyone out there has experience with these crazy random tripod nodes I keep getting?

Stay tuned!


Grow like nobody is watching
Tripod nodes...hmmm...here's where my lack of correct terminology will show...You mean at each node level you'll have 3 shoots instead of 2? Cos I did have that once, randomly on a cut that I grew out many times. I never worked out why. It was the normal 2 shoots at each level every other time I grew it.

Once or twice I had trifoliate seedlings but they were runts.
Yea pretty much ScrubNinja only these nodes are very consistent. They sprout 3 leaves per node for every node without fail. And its not just the shoots going from two-leaf symmetrical nodes to alternating single-leaf asymetrical nodes when they go mature. Sometimes when that happens you'll get a single stage that looks very tripod.

But in this case the 3-leaf-development is constant and consistent, and coming off a non-trifolate plant! Some of the offshoots have developed 4 or 5 tripod nodes and show now sign of stopping.

I am far from complaining, the nugs that grow on these tripod offshoots will be dense beyond belief. You see, secretly, the reason that I want to know more about them is because I want to know if I can control them. If there is a way to get a normal plant to kick off tripod nodes on command I would cream myself. Having the random ones are nice, but being able to chose where they where positioned on the plants would have helped a lot. I just envision one of my typical plants with the normal 40-50 offshoots with perhaps a dozen of the choice ones being super-thick tripod colas placed right where I want them. Gahh, someday :joint:


Grow like nobody is watching
Interesting. All I will say is that I was using a liquid kelp product along with my chem hydro nutes. Maybe related?
ive always liked your grow here even though i didnt know the yeild was so great as well, what was the strain if u dont mind. verry fat nuggs of t-5 goodness.

the strain was snow white (fem) by nirvana. vegged for 5 weeks flowered for 8.


Wow! Free-standing plants with short internode gaps, lots of side-shoots making it to the top, fat dense nugs; woo-wee you got it all! I guess I have underestimated T5s, I just never figured un-overdriven floros could get density like that, but you cracked 1 gram per watt no problem-o! Any neat tricks with the color temps? Use any UV? Looks like just a nice typical semi-soil medium with an apparantly very dialed-in nute regime.

Color me impressed, but we'll see who out-does who in another 8 weeks :sasmokin:

i used a simple 4 foot 4 bulb t5 unit (20k lumens), 2 3000k and 2 6500K . 5 plants in FFOF with some organic amendments. 3 gal buckets. i started with lst, open the plants up to expose internodes, then put up a scrog screen to even out the canopy, then removed the screen in final weeks of budding. plants were probably 12in tall from bucket top.

That could very well be. The tripod thing started happening way back when I first got into heavy cytokinin treatments. That hormone is common to all good kelp products. I'm convinced now that it has something to do with my hormone treatments, but I still have no idea why some offshoots do it and others don't.


Major kudos man. No special tricks at all then, just good genetics, good nutes, good light and good training. A mix of blue and red bulbs all the way through. Very straightforward, very nice.

Our grows will definitely be very different in the end. You said you used a screen for a bit but then removed it. Removing my screen from the plants without utterly destroying them would be impossible right now, let alone at the end of the grow!

My canopy is starting to look pretty even, but I just can't wait till 3-4 weeks from now when things go crazy. With the weave completed and the buds coming in my screen is just a sight to behold, its wonderful near the end. All of the different colors and qualities of bud from wildly different plants all interwoven and crammed together. Its a rainbow of THC, I lurves it!

Look out for an update in the next couple of days. I've been weaving my ass off lately and I can't wait to show you guys the results of all my hard work. Stay tuned!


Active member
LadyL, when do you start UV? Are you using UV-B or blacklight UV-A?

I have a new UV-B system I'll be cranking once all females are in fact females.
i had to remove it because my main top cola was thicker than the screen hole would allow. i tried cutting some to make other holes bigger but was getting worried about cutting into the bud. it wasnt a full scrog and my whole plan was just to organize the branches and things got big quick.



Another proprietor of the magical 2 inch poultry net. You have excellent taste sir. You put it to use very differently than me, but got the results you wanted with what was surely much less work than I'm doing. Carry on my good man.


You sure are excited to see me fry these girls under some UV aren't you? That doesn't come till much later, when buds are well-established and the first layer of trics starts to appear. However, I am well-covered once we get there:

Bitchin 40 watt T8 repti-glo 5.0s With them my uv rig will be producing a full 4 watts of high-energy UV-B spectrum and 24 watts of UV-A.

Its those 4 watts that matter though, UV-B is what I have found to be strongly linked with an increase in tricome complexity and coverage on the buds. These exo-terras have great coverage of the desirable UV field. Also, if you look at their full spectral graph, they are actually a pretty good tube for flowering. Aside the huge and useless spike of green in the middle, it provides a nice band of strong output around 430 nm blue and 620 nm orange.

These guys get taped and rigged up just like my others. They will get plugged into my un-overdriven sockets after a few more weeks here when sexing is finally over.

I love 'for reptile use only'. Cracks me up every time :laughing:

Speaking of sexing we are more than 10 days into flower light now and things look like this:

Filling up the screen nicely! I've eaten up about 1/3 of my avaliable space so far. If sexing lasts 3 weeks like I think its gonna then this is just perfect! We see a rapidly multiplying number of tops and great coverage of the areas in the screen filled so far. We even see this:

This is an offshoot growing from an offshoot growing from the main stem of WW#1. If you look, its just started nubby little offshoots of its own. Thats 3x compounding on some very small plants!

We see many wonderful things in here, but one thing we have yet to see is pistils. Well over a week into 12/12 and there is no sign of gender whatsoever. This is a very good thing. It means we are way past the point of no return for strong males. I could possibly see a few bannana bunches in the future, but only if I cock shit up. As far as I'm concerned I have hit my target of 5 out of 5 females from mixed seed!!:joint::woohoo::joint:

Now, until we see some pistils nobody 'round these parts is gonna believe that. Sadly, I'm fairly confident that I haven't even hit the half-way point for sexing yet. It feels like sex/stretch is gonna last the full 3 weeks this time round. Practically as long as it took to veg the fuckers! :mad:

No worries though, the longer they stay in this mode the more potential bud sites I will have. They've been nitrogened up enough by this point however, so its just about time to start hurrying them along:

Muwhahaha!! Its finally tea time! 40 days into the grow and I finally will be applying some nutes to the root zone. My super-hot pre-loaded medium has held up spectacularly, but I think the plants are finally starting to bump up against the limits of the nutrient content it can provide.

First tea will be a nitrogen-heavy flowering affair. Final ratio will prolly clock in around 1/2/.7

We're really getting into the stretch of the [second]most agonizing bit. Sexing takes forever when you grow the way I do. Happily I've set things up to use that fact. The plants are at super-stretch growth rates basically the whole way through, so after I hit them with this new tea tomorrow we'll get to see them really hit their stride! :joint:

Stay tuned!


Okay whats the story here. Wheres the updates? You cant get us all turned on and then just not update your thread. You got that screen filled yet? We need pics! Peace


Grow like nobody is watching
Yeah don't forget us little guys over here :)

I know there was a mishap but we still have a lot to learn from your experience in the micro forum, Lady L! It's also nice to have a laid back overview of your grow without having to follow the intense nature of the more popular threads.

Edit: Also if you don't mind me asking, during veg on a plant from clone I've been applying seasol in waterings and foliar feed. Not a lot by your standards I'd imagine, but more than I've used before. Lets say 2 feedings and 2 foliar feeds at normal strength over the last 2 weeks and the guy that grew her before then probably gave it light but regular feedings. I was hoping to reap the benefits of it in veg, then not apply any after 2 weeks before 12/12. Do you think I would get any extra stretch during, well, stretch, if I cut it off as early as I plan? (I don't want flower-stretch in my particular case). Thank you and hope you don't mind me butting in. :respect:
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